![]() veganismA Story by untimely stories![]() joke story that was writen for s***s and giggles-ray![]()
Do you love to eat meat? My mouth is watering just thinking of a nice juicy steak (mmmmm yummy),Buuuuuuuuut Did you know about fruits and vegetables and how they can help your body? Lately many people are cutting out meat from their diet completely because of the insane health benefits being an herbivore provides you. Vegans miss out on the joy, hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausages provide but the joys they get are them being healthier, they can control their weight better than carnivores and because their body is in tip top shape their white blood cells can fight off all kinds of diseases
Being a vegan is great!!!!!! You get an awesomely healthy body and laser eyes!! (THE LASER EYES ARE NOT TRUE) a lot of people love vegetables because they are healthy and they taste great, they make peoples reaction time faster then what it normally would be if they ate meat (Can you cat catch a speeding bullet?....no?...than you must eat meat), they have more energy too and it’s also hard for them to get “type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure”! They are more chilled and relaxed than most meaters (meat eaters)
I think it’s time for the weight control part, First we need to work out to get six packs and stuff but we are more active than meaters so we have more energy to burn plus we don’t suffer from Fatigue (tiredness for slow meaters…and the stupid) as often And a really great plus is we can copy the taste of some meats by using tofu so we can eat tofu that tastes like chicken or steak or even shrimp! (which I think is cheating but who cares?!) So that makes it easier for us to enjoy the taste of meat and not eat any meat SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!(AGAIN CHEATING!))
coffee does taste a little weird with almond milk (its not almond milk….its nut juice)…that is one of the down sides…oh and the other down side is it can be difficult to find sources of protein, without any its harder to get vitamins like vitamin b-12, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and zinc. Which makes it easier for us to get bone loss and osteoporosis And the worst part is we cannot eat any…bacon…(NOOOOOOOOOOOOO) that’s a nightmare we live through every day of our lives BUT This vegan diet does have great… no... amazing benefits! Because you are healthier and it can help you prevent diseases but it also has its disadvantages so if you want to become a vegan just think of the bad side too…remember there is not that many bad things to this diet but what it does have that is bad is pretty important like the bone loss.… but it does have more good than bad like the preventing diseases…(WARNING IT CAN NOT PREVENT SOME TYPES OF DISEASES)…have a nice day and good bye meaters! (now who do I talk to about that steak?)
© 2016 untimely stories |
1 Review Added on February 18, 2016 Last Updated on December 8, 2016 Author