I taught U.S. history for quite a few years. I always tried to stress the strengths that are to be found in individuals, no matter what race, religion, ethnic background, that have contributed to our great nation. I always had difficulty with the calling of America ,"The Great Melting Pot."
I felt a "melting pot" reduces all the elements in it to the lowest common denominator. Instead I tried to portray us as a gigantic mosaic where each group brings their uniqueness and through all of it manifests a "work of art" a 'nation' the likes of which the world has never seen before.
Posted 8 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Great way to look at it...a gigantic mosaic. Thank you for the read and review.
8 Years Ago
You are more than welcome. I expect to be reading more of your writing.
'We Don't Live'
Beginning each line with 'We don't live' caused me to wonder, to question, to do an exam of how I think. How do I live and interact with others and how do I view differences in personality, life style...so many things to numerous to mention. I am just one person in a great big world. I think that every one is just trying to live and find meaning as best they can. We look and embrace so many things. Well your above piece was very good and needed too. Thanks for the honest write from the heart.
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! This is a great message, much needed in our current world of strife & division. I like the way you start each stanza with a statement, then you kinda walk it back a little in the next line, & finally the last two lines of every stanza paint a picture of a deeper meaning. I love it when a poet crafts a message with parallel structure, like this . . . making variations on a theme which go together well & show a different viewpoint.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
TY Barleygirl!
Your reviews are always so rich and meaningful. You see people's work through .. read moreTY Barleygirl!
Your reviews are always so rich and meaningful. You see people's work through very unique eyes...and what you pull from the pieces and share is always so insightful. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
quite deep. thought provoking. there are no absolutes - we're all mixed bags. love survives because that is they way it was meant to be - no good thing ever dies. hate does not survive. we carry on being who & what we are in love and that is the essence of life, unique ...
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
You are wise, Pete...and I agree with those words. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment.
To me, this piece speaks of the beauty within the various shades of life. We're all connected, like pieces of a puzzle, trying to fit together and form one beautiful image, but nevertheless, we're all different pieces.
I will admit, though, that you lost me at the last line, but the overall essence of the piece still bleeds through clearly, especially with the smooth, unforced rhyme to aid in the readability.
Thank you for sharing.
If everyone felt alone and isolated in a crowd, the intensity of denial radiated between each of us would blot out our individuality, as we had all succumbed to ‘sameness’! Thank heavens for diversity, well highlighted within the poetic contents of your write … well done my friend!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Phill. Appreciate you taking time to read and comment.
After a decade trapped by distractions, I'm pursuing my passion once again. I come from a military background...a Navy brat...and my father (now deceased) and brother, are both published writers...so .. more..