~ brilliant stuff... powerful social commentary... ~ the things that happen to us because of the "system" ought to infuriate us and makes us demand a better and truer quality of life...
hate brings on more hate and divides the divided, so it's really hard to say when the millions who hate will rally TOGETHER, but till then, yes, just sick...
Posted 14 Years Ago
I think that it'd be too exhausting to hate someone.
I go with merely saying "dislike".
it confounds me to no end, the things that people do, how they can even manage to muster so much hatred towards one another.
yes, it's sick.
the fragments, little words, say so much more than long rambling sentences would.
Because it's a simple topic, and not hard to understand.
I think the financial institutions of America have given us a very clear lesson on Sustainable Growth...by giving out tons of mortgages knowing the people couldnt pay up in the long term...and foreclosing on with the profit margins committed to their portfolios..forgetting that property/assets have no actual value...only worth borrowing against or selling. The technically true statements that can be given on these reports that are actually lies allowed the falling stocks to be hidden to the last moment and give birth to tons of other investments which actually had no merit because of false reporting.
The situation is better than my studies in Marketing in college.
Anyways..I volunteer, I have awards for humanitarian service..and I am from a place where there is too much unnecessary violence and crime. I've been through a lot more...and there comes a point where you can become jaded.
I am thankful that I have come here to WC, because there are many young
writers who have a stunning maturity level that gives me hope.
We just need a society where intelligent people can assemble and be heard just as easily as the idiots..lol
First of all, in my lame capacity as a writer, I consider myself a wordcompressor.
I like to try to pare things down to tightest point, while hinting to imagination and intelligence at the same time.
Thus, I like this poem because you can't pare much off of it, and it fairly smells of death and corruption.
It's Art.
Secondly, I would like to say how I never get tired of perusing the colors and personalities here at WC, and it is because I am amazed at how many people either are learning to see, or have always been able too.
This poem, entonces, this poet, lays on the page emotions, questions, and so forth that seem to be on the minds of intellectuals all over these days:
It shows the craft,
then the consequence,
then the reason,
then the principles.
Then come the questions I was referring to.
And they are good ones indeed.
I would like to give it a try:
I think the hate comes from pride and a sense of 'deserving' things. Most humans are not willing to take on 'legitimate suffering' as they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. Thus, apathy, hate.
The answer to the second question can be found many places near your home.
I would suggest a small research on 'sustainable growth.' That would give you a pretty clear answer to that.
The last question. Revolution. I wish to make a revelation;
It ain't happening, Friends. History show that us human societies are woefully lacking in human principles such as truth, honor, empathy. Again with the comfort zone. Everyone complains about the world, but no one does anything about it.
Furthermore, citizens of all different classes seem to be of the opinion that they are patriotic contributing developers of demoncratic systems.
Taking a long careful look at the town around you will show you that in spite of all the grand progress that we have supposedly made, as it turns out, we ain't done s**t.
Ok, that's how I interpreted this Great Poem.
the greed is sick
so is the shortage
and the ones that don't have keep breeding
bringing children to suffer
more poverty
resources only seem to be distributed to the elite...
and even then that doesn't guarantee peace...
just more war.
Most of my pieces are imagined as monologues.
I've been a fan ever since I first saw my first live show as a kid.
I consider myself pretty abstract.