Do you think you might need relationship help because your partner sometimes seems like an alien?
Does it seem that the person with whom you are trying to communicate
is from a different planet, or speaks an entirely foreign language to
Well, I don’t know about the planet part, the language difference can
be VERY real. The way we use words, posture, tone of voice and facial
expression to convey our messages means we’re speaking several languages
at once, too. It’s amazing we can talk to one another at all!
Don’t despair. You can communicate"if you both are willing and have
the desire to do so. Yes, that’s a big IF in many cases. You so want
that person to know what you think, feel and want. You need them to know
so that the relationship can progress positively. The first step in the
conversation is to ascertain if you both want the relationship to
improve. And, in every primary romantic relationship, that willingness
can be very differently motivated. Hopefully, your partner wants to
understand and be understood, too.
After thirty years of making it easier for people to have difficult
conversations, I really know how frustrating, confusing, irritating and,
even, debilitating an unresolved issue can become. I’ve had them, too!
Talk is the only real vehicle we have for creating a solution. Yes, of
course, there is always the very clear message of cleaning out the house
and the bank account to make a statement. I get that, but I don’t
recommend it. Learning to both express ourselves clearly and check that
the message was accurately received are imperative steps.
Hearing is when our ears work. Listening is when our head and heart
are engaged in the activity with our ears. The closer the relationship,
the more listening and less just hearing is required. Of course, wise
people choose to listen more than hear in most cases. And, there are the
“Of course, I’m listening. I can watch the game (or fold the clothes) and listen to you at the same time.”
NOT! You might think you can, but you actually cannot. The brain
can’t do that, so, neither can you. At least, not with the care and
attention your partner and the relationship deserves.
The real MEAT AND POTATOES of all this is that people process life,
language, events and feelings differently than one another. Each
person’s perception is tinted by their current perspective and their
past experience. Each person expresses themselves differently for those
same reasons.
Sorry, but no one is actually right about anything other than facts
that can be substantiated. And that’s where the the trouble usually
brews: each person wants to be right. And, each is right…from their
point of view.
It is only when we are willing to give up the focus on wanting to be
right and are ready to work together, that the relationship will
progress and true intimacy can be created. Sure, one still says ‘Potatoes” and the other, “Petahtuhs,” but if you really want to cook together, you might want to make a shared decision to call them “SPUDS” and learn to move on. If you don’t, it is likely you both could starve!