Felriver: Storms of Spring
A Book by B.T. Lyons
Book One of a four-book series beginning the Felriver saga. The original books will be published by "seasons" and later compiled into one complete work with additional stories, maps, etc. 
© 2013 B.T. Lyons
Author's Note
PLEASE BE HARSH. This is my first foray into what I hope will be professional writing. Your critique and criticism is greatly appreciated, though I may not always agree (especially if I know a later part will rectify your concerns). Yes, the story will start slow and I am aware of that. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your reviews and your assistance!
B.T. LyonsSD
New young adult/fantasy writer and full time history/archaeology major on her third tour through college. Currently working on a fantasy book series called "Felriver", set 250,000 years after the dis.. more..