came on the wind to touch my soul;
I barely noticed it,
and went my way all self-concerned
… quite shallow, I admit.
Came the wind to touch my soul
I barely noticed it... Seems like the mind was somewhere else perhaps,
Love this part, cause we all have those pesky imperfections.
Lovely write....
Okay, my dear Richard… by going to the end if your posts I was able to find several Idid not read or review.
I love the perfect image…which in itself explains the deep thoughts if this strong poem.
Loved every word and delta part if it in my heard….
came on the wind to touch my soul;
I barely noticed it,
and went my way all self-concerned
… quite shallow, I admit.
Came the wind to touch my soul
I barely noticed it... Seems like the mind was somewhere else perhaps,
Love this part, cause we all have those pesky imperfections.
Lovely write....
I felt it fall upon my hand,
a teardrop soft and warm;
not the usual salty tear,
it fell there to inform:
I tend to look back on past writes of a writer, I can feel this poet in you bloom from then and now.
anyways in the lines "not the usual salty tear," tears can be lonely, sad, or happy. but as I caught on to the salty part it tells me of a certain sadness. This is really good.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
A most lovely review, Dear Kerra 🥀
Ironic, too, is that you've chosen one of my fa.. read moreA most lovely review, Dear Kerra 🥀
Ironic, too, is that you've chosen one of my favorite verses to highlight … great minds and hearts think and feel alike. What more could a hopeful bard wish than knowing we do. : )
Your sentiments shared have touched me warmly and gently.
You've shown me how there's a certain beauty in sadness … thank you truly, Kerra! ⁓ Richard 🍃
"Better things to do"
We can, as your title states find better things to do. Have you ever been caught dead in your tracks by another's tragic story. Just living in your own day to day and some one just comes along with so much pain they cannot keep it in? Your poem reminds me of this and I think all of us experience this ourselves or come across another.
That's all I have to say as pain and peace can also go hand in hand with time and life lessons. But, oh it can be so hard.
Once again you have gently given voice to another thing of importance in this life!
Bless you!
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
DANG, Kathy!
I really feel sad, letting one of your treasured reviews be left wanting for so .. read moreDANG, Kathy!
I really feel sad, letting one of your treasured reviews be left wanting for so long … and, a year if farrr too long for such word-filled wonderment to let get lonely from lack of grateful recognition. Because I felt your gentle whisper must be what brought me here on this bright Sunday morn, ya think? : )
You touch a bard sooo softly*
Thank you, Dear Poetess, for sharing such a delightful dip into your incomparably sweet mind, heart, and soul … big, happy hugs! ⁓ Richard 🍃
5 Years Ago
It is always nice to get a response from you, now or later is fine by me. Your kind .. read moreRichard,
It is always nice to get a response from you, now or later is fine by me. Your kind and I do find your words welcoming.
Bless you,
Sometimes we are so filled by our own pain that we become oblivious to the pain of others too. Yet the need to love and care is innate in us and we kill our spirit by denying this need to reach out to another. It is our bitterness and our deeply buried fears that prevent us, hold us back.
My compliments on a beautifully crafted poem full of much wisdom and understanding of a basic human need, that of giving and receiving love.
Thank you so much for sharing a very special poem with me Richard.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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9 Years Ago
Divya Dear,
Your insights are quite extraordinary, and I truly believe only by experiencing l.. read moreDivya Dear,
Your insights are quite extraordinary, and I truly believe only by experiencing life, by being immersed in its deeper, more base and demanding (traumatizing?) aspects can one develop the kind if sensitivity you have to feeling and emotion … you're simply too young to have lived long enough for your obvious depth and understandings, and there is a rending in me to perceive of that which you've surely endured at too tender an age.
Still, it is this (if true) that gifts me these wondrous moments, so pleasurably derived from sharing your take, enjoyment, grasp, and appreciation of my humble poetic efforts.
How very-very correct you are about love, Divya; yet, is it not these that drive our emotions and desires to heights otherwise unattainable within our minds, hearts, and souls … those wondrous whisperings our pens listen for and respond to?
Surely, lest I cease now, you'll grow tired of my rantings; besides, I need to thank you for your compliments and praise … how else for you to know I am gratified by your kind, thoughtful, and bonding review, eh?
I'm guessing you inspire me, and I must save enough words to amply thank you warmly for doing so … Yours truly! ⁓ Richard : )
This is very touching, Rascal. There's a lot of pain in this life. It's individual AND it's universal. We are all alone, and yet we're not. Giving is healing. Even when you feel you have nothing left to do...this poem, for instance :) Really quite beautiful, dear poet.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Gosh, My Dear Lynn,
How on earth did I ever miss the wise and warming, reassuring words of th.. read moreGosh, My Dear Lynn,
How on earth did I ever miss the wise and warming, reassuring words of this, your wonderful review.
Please, come over here and lash me fifty with a wet noodle. : )
I am sorry, Sweetheart … please, forgive this thoughtless bard his misgivings, with at least a hug and peck on the cheek.
Thank you for your beautiful praise and self … you're so sweet to wait on me for me so long … will it be alright if I drop by your place to make it up, Lynn Dear! ⁓ Richard/Rascal ; )
It's quite an undertaking to stitch, and dab, and watch over the wounded ..
Our tears seem to be an assemblage of heart and souls.
That's how it was for me as a Geriatric Nurse
Now retired, and oh to tired..alone
Sweet days and memories made, holding hands till last
Bring me comfort in my silent years
And there is no regretting of tears.
I'm smiling, after reading YOU
Thanks for the warmth of Heart.
As I sat reading through your gentle words and their essence, it dawned on .. read moreHi, Jazz!
As I sat reading through your gentle words and their essence, it dawned on me how very much I was enjoying you, the touch of your voice, the knowing and understanding, in the way you seem to grasp the essence of what my own had shared, and I was taken to a place I had not been before, but (somehow) felt I should have, if I make any sense. Some of that which you said was sad; yet, almost an invitation, warm encouragement.
Ironically, I, too, am smiling after reading YOU … such beauty I instinctively know.
Warmest hug of heartfelt thanks, Jazz! ~ Richard
9 Years Ago
I corrected myself.. "Quite"..not Quiet (sorry bout that).... Anyway, my new found friend..yo.. read moreI corrected myself.. "Quite"..not Quiet (sorry bout that).... Anyway, my new found are too kind... Of course you make sense .. warmth, encouragement..these are gifts.. extensions of our heart.... Sharing , reaching out .. quells our tears.......... Maybe I make no sense at all....... Lol.. then again............................♥
9 Years Ago
I caught that on the first read, Jazz … I love it that you let me know, though, that you makes all.. read moreI caught that on the first read, Jazz … I love it that you let me know, though, that you makes all the sense to me, and I love the sweet little heart.
Mending someone's heart may not be our job, or our responsibly, but when we notice what happens around us, and offer our sympathy, then our waters but swell from pain within.
I feel it is in the moments of selfish fear, than we learn to be selfless and lend our shoulders for comfort.
I love these thoughts, pearls of the heart. :D
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Sincere thanks to you, Dearest MS~*
I shall never tire of hearing the smooth, knowing.. read moreSincere thanks to you, Dearest MS~*
I shall never tire of hearing the smooth, knowing delight of your gentle voice, as it dancers into my willing, waiting ear, down into my heart, and back up to my smiling lips. : )
Talk of pearls, your astutely sophisticated words sing a tome of insights that literally swell the breast with a joyous glee of effulgence few possess the talent and wherewithal to accomplish ~ in such a sweetly appealing way.
Your words speak to the core of me, and I love how they do … smiles 'n hugs to you! ~ Richard
It's easy to grow cynical when none are concerned for the tears that you cry, but the gift of life lies in choosing to care for others instead. An ocean of heartache swings in the hammock of a tear. Let it wash over you, cleanse you, and make you new.
Your voice has a powerful way of resonating with the reader, and I am honored to dance on the cusp.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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9 Years Ago
Thank you, Dear Linda ~ for gracing me with your presence, for your wonderfully insightful gems of w.. read moreThank you, Dear Linda ~ for gracing me with your presence, for your wonderfully insightful gems of wisdom, and for your beautiful understandings shared … such words from one so wondrously accomplished as you are, are as bright gifts of joyful refrain.
You shine as the brilliant morning sunlight,
gifting the lace of dewdrops their sparkling glint,
like endless multi-faceted diamonds
amongst dancing pirouettes of wispy steam.
Your gorgeous review, a poem within itself, Linda, that softly stole my breath.
Hugs and warmest blessings of sheer delight to You, sweet lady-poet! ~ Richard
it may be your own tear...but your writing is universal in its appeal...and others can feel their own tears through your work...and feel better knowing someone else has that tear in his hand.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Hi, Jacob!
You've spread a broad smile across this homely mug of mine and made my old.. read moreHi, Jacob!
You've spread a broad smile across this homely mug of mine and made my olde pen dance with joy from your recognition and thoughtful comments, my friend.
I cannot thank you enough for letting me know how much others relate to this poignant poem, with its shoulder-tapping message.
Warmest smiles of gratitude to you for selecting one of my efforts to read, and so much for what you've said of it … blessings to you, Jacob! ~ Richard