The Lighter Side of Dying...

The Lighter Side of Dying...

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

Find the laughter in everything.


Knowing your number will soon come up

may have some distinctive perks;

for one thing, they’ll no longer criticize

your annoying little quirks.


You’ll not be expected to exercise ~

no weight lifting, Pilates or walking ~

and you can answer the telephone

with a hearty, “Dead man talking!”


When you go in for treatments,

to alleviate the gloom,

you can chat with fellow patients

about “God’s waiting room.”


Since we are all destined to go,

It needn't be a trial

The best way to be dearly departed

Is to leave 'em with a smile

© 2013 Rita L. Sev

Author's Note

Rita L. Sev
After my Dad was diagnosed, he really did answer the phone this way... He had a gift for bringing levity into every situation.

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This is a very optimistic poem. The one advantage that we have over immortal gods is the fact that we may erase ourselves, and then start over again. Immortal gods are doomed to the hell of living with themselves through all eternity. If we didn't die, then we'd be trying to figure out how to erase ourselves. We take the great gift of death for granted since it's so common. I could care less about being immortal. Perhaps the real gods are the mortals, and we don't know how good we have it?

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

That is an interesting question, Aethereal. I don't want to be immortal, either - I just want to get.. read more
well I love your dad now..................Smile all the way to the end of the track and you'll laugh on the journey back....If only we could all just release and let go eh?..Life would be so much more of a blast..I loved the poem by the way..just got carried away there....You know what I'm like

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

:) Thanks, Doc - Yep, my father brought fun into every aspect of life, even the end of it...
It's apparent where you get your lighthearted nature from, it's an Irish custom to drink & party when a beloved passes over, probably a good idea to celebrate their lives. Your dad was a clever man.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

:) Yes, very much - though he was Italian! ;) Thank you so much, R&B!
I smiled all the way through the piece. Very fine take. Thank you!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Things like your writing here is needed more in the western world I think. I somehow prefer the east.. read more
Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

True - I was raised with a realistic view of death, and, as you can see, with a sense of humor about.. read more

11 Years Ago

:). Much appreciated.
Really enjoyed it, talking about this freaks people out, but it's the most natural thing in the world. Your Dad sounded awesome by the way, I aspire to have the same humour in these situations. Cool poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Samuel! Yes, my Dad was a fun person, and his sense of humor never wavered.
Great Piece! There actually are some goods about dying though. You pointed some out here, thanks for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Renny! Appreciate the read and review!
Not wishing to go out with a whimper, were I to find myself careening towards a dirt nap (even faster than I am, right now)--rather than choose the usual "suicide by cop"--I think I'd prefer to approach one of our local "godfathers" and give him a good hard slap in the chops. On second thought, maybe I should make that a high ranking IRS agent; come to think of it, there's really not all that much difference.
Enjoyed your wise and very entertaining poem, Rita!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

Ha! Thank you, Frank, for your amusing review! :)
Applause! Laughing at Death, it's the only way to go.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

Absolutely! Thanks for reading!
Nice way to lighten the mood to a dreary subject.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

Thank you!
Well said. Indeed the presence of death is what gives life its meaning. If death did'nt exsist we'd have to invent it to give ourselves purpose. Confronting death is liberating and joyful because it brings a preciousness to every moment to know that it will not last for ever.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

11 Years Ago

So true. Thank you.

11 Years Ago

Your more than welcome. Thank you for the reflective muse.

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32 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 4, 2013
Last Updated on June 5, 2013
Tags: dying, laughter


Rita L. Sev
Rita L. Sev

Philadelphia, PA

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE "FRIENDING" ME: I am happy to be sharing my poems (and occasional stories) and thrilled to be reading fellow authors. About Friend Requests - It is wise to READ some of .. more..


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