The Lost Dragon Diary

The Lost Dragon Diary

A Story by Rhiannon Dragonraine

Written for the "Dragons" contest- the idea of writing about dragons ran away with my imagination- hopefully you enjoy it.


12Th day of August in the year of Our Lord Fifteen hundred and ninety two~


    There is a very grim scene outside the castle walls that disturbs me greatly. The villagers have finally seen my dearest friend flying over the village in the night and have misconstrued the intent of his nightly visits. They do not understand him, nor his reason for staying close. Agitation, anger and fear roll in waves over the castle walls to batter against my heightened sensitivities. It is a blinding, stabbing pain that began assaulting me i the early morning hours. There is the taste of blood lust, its coppery poison buried deep within this fear. I believe perhaps it is being stirred by one who does comprehend, which bothers me even more.~


~I fear for my dark one, the blood lust grows more and more, its sanguinary tang near choking the very breath from my body and leaving me prostrate in my chamber. What enrages me is that this outrage truly boils down to ignorance. They know nothing of Talen, the dark one that they fear. It may become necessary for me to find a way out of the castle to warn him of the impending danger.~



~...The time has come that I must steal away. The mob is too well enraged now to be reasoned with. I see no recourse but for the both of us; as i would feel lost without my dear Talen, to flee. Perchance we will be able to find a more friendly climate elsewhere, though I doubt that will be possible with the rampant ignorance that abounds in regards to his kind. Still I must attempt to warn him somewhere.  I have packed my belongs and am prepared. Now I am off.~


13Th day of August in the year of Our Lord Fifteen hundred and ninety two~


~Securing a way out of the castle was indeed difficult, however one of the maids believes in romantic notions and as such was convinced me off to a secret tryst with a lover, with whom I would elope. She, being a woman well infatuated with the idea aided me most helpfully. Thus I was able to make outside the castle walls and on my way, secure in the knowledge that my absence would be hidden as long as possible.


     I have presently stopped for a short respite on my way to Talen's Cave. While i am well aware of it's location, it proves more difficult than I believed to find from the ground. Normal circumstances would find me upon his back soaring over the dark green trees to his abode. Unfortunately I fear that such circumstances shall never be repeated.

My apprehension grows by each passing hour. I battle the encroachment of doubts as well with the passing time. I fear that my sense of direction may not be worth the importance and faith I have placed upon it. However I will persevere. I have faith that God will see me prevail. For now however I must continue on.~


~The closing of this day has indeed seen my greatest triumph. My soul soars for I have attained success. The present moment finds me, comfortably perched upon a rock within the homey walls of Talen's Cave.

     Upon my arrival he sought to mask his surprise, having found me confused and tired, near tears mere yards from his habitation. My mind had tricked me and I believed I was in the wrong place, frustrated and scared I was in the process of calming myself when he approached.

I was once again struck with awe; amazed at the stealth with which Talen is able to maneuver his considerable bulk. He advanced upon me in utter silence then proceeded to frighten years off my life span with his greeting.

      Talen is possessed of the deepest richest voice; its sound smoky and sensual reverberating throughout one's soul when he speaks. However when it unexpectedly booms "Who Goes There!?!" in of course the fiercest of growls; it can give one quite a scare. My trepidation faded however when a deep chuckle rumbled through him.

     "Talen!  You mustn't give me such a scare!" I scolding returned as I pivoted to take in his mammoth beauty. At that point the sun shone behind him, making him nothing more than a hulking black shadow against its bright light.

     "I must say I am surprised Lady Annabelle, this is the first time you have sought out my humble abode of your own volition. What is the occasion?" he lovingly said in the most courtly manner, while ducking his head in a semblance of a bow his front paw placed upon his chest in a sincerely respectful gesture. Talen does have such perfect manners.

     As I replied he moved out of the light of the sun, and again I was struck with his beauty. Though his size is gargantuan he retains the most graceful ease of movement, which is indeed enjoyable to view. Most of his reptilian form is covered in iridescent ebony scales, all of which are delicately trimmed in gold as if lovingly gilded by a master goldsmith. On his chest in smaller scales is a rose bud pattern complete with stem and a green leaf; its shape and form never ceases to confuse me for the amount of artistry that seemed to go into creating such a wonderful display upon his sizable breast. The blood red of the bud and vibrant green of the foliage create a stark contrast to the larger black scales that cover the rest of his body. Upon the massive creature, whose height I would have to guess as being close to seventy feet tall, this seemingly tiny rose was his weak spot, the scales there softer than others, it lay right above his heart; though I share this informations within these pages knowing and intending that this diary remains secure within my own possession.

     His massive leathery wings, which he stretched from time to time as we talked, were outlined with a luminescent silver edge. The unscaled leathery skin which make up the bulk of his wings are translucent enough to let the radiance and brilliance of the sunlight shine through them, causing one to ponder upon how they manage to lift his considerable bulk off the ground, let alone allow him to remain airborne or execute the wondrous aerial acrobatics I have seen him capable of.

    Sunbeams glitter of his tale, which stretches behind him almost forty feet, calmly swishing back and forth. He had crafted a rather beautiful cover for the spear-sharp end of his tale. Talen told me once he had used the heat of his breath to melt several pieces of silver and gold together then he had gently inlaid many precious and semi-precious gems. It was these gems which caught the light, and so appealingly sparkled in whatever light there was be it  sunlight or moonlight. He once confided this creation was meant for a purpose, he had hoped to attract a mate by displaying such finery so openly, but when it had not he had been so proud of his creation he continued to wear it.

     Though all of this was indeed impressive I do believe it is his face which leaves the largest impact upon a person's heart and soul. The head which tops his long neck is gigantic. However it remains proportionate to the rest of him.

    His mouth is large and filled with dangerous-looking razor sharp teeth, which he somehow keeps immaculately clean. Shinning with white brilliance, they are an utterly eye-catching contrast against his ebony scales. I so suppose that if one is not in acquaintance with Talen the sheer monumental size of his canines could be a bit fear inspiring. However if that is not what strikes fear in people then perhaps it the smoke which seems to billow constantly from his over sized nostrils. I must admit, much to my chagrin, I have often wondered how he has survived with an ever-burning fire in is innards, and as much as I have pondered this politeness has kept me from inquiring.

     His nose is long and fairly broad stretching up to his almond shaped eyes. At its bridge he has markings which i suppose could be called freckles though that seems a paltry explanation for the generous peppering on them which show against the midnight black scales of the rest of him like the stars in the sky on a clear night. In fact looking at his face one is reminded of star gazing so much does he resemble the night sky.

    His most attention holding feature however are his eyes. They look to be the size of a large man maybe even larger. Almond shaped they glowed radiantly silver appearing to hold shafts of moonlight and the wisdom of the ages within their silvery depths.Looking into his eyes gives a person the feeling of looking through the ages, even as it seems he looks into your soul. These eyes were windows into his soul if one would just take the opportunity to gaze into them, they would realize that within this hulking, monstrous body lay the soul of a gently loving poet; at least at this point in his life.

    Talen; whose name is literally a bastardization of the word "talon"; of course given to him for his enormous, and from what I am told uniquely silver claws(as Talen is the only dragon I have ever met I have no basis for comparison, however his unique claws are a matter of pride for him, but I digress)Talen, as  I began , has not always been a dragon, in fact many of the dragons that have been  sung about in song and told of in legend and that we are presently hearing about, haven't always been so. It is said at least with their circles that the oldest dragons were originally men and women and that this form, power, wisdom and responsibility with which they find themselves currently possessed was a gift; a reward from the Gods of Old.

     Ah, but the hour grows late and the fire grows low. Talen has been asleep for hours while I have scribbled away here within my diary's pages. Worry surrounds him even though he sleeps, as I have divulged the reason for my coming as well as carrying most of my belongings with me. Though we argued about my joining him, we two have decided to leave with the morning light, to seek out sanctuary in another place. Talen has told me of a muttered rumor among the dragons of the world, of a door into the Land of the Fey. Within this land there is a King there who offers sanctuary, safety and protection to any dragon wishing to seek it there. I have convinced him to let me join him on his journey though we are unsure how the Fey King will react to my presence. However I feel as we have no other option as i am sure that my absence and its true reason shall be, if it hasn't already been surmised. After all I was quite vocal in my defense of the "Monstrous Flying Lizard Demon" as they were calling him.

     I spent many hours this evening fashioning a harness and bags so that myself and his belongings may be transported upon his back. I do hope that it is not far as this burden will be considerable weight for him to bear. For now however I must say ado and get what rest I can, perchance in the morning I will be able to spare the time to recount his tale in your pages.~

14Th day of August in the year of Our Lord Fifteen hundred and ninety two~

~I awoke this morning to a most incredible sight, within the treasure he has collected over the years, Talen discovered a beautifully ornate carriage. Being the intelligently inventive creature that he is has removed its wheels and fashioned it onto the harness so that I may ,in his words, travel in the comfort a Lady deserves. This is indeed quite and interesting set up; the carriage upon his back and the large bags carrying his belongings hanging on either side behind his wings. I am so deeply touched by his thoughtfulness, though it points to a much longer voyage than I had expected.

    We filled the bags, and managed to get most of his treasure within their depths without impeding his ability to fly. The weight doesn't seem to hinder him, even with the carriage perched upon his back and for that I am thankful. I am sad that he has to leave anything behind but at least we managed to get the bulk of it and he assures me that what is left behind is things that he will not miss and hold no sentimental value for him.

     This present moment finds me nestled against a rather plush carriage seat, high above the forest. We have long since passed over the village and my fear for his safety has dissolved. However It is said the doorway lies far beyond the shores of the New World and I am unsure if Talen will make it across the Ocean. The Dragon's that Talen had talked to said to first fly west to the shore of the new land then to continue southwest- though more west than south until you see see snow-capped mountains. Once within the mountains you must search the highest peaks. The Doorway lies upon a high snow covered peak far past the shores of the New World.

    As we have flown, Talen has graciously entertained me with his tale. In fact he says he wishes me to make record of it within this journal, so that in the even that this journey is a failure. I, of course, scolded him for such negative thinking but however I did agree to make record of his tale for posterity, so that his hatch-lings and my grandchildren may enjoy it and the truth be uncovered.

~So follows his story in his exact words~

      "Long ago before the church had made its way into the world, Long before the Romans had trekked about our shores. I lived as a man. Compared to my current size I was diminutive though in comparison to other humans I was large in stature.

     My mother had named me Liam and I was proud to be the Clan Chief's son. My clan was not overly large though we were mighty and skilled. In that time that clans fought bloody battles for land as none were established and truly held. We were nomadic moving to whatever land we won in battle though our dream was to settle and expand what land we could.Being on the move constantly makes life hard on women and children. Truth be told it is harsh for men as well.

    We were warriors, my brothers and I, eight in all we numbered. I was eldest and therefore next chief in line. When my father passed over the threshold of death and the chieftainship was passed to me, I made the decision that no longer we roam.

    The land we were on we would stay upon. Battling to defend it, building permanent dwellings and from that small area we would expand. At this time clan chiefs did not hold council together not did they ally themselves with each other this was something I wished to change.

      I set about creating my ideal and as we were successful and our clan thrived; others followed suit. Life settled down and became less harsh. There was a peace of sorts. We held council and hosted many clan chiefs in those days and a system was set up in which land was divided, a compromise that bread goodwill between all involved. That was when the Gods made themselves known to us. Visiting members of the clan, speaking through healers. There were those who sought the advice of the Gods whose names we did not yet know, and were granted advice and the blessed wisdom of their names.

     We built a great circular temple to them we set large stones as the supports and carved the symbols they gave to us upon them. The women wove massive coverings of reeds which were lashed on the outside of the stones to create walls of a sort. Most of the time we left the roof open however we did have a large woven piece which could be attached so that our communion could be continued in the even of a storm. While in communion the Gods taught us how to watch the world around us and to plant at first the right time how to store food for harsh winters and gave us writing. They spoke through symbols and through the voice of those who sought their advice.

     Life flourished my clan did well I was proud. Then all that came to an end. The Gods, like all clans had enemies who sought to destroy what they had created and claimed as their own, which in turn meant we humans.

     There was a great invasion of grotesque beings, monsters with darkness in their hearts who laid siege to the land. We suffered droughts then floods and still survived. This is when they became enraged, by our continued survival and began attacking kidnapping women and children, planting their twisted seen in the women's wombs so that any offspring were crippled and misshapen. They stormed our villages, attacking furiously, leaving our warriors mangled and in pieces. Their bloody innards spread in a gruesome display in our Fields.

     Twenty of the clan chiefs, myself included, banded together to defend out people. We sought the advice and aid of the Gods. At their suggestion we gathered our warriors and sought their enemies habitation. We attacked while they slept to gain a much needed advantage. The battle was both horrific and glorious.

     Many of our warriors suffered mortal wounds, but we were triumphant in thrashing these malevolent creatures and those that were remaining fled. At the end of the battle I lay broken and bleeding on the battlefield, in a similar situation as many of our force did. I knew that my time was coming to an end so I grabbed the first semi-hale warrior I could find telling him that I wished my chieftainship to be entrusted to my brother Kyle. Then I reluctantly resigned myself to the fact that I was at death's threshold. I seemed to linger there forever, the pain making me wish for the black release of my own demise.

     Just as my last breath was shuddering through my fragmented body this wondrous ethereal blue light appeared in the sky. The Earth shook, the winds blew and rain poured down. We heard the God's cry. Pain ebbed out of my body and the moans of other injured men were silenced. I knew then I was not the only one experiencing this phenomenon.

     Night had fallen though clouds covered the sky. The clouds began to part, the moon and stars were clear to see though the torrential down pour continued. The silvery light of the moon shifted in to the form of a beautiful woman, with pearly sterling hair whipping in the wind. Tears glittering like diamonds in her opalescent glow shown on her cheeks. Then she spoke her voice the most melodious voice, I had ever heard, flowed around us in gentle caress.

    'Brave warriors this should not be your last day. You are as my children and I am, loathe to see you fade away. My pride and belief in you is warranted you have proven your worth; seeking to better your lives and of those around you and now bravely offering them up to protect those you are responsible for. I will not let my enemies win and so I grant you all a glorious gift.' The winds whipped around us and the rain poured down, Before I know it I was in this form, a new name and life placed upon me and those that had fought with me.

     "I have created you anew as dragons now capable of protecting those you are charged with protecting on your own. Your life is endless unless struck upon your weak spots. I bless you my children and charge you to protect the humans who are so weak and fragile."

    So it has been since then. We dragons protected humans, learned from the Gods and passed on that knowledge, for centuries now. The treasures we hold are gifts from grateful humans. Never have we hurt them unless in self defense.Now the New Church has twisted our precious human's perceptions of us. In the minds of humans we have become the monsters we actually seek to save them from. Creatures of the Churches mythological Devil, spurned, feared and hunted. It is because of this we must flee.

     Oh, Lady Annabelle, 'tis a long and horrid tale I have told you but on that needs to be told. You have oft times asked me why I share my wisdom with you. Now I will give you the answer that is so simple. You are my descendant. Before I passed on and shed my human life I had planted a child in my mate's womb, though she  never knew her father I always watched over her closely. Through the centuries I have watched over and moved with my children's children's children which led me to watching over you and your village

    Now, to my knowledge you are the only human who knows the true origin of us fire breathing creatures and how our wonderful gift became a curse."

      When he finished Talen sighed heavily and was silent as I sobbed my own grief for this, my majestic ancestors loss and banishment.~


29Th day of August in the year of Our Lord Fifteen hundred and ninety two~


~We are here! We have found the door atop a peak in the New World! The journey was arduous and most nights left me too tired to put quill to paper. Instead I was fast asleep long before we stopped, but we have prevailed, We made it!  We stand on the precipice about to cross over the threshold into the Other world. Though I would dearly love to retain this journal and continue recording our adventured and all that we experience. I fear I must leave it on this side of the doorway to ensure that the truth shall be known. Since my own fate is the Other world is unknown I leave it here that someone may find it.

      i hope that whomever does, understands and then shares it with the world, so that the brave and honorable dragon species may emerge in the future to take up protecting humankind once again. My hopes and dreams, the truth of this all reside within these pages, may they enlighten those who find it.

~I sign this for the last time, not with my real surname but with one I have taken upon myself as I begin my new life~


Lady Annabelle Draco~

© 2008 Rhiannon Dragonraine

My Review

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rhi, firstly, and above all i love the depth and clarity of wording as well as the ammount of focused thought
projected into every carefully placed, caring, sentimental sentence, i could immediately feel a certain
pull of force, which caused me to read slowly and take advantage of every image to heartfelt degree, i have
to say really, you have beautifully expressed this in a way, i still feel transported, the lost dragon diary,
creatively imaginined as if you have lived through the experience yourself, its magical, brilliant, and
captures romantic fantasy, to be honest, i just cant see how much better this could be in my opinion,

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


you have great description and I like how you stayed within the language, I however found myself wanting to hear more about their journey, I felt a little let down that it ended so suddenly...... good work

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I loved the diary idea here - and how you stayed true to the language of the time. Not an easy thing to do. I adore dragons and the Fey (as you know lol). I loved the descriptions here; and adored the legend of the dragons' origins. great job here!


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

rhi, firstly, and above all i love the depth and clarity of wording as well as the ammount of focused thought
projected into every carefully placed, caring, sentimental sentence, i could immediately feel a certain
pull of force, which caused me to read slowly and take advantage of every image to heartfelt degree, i have
to say really, you have beautifully expressed this in a way, i still feel transported, the lost dragon diary,
creatively imaginined as if you have lived through the experience yourself, its magical, brilliant, and
captures romantic fantasy, to be honest, i just cant see how much better this could be in my opinion,

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

okay, there is a good start, but I think that you could make it even better...of course, that's just my opinion. I will share some of my thoughts a little more privetly when I have a chance. I really do like the descriptions. I was left wanting more though I know that will come with time. Over all I like it. Okay I think that's it for now...Goddess Bless!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 6, 2008


Rhiannon Dragonraine
Rhiannon Dragonraine

Waynesville, MO

I am a person who is on a journey to discover who and what they are. Everyday brings new surprises and ideas and I love that about life; the constant change used to scare me but now I am moving beyon.. more..


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