To protect and Serve

To protect and Serve

A Story by RelinquishFate

The law of self need overrides the moral law for one man


                Ali Williams was far from your average high school senior, the 17 year old was a star on the rise. At first glance many would assume her to be the egotistical athlete who believed herself to be better than most of her fellow classmates. Standing 5’7” with a fit, athletic body, silky shimmering auburn hair that flowed like a river just past her shoulders, dazzling emerald green eyes that danced with a wild passion, and a smile that could illuminate the darkest sky it was easy to see why many were intimidated talking to her. The truth was Ali did excel in sports, she was a basketball and softball star but, she was also a straight A student and member of leadership. Ali cared about everyone and was beloved by students and faculty alike; she treated everyone with respect and was well on her way to academic and athletic greatness. Ali was being scouted by a few colleges for basketball, while she was an outstanding softball player, she was by far a better basketball player, leading the team in points and assists all 4 years she had played. Ali had been varsity in both sports since her freshman year and had maintained straight A’s since junior high. She was already attending night courses at the local junior college to earn credits, she dreamed of attending a big university to play basketball and earn her Master’s Degree in business administration, which she hoped to use to get into marketing. Ali was on the fast track to success and everything seemed to be going according to plan until one fateful night would change the course of her life. It was a windy evening as Ali left her night class, she zipped her jacket up to shield off the light chill of the breeze before getting into her car and heading home. Ali’s family lived out in the hills, it was a moderately long drive but Ali enjoyed the peace and quiet of the mountains.

                Ali turned off the main road and started the journey up the hill towards home; she had gone about half a mile when suddenly the red and blue lights exploded into her rear view mirror. Ali looked up and saw the police car behind her; startled, she pulled over and parked the car. She took a deep breath as the officer approached her car; she glanced up as he reached the window and read the name “Officer Knox.” He ordered her out of the car, ignoring her when she questioned what she had done. Greg Knox was a 10 year veteran of the force and was known for his no nonsense approach. Knox stood a strong 6’3” and carried a 215 pound frame. His strong jaw and hard brown eyes gave the impression he was not to be messed with. He ordered Ali to face the hood of the car and place her hands on the hood, his voice was low and menacing sending shivers down Ali’s spine as her hands touched down on the cool metal of the car. She tensed up as she felt his rough hands press against her ankles and begin slowly moving up as he patted her down. She let her breath out slowly after he finished only to have him suddenly step into her, pressing his hips firmly against her butt. He leaned in close and whispered to her:

“Don’t you dare move or make a sound.”

Ali gasped in surprise and shut her eyes as she felt his hands slide under her shirt and brush the warm soft skin of her stomach. She fought back tears as his hands trailed up and he began gently fondling and squeezing her breasts as he planted gentle kisses on her neck. His right hand suddenly dropped down going under the waistband of her jeans and underwear. Ali felt the tears falling from her eyes as he touched her in the most private of places with his rough hands. The next 5 minutes felt like hours as he fondled and touched her before finally removing his hands from her body, he patted Ali on the head and told her how sexy she was. As he left he issued a stern warning to her should she tell anyone what had happened, the look in his eyes terrified Ali, and she knew he’d kill her family or her if she crossed him. He smiled at her and drove off leaving her alone in the dark night. Ali climbed into her car and grasped the steering wheel before her hands begin trembling and she broke down, sobbing deeply for several minutes. When she finally composed herself, Ali checked the mirror cleaning up her hair and makeup so no one at home would notice content with her inspection so drove home.

                Ali went straight to her room when she got home, telling her parents she wasn’t feeling well. She went right into a shower, keeping the water as hot as she could handle, she scrubbed herself until her skin was red and stinging. Even after her shower Ali felt dirty and used, she tried to sleep that night but woke up in tears several times imagining his hands on her body. The next day was no better as Ali felt disconnected from everyone and everything. She felt as though she was just going through the motions of the day trying to focus on classes and interact with friends. Ali failed a test for the first time that day, she cried in the bathroom during lunch as she started at the big red F scrawled across her paper. Ali’s teacher tried speaking to her later that day but she just put on a fake smile and lied about being over tired and slightly stressed. Ali skipped basketball practice that day; she went straight home and lay in bed just trying to forget everything. She put her best fake smile on again when her parents got home that night, again telling them she wasn’t feeling well in order to avoid much social interaction or questioning, anything to keep them from seeing the ocean of depression and shame she was drowning in. She took another hot shower that night as she tried yet again to scrub away the feelings to no avail. Days turned into weeks and Ali only fell further and further into her depression, friends and family tried reaching out to her but they were unable to pull her from the dark depths that consumed her. Ali’s academics and athletics were suffering and she was in danger of losing her scholarship offers.

                Ali was driving home after practice a few nights later contemplating quitting the team and trying to figure out what to do with her life when the blue and red lights filled her rear view mirror. Ali felt her heart stop, a crushing sense of fear crept over her making it difficult to think or even breathe as she pulled over on the isolated mountain road. The tears filled her eyes and she felt like she had been kicked in the stomach as she looked up to see Greg Knox sneering down at her. Greg ordered her out of the car, ignoring her desperate pleas for him to leave her alone, he warned her to shut her mouth and follow orders. He had her move to the passenger side of the car and put her hands on the roof, shielding them from the view of any potential oncoming traffic, which was unlikely on the desolate mountain road. Ali closed her eyes and fought back the tears as she felt Greg’s hands moving up her legs, he wasted no time quickly dipping under the waistband of her shorts to touch her again. A few minutes passed and he removed his hands from her shorts, Ali felt empty, but at least it was over. Ali heard the crinkling of paper or something behind her, she turned her head to look only to be met with the back of Greg’s hand sending her head snapping to the side and leaving a stinging welt across her cheek. He growled at her to keep her eyes forward and mouth closed. Ali heard the noise again and suddenly her shorts and underwear were pulled down in one quick motion, leaving her bare and exposed to the night air. She tried to turn, but he grabbed her and pushed her up against the car, Ali cried out softly as she felt him press into her. She covered her eyes and wept as he raped her. When he was finished he pulled her clothing back up and patted her on the head, thanking her and telling her to drive safe. Ali didn’t cry as he drove off, she had no tears left, her once dazzling emerald green eyes now sat lifelessly in place. She drove straight home and went to her room, she didn’t scrub herself raw that night, she didn’t cry through the night, she wasn’t plagued by nightmares, she simply stared aimlessly at the ceiling as though the stars themselves would somehow reach down and pull her away from the hell she was trapped in.

                Ali’s parents held each other close the next morning, crying into each other’s arms as the paramedics moved Ali’s body out of the house. There wasn’t a pill in the house she hadn’t swallowed and before she drifted off into that forever sleep, she had managed to write a single word across her mirror in bright red lipstick, a single word to define how she felt every time she looked at herself: WORTHLESS. Family and friends mourned the loss of such a promising girl, all wondering what they missed, and how they could have helped, why she didn’t reach out to someone. That night Greg Knox sat in his bed watching the news, he listened to the story of a start student athlete struggling for weeks before finally committing suicide. He listened to people talk about her and what a tragic loss this was, listening close as they cried for the loss of their friend. He turned off the TV and sat in silence for several minutes reflecting on his decision and what he had done to that young girl. He turned off the light and laid back in bed staring into the smothering darkness of the room, as he thought about everything that had happened a sly smile crept across his lips as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.



© 2013 RelinquishFate

Author's Note

This is a rough draft of this story, expect some typographical errors as well as grammar problems.

Please let me know what you think of the story itself, I am going to polish this one up soon and I am thinking of writing a follow-up if the interest is there.

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This is a really heart-breaking story, but that means it was well written because I was able to really feel the emotion. I think a follow up could be interesting, but I also kind of like the ending as the overall conclusion for the story.

Posted 11 Years Ago

For a first draft it's very well written. I could feel for Ali, though her approach was wrong. She should have been fixated on revenge.
A follow up might be interesting.

Posted 11 Years Ago

great job.. great read. I love how you throw the unexpected twists into the story.

Can't wait to read the sequel..

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 24, 2013
Last Updated on June 24, 2013




In recent years I decided to change my career path from English to the IT field but that has not taken away my love for writing. It's been a long time since I've written but I have picked the pen up a.. more..
