For years I avoided the word "witch" when it came to self identity after having used it a ton during my teens and early twenties. Wicca and/or Witchcraft was the closest match to my worldview, but I clung to the "I'm spiritual" identity instead with my Reiki and crystal healing practices and hanging out with New Agers talking about angels. A lightworker's life. The reclaiming of my witch identity came about after watching the changes to contemporary witchcraft over the years. It went from being a supposed ancient religion to a modern creation before finally settling on being both based on it's source material. Each self proclaimed witch spouts off differing beliefs regarding a pantheon, whether God(exists) or is male or female or both & even which magick form is the best in both spelling and practice. It is political, marketable and based on personal preference or a follow the leader mentality. Still I see tremendous spiritual value in it's outline. A system of true transformation and spiritual growth that is clearly capable of being suited to the individual.