![]() Chapter 1: New BeginningsA Chapter by RedgrimHis feet
pelted against the dry crackling landscape, a cloud of dust-like dirt descended
in his wake. The behemoth’s toes were shrivelling, aching, screaming for him to
stop, but he knew he couldn’t, even if he wanted to. He might have been running
for longer than he could recall, but distance was what he wanted and he was
willing to sell his own feet in order to buy another mile. Escape,
freedom, just name the synonym and he was thinking of it throughout his venture
from his compound. He wouldn’t think too hard on it, however, considering that
he had no destination, no safe haven in sight. His
lungs began to swell. He huffed for another breath, but his body couldn’t
fulfill this task. His stride lessened and his large ebony eyes widened. He
scraped through his gown in a fruitless attempt at easing his chest. He was not
a sitting duck for too long. He knew standing out in the flat plains he would
be as easy a target as a worm on a hook, so he leapt into a patch of shrubbery.
The twigs scratched at him, though it was not nearly the worst pain he had
endured. His
lungs went to work quickly, he couldn’t stay in one place forever. He didn’t
know whether someone was following him or not, he was too afraid to look anywhere
but forward. He didn’t want to peek out from the small brush either, too risky.
swiftly rubbed his eyes one at a time, the dwindling daylight still being
enough to agitate his enlarged pupils. Thankfully the night was soon upon him
and would gift him with the upper hand over his possible pursuers. He
gasped for one last mouthful of air. “I don’t think I can go much farther” the
mumbling monstrous man spoke. A voice from inside his mind echoed back with
‘don’t think, just do. They can out think us, but we can out do them. We must
keep moving.’ With
that, the refreshed being sprung from the small bit of plant-life the landscape
had to offer and continued forth. The
horizon had little to offer for the past couple of miles, but finally a rather
large collection of buildings began to surface. It was the first city that the
creature had ever seen, in person anyways. He had studied pictures before and
was trained to work within urban environments, but on that night it would be
his first field trip. If he could make it there anyways. His
heart sung a gleeful tune. He was a mere night away from freedom. Sure, they
could probably still search for him within that town, but there were more
places to hide than a few sparse rocks and groupings of greenery. Though
the minute that he was so sure on his clean getaway, he heard the roar of some
sort of engine echoing over the tundra. He had rode in the machine in the past,
so he could recognize its sound and that very sound transformed into a horrid
hiss. He felt like a lab rat in a maze that saw the end only to be faced by
a cobra. The ragged rodent would overpower the serpent though. The
noise was far enough for him to know that he might be able to outpace it for a
good while, but overtime it will be within his vicinity. He had to think
cleverly and use his time wisely. In
no time flat, he came across a paved road, though there were no vehicles
populating it. He ran alongside it for a good while to analyze the destination,
which was the safe haven up ahead. With the radiant roar growing ever closer,
the doll eyed man thought quickly. A small tree was in his path, so he swiftly
toppled it over and onto the path paved for passage. ‘We
can’t wait. They will be here any moment!’ his mind attempted to warn. “They
have transportation, I need transportation.” With that being said, the one
armed wonder dove onto his belly, keeping the ground close to him and crawling
out of immediate sight of the road. He waited for a good while, stressing about
his decision considering that the noise that bothered him most was growing
closer and closer by the second. A
pair of lights came into sight, speeding down the road at a leisurely rate. The
being couldn’t quite investigate the figure of the vehicle, but he knew it
wasn’t the buggy that was pursuing him. The sound wasn’t too far off, but it
was further away than the headlights that were scoping down the road. He was
filled with anticipation, waiting for the moment he could outsmart the other
voice in his head and steer clear of those who were tasked to find him. As the
vehicle came near though, it gently changed to the opposite lane and continued
to coast forward. The
shark faced fellow leapt out of hiding in astonishment, he couldn’t believe
what he just witnessed. “No! That can’t be right! They told me that the yellow
line separated the directions that the machines moved!” the creature exclaimed
as he raked his hand through his messy black mop of hair. ‘We’re
doomed! They’ll be coming any second! You failed us! We could’ve been half way
to the city if we would’ve continued moving! They’ll put us back in that box
and it’s all your fault!’ The
monstrous man winced as his mind stung him for his missteps. His body began to
shiver, he fell prey to his own stupidity yet again, but this time it would be
most costly. His anxiety was hitting him too hard for him to think straight.
For every step he took to make a new plan, he was pushed back by his own brain
asserting his mediocrity. He wanted to breakdown, quit everything, but he kept
breathing in harder. He had to do something, he couldn’t permanently place his
prison into his only possible future. His chest felt empty, his breathing
became erratic, but he pushed forth ignoring his endlessly spiteful mind. He
limped his way across the road, his anxiety acting like a fifty pound iron ball
strapped to his ankle. His
dreary wet optics scanned the area and identified a rather large rock, about
half his size. He began the labor required to set the stone on the other lane,
thus giving the driver no option but to move one of the objects to move
forward. Once his new plan was set in motion, he drooped to the ground sulking
in his past failure and still being lashed at for it mentally. On
the paved road, there was yet another pair of lights coming his way, but
unfortunately the dune buggy was making its way into sight as well. The anxious
creature gulped as though he was trying to force a watermelon down his throat.
The next machine looked more promising than the last, considering that he could
make out its shape and it was much larger. It was coming closer and at a faster
rate than his pursuer’s vehicle, but that didn’t put him at ease. He
kept low to the ground and watched as the next machine stopped at his road
block. The
large transport truck came to an abrupt halt as the driver was late to notice
the obstructions. The man leapt out from his driver seat, the back of his
attire having a symbol with the word ‘Miller’ at the center of it. This
originally spooked the creature as it was both his creator’s name and the
namesake of the lab he came from, but it’s logo was nothing near similar to
that of the lab nor did it include the other words that come before or after
the ‘Miller’ part of the name. The
hauler peered around before he bent down to clear the way. “Christ almighty.
‘No don’t just ram through the obvious trap, let’s go outside and move it out
of the way’. Now the police are gonna find me cut up and left in several
different baggies all over the goddamn highway” the truck driver muttered to
himself as he dragged the teenaged sapling out of his way. “You stupid kids
better know! I have a gun! I’m a pretty decent shot too! I was a marine for
several years, specialized in sniping!” In
the meantime, the big eyed being snuck into the cavity between the cab and the
trailer, holding on for dear life and hoping that the driver would stop ranting
sometime soon. “You
think your videogames make you tough!? I’ll show you how a real man fights! You
won’t be offered another life or a continue screen! The back of my hand will be
the last thing you remember! Do you hear me!?” The
behemoth’s face grew with more and more concern, not only because of the buggy
getting into closer vicinity with each moment the other guy gloated, but
because the driver might check around the truck for him and beat him senseless.
Sure, he was specially trained for combat, but that didn’t mean he was ready
for a fight. In fact, he wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible, the
current situation being even more of a reason to avoid that. The
driver soon clued in on the noise of the other vehicle in the area, the sound
of his own truck’s engine being enough to cancel out the smaller machine’s for
the past while. His eyes bugged out and he scurried back to his seat, shouting
many obscenities as his challenge was met. “I did not
factor in the buggy!” the spineless truck driver exclaimed as he slammed the
door and put the petal to the metal. The
tiny car attempted to keep up with the freight truck, but its top speed was
falling a little bit too short. The scientists within the vehicle were able to
keep up for a small while and were signaling the driver to stop and honking
their horn, but the only answer they got was a middle finger pasted on the
passenger window as the truck continued to accelerate. Meanwhile,
the being had clung to the cab as hard as he could, becoming more and more
nervous as the vehicle drove faster. A simple misstep would not only injure him
greatly, but bring him back to square one. Not only that, he would be even more
vulnerable to the scientists, meaning that whatever they were planning on doing
to him before he escaped would become a reality and frankly he didn’t want to
know what it was. With
the getaway driver being unresponsive, the buggy moved in closer to the gap
that was the creature’s hiding spot. “Twenty three! Just calm down! We know we
haven’t been fair to you! Dr. Miller came back! You might not trust us, but he
will make things better for all of us! You remember Dr. Miller right?! He said
first things first we’ll give you your old room back! The one with the comfy
bed! We won’t force you to hurt anyone ever again! Swear on my life!” ‘Don’t
trust them!’ “I
don’t need you to tell me that” ‘twenty three’ muttered to himself. The
black eyed behemoth peered back at the scientists and shook his head in
refusal. He made it quite clear at that, not that he needed to. In
response, the scientist in the passenger seat rose up with a rifle-like weapon
in his grasp and aimed it at the escapee. The target took a deep breath and as
his lips closed together his skin began to crackle and harden as though it was
morphing into some sort of rock-like substance. “Don’t
shoot just yet!” the driver exclaimed. “You
think I don’t know that, rookie!? Just keep pace! He can’t hold his breath
forever!” the senior staff member answered as he adjusted his scope. The
two vehicles kept at a rather steady speed lock with each other, though the
buggy faded in and out of view from the lab experiment. What the scientist said
was true though, the creature couldn’t hold his breath forever. In the state
that he was in, his nostrils were still quite open to soak in the air, but his
chest was unable to expand or compress considering that it was as flexible as a
cold iron brick. It was eventually too much for him to handle, so he had to
release his power and in that split second the passenger took his shot and the
little dart pricked the creature in the leg. The
meekly creature flinched in pain, but not only that, he knew what would come
next. The tranquiliser dart put him on a timer and he had no idea how close the
city was. Considering how much time had passed, he was hoping it was within a
safe distance. “Keep
in close pursuit!” “Stop
being a backseat driver!” The
truck driver peaked at his mirror and noticed that the dune buggy was still in
close proximity. Not only that, the passenger was pointing a gun at his
vehicle. He sneered as he grasped at an empty can and a colourful array of
items he had laying around his cabin and began tossing them out his window with
a full intention on hitting the scientists who were probably attempting to
harvest his organs. “Damn kids trying to shoot out my tires!” he spouted as he
unleashed his garbage barrage. Considering
the rather open nature of the dune buggy, it would come as no surprise that at
least some of the projectiles were capable of bashing into the heads of the
hunters, especially the one with the rifle and in a standing position. The money
shot, however, was the debris that decked the driver directly in the dome,
which in turn caused the mini-mobile to swerve off the beaten path and give the
transport a significant lead. The
horn of the freight vehicle spewed like a victory cry as the driver laughed
heartily as he left the duo in the dust. His
stow-away was not as pleased, sure he was more than happy to see his pursuers
get left behind like that, but it came at a cost. He plucked the little dart
from his leg, already feeling the faintest of its effects. He had to stay
awake, he had already come so far, all he needed to do was find a hiding place
in town and he would be set, though his hyperbolic thoughts were not so clear
cut. He
attempted to ease himself by breathing in a slow fashion, calm himself, but his
brain was back to scolding him for not doing more than he could. He might’ve
been able to avoid the shot if he had been more mindful of it, but the space he
was in didn’t allow for too much maneuverability, he was lucky that he could
even fit. After
a couple of minutes of dwelling in his own thoughts, plotting for his next move
after he wakes from his soon to be induced slumber, he began to notice a change
in his surroundings. Buildings replaced the tundra for scenery. He made it. The
vehicle came to a stop at one point, which the being took advantage of and took
a better look of the surroundings. It would appear that he had come to a
stoplight, the streets weren’t too busy. The bulbous eyes of the behemoth were
drawn to the neighboring vehicle though. He had heard of that type of red
vehicle, a fire truck. He was to keep an eye out for those considering that it
was one of the early augmentation adapters. Not that firefighters were given
too dangerous of an ability, being able to absorb heat was rather harmless. With
the scientists no doubt keeping tabs on the transport, it would probably be
best for him to switch escape vehicles and follow wherever the new truck goes.
With one mighty leap, he tackled the side of the fire engine, climbed aboard,
and saddled into the ladder atop the machine. The creature ducked down, though
that didn’t stop him from absorbing an eyeful of the city. Sure, to most it was
nothing more than a suburban sprawl, but to twenty three it was astounding.
Minus the street lamps and other such lights that were irritating his peepers.
He was like a child who had a photo of Niagara Falls, but didn’t actually see
the wonder of the world until adulthood. He
took in as much as he could, but made sure that he wasn’t too visible. It was
quite late, but there were still more people around than he would like. He was
certain that someone probably noticed his exchange of vehicles earlier, but it
probably wasn’t a significant amount to cause him problems in the near future. The
truck was close to arriving at its station, which meant it was his stop. At
this point, the sedative was near to being fully set in. His eyes were
challenging him to keep conscious, and his limbs were starting to abandon him.
Once the vehicle pulled into its driveway, the beast pulled the last of his
energy to jump off and zip his way toward the nearest house. He tiptoed around
the light and kept close to his best friend, the darkness. He easily snuck
through the backyard of the unsuspecting owner and proceeded to climb whatever
was available to him. A loose brick, an air conditioner, whatever was there,
the mopey monster took advantage of. Once
his hand felt the shingles, he pulled himself up with his last bit of strength and
collapsed on the roof. He slowly but surely wiggled his way into a better
position so that he wasn’t as visible to anyone below the building. ‘We
made it. We did a commendable job’ his mind echoed as he embraced the weariness
and in return it hugged him back. While the shingles were not quite a comfortable
surface, it was a welcome change to the stone cold slab he had been used to
for… however long he was trapped in that mono-white box. “… I… am glad you are… im-” with that, out like a light, the monstrous titan finally getting a peaceful rest. © 2020 RedgrimAuthor's Note
Added on January 4, 2016 Last Updated on October 24, 2020 Tags: Miller, Brave the Forest, augmentation, Redgrim Author