Osama's SacrificeA Screenplay by Ricohard
OSAMAS SACRIFICE (Previously Hannasheias Rescue) By Ricohard FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 15, 2007 RICKMAN, SEPTEMBER 15, 2007 41 HARGREAVES RD, EMU CREEK VIC 3551, Australia Ph: (03) 54393182 1. BAQUBAH INTRODUCTION ------------------------------- EXT: BAQUBAH TOWN SQUARE, DAY A militia group, soldier-down the street of Baqubah with their AK-47s. It seems as if they are marching through the war-torn town to fight in another battle. They are dressed in rebel like outfits; casual urban wear. The towns people are casually going to and fro through the town square as usual. Then a black fighter jet instantly flies at tremendous speed overhead. Gaining the attention of the towns people and the militia, they are both caution-tense and ready to move for cover. Then countless planes fly over dropping a barrage of bombs and gun-fire all over the town. (Slow depressive music with Middle Eastern female singer begins to play). The people flee into their houses to lock theyre doors. Some get hit, and some make it. The militia group has no chance against the bombs and gun-fire. The Militia leader, a plump man with a red bonnet calls to retreat MILITIA LEADER (Yells) Fall Back! And so the militia bolts out of the town square, for good. The town is levelled with crumbled buildings and homes. One young militia member (HANNSHEIA MUTAK) cant help but stand and watch a six year old dirty looking boy (OSAMA NABISH) and his shaggy dog (BASRA). Osama and Basra run in the middle of the town square with a beat-up wheelbarrow carrying medic supplies. Gun-fire is placed all around him, but Osama is determined to reach the small Mosque in the middle of the town square for cover. Other militia members running past Hannasheia yell at him to fall back. But he cannot hear them. He can only watch Osama and Basra as countless militia men run like yelping dogs. Hannasheia sees Osama and Basra reach the Mosque. And Hannasheia in relief turns around to retreat but out of the corner of his eye sees the last bomb land right on the Mosque; crumbling the entrance and filling it full with large rocks and bricks. Hannasheia instantly runs for the Mosque out of compassion for Osama and Basra. (It was the last bomb, which gives us the impression that it was a planned last attack on the town). Hannasheia is fast paced running while jumping and dodging general debris of the aftermath of the bombs and gun-fire. Hannasheias smaller cell unit (7 men) cant leave him behind, but dont want to be left without the militia. CELL MEMBER 1 (Yelling) Hannasheia what the hell are you doing? Lets go! Leave it behind! HANNASHEIA?!? Arrghhhdamn it! Allah please protect us Hannasheia is so possessed to save Osama that he doesnt hear. And the Cell Unit are forced to accompany him in the unpredictable street, but are reluctant. The Cell, arm theyre guns and reflexes in tense anticipation, and follow carefully. And just as soon as the black evil planes came they left. 2. OSAMA AND BASRA TRAPPED ------------------------------- INT: MOSQUE, DAY Basra barks at Osama and tries to nudge him awake, but Osama is unconscious lying at the back wall of the Mosque. The crumbled rocks and bricks have them trapped inside. 3. HANNASHEIA MAKES IT ------------------------------- EXT: TOWN SQUARE, DAY Hannasheia reaches the Mosque entrance in-front of a massive pile of large rocks and bricks. And his Cell is right behind him. 4. HERE COMES THE CAVALRY ------------------------------- EXT: SIDE-ALLEY, DAY A nine member unit of highly dressed (Desert storm outfit) and highly specified American soldiers (carrying M-16s and M-4s) descend from a rooftop down a pole like a fire drill, they are smooth and silent. We also see two American snipers (JACK MCALISTER) and (SNIPER 2) part opposite ways, heading for a good sniper position on-top of the rooftops, from both angles of the town square. They are all checked and ready to infiltrate the town square, and do so slow and watch-full like ninjas. 5. HANNASHEIA MEETS OSAMA ------------------------------- EXT: AROUND MOSQUE, TOWN SQUARE, DAY Hannasheia runs to the entrance crumbled Mosque and calls out to Osama as he starts to slowly move the big rocks encamping Osama and Basra. HANNASHEIA (Concerned) Hey kid. Are you there? Kid? Are you alright?...Kid? Kid? Hannasheia pulls of some exhausting heavy rocks, but is more concerned that Osama is alright and alive. Hannasheia listens out. Osama coughs, and Hannasheia hears it. Hannasheia bolts around the other side of the Mosque, and the Cell go with, cautiously. Hannasheia is at the back wall of the Mosque. There is a diamond shape hole out of the wall (it is cut perfectly so we know it is a part of the Mosque). Hannasheia listens around the surface of the wall to try and hear Osama HANNASHEIA Kid? Then notices the hole and sees Osama lying against the back of the wall. He puts his head right near the hole HANNASHEIA (Yells) HEY KID! Osama slowly regains consciousness from Hannasheias yelling OSAMA (Nearly Whispering) Father? HANNASHEIA Nosorry kid Im not your father. Listen you have just been in an explosion. Are you okay? Osamas mind has nearly regained full consciousness OSAMA Yes. But how are my father and mother doing? HANNASHEIA Im sure your parents are finewhats your name? OSAMA Osama. Where are my parents? HANNASHEIA I dont know. But Osama youre trapped in the Mosque, and we are going to get you out. Then we can look for your parents together and make sure theyre alright. The Cell notices the US Unit starting to protrude the Town Square from a street directly opposite Hannasheia. Cell members start to shoot at them with their AK-47s. Cell member calls out CELL MEMBER 2 (Yells) HANNASHEIA GET AWAY! Hannasheia quickly turns around and sees the US Unit. Osama is now fully conscious (but doesnt know about US Unit). And frustration rises within him. Osama dives his head through the diamond hole and tries to escape through there with his frustrated energy OSAMA (Yells) I CANT BE TRAPPED! I HAVE TO SAVE MY FATHER AND MOTHER! US Unit see Osamas head and shoot for it. Gun-fire mark the wall right beside him and they just miss. HANNSHEIA OSAMA DUCK! Osama retreats his head. Hannasheia turns around with his AK-47 and starts blazing in their direction as he runs back around to the of the entrance of Mosque. As Hannasheia runs around corner of Mosque he sees one Cell member get shot directly through the head, and he knows its a sniper. We see the shooter, (Jack McAlister) a blonde haired, experienced, tough sniper, in his late twenties. Looks like the type who is born for war, and is consumed with love of it. Both units find safe gun-cover behind: smoking cars, shop covers, and pieces of debris. But Hannasheia has stopped still and is starring at Cell member 2 dead in disbelief. It takes some gun-fire landing right near him to move him. And he gets back around the corner to the entrance of the Mosque. 6. OSAMA IS DESPERATE ------------------------------- INT: MOSQUE, DAY Osama is at the top of the rock pile pulling down large bolder like rocks, and moving them at a fast pace. And is crying with a rage-fit OSAMA (Screaming at rocks) LET ME AT MY PARENTS! Basra barks and scurries the rocks away behind him with his paws. 7. MORE DEAD ------------------------------- EXT: AROUND MOSQUE, DAY Two Cell members forfeit their safety in retributive anger of Cell member 2 and start shooting at Jacks position and at US unit position. One US Unit guy gets hit. Then Jack hits one more Cell member (Cell Member 1) dead, through head. And another sniper from somewhere in front of entrance to Mosque fires and kills one more Cell member (Cell member 3) also through, at the same time (Leaving 4 Cell members, except Hannasheia). Both shots from opposite sides cause them to fall opposite ways like splitting wood. Hannasheia sees the two Cell members die from his position at the entrance pulling off rocks. He understands how one of the snipers is somewhere in front of him. The retributive anger also seizes him and he sees the sniper, grabs his AK-47 and starts to fire until he cannot see him anymore and thinks he has killed him. But he hasnt, the sniper has ducked and is poised to bounce and take a shot. US Unit start to push forward their position with gun-fire. And Cell Unit fall back behind new safety cover. Hannasheia talks to Osama as he pulls of the rocks HANNASHEIA Osama are you still there? OSAMA (O/S) My parents are going to die if I dont get to them with the health supplies. HANNASHEIA Osama. I am going to get you out. And we can get to youre parents with the health supplies. Just dont worry. HANNSHEIA (Yells to Cell Member) I NEED A HAND TO GET THIS KID OUT! A Cell member runs from his safety to Hannasheia and gets shot at while running by US Unit. CELL MEMBER 4 We need some our support back. But the girls ran off to hide and play in the mountains. Whos in there? HANNASHEIA A six year old kid, Osama. And a dog. His parents need the medic help that the boy has in the Mosque. Help me get these those top rocks off. Hannasheia and Cell member 4 start pulling off big rocks at the top of the entrance, and are very successful in removing them quickly. 8. OSAMAS HOPE ------------------------------- INT: MOSQUE, DAY Osama and Basra are pulling off rocks. But Osama is running out of energy, and is heavily dehydrated. Osama prays to Allah OSAMA Allah. Please dont let father and mother die 9. HANNSHEIAS HOPE ------------------------------- EXT: MOSQUE, DAY Hannasheia and Cell member 4 pull of enough rocks for visible sight of Osama. They can both see him, and are given restored hope of saving him, by his sight. And so is Osama. They are all joyous and in anticipation. And they start to get more rocks off when!PLUK! Sniper 2 hits Cell member 4 right in the back of the head, and right in-front of Hannasheia and Osama (Leaving 3 Cell members left except Hannasheia). Osama starts to cry in hopelessness. Hannasheia holds Cell member 4s head and looks at him in sorrow. And another shot accompanies it again in the already dead Cell member 4. Hannasheia in fury grabs Cell member 4s AK-47 and blazes the whole gun clip in Sniper 2s direction, and manages to kill him. But sighs also in fellow-feeling. Hannasheia turns back around, but cannot see Osama. HANNASHEIA (Yells) OSAMA? He gets no response. On the other side of the Mosque the US Unit lead a plan. 5 of the 8 press on with gun-fire towards 3 Cell members, while other 3 US Unit members go around other side of Mosque and ambush Hannasheia and take him out. They initiate plan. But Cell member 5 pulls out a grenade. Jack sees this and aims him in, he shoots, but is too late. The grenade is released and just seconds after Cell member 5 gets shot right through the shoulder that threw the grenade. The grenade lands right at the feet of the 3 US Soldiers sent to kill Hannasheia and sends them flying dead through the air. And leaves Cell member 5s gun-shooting shoulder immobilised. Leaving 5 US unit members and Jack remain. The 5 US Unit press harder still and kill Cell member 6. Injured Cell member 5 and Cell member 7 move back further and are now behind Hannasheia and Mosque (Two Cell members except Hannasheia). US Unit keep shooting and move on. 10. NEW ENERGY ------------------------------- INT: MOSQUE, DAY Osama gets off the back wall from crying in hopelessness. Wipes his tears away and embraces situation with man-like attitude. And now in rage begins to yell and pull at the rocks at the top of the pile. OSAMA (Yelling) ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH 11. TIME TO MAKE A MOVE ------------------------------- EXT: MOSQUE, DAY Hannasheia sees the US Unit pressing, each shot getting nearer to hitting him as they move closer and closer.(Intense dramatic music begin to play with war drums, music always rising for climax). Hannasheia feels helpless. He thinks what can he do to stop them? And to add on to the pressure Osama begins to yell at Hannasheia. OSAMA (Screaming) GET ME OUT OF HERE! Hannasheia is rendered motionless, frozen by the lack of options, and his mind freezes. It feels like an eternity for him. Then he looks up to Sniper 2s position, and he sees a rocket launcher perched against the rooftop, but his mind hadnt processed the opportunity yet. Then crippled Cell member 5 dies which sparks Hannasheia off. And he bolts for the position like a lynx with precision speed and agility jumping and scaling the stairway. The US Unit try shooting at him, and Jack lands some nice placed shots but Hannasheia is way to fast to be hit. He makes it to the Rocket Launcher and looks over the edge, hoping to kill the US Unit before they take out Cell member 7, but just as he looks over he sees Cell member 7 get mauled by gun-fire from US Unit. A deep look of mourning is smothered on Hannasheias face. And Hannasheia starts to fall into that trance of frozen thought again. Hannasheia sees US Unit go back around side of Mosque, as Osama and Basra try to escape through the rocks. One US Unit member pulls out a grenade and sees Osama and Basra in diamond hole and goes to throw a grenade in there. Hannasheia lines up the launcher and hits all five sending them all laid out dead, all over the place. (The Music stops without climactic release) The gun-fire from Jack also stop, Hannasheia thinks that they are all dead, even Jack. Hannasheia runs back down to Osama as if in some kind of peace that Osama and Basra can be saved now HANNSHEIA Osama! Osama! Its all over they are gone, all the badies are dead! We can get you out of there and help you save your parents! Hannasheia is straight back on the rocks, and Osama can nearly fit through. All seems well. Then the Mosque begins to crumble, with rocks flooding the gap. (The music starts where it left off, building more intense at each hit of the drum). Hannasheia cannot see Osama. Hannasheia cries out in desperation HANNSHEIA ALLAH! HELP ME! And with the last of his energy starts again to pull more rocks off. Hannasheia has a new energy now and is using all of it. And is working over-time on the rocks reaching into energy not there. Then all of a sudden gets shot in the right ankle from Sniper Position 2, by Jack. Jack is playing with Hannasheia. Hannasheia turns around and lets out a few rounds in Jacks direction that dont hit. Then instantly goes back to pulling off rocks. Jack shoots again taking out Hannasheia right elbow. Hannasheia in absolute anger ignores the pain and turns around and starts shooting again at Jack, while yelling at Osama HANNSHEIA (Yells) OSAMA! HIDE BEHIND SOMETHING IN THERE! Hannasheia stops shooting. And pulls two big rocks away in the middle of the rubble methodically HANNASHEIA Are you covered? OSAMA (Nearly given up) Yes And Hannasheia with all his energy pulls out a grenade puts it in the hole in the middle of the rubble and rolls away into a position to shoot at Jack. !BOOM! It goes off, and the top of the rubble is clear. Osama and Basra bolt out like lightning. Jack sees them and goes to shoot, but Hannasheia shoots at Jack disrupting his good aim. Jack takes a shot at Osama but misses, due to Hannasheia. Then Jack turns over ledge and shoots Hannasheia twice, right in the chest, thinking he killed him. Hannasheias hurt bad, bleeding badly, and unconscious. Osama side-angling the split wheelbarrow. Osama and Basra turn right out the rubble and v-line it straight up a paved stairway to the top house of tonnes of small houses. Jack lines the shot up again just as Osama and Basra are about to step through the door. !Bang! Basra takes the bullet meant for Osama. 12. TOO LATE ------------------------------- INT: OSAMAS PARENTS HOUSE, DAY Osamas parents are lying on the floor, bloody and beaten, and seemingly unconscious. Osama screams holding his fatally shot dog. OSAMA (Screaming) BASRAA! Then in haste Osama releases the dog and gets the medical bandages out and starts applying them to his mother and father. His six year old body is moving with the medical proficiency of a doctor. (Drums begin to get louder and louder, still building for the musical climax). 13. JACK ON THE MOVE ------------------------------- EXT: ROOFTOPS AND TOWN SQUARE, DAY Jack runs for his old sniper position (Sniper position 1) in a psychotic haze to get a shot at Osama. Hannasheia regains consciousness slightly and sees this. Hannasheia begins to roll closer and closer to Sniper position 1, chasing after Jack on the ground below the rooftops, but is losing a lot of blood. Hannasheia sees the grenade that was meant for Osama before in the Mosque, he begins rolling for it. Jack mounts his gun, ready at Sniper Position 1. 14. OSAMAS CPR ------------------------------- INT: OSAMAS PARENTS HOUSE, DAY Osama is still applying the medical supplies. And starts his own version of CPR OSAMA (Concerned) Allah please. Please keep them alive. Allah please. Please Allah 15. JACK READY FOR THE SHOT ------------------------------- EXT: TOWN SQUARE, DAY Jack reloads his Sniper Rifle, and aims. He is ready to shoot and kill. Hannasheia is spitting out blood from the bullets blocked stiff in his chest, nearly dead and slipping unconscious again, he fights it off. He finally reaches the grenade and reaches the spot right under Sniper position 1 on the crumbled war-torn rooftops. 16. PARENTS DEAD ------------------------------- INT: OSAMAS PARENTS HOUSE, DAY Osama realises his parents are not unconscious, but dead. In utter hopelessness and mourning Osama lifts himself from his knees and raises his hands. 17. THE SHOT ------------------------------- EXT: TOWN SQUARE, DAY In urgency Hannasheia throws the grenade up. It is perfect for the kill. Hannasheia puts his trust in the grenade, but is hoping he isnt too late. 18. ALLAH ------------------------------- INT: OSAMAS PARENTS HOUSE, DAY Osama cries out in a tremendously loud voice. OSAMA (Cries) ALLLLAAAAHHHHH! Osamas cry is interrupted as the sound of the bullet pierces the sky and in a split second is lodged clear into Osamas forehead. (Music hits climax, and stops. Then slow, depressing music with a Middle Eastern female singer begins to play). 19. !BANG! ------------------------------- EXT: TOWN SQUARE, DAY Hannasheia hears the bullet land, and knows it has killed Osama. Hannasheia closes his eyes in depression, he is numb, and a thousand thoughts of self-condemnation flood through his mind. Until instantly he is awoken by the grenade going off and the sound of a body landing next to him. Hannasheia opens his eyes and sees Jack lying dead beside him, his face four inches next to Hannasheias. Jack McAlister, the very man that killed the majority of his Cell group, and a six year old peasant boy named Osama. Hannasheia stares into the darkness of Jacks dead eyes and tears of compassion flow down his face. Hannasheia looks up to the sky and whispers. HANNASHEIA (Whispering) [center]Allah © 2008 Ricohard |
Added on March 11, 2008 AuthorRicohardBendigo, AustraliaAboutRicohard. Studying a Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing at BRIT, Bendigo. Published in 2007 BRIT Anthology "Painted Words" with an excerpt from a Script and a Poem. Also in "Deliver Us From E.. more..Writing