What an excellent poem! An interesting and profound take on a serious topic, the importance of History and the failure of our educational system... As I'm sure your teacher would have intoned, "Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it!"The teacher leading his sheep students to the abattoir, not a pretty picturer, but all too accurate - wonderful metaphor.The poem flows well, although in a decided appropriate monotone. I could feel the quiet despair shimmering like heat in a cloud above both the teacher and the students!I thought all your imagery was fresh and effective. I will be checking out your other work and have sent this piece on to several friends!This is definitely going into my favorites!!! You got my vote!
Chantal-lise put this my way. It is a well observed poem, tightly written, with a sad message. I happen to love history and it is tragic that it is reduced to approved texts. You have to be able to see and hear the vikings grunting and groaning and chattering as they pulled their ships up the shingle beaches. I can see the teacher's grey hair. Relevant in UK where the National Curriculum says what should be taught on which day and exactly how...the promise of history would not fit in this model.
What an excellent poem! An interesting and profound take on a serious topic, the importance of History and the failure of our educational system... As I'm sure your teacher would have intoned, "Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it!"The teacher leading his sheep students to the abattoir, not a pretty picturer, but all too accurate - wonderful metaphor.The poem flows well, although in a decided appropriate monotone. I could feel the quiet despair shimmering like heat in a cloud above both the teacher and the students!I thought all your imagery was fresh and effective. I will be checking out your other work and have sent this piece on to several friends!This is definitely going into my favorites!!! You got my vote!
I twenty years old, and I spent the majority of those years out in the middle of nowhere listening to country music so don't be surprised if the word y'all creeps up in my poetry or stories although .. more..