![]() The Blue Hat BandA Story by Richard Levias
Billy Cole’s parents shouting shook the houses foundations. The
vibrations traveled up Billy’s bed and then to his small head where they converged in his mind and made him shake. His parents had been doing this more often now, this fighting thing, and he had no other ways to understand the scenario except for one possibility. Perhaps they simply hated each other, and in some ways he was right with this assumption. He had been locked in his room by his mother so that he would not have to interfere with their “discussion” or at least that’s what she called it. He was incredibly bored and frightened as he attempted to fall asleep but the relief of exhaustion never came. Just then, as an answer to his agony a small high sound came from the closet. He recognized this sound as one of a symbol crashing down from some place high and down onto the floor. He only knew of one place where such a symbol instrument could be found. Cautiously, he slipped out of his covers and down to the floor. He took a few small and silent steps to the closet on the right side of the room and opened it. Inside was a toy he had long forgotten. It was a toy band that would play songs if you had the right amount of batteries. The band consisted of an assortment of anthropomorphic plastic animals, some cats, some dogs, some foxes, and even a few bears. They were each accompanied by a blue and gold uniform with tiny plastic instruments in each of their paws. It had ever instrument you needed for a coherent band, tubas, drums, trumpets, even some violins and much more. In front of them all was a gray cat who held a tiny stick high above his head. The conductor. The symbol must have come from one of these animals and sure enough one of the dogs was indeed missing one. As he was staring at the missing symbol he noticed movement in the corner of his eye. Then another swift movement and another. Soon the movements went to fast for his brain to identify and just like that the band had come to life. It had happened in a flash like a reawakening each small animal was now cleaning their instruments and moving around casually. Billy could only shout in his excitement. “You’re alive?!” He exclaimed. The gray cat of the band turned to him and waved, a small grin spread across his face. It was a friendly grin like they had known each other before. “Of course we are, Billy, you just haven’t noticed.” The cat said in a soothing and confident voice. “But…you’re plastic!” “And you are made of flesh…to us you’re the weird one.” Each of the animals mumbled in agreement. “What are you doing in my bedroom closet?” “We were brought here by your mother as I recall. We used to play songs for you Billy. Sorry if we awoke you our clumsy paws can’t hold onto instruments forever, especially without proper glue.” Billy remembered many times playing songs. Those were happy times when mother and father didn’t fight as much. He remembered when he made that project in school about his parents being the only one together while all his classmates were apart. He had made a cute drawing of the three living happily on top of a sunny mountain in a healthy green field. His mother had put it on the refrigerator. “Are you magic?” Billy asked. “Magic?!” The conductor cat exclaimed “No more magic then you are. Say isn’t it bedtime for you?” “Umm…yes…but I can’t sleep very well.” “Ah, I see would you like us to help you with that?” “Can you play a song?” “Yes of course we can! That’s what we were made for. What kind of song would you like?” “A happy song.” “Those are the best kind.” The cat conductor turned to his band and raised his paw with the stick. He brought it down and the band began to play its tune. It was a wonderful sound, he would have thought they would play something noises and out of tune but the song was actually soothing and up beat in every way. Billy found that in no time at all he was feeling sleepy. He felt like a baby again, playing with his toys and sleeping in his mother’s warm hands. The band played every note in rhythm and accuracy. The song was light and cheerful with the sounds of violins some slight drumming and a few trumpets. In no time at all he was asleep. About three hours into the night the fighting had erupted again. The father and mother had become violent. Some mysterious thud shook the house. The cat conductor was a smart person and had a duty to uphold. If Billy heard the commotion he would have a miserable night. He instructed his band to play again, perhaps a little louder. “Tonight is his last restful night gentlemen. Make it peaceful.” Here was the truth. Billy Cole did not have a happy early childhood. For the longest time his parents had despised each other and his birth only accelerated his hatred. His mother did love him but she did not have many chance to show it. The band had been there the entire time. When Billy’s life was full of the chaotic noises of hatred and anger they were replaced with the happy and soothing rhythms of the band. They had been there to protect him through all of his development. They referred to themselves as the innocence protectors assigned to this little boy. Boys do not stay children forever oh how horribly true that is. For tonight is the last night to have a happy night. To have one last night of peace and cheerfulness. The band played their happy song but were filled with sadness for what Billy would discover tomorrow morning. For now Billy was happy and sleeping well. Tomorrow that would change. The band had to play their song just a little louder to muffle out the sound of the gunshot that erupted from downstairs. © 2015 Richard Levias |
Added on November 21, 2015 Last Updated on November 21, 2015 Author