Do you have a partner, boss or co-worker who you would often"operant word, often"describe
as crazy-making? Does s/he frequently seem to give with one hand and
grab it back with the other? This can be a description of the emotional
and verbal behavior of a passive-aggressive person.
My friend, Brenda, was telling me about her friend, Joy, just
yesterday. Brenda told me that Joy offered to come and help her because
she is so indisposed as a result of illness just now that the slightest
bit of housework seems daunting. Joy asked what help she most wanted.
Brenda told her friend that it would be most appreciated if the alarming
pile of dishes could be washed, dried and put away. That was a top
priority so that she could, at least, eat.
Joy started the dishes. Within ten minutes, Brenda heard this:
“I hate doing dishes. I don’t even have to do dishes at my own
home. My husband does them. It sure seems strange that I should come all
the way over here and be doing them for you.”
Does that sound at all familiar? Has someone ever asked you
what they could do for you, agree to do it, and then start complaining
about doing it? This is an example"among many, many, many"of
passive-aggressive behavior.
How does it become passive-aggressive? The person
appeared to want to be helpful. The person asked what task would be
helpful. The person agreed to do the task. The person complained about
doing the task. In the complaining, the person persistently twists the
situation to make the person they say they want to help feel guilty for
needing help, for asking for help, or for suggesting what kind of help
they most needed. They never take responsibility for their own choices,
words and actions.
Perhaps they did not want to help, but thought they should. That
might be understandable. It’s not uncommon for folks to do things they
don’t like to do to help another person in need. Complaining about it
is problematic.
Here’s where things go sideways: The
passive-aggressive person"Joy, in this case"cannot and/or will not tell
the truth about their preferences, feelings or, even, actions. They
never say exactly what they mean, and then they blame you if (a) you
misunderstand them, or (b) you question them, or strangely enough, (c)
if you count on them. In the case above, Joy, the dishwasher, had two
choices: she could do the dishes happily because she wanted to give
Brenda the most important help she needed, or, she could have told the
truth. If she had really wanted to help Brenda, she would have just done
the dishes without comment, in a spirit of friendship. If she couldn’t
face the dishes, simply saying, “Anything but dishes. I hate doing dishes.” would have been more honest. They might even have had a laugh over it, and another task would have been chosen.
Passive-aggressive people are reluctant to assert themselves directly, in firm, tactful and, preferably, thoughtful ways.
They are afraid of asserting themselves because they think it is
aggressive to be honest. Strange, but true! They are often afraid that,
if they were honest and assertive in the first place, it might lead to a
confrontation. Passive-aggressive people want to avoid conflict ,
challenge, disagreement or possible attack. That’s why it feels so
under-handed when we experience them. They don’t tell the truth up
front, then, they find a back door for giving voice to their feelings: “I hate doing dishes.” It
is under-handed, because you feel tricked. Passive-aggressive people
only appear to be passive. They are very indirectly aggressive, and they
often get more skilled with age…especially when no one stops them!
So, if you have a crazy-making partner or co-worker that you
recognize in this scenario, AND the behavior is often repeated, you may
well be experiencing their passive-aggression. The most important thing to note is that this behavior will continue if you continue to play.
The passive-aggressive person needs another person to be the object of
his or her hostility. S/he will pick a person whose demands and
expectations s’he feels s/he can resist. Then, the stage is set.
What is important here is that you might think that you have a
relationship problem. You do in the sense that there are two of you
participating, however, the problem will only persist if you allow it to
continue. It takes two for passive-aggression to have life. It is not
something a person can do alone.
So, what to do?
- Know yourself well.
- Know, express and maintain your boundaries.
- Be willing to consistently communicate.
- State the consequences of the behavior continuing.
So, for my friend, Brenda, I suggested she might try saying this the next time something like this happens:
“Joy, I truly appreciate your offer to help while I am unable to
do things for myself. Feeling dependent is not my favorite thing, but
having friends pitch in happily takes the sting out of it. I would never
ask anyone to do something for me that they resent doing. If you do not
want to do the dishes, please do not do them. Could we make an
agreement that you will not undertake to do anything for me that you do
not want to do? That will make it easier on both of us.”
My friend was quite taken aback by the directness I suggested. She
was sorry that it could be necessary. Of course, it would be lovely if
passive-aggression did not rear its ugly head, but it does and it will
continue to plague us unless we take definitive, assertive action.
So, if you have a crazy-making partner or co-worker, think about the
four steps above and how you could consistently apply them. You’ll both
be better off in the long run. Remember, we are 100% responsible for
teaching people how to treat us.