Chapter 5- Memories

Chapter 5- Memories

A Chapter by Rhonda



   It's Mike's birthday today. It's also singing day. There's ony four of us left: Rick, Shelly, Mike, and I.

   I'm now getting ready to take Mike to the mosque. We're scheduled to go at 10 a.m. It's 9:30 a.m. now.

   We are now in my car, just Mike and I. The mosque is about five miles from here.

   "I'm nervous." Mike says.

   "You shouldn't be. They'll treat you well, especially to recent converts. ou'll have good friends there."

   "I guess so. Thank you so much Alina for teaching me about Islam. You have changed my life."

   "You're welcome, Mike. It's a pleasure to teach that. Happy birthday!"

   "Thank you." he grins. "I'm impressed that you actually wore rge purple hijab, under piece, and necklace." we laugh.

   "In my opinion, it was the best present of the night." I laugh.

   "Glad it was."

   "Have you ever been to Ireland?"
   "I lived there when I was ten until I was fourteen." he says in an Irish accent.

   "Now we both have something in common."

   "What is that?" he returns American.

   "We've both lived in at least one foreign country."

   "True, but in completely different areas."

   "Yeah. Did you live in the city?"

   "Nope, we lived on the beach. It always rained, so you could never get tan. Your skin got lighter."

   "It was so hot, especially in Egypt. Your skin got darker."

   "One day, I want to go there."

   "I'll take you. Cairo is a bit crowded, but you'll like it."

   "I'll take you to Ireland."

   We've arrived to the mosque. Mike jumps like he's afraid.

   "You'll be fine."

   We walk in and everyone greets us. Then, we all sit down and witness his life change.

   "Repeat after me." the Imam says. He says the shahada, the statement in which a non-Muslim must say to convert. Mike repeats it.

   After that's done, everyone claps and says "Allahu Akhbar" which means "God's the Greatest". He is now a Muslim.

   "Mabrook." I say hugging him. That's one of the Arabic words I taught him earlier.

   "Shukran kteer."

   We decide to get "Starbucks". I always get the Caramel Frapuccino.

   "How did you feel?" I ask as we sit down inside.

   "It was an amazing feeling. It was one of the best feelings I've ever had."

   "Alhamdulilah. God will bless you. You will be in Jannah"- heaven- "forever."

   "Inshallah, I won't go to Hell."

   "I highly doubt it. You're a good person."

   "Thanks, so are you. I'm really glad I met you."

   "You too. You never thought that Islam would come in, huh?" I laugh.

   "I sure didn't." he looks in my eyes and my heart stops. One of these days, he'll figure it out.



   It's now down to three of us. Rick has left.

   In the top 3, which we're now in, we get to return to our home towns to sing for the people and go visit after four months of being in Hollywood.

   It's Thursday morning and I'm getting on the plane with my family.

   It takes about five hours to get to my home town, Santa Rosa, since it's eight hours by car.

   As I walk out from the plane, I see a whole bunch of people. The crowd cheers when they see me. It's like a dream come true already.

   My mother starts to get emotional when we get in the limo. There are huge crowds out in all the streets cheering for me. I start to cry too. The realization of this is so much to take in.

   We then go to my old high school and everyone from the school is out on the football field. I hug my friends and then get up on the stage they built and sing. I start to think that I could've been a Senior. Hopefully this career won't end.



   It's Friday and we're ready to get back. We board the plane and I decide that I'm tired. I sleep for the trip.

   "Wake up." my mother pats me.

   "Are we back?" I ask.

   "Yes. Come on, we must go." we rush to the exit and I see a bigger crowd of people.

   "Woah!" I say in awe.

   "Welcome to Cairo!" mother says happily.

   "No way!" I hug her.

   "Welcome to Cairo!" the crowd yells in Arabic.

   "Shukran kteer!" I yell out and start to cry. I've missed this place.

   We then get in the limo. We passed streets that I regonize. Then, we arrive at a huge buliding. It had no sign on it what so ever. We walk in and I see two of the biggest musicians in Arabia.

   "Woah!" I say and almost faint. It's two of my favorite stars, Nancy Ajram and Amr Diab.

   "Hello Alina!" they both say in Arabic and smile. They come up to hug me.

   "Is this a dream? This can't be happening." I laugh.

   "No, this is real." Nancy replies.

   "Now, let's go to the recording studio." Amr says.

   "Is this Rotana?" I ask.

   "Yes. As you probably know, Amr is in Rotana. I shall switch soon." Nancy says.

   We walk to the recording studio and it's amazing. It's very huge.

   "Once American Idol is over, you will have the chance to make a song with us." Amr announces.

   "I assume you'll choose Rotana." Nancy adds.

   "Of course." I say.

   "Try it out." Amr says.

   "Awesome." I walk in. I start to mix up songs. They clap loudly.

   "Bravo!" they exclaim.

   "Thank you."

   We talk a lot. I ask them so many questions about the music business.

   "If you make a mistake, it goes in the paper." Amr says.

   "Rumors can start too. But, you'll be fine." Nancy says.



   We're now going to my old house. There's people living there. Memories float throughout the house. Emotion strikes us all. Times were simpiler. There was no 9/11 or no bombing. As I look around the house, I see drawings on a wall. I remember that I made them. I was probably about four or five at the time.

   When we leave, I see someone. He's just standing at the fence.

   "Alina, do you remember me?" he asks in English. I figure out that it's Matthew.

   "Yes!" I run up and hug him.

   "It's been awhile." he says.

   "It has. How have you been?"

   "I've been great. Lebanon has recovered extremely since the bombing."

   "That's very good to hear. Sometime I'll go there."

   "You should. How's your life?"

   "Awesome. It gets busy though."

   I ask my father if I can take a walk with Matthew. He's fine with it since the hotel is not far way.

   "You got a boyfriend yet?" Matthew asks.

   "Nope. Do you have a girl?"

   "No. I have something I should tell you."

   "What is it?"

   "I'm Muslim now."

   "Since when?" I'm shocked.

   "Three years ago. I decided to study other religions. I fell in love with Islam."

   "Alhamdulilah. I just got someone to convert. We're best friends."


   "Mike. He's on the show too."

   "That's right. I read about that."

   "From where?"

   "In a magazine."

   "I see."

   "I must confess something else."


   "After you left, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I had these fantasies about you coming back. You're also one of the reasond I turned to Islam. To be honest, I had a crush on you ever since I met you." I have no idea what to say. I feel in love again when he looks in my eyes.

   "I did too, ever since I met you. I thought since a lot of girls were crushing on you, you wouldn't even think to pick me."

   "That's amazing. We both had feelings for eachother. How many girls liked me?"

   "Let's just say you always lit up the room."

   "Wow! You lit up the room too. So many guys liked you."

   "Really? I never noticed."

   "Oh man! They kept telling me that I was lucky to be friends with you."

   "You're kidding."

   "No, really. I still go to school with them. When they watch you on the show, they go crazy."

   "I bet the girls still go crazy when you come in the room."

   "You're a special person, Alina. It's okay if you say no to this question, but do you have feelings for me still?" I think about it for a second. I do, but I don't.

   "Frankly, I do. Do you?"

   "Ever since you left. Do you wanna date? We'll see if it works out." the moment I've been waiting for, but Mike is still in my heart.

   "Sure, but I'll ask my parents if it's okay."

   "I'll be in Hollywood when you're in the top 2. We'll talk there."

   "Are you sure that I'll make it that far?" I laugh.

   "Absolutely." he laughs.

   "I should go now. I'll talk to you then."

   "Just incase you don't make it, which I doubt, I'll go to your home town in California, okay?"

   "Okay. Bye Matthew."

   "Bye Alina." we part. I start to walk back to the old house. I wonder if he has turned around and watched me walk away like in the movies.

   I'm confused. I love two different guys. Who should I go for? I have a little over a week to think about it.


   "Khadijah, I need advice." We're in the hotel in our pajamas. She's my roomate.


   "Today when I saw Matthew, we walked a little. We confesses our feelings for eachother. He asked if we could date. But I also like Mike. I'm torn. I don't know who to go for."

   "This is a toughy. I would've said 'look in your heart', but that wouldn't help you. I think you should make a pros and cons list of them. Whoever gets the most pros is the right one."

   "Thank you. From your perspective, who do you think is better?"

   "Both of them are good. They're both good in different ways. Mom and dad would probably want you to marry a Lebanese more than an Irish."

   "Good pont. Mom said that Mike's a good marriage partmer though."

   "Another good point. I think he really likes you."


   "He stares at you for long periods of timr and can't stay away from you. When he talks to you, I can see it in his eyes."

   "What about Matthew?"

   "I could tell since a few years ago in Beirut."











© 2010 Rhonda

Author's Note

i'm so, so, so, so sorry for being late. i've been busy. i have more time for writing than computering. i promise that i'll type more. i'm on my 15th chapter in my notebook. i predict that the book will go until the 30's. it's gonna be long. please show my book to your friends :D thank you for those who read this <3

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I love it. Very beautiful written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The story is getting better. Many decisions to be made. Changing religion is a big step. Going back home is another big decision. The story is amazing. I like how you teach culture and tell a very good story. A excellent chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on November 13, 2010




I'm 13. I love to write and I love Arabic music and culture. No, my avatar is not a photo of me! It's a photo of my favorite singer, Nancy Ajram! Yes, I am American! more..

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