Constructive criticism!? How could I possibly dare? This is a masterpiece. In my first read through this piece I was amazed at every turn. You strike me as a man that wouldn't appreciate pure fawning praise but I cannot come up with anything but praise. A master stroke of a true artist.
Posted 4 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
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4 Years Ago
Thank you most gratefully, Syr TS 🌿
I can conceive of nothing more graciously humb.. read moreThank you most gratefully, Syr TS 🌿
I can conceive of nothing more graciously humbling or genuinely rewarding than to receive such appreciative sincerity, praise, and accolades for one of my earnest Free Verse pieces.
Coming from a fellow-poet so highly accomplished, admired, and respected, as yourself, I am amply assured my hopeful efforts have proven worthwhile.
Well, a little fawning never hurt a thing. ; )
Bountifully overjoyed … your grateful friend ⁓ Richard 🍃
Holy guacamole! I believe this is the first time I've ever read free verse from you, Richard, & this changes my understanding of your writing vastness. This poem has the most depth of any of yours I've read & is expressed in a way that's so very present & palpable, I think I may try to search out ONLY free verse from you in the future *wink! wink!* The premise of talking to a leaf & comparing lives, this is a powerful point & you make it with a ton of urgency conveyed (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Good morning, Margie 🌿
There is always something interesting in your reviews of my.. read moreGood morning, Margie 🌿
There is always something interesting in your reviews of my poems; especially, when you begin with such a surprise rhyming exclamation.
You've, actually, reviewed several of my Free Verse pieces, commenting similarly on a couple, I think. But, I'm tickled pink that you select anything of mine to read, and it's a real treat when you praise something.
Thank you for such a lovely review, Margie, for the happy smile from inside-out, and those famous (((HUGS))) of yours … "fondly" back atcha! ⁓ Richard 🍃
Very poetic write with great use of imagery, so sad to wake up alone in this world especially if we have been used to sharing our nights with another. Interesting and sad poem
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Aw, Katrina,
What a sweet and lovely review to my humble little verse of soft sadness.. read moreAw, Katrina,
What a sweet and lovely review to my humble little verse of soft sadness.
From your words, I feel your depth of understanding and rapport with my own.
And, in your praise and expressed appreciation, rises the encouragement to keep my battered olde pen filled and ready for its next inspiration.
Thank you ever-so warmly, Dear Lady-Poet! ⁓ Richard 🍃
And in return, the little leaf will explain to you that loneliness passes, that rebirth is a never ending cycle, in both the temporal and spiritual world.
A very good poem here.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
My most sincere thanks, Dear Poet : )
Your creative characterization of the "little l.. read moreMy most sincere thanks, Dear Poet : )
Your creative characterization of the "little leaf's" sentiments to me are distinctly entertaining and interesting.
Thank you, too, for such a nice compliment! ⁓ Richard 🍃
What a sad picture of loneliness, but I know that feeling of kicking the autumn leaves, end of summer, end of a relationship, hands in pockets, collar turned up, kicking the leaves, feeling sorry for yourself. Sadness, loneliness. How sad is that!
Dare I say...Happy New Year. I wish you well Richard.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Hi, Lady Marie-Louise : )
With "A Happy First Day Of 2020!"
Thank you for shar.. read moreHi, Lady Marie-Louise : )
With "A Happy First Day Of 2020!"
Thank you for sharing your take on this rather forlorn lille Free Verse piece in homage to sadness.
I think the emotional timbre of your review may be more poignantly palpable than the poem's verses.
I wish thee equally well, M'Dear … thank you ever-so warmly for your always intriguing visit! ⁓ Richard 🍃
What a stirring portrait of loneliness. I feel like this is one of the hallmarks of the human condition and that even those of us surrounded by others can experience the same sense. You've painted it with spirit here. There's a stoicism that makes the voice feel like it's resolved, in a way. Or perhaps it's a jadedness. Even when asked, the speaker does not want to share that great space within himself.
I enjoy the way you focus on the leaf/leaves and move out from there to show how much meaning can be imparted to the inanimate things. As poets, I feel like it is often the inanimate things that capture or imagination in novel ways. I am constantly inspired by the unmoving bodies of nature.
This is a lovely, plaintive poem, Richard.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Gosh, Eilis! 🍂
How perceptively stimulating and discerning your interpretations an.. read moreGosh, Eilis! 🍂
How perceptively stimulating and discerning your interpretations and expressed comprehensions are … it's as though this could have been composed from your very own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
To be so well and deeply understood is truly an inspiring gift for a writer to receive from such an brilliantly-accomplished artist..
My heart may burst with gratitude from your sheer graciousness in praise and descriptive grasp of how Nature and human nature can so wondrously conspire to spiel a wondrous poetical tale.
Thank you, Dear Poetess … it is a distinct pleasure to serve You! ⁓ Richard 🍃
Dear Richard
I love your metaphors; and your use of words to describe loneliness. The poem just flows so well.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Ah, M'Lady!
That you love anything about me and how it flows … my poetry, is most delightfu.. read moreAh, M'Lady!
That you love anything about me and how it flows … my poetry, is most delightful to know.
Loneliness is so very difficult to endure, as by it's very nature it precludes the joy of interaction; and how sad it is, that we can feel lonely and isolated in a room crowded with people.
At least the little leaf has the comfort of rebirth.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
You, too, know loneliness very well, eh(?) … how it can sweep us into reclusion.
You, too, know loneliness very well, eh(?) … how it can sweep us into reclusion.
I enjoy your paradigm of the wee leaf. 🍂
Thank you most gratefully for your read and review! ⁓ Richard 🍃