![]() The TransformationA Chapter by MuSiCFreak8899![]() Scipio finally turns into an adult.![]() The boat came to an erupt stop, I looked up, my eyes taking in the huge island that was in front of me. Scipio jumped out of the boat, then Prosper, Earl following. I however stayed in the boat. Earl asked me directly, "Are you coming Penelope?" I nodded quickly and set foot on the island. Is this where the merry go 'round is REALLY hidden? I thought it would be hidden in some kind of tower with guards all around it. We all walked forward, a huge wall came into view. Earl stated, "We're going to have to climb the wall." Scipio replied as he started first, "Exactly." Prosper sighed heavily and went next, I was waiting for Earl to go, however he pushed me forward, "You go first, if case you fall, I'll catch you." I heard Scipio huff up above. I shrugged, and tightened my fingers on the large stones. I basically used all the loose stones to pull myself up. Below, Earl was following my lead. WOAH. Do not look down. I focused my attention above. Did I ever mention I'm afraid of heights? I finally reached the top, Prosper pulled me up more and I sat down. I said breathlessly, "Thank you." He nodded and turned his attention below, on the other side of the wall. In front of us, was plenty of trees and bushes. The whole place looked like a forest. It strangely reminded me of Narnia. I wonder if Aslan will pop out of nowhere. Hey, apparently there's magic here already. Well...'apparently'. Earl popped up and used all his strenght to pull himself up fully. He settled himself next to me. Finally, Scipio spoke, "I think the merry go 'round is in the back, let's go." Scipio and Prosper then proceeded to simply jump down. Oh man. Well, here it goes. I pushed myself off the wall and closed my eyes slightly, waiting to feel my feet touch the grassy ground. When it did, I opened my eyes to find Earl already jumped and right besides me. As if we were following the leader, we carefully and silently walked through the trees and bushes. After a few minutes, we came into a clearing. Before I could take in the new surroundings, loud barks came from behind us. We all spun around at the same exact time. I felt Earl tense, along with Scipio and Prosper. Two black dogs were standing side by side jumping up and down and barking. Prosper whispered, "Don't move. If we run they'll take us down." Earl muttered, "I fingered out that much." Man! Look at the teeth on those...killers! That's not a very good thing for us right now. Suddenly, a small girl with long blonde hair tied in a pony tail appeared at the scene. She was wearing a red jacket with a matching skirt. A unexpected voice came out of her mouth, a voice belonging to a elderly woman, "Enough!" She grabbed onto the two dog's leashes, taming them. She then stared at us. "What are you doing here?" Scipio replied, still rather nervous of the dogs, "We wanted to see the Conte." The girl snapped, "The Conte doesn't like having unexpected visitors." Scipio said rather stiffly, "We had a deal with him. And you cheated us." The girl stared at us for a minute, then glanced slightly down, "That way. And don't try to run. My dogs are faster than you." With that she walked on in the other direction, expecting us to follow her. Prosper wiped his mouth and gave a glance at Scipio. I muttered, "What's to lose.." We followed the girl, past more trees and bushes until a huge house came into view. We watched into the opening, a huge room was revealed, a train set was set and running. The dogs ran forward, Earl sighed in relief. The girl remarked, "You have some visitors brother." There on the middle of the floor, was a boy. He had black slicked hair, wearing a fancy elegant suit. He looked up from playing with his train set. His voice also sounded elderly, "Well, hello, what brings you here tonight?" Scipio said, "The Conte cheated us." The boy replied in an apologetic tone, "My apologizes, it was Barbarossa's idea to give you fake money. I would have paid you other wise." Scipio leaned and whispered to us, "I knew it, the merry go 'round works!" Prosper stared at the boy, "So you're the Conte..?" The boy smiled gently, "At your service." Earl smiled widely, "Wow!" Okay, that is pretty convincing. It explains the elderly voices coming out of these small children. However...I have to see the merry go 'round myself at it's work, before I can decide. The Conte continued on, "So I'm guessing the reason you are here is to take a ride on the merry go 'round." Scipio rocked back and forth on his feet, "It is indeed." The Conte got up and walked towards us, "Very well. But beware, this is an unusual contraption indeed." ---------------------------- We were following the Conte and his sister outside. Scipio had asked why they wanted to be children again. Conte explained that they never had much of a childhood when they grew up, and they wanted to experience the happiness and joy. Well that's pretty fair. We kept walking, the conversation continued but I wasn't listening very much. What made my snap back into reality was Earl gasp and saying, "Holy.....crap!" I quickly looked up, I gasped as well. There in front of us, was the wooden merry go 'round. So it really IS here! I noticed all the figures Bo had mentioned the day we were at the orphanage. There they were, posing in all their glory. If only I brought a camera... Scipio ran down the stone steps, staring up at the wooden machine. He started to walk around it, Prosper following, "This is the solution to all our problems!" Earl whispered to me, "Aren't you happy we broke into Ida's house?" I rolled my eyes before giving in, "Yeah...thanks for that." Scipio's voice was full of excitement, "Does it matter which one you ride?" The Conte answered calmly, "The lion was the one for me. If you want to grow older, you must use one of the water creatures." Scipio turned to Prosper, "Come on Prop, take a pick." Wait? Is he honestly going to ride? What about Bo? Earl's facial expression asked the same question. "Which one do you want? The sea horse of the merman?" Prosper casted him a worried look, "What you do is your choice. I can't do this." Scipio's face shown disappointment, "What about Bo? Think how happy he'll be." Prosper said quietly, "Bo wants me as a brother. Not a father." Scipio stared at him for a moment, then at us, Earl piped, "Count us out man... we're just here for the show." I kinda felt bad for Scipio. He's going to have to do this alone. Scipio shrugged after a moment, "You heard him Conte, looks like I'm riding alone." He advanced towards the wooden merry go 'round, went up the steps and sat himself on the sea horse. I guess he is REALLY going to do this huh? I kinda admire his bravery. I can't make that kind of decision. The Conte hesitated for a moment, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Scipio smirked and replied, "I'm never been more sure in my life, and I swear I won't come off until I need a shave." I resorted, "Well that's promising." The Conte grabbed the handle, "Hold on tight!" He then proceeded to push the handle. Finally he let go, it still spun, even faster. The wheels started to spin, the platform moved in a circle, I saw Scipio gripping tightly to the sea horse. Earl grunted, "The boy's mad!" I chuckled, "More like following his dreams." Scipio exclaimed, "Here we go!" The merry go 'round spun faster and faster. I would probably puke by then, if I was on it. Soon it was going SO fast, that smoke started to appear, covering the merry go 'round. Now we wouldn't see Scipio anymore. I could still hear Scipio's cries of adventure and victory. A huge spark went off, making both Earl and I jump. Wind started to pick up, leaves and grass flying around madly. Prosper slightly covered his face from being hit. Earl tried to get the leaves that have recently gotten in his hair. The Conte half shouted, "If he doesn't get off now! He'll be an old man!" Prosper blinked a couple of times, before yelling, "Scip! Get off!" The Conte and Prosper started to yell jump off, and before I knew it, Earl and I were too. It looks like this thing can seriously kill him! I heard Scipio's yells once again. The merry go 'round started to slow down. Good, he let go. We all hurried closer, the sea horse where Scipio had sat on was empty. Suddenly, from out of the smoke, came a tall figure. Earl gasped, "Holy crap!!!!! It worked!!!!!!" I stood in shock, as an older Scipio appeared into view. The clothes he was wearing, gotten smaller on him. His hair was longer. He looked different... Prosper stared at him in horror and surprise. The Conte was smiling. Man... the adult Scipio brushes up...nice. Adult Scipio finally said in pants, "That....was....incredible."
© 2009 MuSiCFreak8899Author's Note
Added on August 20, 2009 Last Updated on August 20, 2009 Author![]() MuSiCFreak8899In Your Imagination.AboutHello all, I'm Taylor. September 12th is when I blow out the candles. My hobbies are music, writing, reading, sleeping, photography and anything else that is incredibly rad. Vintage and .. more..Writing