Holiday Bizzare

Holiday Bizzare

A Poem by Reks

Lol Random Holiday confusion.

"Holiday Bizarre"
the sing said.
I cocked an eyebrow,
and followed the pointing arrows.

My eyes widened,
my mind froze.
What the hell?
A turkey in a Santa suit?

Not only that,
but others too.
Jack'o Lantern's bunny hopping,
Santa Laying eggs.

Cupid shooting dreidels,
Reindeer speaking with pirate accents.
Jews jumping around yelling,
"Kawanza, Kawanza"

My head began to spin,
And I steadied myself on a nearby object.
But it felt organic,
and my gaze shifted up.

What I saw made me faint.
A giant dragon,
complete with Chinese letters on the side,
singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas."

I woke up with a start,
back in my room.
It was just a dream,
and I smilled at how sill i'd been.

But I heard a noise,
which gave me a start,
and when i looked up,
my heart stopped.

Everyone was there,
from the Turkey,
to the huge dragon.
I fell back on the pillow.

I need a therapist.....

© 2011 Reks

Author's Note

I made this for Creative writing class. We need to write a poem based on a typo, So i found a typo that said Holiday Bizarre instead of Holiday Bazaar. Its random and I had little time to do it, but what evs lol. I didn't like it that much, cause its not my style of writing.

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this is s cute, creative and clever write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is cool and kinda funny. Enjoyable read:) well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

nah but it was ok for that type coming from you

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow yeah it is not lol just kidding big bro

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 11, 2011
Last Updated on February 11, 2011



City of Glass, NY

Hmmm, what to say about myself. I love to write. Its my passion and my soul. My writing is a tool of creation and destruction, retribution and condemnation. Haha just playing. I'm here to put my thoug.. more..

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