A Poem by Chenyrene Winchester
Made on November 15,2009 
He touched my face and said i will be with you forever, He helt my hand and said that i will never leave me, you kissed me with passion you kissed me like it was the last time you would kiss me. I go over your house becuase your family wants to meet me. your dad makes frenchfries and beffstew. he tells me that if i dont like it i have to lie and say i do like it. and me and you exchange looks and laugh. the cutes laugh i ever heard. Then me and you go to the living room and of course we get no privacy. Then you cousin goes on the computer and goes to youtue and watches to collage guys push eachother of the bed and everyone laughed. as your family plays bowling on the tv me and you sit in the recliner and i look at my pics on my camera you ask to see them and i say no so you try to take the camera and we tip over the recliner you fall on top of me we giggle your family laughs as we laugh and say that they like me and you say thats why you choose me. Then your family would leave the room and you make out with me then your sis peeks around the corner to se what is happening and she giggles and leaves and i giggle. i listen to your heart beat and think that you are my one and true love and i start crying and you ask me what is wrong and i am still crying and i say "i love you and never want to leave your side" and you put your warm hand on my face and kiss me like you never kissed me before and we put our forheads together and you say "babe i promise that i will never leave you". Finally at 9 pm after spending all day together my mom comes to pick me up and that was the best valentines day ever.
© 2011 Chenyrene Winchester
Author's Note
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Added on December 7, 2010
Last Updated on August 6, 2011
Chenyrene WinchesterMadison, United States Minor Outlying Islands
I am fifteen and a Junoir attending Madison High. I am on the Varsity Cheerleading squad and love to cheer! SInging, Dancing, Cheerleading and Writing is my life more..