After years of being asked to publish some of my poems, here are a few. I hope you'll support this poetic effort by ordering my book to enjoy and grace your collection.
or leave a review here, so I'll know you've looked-in.
A note from the Publisher on this book and its author.
Behind the Smile, by Richard W. Jenkins, is a collection of exceptional poetic renderings by a master literary author.
This expansive "three hundred fifty two page" volume hosts "one hundred forty five poems" in "fifty-two individual formats." Chapters cover Poetry, Romance, Life, Love, Emotion, Imagery, Sadness, Humor, Japanese Forms, Promise, Sensuality, Fantasy, and Thinking. There's even a detailed section in the back on how to write each poetic form.
This is a book for poetry lovers from beginner to master, by a Poet's Poet.
Richard is a master poet, poet laureate emeritus and dedicated poetry teacher to literally hundreds. He has earned several degrees from Binary Logic to Architectural Drafting, Master Electrician, Grandmaster Martial Arts Instructor, Artistic Design, and a Master of Fine Arts Degree Cūm Laudé (concentration on English Literature, Prose & Poetry) from Provident University.
He says, "Though, it may seem I've done a lot, the more that's learned and accomplished, the further I'm able to realize there's so much more remaining to learn and better share with others."
We would love for you to order Behind the Smile in soft or hardback edition, and feel the thick suede-like warmth of its cover,
Sales have been exemplary, showing great promise in continuing this trend. We are proud to be publisher and printer of this extraordinarily outstanding book, written by a true word craftsman.
Thank you all for our years of friendship and camaraderie, and in sharing your wonderful, endlessly-creative writings here at the Café … I'm looking forward to many more.
Deep poetic love to one and all ⁓ Richard : )
My Review
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Sincere congratulations! Nearly every writer dreams of publishing a book, be it a novel or a book of poems, and you've done it! I hope you're as proud as you're entitled to be. I know we haven't seen each other all that much on this site, but from what I've seen, you have real talent. Whether or not you publish more works, I know the rest of your life will be filled with the kind of beauty only your poetry can create.
Posted 7 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Thank you, Jacob,
For dropping in to read up on my new book and to leave such inspiri.. read moreThank you, Jacob,
For dropping in to read up on my new book and to leave such inspiring words of praise and appreciation.
I sincerely hope you order and enjoy your own copy of my humble poems for many years to come.
May your days be blessed with the same happiness you've so graciously bestowed upon an humbled olde bard! ⁓ Richard 🍃
I am so proud of you! I know you worked hard to accomplish your dream. I wish you every success in your craft. You go Richard!!
Bless you.
Well, not "best-seller, yet, but distribution.. read moreThank you so very much, Denise 🥀🐝
Well, not "best-seller, yet, but distribution just reached 3,821 in all editions … hardback, softcover, and Kindle.
I'd love knowing you have your own book to hold and enjoy, or that you've taken advantage of a Kindle.
Warmest of happy blessings to thee, Lady-Poet! ⁓ Richard🖌
Congratulation! Richard. I look forward to gaining from your wealth of knowledge.
Posted 11 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Months Ago
Thank you most humbly, Alex 🙏
What a gracious compliment you've paid an olde bard .. read moreThank you most humbly, Alex 🙏
What a gracious compliment you've paid an olde bard and long tenured teacher.
I know you'll appreciate and enjoy the numerous poetic forms displayed in this book, along with the many lessons of each form awaiting you in the final pages.
You deserve all your accolades for your energy and effort in giving back. As I turn those pages, I s.. read moreYou deserve all your accolades for your energy and effort in giving back. As I turn those pages, I shall engage in a new level of creativity. Peace! And Thanks for you kind feedback. Alex
This looks wonderful. I'm anxious to see what offerings await behind the smile.
Posted 3 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
I will be honored to know you have a volume of my book n your personal librar.. read moreFabian,
I will be honored to know you have a volume of my book n your personal library,
Order a signed/personalized copy from the URL above and I'll ship it to you free.
Thank you most gratefully for looking-in. ⁓ Richard🖌
four years passed, time flies.... I hope the selling is great.
Posted 3 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
It's so true, Dear Ghounwah🌼
Time does, indeed, fly while having fun.
As of.. read moreIt's so true, Dear Ghounwah🌼
Time does, indeed, fly while having fun.
As of the last day in September, book sales were just over 1200 … slow, but I guess it's not too bad for a first time author. : )
Thanks for looking-in … you've turned my day a lovely sunny bright!
Happy hugs! ⁓ Richard 🍃
3 Years Ago
yes time flies while having FUN with us lol I am an ignorant when it comes for selling, but I also t.. read moreyes time flies while having FUN with us lol I am an ignorant when it comes for selling, but I also think that as a first time author challenges are many, I wish it increases faster for You.
somehow I don't feel You are that OK, so I will wish You more brightness to fill your days✨
3 Years Ago
Following your lovely visit, M'Lady 🔆
The day has turned a warm, bright "OK." ; )
I wish the best for your dear mother … she is alright, I trust.
Your new :> smile looks lik.. read moreI wish the best for your dear mother … she is alright, I trust.
Your new :> smile looks like a tiny bird. : )
This comment has been deleted by the poster.
3 Years Ago
Now, I remember.🙃
Sweet little smile. :> 'Tis quite creative and original.. read moreOhhh-YES!
Now, I remember.🙃
Sweet little smile. :> 'Tis quite creative and original.
I loved your poem, The Streets of Houston It told a story of young boyhood and then coming of age in a dangerous place. I especially loved these lines: "No better I'm than any of you there; although, I may be better off it's's all because I've learned how to prepare, and high above that wall I flew." I like that you didn't describe a religious experience that set you apart or some magic wisdom that made you better. You simply grasped the help that was given you. After I read that poem, I turned the page and read about individuals who made it out. I teared up. I also like the love poem "You'll Know I love you". It was beautiful the way you tied in nature with your love: "gentle rain", "crowning mists". Such a gentle feel to the poem.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thank you, Shelley 🥀
I appreciate you keeping in touch about my book and how you'r.. read moreThank you, Shelley 🥀
I appreciate you keeping in touch about my book and how you're enjoying some of the poems and finer, more touching details.
I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me that you love anything about any part of it … this is truly a sweet blessing, indeed.
Keep-up the reading, and consider learning one or some of the forms explained in the back for your own increased writing pleasure.
Big hugs 'n happiest smiles!
Gratefully yours, Shelley ⁓ Richard 🍃
3 Years Ago
Yes, I would like to go back to trying some other forms of poetry. I've been doing a lot of free ver.. read moreYes, I would like to go back to trying some other forms of poetry. I've been doing a lot of free verse.
Hi Richard, I received your book yesterday and I loved the inscription. I enjoyed reading about your life in "Acknowledgements", especially Aunt Kate teaching you how to write poetry. So it was enchanting to see your first poem, written at age nine, featured first in the book. I read through the section that honors writing and then through the romance section and I could identify with both. Looking forward to reading about Life. I appreciated the bookmark too, I was looking in my bedside drawer for a bookmark and then I saw that you had included one. I will go to Amazon after I read your book and leave a review.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thank you, Dear Shelly 🌱
For letting me know you've received your book and how you.. read moreThank you, Dear Shelly 🌱
For letting me know you've received your book and how you love the inscription. 🤗
In looking back at the acknowledgements, I may have revealed a bit too much of my life, but it will be the reader who decides.
I'm, especially, glad to know you're reading from beginning to end, as it's the best way to enjoy and come to a full appreciation and understanding of my efforts.
If you can recall where the bookmark was when you found it, you'll discover a poem I personally selected for You.
Yes, Shelly, I will greatly a review on Amazon, as each moves my book higher on their Suggested Reading list … odd, too, that I had over 100 reviews, until Amazon deleted them (???) and there are now only a few left. I asked them about this several times, but have received no response(?).
Thank you again, Dear Shelly, for ordering my book.
You've both honored and blessed an olde bard … smiles 'n hugs! ⁓ Richard 🍃
Aww, I wish I'd noted what page I found the bookmark in. Maybe you remember the page? Dang it about .. read moreAww, I wish I'd noted what page I found the bookmark in. Maybe you remember the page? Dang it about Amazon deleting your reviews.
3 Years Ago
Page 96, "A Peaceful Hush".
I had another author say Amazon did the same thing to theirs … .. read morePage 96, "A Peaceful Hush".
I had another author say Amazon did the same thing to theirs … something about controlling false reviews, but I read every one of mine, and there was not one amongst them not legit … go figure! 🤔
3 Years Ago
Geez, that's too bad.
Aww, I just read your selection for me. A perfect selection. You must .. read moreGeez, that's too bad.
Aww, I just read your selection for me. A perfect selection. You must have noticed that some of my poems mention seeing things through my window. I sleep upstairs and like to wake up, seeing the tops of trees--several maples and one very tall evergreen. I like to see birds landing on the lamp post too. And this morning, there was the rain.