![]() My Pants!A Story by RivuletofSorrow
Eric wore tight jeans. The morning sun shone onto his bright white snaeakers. They squeezed tightly on his crotch and he readjusted himself. There was no room in his pockets for keys. When he left his house it wasn't until he was on the train that he noticed he left his keyys at home.
'Oh no!' Eric cried out loud for all the passengers to hear. They looked at him. An old man rubbed Eric's shoulder for an awkwardly long time. 'That's alright sonny. I forget stuff too.' 'Did you lose your keys too?' 'No. How dare you young wippersnapper!' The old man hit him with his cane, 'As if I thought you were a nice young man. I am offended.' Eric frowned, 'I am sad. I like and respect old peeple.' 'Good.' The old man got up and hobbled away into the sunset. Star wars music played dramaticly. The old man took one last look at Eric and said, 'I am your grandfather.' Eric gasped. 'I never knew! My mother said she was born from a cabbage. Wait...' He paused. Tears rolled down in rivulets down his eloquent cheek. 'Grandfather!' He reached out an arm and collapsed to the floor. On his knees. Before he could reach him, his grandfather disappeared in a puff of smoke. Eric forwned again. He leaned over to tie his shoe laces and went he looked up again, a princess appeared, flapping her large wings. Her wings were pushed up against the train's seats. Sadly, her wings crushed the other peeple on the train and they said, 'Hey watch it! Your wings are crushing my spine!' Her face looked like a jar of bees. She said, 'I am your mother.' Eric fainted. When he awoke, the sky was pitch black outside the train. The train halted at the last stops. Eric opened his eyes and saw rivulets of sorrow outside the window and the stars sparkled like silverware. Looked delicious too. Eric felt so hungry in his belly. He held his stomach and rubbed it a lot. 'I'm so HUNGRY!' He looked down at his feet. 'Oh no! Where have my toes gone?' But Eric was born without toes. He just forgot. He tried walking, but fell over because he couldn't balance without toes. 'Ow.' Flat on his face, Eric kissed the floor, 'You are beautiful like diamonds in the sky.' He fantasised that the floor was his girlfriend, Janice, because he was missing his blow up doll at home. His mouth was dry and crusty from too much kissing. The floor loved him back. Magical arms appeared out of the floor and hugged him. The floor expanded and a hole emerjed. The floor began to eat him. 'Hmm tastes like toes.' Eric screamed, 'Oh no!' Suddenly, sparks flew out of his hands and attacked the floor. The floor went 'Aarg!' And let go. The floor became inanimat again. Eric got up, 'Wow I have magic powers. Maybe cuz I was born from a cabbage fairy. Vegetables gave me SUPERPOWERS!!' Eric jumped. He was so hungry, but at least the old man, his grandfather left a stick of celery on one of the passenger seats. It had shoe gunk on it and some gum attached, but Eric ate it. 'That gum added another flavor.' He rubbed his tummy in happiness. 'I will never be hungry again!' The train moved again and the sun rose into the sky like it went up an elevator. 'It's day time again! How long have I been away! When will I ever find my keys?' It wasn't until the fifth stop at the train station that Eric realised he was on the wrong train. 'Oh no!' He couldn't figure out how to get off the train. The 'open' button was meant to be pushed, but he didn't know cuz no one taught him how to push. If only he'd watched Dextor's Lab. 'If only I watched Dextor's Lab!' He raised his fists to the sky in anguish and screamed 'No!!' He caughed, 'I guess I'll be a pokemon master instead.' He licked his lips. Picachu apeared. 'Pichau!' Eric squealed like a little girl. He picked up his malete, wich he held in his hand all this time, and started playing wack a pickahu. Pichacu ran away and shocked him with all his might. Eric laughed, 'That tickles! I love being shocked.' Pichacu looked inquisitiv. 'Yes being shocked is enjoyable for me. Ha.' Pichacu grew wing and flew out of the train window and was hit by passing train. Eric heard its cries, 'Pickachu!' Grow quieter as the other train ran away. It didn't care, becuz it had a jounrey to take to neverland. Eric was afraid that the other train would come back and squish him, but he was more scared of going to neverland. He sweated from his armpits. He sniffed them. 'Ew. I need a shower. Oh well.' His grandfather appeared. 'Get off my lawn!' Eric woke up. 'It was only just a dream.' He was lying on his grandfather's lawn. He wanted to water it, but didn't have a hose. Then he wet himself. 'Oh no! My pants!'
© 2014 RivuletofSorrowAuthor's Note
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