That charming and endearing piece holds a special sentiment for this reader. Being in contact, only tonight, with a dear friend of mine whose favourite flower is the daisy. As I read I too agree that short is sweet as it brought to mind the wonderful times we shared ... and it lives! Thank you so much for helping to revive sweet memories!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Daisies are a charming little flower, that seem to represent a certain nostalgic sentiment for many,.. read moreDaisies are a charming little flower, that seem to represent a certain nostalgic sentiment for many, and I think they are lovely to look at.
Some even pick their petals to decide if they are loved: "He loves me, he loves me not."
I am so happy my little bit of verse brought you some sweet moments, too … a big thank you HUG, Kitty! ⁓ Richard : )
6 Years Ago
Like the lady in question there is that special delicateness about the flower that endears one, it's.. read moreLike the lady in question there is that special delicateness about the flower that endears one, it's frail, delicate, yet resilient nature. Your choice ~ spot on! Special friend ~ like none other! ...a jewel.
Tis a charming wee piece, but to pick a flower is to kill it, or so my old mum said:)
Very well penned Richard, but what else expected from one of, if not the best, wielder of a pen on this site:))
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Thank you, Gee, 🌻
For the enormous compliment and expressed enjoyment of this humb.. read moreThank you, Gee, 🌻
For the enormous compliment and expressed enjoyment of this humble little piece.
Your mum's absolutely correct, of course. But, a flower's not going to make it, anyway.
Might as well enjoy and admire it picked or cut and displayed in a lovely vase on the table, to cheer-up the house, as leave it to the sun's scorch, to be trampled, mowed down, or eaten by a deer or a caterpillar, aphid or ant, etc.
I love flowers, wild or otherwise.
Hey! Perhaps, you might enjoy my 1st Place winning poem, "Wildflowers"
That charming and endearing piece holds a special sentiment for this reader. Being in contact, only tonight, with a dear friend of mine whose favourite flower is the daisy. As I read I too agree that short is sweet as it brought to mind the wonderful times we shared ... and it lives! Thank you so much for helping to revive sweet memories!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Daisies are a charming little flower, that seem to represent a certain nostalgic sentiment for many,.. read moreDaisies are a charming little flower, that seem to represent a certain nostalgic sentiment for many, and I think they are lovely to look at.
Some even pick their petals to decide if they are loved: "He loves me, he loves me not."
I am so happy my little bit of verse brought you some sweet moments, too … a big thank you HUG, Kitty! ⁓ Richard : )
6 Years Ago
Like the lady in question there is that special delicateness about the flower that endears one, it's.. read moreLike the lady in question there is that special delicateness about the flower that endears one, it's frail, delicate, yet resilient nature. Your choice ~ spot on! Special friend ~ like none other! ...a jewel.
i like the drawing very much, and i like daisies too so much that when i got married on my wedding day i wore many in my hair
lovely poem brevity but very sweet
Thank you sweetly, Marilyn, for the nice compliment, and for sharing that lovely bit about yourself!.. read moreThank you sweetly, Marilyn, for the nice compliment, and for sharing that lovely bit about yourself!
See what those daisies started for you! ; )
Hugs 'n blessings! ⁓ Richard
6 Years Ago
lol welll yes but even before that...
by the way , am now divorced but we get.. read morelol welll yes but even before that...
by the way , am now divorced but we get along Great thanks!!
Let me always find a daisy a day.
Beautifully penned, as always you deliver.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Thank you, Cherrie Dear,
Seems the site failed to tell me you'd dropped by, but how lucky I a.. read moreThank you, Cherrie Dear,
Seems the site failed to tell me you'd dropped by, but how lucky I am to have found your tender words of inspiration and appreciation waiting patiently for my arrival.
Beautiful and takes me back to a summers day making daisy chains out in the fresh air on the grass carefree and wishing upon the leas of love, less is more🌹
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Hi, Kelly! : )
A basketful if thanks for your lovely personal sharings and sweet compliment t.. read moreHi, Kelly! : )
A basketful if thanks for your lovely personal sharings and sweet compliment to this economic little love poem.
Here's a daisy for your hair … smiles 'n hugs! ⁓ Richard
6 Years Ago
Received with appreciation and I bow in thanks kind Sir🌹
The ability to layer meaning on such a small canvas is a gift indeed. The tradition of picking daisy pedals, the name, and the floral metaphor.
You use some original rhyme.. Clever use of words that appeal.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Hi, Shannon!
How wonderful to know you've found such favor in this wee piece of easy imagery .. read moreHi, Shannon!
How wonderful to know you've found such favor in this wee piece of easy imagery and rhyme.
LOL! I was challenged to write something meaning in two verses, rather than another of my usual poetic sojourns.
Thanks a millions for the read and gratifying accolades, My Friend! ⁓ Richard : )
Simple floral poetic quatrain at its most delicate … very pleasant! Your write does provoke the little greys cells into action – as this reader discovered! In the west, the daisy is a symbol of simplicity, chastity and transformation. We see that message repeated in Christianity, where the daisy is a sacred symbol of Virgin Mary signifying her chastity, grace and purity. :-)
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Thank you, Phil.
Nice review, along with an interesting bit of info on the daisy … I'm so g.. read moreThank you, Phil.
Nice review, along with an interesting bit of info on the daisy … I'm so glad you found this little homage to romance pleasant.
Mythology of expression -sweet and tender..soft.
Presentation- beautifully presented with a sweet and simple picture of daisies. Fits the poem.
Assonance "o" in God,flower, containing.
Consonance - "s" final consonant in wondrous, stars,builds and memoirs.
Alliterations-maybe builds, beckons and bends?
Metaphor -''containing love's special power''
Line breaks - "bend and pick it"..perfect break as I think of the action..
Syntax- smooth as silk
juxtaposition - "wondrous flower patterned from god's heavenly stars."
This is just a sweet little poem....I love daisies too. :-)
A???? heheh
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Ya really got it goin' on good!
We'll leave the grade for later … right now, here's a big H.. read moreYa really got it goin' on good!
We'll leave the grade for later … right now, here's a big HUG!!!
Thanks, Susan, for the in-depth, intricate review to this little sweetie! ⁓ Richard : )
Yes, as You said a very thoughtful friend, I also believe sometimes the few words hold the great power, like saying (I love You), there is nothing to be said after or needed to be said, the mind knows well all the words which lay behind this one sentence.
I always felt that some people don't give justice to daises, in spring they spread the world with soft child-like beauty, but it's like people are used to see them, so it's like a normal thing to them... they leave them kind of neglected, it's sad... Your poem said it all, in few lines, yes your lines are few but VERY perfect and have this tender soft real power of daises, I very much like the wonderment You left us with in the next verse, almost like I'm surrounded by daises each beckon at me with a lovely thought, a lovely feeling and sweet smile...
Thank You dear Syr for keeping sharing Your amazing Art with all of us.
Thank you, Dear Lovely Light,
your feelings touch just right,
and every word shines br.. read moreThank you, Dear Lovely Light,
your feelings touch just right,
and every word shines bright,
sparkling like stars at night.
I agree emphatically with every sweet and tender, thought-filled, knowing word in your review, Littlesong … I even admit to my art being amazing (without self-importance), because when I read it back, it is as though someone else far more beautiful than I had to have composed it … warmest, most grateful, smiles 'n hugs! ⁓ Richard 🌻
7 Years Ago
Awe...that's a beautiful tribute to a sensation review.
WELL...I love daisies so this was delightful poem for me to read! I love that it's short and sweet! I have a hard time writing short pieces like this!
Very powerful for its length,as well as enjoyable to read! I like a's got it all!
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Yes, Tabby,
And, so easy, fun, and enjoyable to read and review,
eh(?) … it is a jo.. read moreYes, Tabby,
And, so easy, fun, and enjoyable to read and review,
eh(?) … it is a joy to please you in sharing my "Dasies".
Your reviews always speak with warmth and sweetness … thank you, Tabby! ⁓ Richard : )