![]() my apologyA Poem by Erynne![]() Okay this is a little depressing... but its my apology... one i needed to get out of my head and onto something material![]() so heres my apology my apology to everyones whose life ive touched yes even including that constant reflection staring mockingly back at me more and more relentlessly as the days go by and by and by
lets start with dear mom and dad (and most of this probably applies to my lil sis too) heres my apology so long over due lets start with sorry i couldnt be the daughter i was suppose to be sorry i shattered your hopes your dreams and depth perceptions of who i was going to be sorry i do drugs sleep too much cut myself lie cheat and steal sorry im just another pretty face sorry dad but you ruined my child hood sorry what i remember most is the drunken nights when you hit mom and mom im sorry you couldnt see hwo fucked up it was that we sat in a car til 2am spying on the father that we just couldnt get to come home sorry mom that i went kinda crazy and you cared more about the scars id have to hide than me just being okay
so heres my apology and im so sick of sayin sorry and im not even half way through
sorry to everyone i ever hurt the hearts i broke the lies and misstrust sorry i cant be faithful and yes ive chose dope over a few of you sorry im not strong enough to stick it out in the end
im gettin so sick of feeling sorry all the time
i constantly catch my reflection catchin me off guard
and anymore these days i wanna smash me head in watch the blood begin to drain i wanna watch my own brains push forth from my skull
heres my final apology the the baby i just lost and the mother i never go to be to you im sorry but i think youve destroyed me i think i died with you im sorry i couldnt hold you never question my love for you
im sorry
im really f*****g sorry © 2008 Erynne
1 Review Added on September 17, 2008 Author