![]() Bounty Contract: Umbara (Part 1)A Chapter by Matthew WaltersThe shuttle landed in Docking bay DB-23, in the Umbara city of Umbra, a city along the southern west hemisphere, known to the locals as shadow town. It mostly operated at the official hub of the planet's export and import affairs, along with the Bounty Brokers Association headquarters and a number of trade unions, banking clans, and other capital businesses. Unofficially, it was the criminal hive of Umbara, and there were quite a lot of criminals in the dark, shadowy, dark maroon world. Thieves, Smugglers, Assassins, wanted fugitives on both Republic and Imperial sides, all came to Umbara to disappear. As Fenri walked through the busy streets, he didn't find himself much of a welcomed guest, being dressed in the armor of a Mandalorian. Most knew his kind as bounty hunters, mercenaries, and other forms of hired guns, which, considering quite a few of the people Fenri came across here had bounties, made him quite the unwanted addition to the planet, like a fart in a hazmat suit. The hunter made his way through the unwelcoming streets and venues of the Umbaran market, trying to move at a leisurely pace, ignoring the sidelong gazes and stares he received from the locals, each having a mixture of fear, curiosity, danger, or a mixture of all three. Fenri made his way to a large, roundish, looking building, similar to that of Hutt architecture, in which a large, neon-glowing, the sign read Bounty Brokers Association: Umbaran branch over the door, illuminating the area in front of it, and the two Gammorean guards protecting it. The two guards bore their large, metal axes as the hunter made his way to the entrance, giving off a couple of warning grunts in their own, piggish language, which Fenri neither wanted to learn nor cared to. He quickly held out his left arm, his armored gauntlet displaying a holo-image of his Enclave Hunting license and identification number, saying," I'm with the Enclave." to the Gammoreans as they looked over the I.D display. The two guards looked it over, then turned to themselves and continued talking in their pig language as if Fenri wasn't even there. The two Gammoreans began grunting again, one of them holding out his hand, making the universal sign for credits, by rubbing two fingers together and gesturing for the Mandalorian to give something to them. The Mandalorian shook his head, making it quite clear he had no intention of giving them the credits, the sentiment only being more precise as he moved his hand along his belt, right next to the Blaster Pistol he left on his leg. The two Gammoreans quickly raised their axes in a defensive stance as the two moved away from the door and slowly moved to either side of the hunter, trying to encircle him. The guards were armored in the green and black body armor of the BBA'S security forces. Fenri quickly moved to dodge, drawing his combat knife with one hand, blocking the axe swing with it, as the other went to his blaster, drawing and firing it, with the blink of an eye, straight into the big, pig-like, Gammorean's face, dropping him dead in an instant. The Gammorean's body hadn't hit the ground before the second, the taller and muscular one, quickly moved to cut the hunter's head off, aiming for the black colored undershirt that covered his neck. Fenris quickly ducked his head, causing the ax to smash into his armored, beskar helmet, scratching the paint. The hunter staggered back, concussed by the impact of the axe, as the Gammorean advanced on him, swinging his ax wildly at Fenri, causing him to bob and weave out of the way, each strike slicing through the air and missing him. The hunter seemed to be on the ropes as the Gammorean swung blow after blow at him, missing only by inches at times. However, it wasn't long before Fenri regained his balance and soon started to fight back, aiming his blaster at the Gammorean's face, only to have the beast's axe swing wide and knock it from his hand, leaving him with only his knife. Fenri rushed the Gammorean mercenary, as the latter moved and raised it's axe up high, well above its fat, green head, and brought the axe crashing down toward the hunter. However, right before the axe could make an impact, Fenri took his knife and stabbed, viciously, at the side of the axe, knocking it off course and having it slice harmlessly to his side, almost grazing his left side. He then moved fast, punching the Gamorrean's face with his right hand, forcing the monstrous alien to stagger back, dazed and confused as green-colored blood poured from its broken nose, giving its opponent enough distance and time to draw his blaster rifle from his back and fire the rifle's semi-automatic blaster rounds into the creature's chest. The first shot was absorbed by the green-colored armor, staggering the Gammorean back further, only to have the second and third shot breach his armor, spewing the alien's green-colored blood over his armor. The alien paused, the life draining from his eyes before he stood tall and fell over, landing on his front side, blood pooling below him as he lay there.
Fenri, after checking to make sure the Gammorean was dead, holstered his rifle back onto his back, next to his Jetpack. He then made his way to the edge of the crowd, retrieving the white-colored Helmet he’d worn, finding it snitched on the bottom. Luckily, it was still in working order, as he found out when he put it back on. As he did so, the door to the Bounty Brokers base opened up, and out came a group of heavily armed and armored Gamorrean guards, each bearing the crest of the Association on their chests. The guards were armed with multiple types of weapons, from the Gamorrean war axes to rifles and pistols, one of which carried a Corellian Blaster Cannon, all aimed at him. The hunter instantly went to his rifle, drawing and aiming it as the group exited the building, prepared to fire if they came any closer. From the back of the group came a tall, pale-skinned, Twil’lek, walking out from behind them, dressed in a set of silky, black robes. His big, burning red eyes gazed at Fenri, as his face gave a wicked grin, revealing the sharp fang-like teeth he held. The Twil’lek’s wicked smile was almost repugnant, matching the slimy, obese, and dirty stature he held. Tied to his belt was a long, metal chain, which Fenri saw went all the way to a slave collar hung around a Umbaran female’s neck. At the time, she didn’t appear that important, just an Umbaran woman in her late teens, maybe about nineteen years or so, dressed in the scantily clad gold top and bottom of an exotic pleasure slave mixed with a red loincloth to cover her nether region. The pale-skinned slave looked down as she and her master came into view of the hunter, trying to hide the shame of her life and the multiple bruises she had across her body. The Twil’lek spoke, mainly in his native language at first, before switching to basic. He said,'' Greetings, Hunter...It seems you’ve caused quite the commotion here...Two BBA contractors, dead, murdered in cold blood...Right at the door of my house. This cannot go unpunished.” with his wicked smile. Fenri stood there, rifle aimed squarely at their leader’s head; every instinct in his body told him to shoot him. The Gammoreans kept their aim leveled on the Mandalorian, turning the situation into a Tatooine standoff. The crowd around them began to back away, slowly, trying to avoid any stray blaster rounds from hitting them, though at this point, such casualties would be impossible to avoid, and Fenri knew that. Fenri made his way through the busy streets and market places of the city, putting his hand up to his helmet to activate his helmet commlink, set to the same frequency as the Gilded Rose, hearing the static noise radiate in his ear until Erron picked up. The Mandalorian pilot laughed, as Fenri called him, saying,” Boy, you certainly know how to make friends...It’s already the talk of the Holonet here in shadow-town; big, bag, Mando, walked up and gutted two of the Crime Lord’s men...Guess getting a guide from the BBA’s out of the question,” he chuckled, unscrewing the cap of a cantine, by the sound of it, and having a swig. Fenri growled, knowing his cover was blown. To be fair, he was sent here to capture a wild animal, not hunt down a sentient species. Still, he preferred to keep his affairs private, low-key, and discreet, which just went straight to sheb, now. The hunter called back over the Commlink,” This Fortuna, what do the Enclave and other sources have on him?” to Erron, hoping the old pilot was good for something besides getting sheb faced. Erron grunted a bit, as the sounds of him pushing buttons on the Gilded Rose’s console echoed through the Comms, and he said,” Hmmm...Tesche Fortuna, known to the underworld as Tesche the fortune, Crime Lord of Umbara...Yeah, you kriffed up with this one, kid, guys bad news; seventeen death-warrants, over 780,000,00 credits, dead or alive, posted by the Galactic Republic...Currently, a shareholder in the Bounty Brokers Association, though only a minor one. Seems he bought up enough shares to get declared the BBA’s official representative here on Umbara...Crimes include; murder, treason, racketeering, Slave trading…” It was then that Fenri began to think back, to the female Umbaran he saw shackled and shamed, standing behind Tesche Fortuna, wearing that outfit. He cut Erron off, as he started to go over the rest of the crimes, saying,” Erron, what about his slave market, what we talking about?” trying to keep his voice calm, cold, and calculative as always. His father had told him when on the job, to be as cold as snow, harder than the deepest Ice, and adaptive as the freezing sea. The pilot riffled through the Twil’leks bounty file, scanning the document, before saying,” Hmmm...Pleasure slaves, Gladiators, oh...He also sells...Death Slaves,” in a tone that revealed his disgust and anger. Death slaves were slaves one bought for one simple purpose, to kill. Some sicko’s enjoyed feeding them to wild beasts, hearing their screams as they were torn apart and viciously devoured. Some wanted the pleasure and ecstasy of killing the slave themselves, generally by choking or murdering them in some way, and then there were the darker, more insidious killers, whose motives sicken Feri just to think about. To think, that young, beautiful, woman, was left to be abused and used by that monster and his men, day after day, boiled his blood. Underneath all his icy, cold, demeanor, and actions, he was still a man, a Mandalorian, and human. It was then that Fenri felt something, like the sensation of being watched, by a pair of almost omniscient eyes, staring him down. This was not the first time such revelations had to happen to him. Indeed, his father had taught him to listen to these reminiscences, calling them the Wolf Sense, a gift bestowed on them by the great Wolf, Accalia, by their ancestors during the days of the great crusade...Well, that was the story, anyway. While Fenri still believed in some of the old ways, the gods, the great wolf, and the promise of a united clan, he never much cared about them. To him, they were just stories, told to little Mando’adiik, to keep them entertained. Still, he knew better than to ignore this feeling. He activated his helmet’s mirror eyes, a pair of mini-cameras that looked behind him, a device his wife installed many, many years ago, as a means of helping her and him hunt. As he turned on the spy-camera, it displayed the feedback images through his helmet, popping up as a small screen, in his helmet. He scanned the image carefully, stopping for a moment, responding to Erron over the commlink,” Erron, Any other ideas on a guide?” as he looked for his mysterious admirer...Then suddenly, he saw her.
© 2021 Matthew Walters |
Added on January 11, 2021 Last Updated on January 15, 2021 Author