![]() A Painted SmileA Story by RelinquishFate![]() A young woman with a perfect professional life finds herself hiding behind a painted smile as she yearns for a personal life to match her professional.![]() The shrill cry of the alarm clock
signaled the start of a new morning. Her deep sapphire eyes slowly opened,
taking in the warm morning sun as it reflected off her smooth tan skin. She
gently sat up in bed and stretched, her outstretched arms offering an embrace
to the beginning of a new week. Her chestnut brown hair fell over her shoulders
as she glanced around her apartment, taking in the familiar sights as she
slowly stirred awake. She turned and slowly stood up out of bed, shivering
slightly as her bare feet met the cold wooden floor. She stretched one final
time before moving into the kitchen and starting her daily routine, putting a
pot of coffee on she moved to the bathroom as she waited for her coffee.
Splashing a handful of cold water on her smooth face, washing away the fatigue
of morning after a long night, she shivered again before drying her face and
glancing in the mirror. Jenna Fisher was a very attractive young woman, at only
twenty six years old she was just coming into her own as an adult in the world.
Her smooth, silky hair fell just past her shoulders, its warm chestnut color
giving off a sense of confidence, yet a kind invitation to the would be friend.
Her skin was smooth as a piece of silk cloth, lightly tanned and highlighted
perfectly by her deep blue eyes, glowing like two sapphires in a dark night
they shimmered with compassion and hope. Jenna gazed into the mirror for
another moment before her soft, full lips slowly formed into a smile, Jenna
nodded her head in approval, and she now had her mask to wear for the day.
Jenna dressed slowly, her black business suit forming tightly around her well
curved figure as she carefully buttoned up her jacket. She took careful time in
doing her makeup; there is no room for even a tiny flaw in the business world.
Finishing the job with a soft pink lipstick to highlight her soft, delicate
lips she returned to the kitchen to fetch her coffee. Filling her cup she added
just a dash of milk and was out the door, sighing to herself as her key locked
the bolt in place; perhaps one day she would have someone to say goodbye to.
Jenna should be happy, she worked for one of the largest law firms in the
country and she was one of the most revered attorneys in the firm. She drove a
top of the line car, lived in an apartment that made most starter homes look
like a hole in the wall, and her wardrobe was nearly endless. All of this
however, meant nothing to her for Jenna had no one to share this life with. She
had never experienced passion or love and that tore at her; sure men were
always approaching her, but all of them were there for her physical appearance
or her money, never just for her. Jenna longed to have someone interested in
her for her, not just who she was in the business world, what she drove, or her
bank account, but someone to love her for just who she was. Jenna drove to work
in silence; her radio was rarely on for she had no desire to hear songs about
love or family that frequently flowed through the airwaves. As she parked in
her space at work she looked into her rear view mirror for a final inspection,
hiding away all of the feelings of loneliness and emptiness she battled day in
and day out, she forced that painted smile across her lips again. Now she was
ready to begin this new day at the office, she knew she must wear her smile and
present herself with confidence. She strode into the office the smile spread
across her lips dancing with mystery and energy and she concealed the pain that
tore at her soul, at first appearance one would never know that the beautiful
Jenna Fisher was just a shell of the torment, pain, and empty depression that
lie deep beneath. She could never allow herself to be seen as just another face
in an endless ocean with no meaning, no hope, and no path. The doors of Brown
Law Firm seemed to burst open as Jenna entered the building, her black leather
heels echoing through the building as she walked with confidence and authority.
Jenna wore her smile with an energy that surrounded others and drew them into
her; she spoke with cheerfulness in her voice as she greeted her co-workers by
name, not showing a single crack in her character as she moved to her office.
Closing her office door behind her the hidden emotion poured out as her smile
melted away like snow on a warm summer day and the energetic glow that radiated
from her faded away. She moved to her desk unsure if she wanted to scream or
just to cry, she hated putting on this act, this charade; why couldn't she find
love or at least find something to give her life true meaning? Jenna sat at her
desk; her slender shoulders slumped as she felt a great weight upon them. She
reached into her inbox and began slowly scanning her new case log. As Jenna
opened the file her eyes fell to the first few lines and suddenly widened in
surprise, a bit of energy returned to her eyes as they danced across the lines.
She carefully read the file again to assure she hadn't misread something, no;
there it was again, a murder defense. Jenna felt her heart pounding against her
chest, threatening to burst through at any moment. She had done big cases
before; grand theft auto, fraud, kidnapping, but never had she been involved in
a murder case. It both excited and frightened her as she gathered the file
together and headed down the hall to speak to Mr. Brown. Aaron Brown was the CEO of the firm,
his great grandfather had founded it many years ago and it ad since evolved
into one of the top ten firms in the country. Mr. Brown was responsible for
assigning each case to the nearly two dozen attorneys working there and Jenna
greatly desired to know why this case had been assigned to her. Jenna lightly
knocked on the large oak door to Mr. Brown's office and waited until his deep
voice warmly invited her in. Jenna pushed the heavy door open and stepped into
his office; the cigar smoke immediately filled her nostrils as she closed the
door behind her. She stood for just a moment to take in the scent, her father
used to smoke cigars and the smell was both sweet and comforting to her. She
stood in silence as her gaze caught Mr. Brown's, his smile was warm and
inviting surrounded by his thick black beard. HIs raven black hair combed back
as the gel holding it in place shined brilliantly under the bright lights.
While his face and voice were peaceful and friendly, his steel grey eyes
studied you and gave a sense of authority and no nonsense as they burned
through you. He studied her for a moment before leaning back in his chair with
a smile; "What can I do for you today
Jenna?" His
welcoming yet stern voice breaking the silence suddenly snapped her back to
reality as her posture returned, standing up straight and confident she spoke; "I was just wondering about the
Tompkins case sir" She
spoke with question yet confidence; "Jim usually handles all the
murder and rape cases, I was just wondering why you chose me." Mr.
Brown studied her in silence for some time, his silence causing a deep fear to
slowly creep up her spine as she feared she had made a mistake and he would
take her case away. They sat in the deadening silence for a few more tense
moments before Mr. Brown's smile returned and he spoke; "Jenna I chose you simply
because you've earned it. You've worked hard and won more cases in the last six
months than anyone, it’s your time to shine and winning this case could be your
first step toward becoming a partner." Jenna
felt her breath leave her body as her heart nearly leaped through her chest,
partner, he had said partner. Becoming a partner at the firm had been a dream
of hers ever since she first began working for the Mr. Brown but she never believed
it would happen so soon, if ever. She tried to speak to thank him for the
opportunity but found her throat to be dry and scratchy as though sand had
suddenly been poured into her mouth. She instead offered him a nod of her head
as she turned to leave, her trembling hands reaching for the door handle. Just
as he felt the cold metal of the handle in her hand his voice rang out again; "Jenna." She
turned slowly to face him, her eyes watching him questioningly as he leaned
forward and spoke, that warm smile spread across his face; "You can do this, I believe in
you Jenna." Hearing
the door close behind her as she left the office Jenna leaned back, her slender
shoulders pressed tightly against the door as she repeated Mr. Brown’s words to
herself, I believe in you. It had been nearly three years since she had started
working at the firm, she remembered her first day as Mr. Brown told her she
would go as far in this firm as she allowed herself to, he said this with such
mockery each word dripping off his lips like a venom coated with sarcasm as his
hand had trailed slowly up her leg toward her skirt. This action disgusted
Jenna and she had left the office that day, slamming the door forcefully behind
her. She wanted to badly to quit, to never return but work was not easy to find
and she could not afford to lose this opportunity, it was not every day one had
the chance to work for such a prestigious firm. She returned the next day and
since then, much to her surprise, Mr. Brown treated her with nothing but respect
and courtesy. She was unsure if he felt guilty or had just given up but even to
this day she felt such great frustration and embarrassment, in her mind she had
only been hired here for her looks she was nothing to him as a lawyer, just
another pretty body for him to admire and another demon that slowly tore away
what remained of Jenna's soul. She had since been determined to prove she was
more than that, she wanted to prove that she belonged here and in these three
years she had amassed a 95% win ration in court. I believe in you, the words
echoed over and over in her head, she had finally earned her place here. As she
walked down the hall back to her office for the first time in years a smile
appeared on her face.....a real smile. Jenna returned to her office beaming
with a new confidence and energy she had not felt since graduating law school.
Jenna sat at her desk and began anxiously flipping through the case file. Jenna
read carefully as she absolved all the information, her client Jace Tompkins was
being tried for the murder of his brother and wife. Jace was found in the house
covered in blood, no murder weapon had yet been recovered. Jenna's eyes widened
as she read on, Jace had stated he arrived to visit and found them stabbed to
death in the bedroom the clothing scattered on the floor indicating that they
had been having an affair and been violently interrupted as shown by the
crimson blood spattered on the walls and staining the floor. Jace claimed he
had checked for a pulse and that is how the blood had gotten on him, it was
everywhere he had told the police. Even more curious was Jace claimed innocence
but was not interested in bail; he was willingly remaining in custody. Jenna
closed the file, her mind racing with excitement and curiosity she knew she had
to meet him. She slowly gathered up her things and headed off to the prison,
her heart racing as she felt a nervous excitement; a meeting with a potential
killer, she shivered as a chill coursed down her spine. Jenna moved slowly
behind the guard, keeping her eyes forward as she moved past cell after cell
ignoring the cat calls and crude comments hurled at her from the inmates. She
was lead to a private room where she could meet with her client. Jenna
shuddered as the large steel door swung open, a blinding white light bursting
out from within the room forcing her to squint. She entered the room quickly,
her heels clacking loudly against the concrete floor as she walked. She calmly
took her seat as she opened her eyes, gazing cautiously at Jace for the first
time. Jace sat before her still as stone; he did not speak to her as his cold,
black eyes locked on her, not blinking. Jenna suddenly found it difficult to
swallow as she looked him over, his grey-black hair falling around his face, a
testament to his dark nature and difficult life experience. His still mouth
surrounded by a thick, unkempt beard covering his tight jaw muscles. Jenna
shook her head, shaking out the shock of facing this cold man, she must remain
strong and ready she reminded herself a she snapped open her briefcase and
began pulling out her files. Jenna arranged her papers on the table glancing
over them quickly to assure everything was there and in order before she spoke;
"Mr. Tompkins" Her
small voice echoing in the large room, shattering the eerie silence that had
fallen over them: "My name is Jenna Fisher, I
work for Brown Law Firm, and I will be serving as your legal counsel for your
defense trial." Jace's
cold eyes remained locked on hers sending chills down her spine as she felt his
gaze piercing through her, yet he still did not speak. Jenna cleared her throat
and shuffled her papers around on the table, glancing up occasionally only to
be met by the cold, unblinking eyes of Jace. Jenna leaned back in her chair and
glanced at Jace again before finally speaking; "This will go much quicker with
your cooperation Mr. Tompkins, how about you tell me exactly what happened from
the beginning in your own words." It
was some time before Jace finally spoke, his voice low and calculating as he
told her how he had gone to visit his brother and invite him to play pool with
some friends only to find both his wife and brother in the bedroom repeatedly
stabbed to death. Jace continued his story explaining to Jenna how he had then
discovered the true nature of his wife's relationship to his brother. Jenna
felt her own heart sink as she saw the hurt in Jace's eyes as he spoke of his
love for his wife despite her adulterous ways. Jenna reread her file again,
noting that the suggested motive for the murder was revenge; the prosecutor was
using the angle that Jace had found his wife and brother together and in a fit
of rage, killed them both. Jenna studied his expression and listened intently
to every word he spoke, she was left with no doubt this man was not a killer.
Jenna gathered her things up and thanked Jace for his time, she urged him with
no success, to make bail and she offered him a small smile as she left. Jenna
walked to her car with a renewed vigor and desire, this case was not going to
be easy but she knew he was innocent, a true loving and caring man loyal to his
family, she must not fail him. Jenna entered her apartment, closing and locking
the door behind her, she moved to the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee,
it was going to be another long night. Jenna spread all the case information
across her living room table, each picture and document highlighted under the
pale yellow light of her lamp. Jenna skewered the files studying all the
information as she sipped her coffee; Jace had no alibi as his wife had been
gone for some time to meet his brother, leaving Jace alone at home. The window
of the murder between six and seven in the evening. Jace was seen leaving his
home at 5:45pm and the police found him at the house standing over the bodies
at 7:32pm. Jace stated he had stopped at the store for a drink and then went to
his brother's house to see if he wanted to go out. When there was no answer at
the door Jace tried the handle and found it unlocked. Thinking his brother may have
been in the shower he let himself in and upon entering the bedroom, discovered
the bodies. Jace's statement continued that he checked both bodies for a pulse
before searching the house to assure the killer was not still looming. Jace
finished by stating he did not have a chance to call the police as they burst
into the house moments later. Jenna sipped her coffee again as she thought to
herself; her eyes suddenly burst open as she nearly spilt her coffee all over
the table. She grabbed the police report and quickly read it over again, her
eyes blazing with question and new energy. How did the police know of the
murder if no call had been made? No emergency call was made by the brother or
wife, and Jace never got the chance. Jenna stared in disbelief; this case had
taken a violent turn Jace Tomkins had been framed! Jenna was unable to sleep that
night, her mind racing as she ran the scenario over and over in her head a
thousand times. She tried desperately to figure out who might have framed Jace
and why, they had played a near perfect game; knowing his wife was having an
affair, leaving Jace with no alibi for the night, getting him caught in the
house with the bodies, and leaving no trace of a murder weapon. Jenna could not
answer the questions and more importantly she could not figure out how the real
killer knew Jace would go to the house that night, how could he be sure Jace
would turn up in time for the police to find him? It ate at her mind as she
frantically tried to find an answer. Jenna tossed and turned in bed trying to
piece this puzzle together when she suddenly burst up out of bed, her breath
leaving her body again as she gasped loudly in the night; was Jace refusing to
accept bail because he had no desire to live without his wife, or was he staying
in prison because he knew something more about this, was Jace protecting
himself? The alarm clock cried out a few hours later, its shrill cry filling
the apartment until Jenna moved from the living room to silence it. She had not
slept last night, too many questions played on her mind as she struggled to
find the missing pieces. Jenna returned to the prison that morning and
presented this new evidence to Jace, she smiled as his black eyes opened up and
showed a glimmer of hope that seemed to soften their cold nature. He looked up
at her, though he did not speak she felt his gratefulness sweeping over her and
embracing her tightly. For the first time he appeared human to Jenna and she
felt a great sense of compassion for him, and a desire to see justice served
and Jace freed. Jace confided in her before she left that he remained in prison
because he feared for his own safety walking the streets when many firmly
believed he had murdered his own family. He had no desire to face the world
when he was believed to be a killer for vigilante justice may fall upon him
before he had a chance to see the truth revealed. Jenna nodded in understanding
as she reached out and took his hand in hers, gently squeezing it; "This will be over soon Jace,
and you can start trying to get your life back together I promise you
that." Squeezing
his hand tightly one last time she let go and headed out the door driving home
in silence. Jenna sat at home preparing her case when she gazed down at her
hand, she could still feel his hand in hers. She felt his rough skin and firm
grip as he had squeezed her hand back. She sat looking at her hand for a few
moments before returning to reality, what was she doing? This man was a client
and she had a job to do, there was no place for her to get emotionally
involved. Though Jenna knew getting emotionally involved was a mistake, she
ignored it. She met with Jace several times leading up to the trial, often
going over the trial for a brief time before talking amongst themselves
laughing at small things and genuinely enjoying one another's company. The day
before the trial Jenna left him with a hug, she nestled into him feeling his
strong secure arms around her. For the first time in years Jenna felt safe and
she felt as though she was cared for. The day of the trial Jenna arrived at the
courthouse ready for battle. Her hair was perfectly tied back; her black suit
flawless with no sign of wrinkles, her makeup had been done with great care and
showed no signs of error as her black heels clacked on the wooden floors. Her
face was one of great determination as her eyes remained forward and her
expression strong. She set her files out on the table with precision and
glanced quickly at Jace, she smiled to herself seeing him in a suit but she did
not allow her expression to change. When the trial began Jenna was fierce,
arguing every flaw in the prosecutor's case leaving the district attorney
stunned and out of his game. Jenna's passion and determination were bursting
throughout the court room as she never stood down and argued to validate every
point she made with a tenacious energy. Three days later she stood next to Jace
as she took his hand in hers under the table as they awaited the verdict. Tense
moments passed an eerie and chilling silence before the words rang out in the
room, not guilty. Jenna's heart fluttered in her chest as she turned to Jace
his arms wrapping around her and pulling her in tight to him, tears trickling
down both their cheeks. They stood outside the courthouse talking after the trial,
there was a cheerful ring in Jace's voice as he spoke to her, he was now a free
man and it was time to start rebuilding his life. Jenna stood staring at him as
he studied her face smiling like a young boy on the playground. Not a word was
spoken as he brushed her hair back, slowly leaning in he pressed his lips up
against hers. Jenna felt her body tense and her stomach fill with butterflies
as she returned his kiss, her lips quivering in excitement and fear. They stood
in silence again until Jenna worked up her courage and invited Jace over for
dinner that evening, an invitation he happily accepted grinning like an
innocent child. Jenna spent careful time preparing dinner, she prepared tri tip
with fresh vegetables and a baked potatoes, this would do perfectly. She
dressed carefully, a nice pair of slacks and a white blouse, a final inspection
in the mirror as she finalized her makeup smiling shyly. New emotions filled
Jenna as she gazed in the mirror she finally felt as though she belonged here,
everything she desired was falling in place. She knew she had earned what could
be a partnership in the firm, and more importantly she felt as though someone
had finally seen her for her and accepted her, her heart raced with excitement
and anticipation. Jenna paced nervously until the knock on the door startled
her, she moved over to the door and opened it, what her eyes fell left her
unable to speak or even breathe. There was Jace, he stood before her his long
stringy hair gone as it had been cut short and spiked up in a fashionable
style, his smooth face now visible as he smiled at her his thick beard gone.
Jace leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as he entered the apartment
commenting on how great dinner smelled. They enjoyed a great meal together
sharing small conversation as they both found themselves giggling with
excitement throughout the meal. After dinner they shared some more casual
conversation before Jace told her that he had to retire for the evening. Though
she desired him to stay with her through the night she knew it was too soon,
she smiled and thanked him for joining her hoping to see him again soon. He
smiled warmly at her as he wrapped his arm around her pulling her in close
again as he whispered softly in her ear; "You've done so much for me;
more then I could have ever expected or asked for. I was so afraid of walking
the streets an accused murderer, fearful for what someone might do to me. I was
forced to stay in that prison for my own protection and like a true angel you
came in and saved me. Thank to you I can now walk the streets in confidence and
smile at people passing by, I am a free man and this hell is finally over,
thank you Jenna. Thank you for giving me the chance to build my life
anew." Jenna
was unable to speak, her eyes wide as tears filled them, streaming down her
cheeks. Jace stepped back as he pulled his jacket over his shoulders and left,
closing the door behind him. A wicked smile spread across his face as he walked
down the hall, his life was his again and he was free to start new. Jenna stood
there, tears continuing to fall down her cheeks as she struggled for breath,
her hands trembling as they inched down her body, finally resting on the handle
of the knife he had buried deep in her stomach. Jenna's hands grasped at the handle
but her strength was gone, she fell to the floor as the life slowly left her
eyes. The tears streaming down her face were not of pain, not of agony of the
physical pain coursing through her body, but rather she cried because she had
found a loophole for a man who would surely kill again and even worse, her eyes
closing for the final time as she whimpered softly, she had yet again found
herself of no value to anyone, just a commodity to be used at their
convenience. © 2009 RelinquishFate |
1 Review Added on December 26, 2009 Last Updated on December 26, 2009 Author![]() RelinquishFateCAAboutIn recent years I decided to change my career path from English to the IT field but that has not taken away my love for writing. It's been a long time since I've written but I have picked the pen up a.. more..Writing