![]() SilenceA Poem by Rita![]() after many years![]() "You worry too much." She said as she rested an elbow on my shoulder. “Basita” "it’s the Lebanese word for Stop complaining Because it’s only a “simple matter”.
Three syllables that can solve Twenty-Three years of pain And erase every ache you feel Every thought that’s driving you insane-- Six letters that are served up with A side of sympathetic sighs While the anger inside intensifies And you stand there shaking Behind the polite smile That you’ve practiced so many times While every word you’ve never said Runs out of your throat and back to your head Where it festers inside a closed up past And you stand there--still. I wonder if you knew when you brushed it all off That you knew nothing at all about what it’s like To climb a ladder with no steps With the weight of a thousand tears That accumulated over the years And still find yourself at the top With nothing but pages and pages Of a story you never wrote Or never told Because it was never simple at all. I wonder if you knew that These shoulders are all I have And I clung onto those pages like the words were made of air And every sentence kept me alive Because at every full stop The sentence started again And that was enough. I carried the world on one shoulder And with the other I pushed through time-- a door made of rusted nails that tore at every last shred of hope I held clenched in my fist Hard against my chest So I could feel it with every breath I fought to breathe as I climbed every last stair Ridden with the broken glass And the grains of sand that slipped through my fingers As I collapsed under the weight of my own mind. It feels like I was holding a million balloons And somewhere along the way I tripped and I tried and tried to bring them all back But they floated into an abyss And I found myself standing on a lonely street With bleeding feet and a sky full of clouds That began to fall like a brick wall Dissipating into a sea of shrouds That fell on my skin like the tip of a knife And tore open every wound I had held together My entire life. Basita. © 2016 Rita |
Added on July 17, 2016 Last Updated on July 17, 2016 Author