![]() 20. Her Biggest FanA Chapter by R. Linskey![]() ![]()
I’ve never been forcefully knocked out before, so I was expecting to be forcefully woken up too. Instead, I was allowed to wake up the natural way, and I’ve also been given a female assistant. She’s standing by the corner of the room, which is Remipor’s room. Is there a reason why I’m here? Faavel must have taken the Palace, and therefore has taken the King’s room for himself. I’m on his bed, meaning there’s a fat chance he’s coming back to rape me. I started touching my face and felt bandages on my forehead. “Don’t touch it yet, Madam,” said the assistant standing by the corner, I waved her to walk over to me. “Did someone give you any instructions,” I asked. “Only to clean and feed you before Faavel comes back,” she whispered. “How long was he gone for?” “About ten-minutes age.” “You don’t have a Reduntian accent, you Earthborn?” “I live in the Palace, Madam.” “Did Faavel made you his slave? Why?” “He said he’s intrigued by the way I looked, and therefore gained the position to be his servant of the day. He said that if I pleased him enough, then I would live another day to serve him. He said that the record for most days survived by his past servants was eight.” “Well, your service ends now, because I know a way out. Can I address you by a name?” “It’s Craneri Watson.” “How do you pronounce that?” “Cran-eri.” “Getting to know each other, aye?” I bounced up to see that it was Faavel, Craneri backed away from me and instantly poured him a drink of water. He grabs the cup from her. “Looks like you might be serving me tomorrow, Craneri,” he smiled out the most slimiest expression I’ve seen yet. He was in a red velvet bathrobe, like he’d just had a shower, and he had on a clay face-mask, in the colour of dark green, while nibbling at an already peeled pear. “I need you to watch something with me, Ceo, or should I call you Ceoda, or Ce-Ce, or Madam Moore?” his tone is mocking, so I ignored him. “Acne problems?” I pointed at his face. “Oh, this mask isn’t for acne. It’s for you, I’m freshening myself up for the sex we’ll be having later.” “You were going to rape me on the floor of the throne room, whilst Larferna guards stood burning. Why class things up now?” “Because I have a soft spot for virgins,” he grinned out. How the… How did he find out about my sexual status? I stared at him, brainstorming all the possible reasons to how he had discovered it. “While you were unconscious, I had the idea to give myself a practice run at f*****g you. I needed to get you wet first, so I started jamming my fingers into your lady parts, hoping to get the juices flowing, but blood socked through instead. It was then that I realised you’re a virgin, because I broke your hymen. Its why I had to take a shower, as I got your blood all over me fingers,” he giggled to himself. I looked towards Craneri to see if what he said was true. Eri gave me a look that told me she was the one that cleaned me up. I was almost near vomiting when Faavel spoke up. “But before our f*****g session begins, I’ll like you to watch something with me,” he smiled out his offer and played the video, displaying it on a large 500 inch TV, which is hung above the wall across the King’s bed. It was Remipor’s war speech. He made it out, meaning Meeroc’s alive too. I finally released a stress that haunted me even when unconscious, but was brought back to other stresses when Faavel spoke. “Your King publicly ordered his War Commanders to meet him at a place where Quent once worked? Who the f**k is Quent?” he asked. I’m grateful that Faavel has no clue, but I’m pissed to reveal that neither does any of Remi’s War Commanders. I have to find a way to tell them, soon! “I’m a genius, but even I don’t know.” “I knew you’ll give me cliche answer like that, even for a genius.” “Well, I’m not a literature genius,” I remarked. “I’ll have to agree with that,” he smiled. Faavel started scrubbing his face with the half finished pear, which started to moisten his dried up clay mask. The pear managed to get half the clay off his face, then he walked up to Craneri. “Eat it,” he ordered nicely. Eri looked disgusted, and I even more so. She hesitated long, but Faavel stood unwavering. She finally took it from him, and bite hard and fast, while she cried out her humiliation. Faavel walked to a basin of water by the window, which is overlooking the destruction of Remi’s Royal Garden. He then washed the rest of the clay off his face. “When Remi posted that video, I started re-watching his first speech multiple times. He mentioned that his previous surname was Falenarr, he also said that his age was 21, and I know that 21 is the age Earthlings graduate from school. So I had my men search for every newly graduated student who’s last name is Falenarr. And there it was, Quent Falenarr, who is Remipor right?” he looked at me, trying to analyse my expression to see if I’ll give in, but I remained still and ignored him. “Then I had people search for Quent Falenarr’s entire employ-history, and I found nothing.” Quent only worked at Kerra’s for less than two days, which didn’t give Kerra enough time to register his status as employed, therefore making Quent’s employ-history lack history. “So this time I’m not going to ask who Quent is, but rather where does Quent once worked?” “Bowling centre, the one based in Remelan City.” “I know your lying, Ce-Ce.” “You think the only way I’m going to tell the truth, is if you hurt me for it.” “You guessed right, Madam Moore.” “What if the bowling centre is actually where Remi’s located.” “Then I’ll still hurt you, I’ll do it until you scream out all the possible locations, and then I’ll have my soldiers search each one until they find him. If not, then I’ll come back here, and repeat the many beatings and rapes you’ll be enduring. But first I’ll like my practice f**k.” He cheered himself up and leaned into Craneri to rip her dress apart, revealing her ripe chest. Faavel gave Eri a full blown smash in the head with his knuckles, and bended her over. I quickly took the basin of water he previously used, and swung it to let it meet Faavel’s face. It knocked him over, though he flexed back up without damage. “F**k the practice!” He kicked Craneri until she submitted to sleep. “Ceo, I think I’ve withholded my lust for you long enough.” I dodged away from him but he caught me by my wrist, and swung me onto the table where Remi, Octlyn and I had lunch this afternoon. Faavel slapped me to shut up and swiftly cut all my clothes off. His crotch was dangling near inches away from mines, we were both naked and I knew what was coming next. He was strong, so all the efforts of pushing him was useless, but even though it was pointless in doing so, I still couldn’t stop myself from trying. He gripped both of my ankles and swung them above to meet his face. Licking my feet while doing so. I forcefully landed both my feet down to his chest and planted it there, forcing all my natural strength to push him off. It didn’t work, and I started to feel the tip of his manhood touching the surface of my pubic hair. One blink and Faavel’s face was blank and fleshly scarred by a knife wound made by the presumed unconscious Craneri. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped me in it. “Get us out… Please,” Craneri pleaded. “I remembered that there was more than nine secret doors in this room, let’s enter that one,” I pointed near the statue and we limped ourselves towards it, then I lifted the fingernail of the statues right thumb, and we heard a secret latch open from the toilet. So we limped again, this time to Quent’s bathroom. It was the mirror that revealed itself to be the secret door. I lifted Craneri above the sink, as Faavel had kicked her to near disability. I got in after her and quickly closed the mirror to hide our escape route. Corridors amongst corridors were all we could walk towards, it had room tags and numbers on each exit door. The one we needed to find was room K-24. “You cleaned up the blood caused by my hymen, right?” I asked, Craneri nodded empathically. “What else did Faavel do to me?” “He made me inject you with a diluted form of adrenaline, to quicken your arouse.” “Is that all? I think I can handle it if he did worse.” “That was everything,” I nodded my relief.
I knew exactly where to lead us, we were going to room K-24, which is the 24th kitchen owned by the previous Royal Chef, Octlyn Remelan. The place where Meer and I had our first lip bond. I came here because the secret door that we had just went through conveniently leads to K-24. But my main target location was the council chamber, its unknown to the public so there’s a high chance that Annel and the rest of the councilmen would be hiding there. Luckily, Deconi had a private-lined phone planted in every secret room in the Royal Palace. I pressed the ‘CC’ option on the phone and waited for it to be picked up. “Hello?” It’s her, thank f**k. “Annel?” “Boss?” “Are you physically okay?” “Yeah… You?” “Uh huh… Did you watch Remipor’s war speech?” “We’ve just seen it fifteen-minutes ago, and I’ve already made sure that the War Commanders know where Quent is.” “You’ll be getting a salary bump for that. Are they heading now?” “They’re already with him, and are planning to attack soon.” “Any other relevant intel?” “That every Reduntian is searching for you as of five-minutes ago.” “Good, that should distract the majority of their guards.” “Why do you want them distracted?” “What? Would you rather have them continue in their celebrations of defeating us this afternoon?” I barked, it must be the adrenaline rousing up my anger. “What about the percentage of casualties?” I asked. “There’s below nine million soldiers left at the Larferna tree, and 57% of the Palace residents are dead.” “Do you know how many Reduntian soldiers Faavel has with him?” “Not yet, but the War Chief is guessing just over one-million.” “Did you tell the War Chief that guessing is a word most used in the realm of unreliability?” “I’ll tell him via voice-mail,” she jested. “Annel, hav-” the door to K-24 opened without any hardship, and I thought or hoped that it would be Craneri. “Ce-Ce? I think I need those bandages on your forehead more than you do. So take them off, please?” jested Faavel, while blood drenches down his face. “How did you find us so fast?” I asked. “I had Craneri inject you with some blood metal.” “I thought it was adrenaline,” shouted Eri. “We’re going to have matching scars, real soon,” he pointed at her. “What’s blood metal?” I asked, drawing the attention to me. “It’s a type of Reduntian metal that radiates radio waves, making it very easy to track. Our scientists merged it with blood to make sure its compatible with humans. And it was, so we injected it onto every slaves and prisoners we own. Including you,” he gestured at me with his short sword. “How would I get it out my system?” “Just drain every drop of blood from your body, that’s all.” “Or I could just get an Exporta, find myself a new vessel, with new blood.” “Ceo, the body you have right now suits me fine,” he flirted. Then Faavel starting unbuttoning his shirt, and went to do the same with his trousers. “Your rare use of self control is the biggest reason to why I’ll never give myself to you freely,” he had himself a giggle then, and found his way to the cushion bench where Meer and I had our first kiss. He sat down on it and crossed his legs. “And what does self control consist of?” he asked, playfully. “You want an example?” “I’ll love one, maybe even two.” “Well, after reviewing the trauma you’ve caused me, and the invasion of my natural body. I managed to channel enough reasons to kill you. If I aim to hurt you now, that would make me lack self control, and vice versa.” I lunged at him with a blade, aiming for his neck, but he replaced my target with his left palm, and the knife went right through it. “But I haven’t the mind for self control today.” I twisted the knife whilst he looked at me like he’d just ejaculated, and quickly and unexpectedly pierced a blade into my right bicep. Craneri pulled me away from him and instantly detached the knife from me. She quickly wrapped it with her sleeve, to prevent blood loss. “Let’s make a run for it?” Eri asked, as she helped me up. “Separately, they can track me remember,” I handed her a card. “This card will grant you unlimited Exporta’s. It’s your pay for saving me from rape, and I’ll also offer you anything you ask for.” I kissed her hands in thanks and ran out the room and into the Royal hallway. Craneri leaped back into the secret corridors to find herself another hiding spot. As soon as I stood outside, I knew Faavel’s guards would be waiting, but I ran anyway. As predicted, they didn’t bother chasing me, though they did follow me at a very slow pace. I kept running for the stairs, and Reduntian guards surrounded the whole Palace. They just stared at me, smirking their smirks. “Wait, Ceo! Hey,” shouted Faavel. I turned to measure the distance with my rough estimates, he was eleven soldiers away from me. A small young boy, maybe sixteen, stopped me by wrapping his two arms around me. He turned me around to face his boss, and Faavel stopped where he was. “You don’t touch her! Her flesh is too valuable for just any man to hold her,” ordered Faavel. The young boy instantly released me. I bolted as soon as that happened, aiming for the stairs. I looked behind me once more, to see that the sixteen year old boy was now holding his freshly decapitated legs. Running was starting to get harder, I knew it was only my right bicep that had gotten hurt. Though any sort of damage to the body still drags a women from running her peak speed. Still… Faavel purposely slowed himself down, just to leave the right amount of distance between us. Transitioning from stairs to flat surfaces such as the rooftop I am at now, was a great relief for my stamina. Now my phobia of being trapped has replaced my worry of overusing my lungs. Faavel is currently locking all possible exit doors via a turn of a simple key. “What do you even want with me? I thought you only came for that f*****g tree!” I pointed towards the Larferna Tree, which forced me to see that Remi’s Royal Army is already in battle formation. Faavel doesn’t even seem bothered by it. “My brother and the whole of Reduntia does, but it’s you who makes this whole trip worth it.” “What did I do to make myself so present in your mind?” “Your music for a start, I’ve been listening to it for years! Also how you’ve earned yourself enough money to feed an entire Galaxy! You’re the only girl to make my brother jealous.” “So you’re just like any other generic fan, you get off on other people’s achievements.” “I want to be apart of your life, Ceo, and if I can’t be a constant thought in your mind, then at least allow me physically connect with you?” “I’ve met millions of my fans already, and most of them usually try to touch me, I got used to it. But the level of commitment on your obsession with me is beyond the peak I’m used too.” “This is why I love you! You’re the only one who has the guts to stand up to me!” This psycho says he loves me, and in truth, his tone actually seems quite genuine. But it only made me more pissed at him, because this whole time I was hoping that Meer would be the first to address his love for me, not this Reduntian stalker. “I’m only just expressing myself Faav, calm down on the assumptions.” “Look… I’m sorry for breaking your hymen, but at least you were unconscious, thus allowing you to skip the tedious cleaning job. I haven’t actually penetrated you yet,” he smiled and got down on his knees. “I’m also sorry for hitting you. Ceoda, you were right about my lack of self control, because when I saw you made eye contact with that boy who laid on Remi’s lap, I knew you two had something that I will never experience, which caused me to temporally hate you for it, and hating someone usually leads me to beat them on the spot,” he started buttoning up his shirt now. “I’m not a sex addict, Ceo, I know you look at me like I am one. But to be honest, I’ve never raped anyone before. You’re the only person who can motivate me to such lows… To such desperations.” “Maybe that’s a sign stating you should stay away from me then?” he obeyed me by distancing himself by roughly fifteen yards. “I meant literally stay away from me, not just mere yards.” “You’re the first person to inspire me to defy my brother Sergusto’s orders. I was only meant to kidnap Remi and Octlyn, but I added you to the list for my own purpose. I risked my position for you!” I shunned away from his direction and looked beyond the Larferna Lands. I could see a helicopter half a mile away, then immediately I saw a f*****g rope attach itself around my hips. Faavel saw it too, and bolted to me within seconds. I jumped off the roof and he caught me on my left ankle. The helicopter started to automatically pull the rope that’s attached to my hips. Until I was close enough to see who was doing the pulling. “Get off her,” shouted Meeroc, as I was hanging from the flying helicopter with Faav dangling below my ankle. “No! We could trade him for Octlyn!” I told him. Deconi and Remipor was trying to pull me up. Then Faavel instantly pulled himself above my knees and yanked me down with him. The boys loss grip on the rope and Meer loss hold me, so I quickly used my left hand to grab onto something, and I did, but it was only a pommel to an eight inch short sword. “Ceo! I just realised that dying with you would be much better than�"” The rope that binds us to the helicopter suddenly stopped falling. Faavel and I both felt like our limbs detached from the sudden halt. “Don’t make me cut you off, I have a knife!” But he ignored me and kept yanking us down. If the injection Craneri gave me wasn’t blood metal, and was indeed adrenaline, then I would have most likely overdosed on it as of this moment. We were now at least a quarter mile in distance to the helicopter. If he keeps yanking, we’ll both be dead by the time the rope reaches half a mile. I acknowledge that keeping Faavel alive would or might save Octlyn, as we could use him for a bargaining tool. But I’m selfish, and I don’t want to die. So I started slashing at his wrists, trying to cut Faavel off. I failed, due to the fact that I have a sword that doesn’t seem to reach him at all, also he seems to have expert parrying skills, and my dominant arm is currently out of use, due to the knife wound on my right bicep. “Maybe that’s a sign stating you shouldn’t try to avoid this beautiful moment of dying together?” questioned Faav. I ignored him and continued in trying to decapitate his hand, which is currently on my left ankle. But it was useless, and he was still able to parry my attacks while yanking us down at the same time. So I closed my eyes and placed the knife behind my left kneecap, and started sawing. My blood began from drips to near waterfall-standard, pouring onto Faavel’s wistful face. He tried to grab onto my other ankle but I kept kicking him off. Then he tried climbing up my left leg, but the blood flowing from my knee blinded his sense of direction.
“I’ve never seen anyone get away from me with such supreme energy before! You’re starting to make me feel as insecure as my big brother!” he laughed out, but his joy turned to admiration when I finally sawed off my lower leg. As they pulled me back up to the helicopter, I saw a sadistic man hugging my independent calf, falling to his death. I cried then and there, not for Faavel, nor the pain, and not even for my lost calf, which is fully recoverable via Exporta. I cried for Octlyn, because if our five ships fail to retrieve him before Sergusto finds out about his little brothers death. Then we wouldn’t just be worrying about saving Octlyn, we would also be worrying about keeping him alive. © 2018 R. Linskey |
Added on August 26, 2016 Last Updated on April 30, 2018 Tags: fantasy, sci fi, psychological drama, pov Author