Wisdom's Decision

Wisdom's Decision

A Chapter by 'Hood' Fuller


The A-men: Furnace

Wisdom’s Decision

Exodus 18:21

But select capable men from all the people�"men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain �"and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.



When a child is in trouble, who does he look to? He goes to his parents for they are the most trusted sight he knows. When a city is in trouble, who does it turn to? It turns to its leader for it is the only help it knows. When a citizen is in trouble, who does she turn to? She turns to the hero for it is the greatest source of support. But when the heroes are in trouble, who can they turn to? Who is going to help those who are far mightier than them? Quite simply; who helps the helper, when the helper needs help?

Wondercare Hospital: One day later

                Kimora had waited all night by Sasha’s side. Not because she felt responsible for what happened but because she had a job to do. Watching over the humans of Earth who would otherwise have destroyed themselves by now was a job she had taken on since their creation. It was often difficult and sometimes seemed impossible. But Kimora wasn’t brought up as a quitter so she wasn’t going to start now. She knew what the effects of Dishearten were and she knew it would take quite some time before Sasha would be able to get rid of them. Then she thought about Malachi and the others. They had succumbed to Dishearten’s power as well. Even though it wasn’t nearly as concentrated as Sasha, they would need to recover as well, especially since they were all blindsided by her rival. If she had been just a few seconds quicker then she would have been able to catch Folly. However she wasn’t fast enough and now Folly and Dishearten were out causing harm somewhere. She couldn’t think about that right now. Until she heard something she would stay where she was.

                “Hey are you a nurse?”

                Kimora looked down and saw Sasha looking at her. She was relieved that he had finally woken up. Now the hard part was about to begin. “No Mr. Blair I am not a nurse. But I am here to help you.”

                “May I ask how?” Sasha wrenched. The accident might not have killed him but he was hurt pretty bad. His ribs were broken and he had numerous scrapes and cuts.

                “Well I am something of a psychologist. Basically my job is to explore your mind and find out what was wrong and help you get better.” Kimora said.

                “What do you mean; I was just in a car accident. There is nothing wrong with my mind.” Sasha said.

                “With all due respect Sasha, I am not one of the blind doctors walking around in this building. I know what you were doing I just don’t know why. So care to tell what was going on with you that would have led to such a drastic move?”

                Sasha attempted to keep the silence in the room going. But he couldn’t stop looking at Kimora. He knew that he was caught. He knew that she knew about his attempt at his life. What he didn’t know, was how she knew. For now though it was probably best to play along. If she was really trying to help then it would be worth talking to her. One thing he decided was that he didn’t want to be in that position ever again. “Ok Ms…?”

                “You may call me Kimora, Kimora Itsuki.”

                “Ok Ms. Itsuki, but you might want to clear your schedule. It is a long story.”

                Kimora listened while Sasha explained his story. Sasha had been dealing with post-traumatic stress brought about by the death of his new born baby. After this happened he started falling behind at work. As much as he tried to fix things it proved useless. Eventually his lack of progress led to him being fired. Once he was fired, he started getting the ideas of suicide. During the time the thoughts first arrived, he believed it was nothing more than desperation getting the best of him. It was easy at first to block out all of the voices at first. But then his wife came to him with news of wanting a divorce. The threat of her leaving and the possibility of his daughter going with her was too much for him to handle. That’s when the ideas became more prominent.  Sasha kept looking for ways to fix his problems but things only seemed to be getting worse. After a few weeks of constant failure he decided that it was time to end everything. Dishearten completely broke into his mind and messed him up entirely. Soon after that Sasha saw himself in his car on his way into the ocean. It was only by the grace of God that Sasha was able to be saved. Of course Sasha didn’t know about all of the A-men and Dishearten. He was oblivious to the fact that his suicidal thoughts weren’t self-generated and Kimora wasn’t about to tell him.

                “Well Sasha I am sure about one thing. This won't be an easy thing to get through. You will have to consciously decide that you want to get over this. I promise to help you with whatever it is you need to cope." Kimora said.

                As soon as Kimora finished there was a knock at the door. She opened it and saw a familiar face. The woman in front of her explained that they needed to talk urgently and that the conversation couldn't take place in front of Sasha. So Kimora relayed what she had to been told to Sasha.

                "Well when can I see you again?" Sasha asked.

                "As soon as I'm finished with this business I'll come back for you Sasha. Don't worry you are going to be ok." Kimora said. Then she left to confront her visitor. She didn't walk far from Sasha's room. She only moved far enough away so that Sasha wouldn't be able to hear. Then she started to talk. "So what is it Tracy?"

                Tracy smiled as if she had just heard a mediocre joke and she wanted to pity the one who told it. "Come now Wisdom, no one can hear us. We aren't human so there is no reason to keep behaving as though we are."

                "Alright then Ananchel. What is it that you want? In case you didn't notice, I was in the middle of something very important."

                "I believe this takes precedence." Ananchel said.

                "Just say what you need to say." Wisdom said.

                "Very well. After your team was attacked I examined their injuries. The scars left behind bear a striking resemblance to someone we both know."

                "Did you come all the way here to tell me that? I deduced who their assailant was shortly after I arrived. However I don't have time to go after her right now. There are other matters to attend to."

                "But stopping her is your job." Ananchel said.

                "No my job is to help the humans and stop her when she interferes. Currently she is laying low so she isn't my target." Wisdom said. "Now is that all you came to tell me? Because if it is, you just wasted a long trip down here."

                "Of course that wasn't all I had to tell you. I wanted you to know that more of them are starting to get involved again. Ever since news of the A-men started to spread. You and your team can keep to this area if you want. Uriel is leading a squad in D.C. and I have Virginia covered for now. So as long as you keep having them do whatever it is they are doing, we should be fine."

                "Ananchel I can see where you are getting your confusion. You saw me in the same place with them and now you assume we are some big save the day alliance. The A-men is Malachi's group. The only reason I was there was because Dishearten is an old enemy of mine. Since he's gone for now my reason for sticking around is gone as well. Once I’m finished with Sasha I'm going back to my own concerns." Kimora turned to walk away.

                "Alright then. Just remember exactly what it is you are walking away from. Dishearten, Folly, and any other enemies you have ties with will always keep coming back. Your concerns will become their concerns. Instead of just popping in whenever they desperately need you, why not consider just staying with them?" By the time Wisdom turned around, Ananchel was already gone.

                Her first thought was to go check on Sasha again. Then she remembered that her acquaintances were also in this hospital. The doctors would never be able to figure out their injuries since they weren't physical. She decided to check on them. The hospital she was in was like a labyrinth. It took her well over twenty minutes to find their rooms. In the first one was Malachi and Gabriel. The two of them were still unconscious so she figured there was no reason to stay in there. She moved on to the next room where Rex and David were being held. They looked to be out cold as well so Wisdom turned to leave. Right before she left, she heard a weak voice.

                “K-Kimora, please d-don’t go.” David said.

                Kimora turned around again. She saw David trying to lift his head off of his bed. Even from where she was standing she could tell he was struggling. She walked over to him and knelt by his side. “David; don’t strain yourself. You need to rest.”

                “W-wait I needed t-to tell y-you something.” David’s voice was low and pathetic but Kimora knew she had to listen to him until he eventually fell out again.

                “I don’t think that is a good idea right now. You were blindsided by Folly.  The damage is severe and it is going to take a lot of energy on both of our parts to help you recover. We’re wasting time talking.”

                “But we m-must talk Kimora. The team n-needs a l-leader and we a-all know that it is you.”

                Kimora quickly thought to herself about how many times she had received the offer. She thought that they would have understood by now that she wasn’t interested. On the other hand they made enemies of Folly. That meant that the A-men were slightly her responsibility. For the sake of helping David feel better she promptly responded. “I will think about it David. For now just rest.”

                David forced a quick smile and then he blacked out completely. Kimora felt his head to make sure he was really out. Once she determined that he was, she put her hand on his chest. She closed her eyes and started to focus intensely. Her hand started to glow gold and then David’s body started to glow as well. In a matter of moments Kimora found what she was looking for. There was something that looked like a crack in David’s back. It was pink and it looked like it was beginning to spread.

                “This isn’t going to be an easy fix.” Kimora said. “I’m glad you’re unconscious David because if you weren’t, this would really hurt.” Kimora then stuck her middle and index finger in David’s wound. The tips of her fingers were glowing gold which caused the injury to glow as well. If she kept this up then David would be fine in ten minutes. Ten minutes of focus was absolutely nothing for Wisdom Woman in fact she was the best at it. But this time something was different. She kept trying to clear her mind but something kept jumping in. Every time she tried again more thoughts would return than before. All of them were on the same topic.

                ‘You are their leader.’ One of the voices kept repeating. Another voice kept stating a very different message. ‘They don’t need you.’ Wisdom looked down and saw that she had stopped healing David. She started up again but then the exact same thing happened again. She continued to receive two conflicting messages. Then a memory took over her entire mind and she lost sense of everything.


War in Heaven: 5000 years ago

                “What are we supposed to do Wisdom?” Folly asked. She was afraid because of everything she had seen. The war had been going on for a while and she had seen nothing but bad things.

                “We are going to keep moving. I don’t know why God hasn’t stopped this yet but I’m sure He has his reasons. We’ll be fine just keep up!” Wisdom said.

“But what if we are caught? His army was looking rather large earlier.” Folly said.

“We aren’t going to get caught. Just you wait; things will work out for us.” Wisdom said.

No sooner did she say that did she have to swiftly move from her current spot. It was a good thing she moved because if she hadn’t, she would have been crushed by Goliath. After his grand entrance, he approached Wisdom Woman. Wisdom, Folly, and the others were surprised beyond belief.

                “You joined him too?” Folly asked.

                “Of course I did. Have you seen his army? He is quickly gathering powerful followers. You should jump on board now before he wins and punishes all of you for going against him.” Goliath said.

                “We know who is really in charge here Goliath. It is a pity that you weren’t wise enough to see that as well.” Uriel said.

                “Uriel I wouldn’t say anything if I were you. Ever since you wounded Trepidation, my master has been looking for you. I don’t want to see that happen to you but you have to join us now.”

                “No one here is coming with you. You and your master are our enemies now and we will be sure to stay right where we are!” Ananchel said.

                “She’s right Goliath. You are picking the wrong fight. This isn’t one you can win.” Wisdom Woman said.

                “Listen all of you because I know what you are thinking. We used to rejoice together and you are trying to hold on to that. God was number one and we were simply under Him. The time for that is over. My master is advancing quickly and the only way we can continue to be together is to be on the same side. I want to be on the winning team. Or do you think the four of you will be able to hold off his approaching army?” Goliath asked.

                “Wait a minute, he’s coming here now?” Folly asked.

                “Of course. Wisdom Woman is one of the biggest influences on your side. Once the other angels see her fall, they will surely join my master. If you continue to side with God you will suffer. He hasn’t saved you yet; do you really think He’s coming?” Goliath said.

                Wisdom could see that Folly was considering the choice she had just been faced with. It hurt Wisdom to know that one of her closest friends ever was actually considering joining the enemy. She didn’t want to have to go down that road. “Folly what’s the problem?” Wisdom asked.

                “I don’t want anything to happen to me!” Folly said.

                “Would you relax? God’s power is omnipotent and this new rebellion is just child’s play to Him. We will be fine.”

                “Then prove it Wisdom. Keep her safe when he gets here.” Goliath said.

                “I can’t promise any such thing. I will try but your real protector is our master. He won’t abandon you Folly.”

                “You can’t promise that nothing will happen to me? How am I supposed to stay with you if you can’t guarantee safety?” Folly asked.

                “I’m not the one you are following. God is the one you should be following. I can guarantee you this anyway. If you join Goliath and his master, you will know punishment beyond your imagination.” Wisdom said.

                Folly looked at her and then looked at Goliath. His sheer size and strength was so intimidating. She couldn’t lie to herself. She was afraid. She was actually past afraid. She was terrified. She wanted to trust Wisdom but she wasn’t sure things were going to go their way.

                “Hurry and decide Folly. I’m going back to let him know who his targets are. Do you really want me to have to tell him your name?” Goliath asked. He turned around and was about to leave when he heard Folly’s voice.

                “Wait Goliath.” She said. “Take me with you. I want to be safe.” She said.

                “Are you serious? I told you nothing good is going to come of this. Don’t give into fear. Be wise, please. If you make us your enemy now, what will happen when I’m told by Him to come after you? Are you ready to face me as your adversary?” Wisdom asked.

                “No I am not. But I’m also not ready to face Goliath as his adversary. I’ve made my decision Wisdom. This is it. I hope that this confrontation between us never has to happen.” Then Folly left with Goliath.

                Wisdom was hurting more than she ever had before. It was a new feeling for her. Before this whole war there was no such thing as pain. Neither she nor the angels had ever experienced it. This was something that was hard to deal with. Folly was one of the closest to her. Now she had seen her make the worst mistake of her existence.

                “What are we supposed to do now Wisdom?” Ananchel asked.

                “I agree, Goliath is going to get his master’s army. We need a plan.” Uriel said.

                Wisdom Woman thought for a second. It was a hard call to make because she knew the three of them would never stand up to an entire legion without help. Until God handled everything the way she knew He would, it was time to act smart. “It looks like we are going to be splitting up.”

                “You can’t be serious.” Uriel said.

                “I have never been more serious. You heard Goliath. They want me. They think that breaking me in front of everyone else will bring more to their side. There is no reason for you all to stay with me because then you are targets. Ananchel you will go find Malachi. Uriel you will go find Gabriel. They are loyal to God as well as powerful warriors. You will be fine with them.”

                “And what about you? Will you be alright?” Ananchel asked.

                “Don’t worry about me Ananchel. I know I’ll be alright because I know who takes care of me. Now go quickly. I’ll meet up with the two of you later.” Wisdom said.

                “Now I know why so many look up to you Wisdom Woman. You are a real leader.” Ananchel said.


Wondercare Hospital: Present day

                Wisdom suddenly came back to her senses. She looked down at David. For some reason he was actually healing better. She figured that she must’ve been subconsciously helping him. She then considered the memory she had just been given. It was odd that it would strike so powerfully at this very moment. However the validity in it couldn’t be questioned. She had performed admirably during that war and was credited by the master Himself of helping a lot of angels make the prudent decision of staying on His side.

                “Is this Your sign Lord? If it is then I hear you. If this is what you want me to do then fine. I just want to know that this is real and not just me reminiscing.”

                Then as Wisdom was sitting there, she had the same feeling once again. Another memory started to overflow into her mind. There was no point in fighting it because it was too strong. She knew exactly what memory it was as well.


The Wall of Jericho: 3000 years ago

                Wisdom Woman looked out from a far at the massive wall that had caused the Israelites so much trouble. She was always worried about God’s children because they had a massive disobedience problem. It seemed like every time something good happened to them, they turned around and did something that ruined it for them. The last time they were delivered was from Egypt. They watched their Lord take an entire ocean and split it in two. Then they had the gall to doubt Him. They were told to cross over into their promise land but they saw the inhabitants and grew fearful. It boggled her mind how they could witness such overwhelming power and then quiver in the presence of those who were a bit taller than them.

                Because of their refusal to claim what God had given them, they were confined to the desert for forty years. Now after all of that time they were finally about to be rid of the giant wall. Even as she was thinking, she saw the Israelites marching around the wall. It made her feel better that they were at least listening to what they had been told this time. She looked over at Malachi whose sword was already drawn for battle.

                “It looks like your message to Joshua got through.” Wisdom Woman said.

                “I guess so. Well our mission is complete.” Malachi responded.

                “Not quite. Jericho is going to launch his spiritual attack any minute. If their faith is broken now then we may never get another opportunity again.” Wisdom said.

                “Alright that’s fine. Most of the angels are already inside.” Malachi said.

                Wisdom and Malachi quickly made their way into Jericho’s fortress. The demons inside were predictably unwelcoming. Malachi was unfazed by their presence and proceeded to destroy a great many of them. Wisdom Woman flew through the citadel with ease since Malachi was paving a path for her. It didn’t take her long to find who she was looking for. The throne room was being guarded by two more demons. They were heavily armed and didn’t look happy.

                “Look at this, one of the lap dogs actually came up here.” The first demon said.

                “I guess she wants to go back home. Allow us to escort you.” The second one said.

                “I realize that at first glance I don’t look like much of a threat. However I am actually very dangerous. If you don’t let me through I might have to bring harm to you and that is not something I wish to do.” Wisdom responded.

                “Oh right like you could actually harm us.” The second demon said.

                “Very well, just remember that you brought this on yourself.” Wisdom Woman said.  Then she charged at both of the demons. She squared up with the first one and punched him in the face. The monster responded by swinging back. To his surprise Wisdom Woman wasn’t there to take it. Instead he hit his demon partner. It was so swift that he didn’t notice that Wisdom was right behind him. His chest was pierced with his own blade. The monster that was still on his feet survived for about three seconds after that. Wisdom placed her hand on his head. He instantly felt his mind become over run with all of the wrong decisions he had ever made. It was too much for him to handle and his head exploded. Wisdom looked at the black blood that had spilled on her. “Well now that simply will not do.” Then she started to glow and the blood disappeared. Her gold skin was flawless once again.

                Malachi ran up behind her and was taken aback. “Wisdom, I’ve never seen you quite so vicious.”

                “Fighting is such messy business. That’s why I don’t do it, now on to other things. Jericho is right behind this door. If we can get him to retreat, the Israelites will be much better off.”

                “Well then allow me.” Malachi said. Then he kicked the door as hard as he could and it came flying off of the hinges. His sword was up ready for whatever was about to attack him. However nothing could prepare him for what was coming next.

                “Tnepres morf drows! “ A voice cried out. Malachi looked around frantically for its origin but he couldn’t find it. Then his sword started to move and squirm. He tried to control it but it was no use. After that it bent and twisted until it wrapped around Malachi. Finally it changed form and became a constricting snake.

                “What is this!?” Malachi asked.

                “Forbidden sorcery. A much more potent version than the kind Pharaoh’s henchmen employed.” Wisdom answered.

                “You mean this stuff is real?”

                “Of course it is. All of that power comes from one of Satan’s most dangerous associates. They call him Nomis the conjurer.” Wisdom said.

                “I’m pleased to see you remember me Wisdom Woman.” Nomis said as he came from the shadows. He looked like a dragon with four wings and two heads.

                “So what are you Jericho’s last defense?” Malachi asked.

                “Why yes he is.” Jericho said as he also emerged from the shadows. He was red skinned with long black hair.

                “I’m surprised Nomis even agreed to work with you Jericho.” Wisdom said. “He usually only plays with the big leagues like Goliath. You’re practically a no name in the demon world.”

                “That may be true, but all of Hell will know my name after today. Your miserable excuses for soldiers march around my kingdom as though walking is weaponry. It is quite sad. Once they walk until they can’t take another step, the inhabitants of the city will capture and destroy all of them! I will be the conqueror of God’s children!” Jericho began to laugh hysterically.

                “You are an idiot Jericho. Even now there is one in your city who knows that the end is at hand. God will bring this place crumbling to its knees. I suggest you stop now before you are subjugated to His very might.” Wisdom said.

                “I have nothing to fear. I have the ruler of the forbidden sorcery of my side. With this I have the power to destroy you both. Nomis, kill Malachi now!”

                Nomis smiled. “Tnepres.” He said. Then the snake around Malachi started to squeeze as tight as it could.

                “Do you really think this is going to be enough to break me? Your small amount of power is nothing.” Malachi proclaimed. He had to bear through the pain because he knew victory was close.

                “When are you going to learn Nomis? Those magical powers that you think you have won’t work. You saw when Pharaoh’s men tried to use it. Moses used real power that he knew was not his own and the evil power was overcome. You on the other hand put too much pride in your own abilities. It won’t last.” Wisdom said.

                “Oh we’ll see about that when you’re lying on the ground a helpless pile of ash! Emalf ni tsrub!” Nomis starred at Wisdom and waited for flames to overtake her body. He was shocked to see that there was absolutely nothing happening.

                “Are you surprised Nomis? I told you that your power would not work. I am more than protected by God Himself. You will never be able to overcome me.”

                “I’ve had enough of this.” Jericho said. “You are to remove yourselves at once before we have you all killed.” He said.

                “Isn’t it a little late for bluffs Jericho? This wall and Nomis are the only weapons you have. Nomis was just proven to be weak and that leaves just the wall. Will it be enough Jericho? Can this stone really keep you safe from the wrath you are about to receive?” Wisdom asked. “You must retreat now. Release Malachi and leave this failed experiment to crumble.”

                Jericho looked at Nomis and then looked at Malachi. He saw that even though he was in pain, Malachi wasn’t going to surrender. Since Wisdom Woman wasn’t affected by Nomis’ power anyway, he knew that he had been defeated. “Nomis call off your assault. We are finished here.”

                Nomis scowled at Jericho but he knew that he didn’t have a choice. Since the two weren’t backing down, he reluctantly released Malachi. “Lecnac Tnepres morf drows!” As soon as he said it, Malachi’s sword instantly returned to its original form as a sword. Then he ran to Jericho, uttered some more words, and the two of them disappeared.

                “That was surprisingly easier than I thought.” Malachi said.

                “Well of course, we were already promised victory. All that we had to do was stand our ground. Once we did that, Jericho knew they were beaten.” Wisdom responded.

                “You know what Wisdom; I don’t think everyone always realizes how great it is to have you around. You’re a natural leader. Now we should probably get out of here before this wall comes down.”


Wondercare Hospital: Present day

                Wisdom was especially fond of that particular memory. After what the Israelites did to get themselves stranded in the desert, it was nice to finally see them listening. It was also the first time Malachi had ever referred to her as a natural leader. It was no mystery what was about to happen now. It was the simple truth that Wisdom was finally coming to grips with. She looked down at David and was relieved to see that his wound had been healed. Now all he would need was rest and he would be fine. Wisdom looked over at Rex who was also unconscious. She knew that it was going to take some time to heal him and the rest of the team. She thought it was best to go tell Sasha that it was going to take her a little while longer to get back and continue talking.

                “Rex; hang in there. I’ll be right back for you.” Then she looked at David one more time. “When you wake up, your team will have a new leader.” Then Wisdom left the room.

                She walked back through the maze of a hospital. After another ten minutes, she relocated Sasha’s room. As she approached she realized something wasn’t right. The door was hanging off of the hinges. She walked in slowly and saw that the entire room had been trashed. There were clothes everywhere and torn fabric. The bed had been snapped in half. Wisdom wanted to know how something like this could have happened without anyone knowing. However she didn’t have time to dwell on that because of who she saw in the corner of the room.

                “Where is Sasha?” Wisdom demanded.

                “Oh come on Wisdom. You haven’t seen me in a couple of months. The very least you could do is say hello.” Folly said as she sported a wide evil-like grin.

© 2015 'Hood' Fuller

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Added on November 25, 2015
Last Updated on November 25, 2015


'Hood' Fuller
'Hood' Fuller

Owings Mills, MD

I'm a second year college student, first year English major. I have been working on the same story for about four years, trying to establish my own universe. I'm a Christian and as such, my story is r.. more..
