Beautiful Oblivion

Beautiful Oblivion

A Book by Reks

A book about an unlikely band of heroes that are on a quest to stop a mad king from enslaving the world and committing the extermination of a race.


© 2010 Reks

Author's Note

Hmmm. Let's face it. When It comes to writing, I feel like a noob compared to everyone else out there. Yea, when I RP, I can pull out like 4 or 5 lengthy paragraphs. But it's harder for me to write a story. This is gunna be my hardest challenge yet. I've written one book before this on paper, and it was okay, but I want this one to overshadow that one. SO please, reviewing me and giving me comments and anything that would make my writing better, I'd appreciate it. Thank you :)

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Haha thank you. It feels good to get a little positive encouragement every now and then

Posted 14 Years Ago

Reks you say you're a noob when it comes to story writing but so far your story is better than a few I've read that were written by experienced writers. You are very descriptive with your writing and I already like the charecters. There were a few grammatical errors but most stories have those. Keep going with this story because personally i want to see where it goes!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 11, 2010
Last Updated on February 11, 2010



City of Glass, NY

Hmmm, what to say about myself. I love to write. Its my passion and my soul. My writing is a tool of creation and destruction, retribution and condemnation. Haha just playing. I'm here to put my thoug.. more..

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