Hi Rita. A good write and rendering for the great flood. Skillfully crafted free verse that is short, concise and succinct. Could this also be a metaphor for trouble that comes in our daily lives and instead of holding to course, the inhabitants flee. Just a thought. Imagery and descriptives are vivid. Nice twist in the last two lines. Well penned. Write on!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
You got it spot on, Shelley! Trouble that comes, where we think all is well - good eye for metaphor.. read moreYou got it spot on, Shelley! Trouble that comes, where we think all is well - good eye for metaphor! Thank you!
11 Years Ago
You're welcome Rita. It's always a pleasure to read your poetry.
I like how you put that new twist on the idea of the great flood story. You how us that in our age, in this situation, there is something that floods the great Ark, and leaves us vulnerable to the storms that enter our lives. The detail about the bright umbrellas makes me think the situation is more of a modern one, maybe something evolving social interactions. I think if that is the case, this piece takes the idea of the flood story, which described the displeasure of God for the behavior of his people, and sort of applies it in a new setting. Aside from that though, there is a deep seeking for that rainbow, that olive branch that says that everything is going to be OK. Well done with this one.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you, C. You got it - social interactions. A safe haven may become a dangerous place, due to hu.. read moreThank you, C. You got it - social interactions. A safe haven may become a dangerous place, due to human frailty.
11 Years Ago
You're welcome. It is a great shame when that happens.
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