A Chapter by Richard Guimond
Winter gestation stillness, within the Egg, part two of ''Improbable seasons '' !["](
Succeeding to chicxulubean event of mythic proportions
Flurry went on, an infinite winter that strangled Automn's fire life
Maelstrom of contradicted winds be walled the Logos spark.
In absolute frozen state for long dark, forgotten millenniums
The once fiery earth petrified into biting jaws of crystal ice.
Mother Goddess in her cold, naked, white, corpse like, bodily shell
Bare a secret guarded, by ice cycled fanged dragons freezing breath
In her underground matrix, lay unconsciously tomorrow's hope
Protean zygote, implosively hardening its walls, compacting carbonic life of old.
In its occult cradle, the Egg, unique single point of full potentiality, latency
Depersonalized Eggo without ego retreats on itself gathering strength
A step back, like the pulling of the string, an arrow, to forwarding let go
Waiting dormant having chosen isolation, closed prison with an interior key
Non-acting chrysalides in its stillness and regenerative gestative meditation
Bi-dimensional the entity with no sides except: inside and outside
The outside, all but ignorant to the inside compacted, death like oblivion.
Waits with mineral patience, the clock ticking, on eons numeric scale
In due time, before Time, before, Before and After, even exist, a sound, a note!
OM, the sustained Brahmic vibration of shadeless frequency, magically rise
As ice split the stone face of mountain, vibrative magic would split off the Egg
And a new universe becoming by Big Bang, Ego, in time, long due Satori, reaches
© 2015 Richard Guimond
Richard GuimondBeloeil,, Québec, Canada
Been writing 1967 photographer since 1969 been a small time journalist , a camera salesmans graduated in Classical Studies , archeology and religion history unfinished a master in Ethnolinguistic on M.. more..