I am From

I am From

A Poem by AndrewL

I am From

By Andrew Lindberg




             I am from four leave clovers and pink harts that stay up year after year

               From “ACHY BRAKY HEART” to the book Good night moon

               I am from slurpy Saturdays on a cool frosty day to, mom who say “clean your ears out you will hear better"

             From Grandmother who get kissed by Ronald Reagon and, being born Catholic but raised christen 

             I am from Classic ford pickup trucks to making Meat and, chilies a Mexican food

             From Four sisters who never listen to, scratch CD’s 

             I am From Summer BBQ and, biscuits and gravy

             From A family who care about each other but still has there differences and at the end of the day want to know how your day is going and say they love you

© 2012 AndrewL

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Added on February 21, 2012
Last Updated on February 21, 2012