CollectionA Poem by Red_Queen![]() This is for you![]() I don't believe in the video. A Poem by Red_Queen F*****g insane tube I don't believe in the Video But i believe in the radio Images burning my eyes Voices clouding my thoughts This is what you want This is what you get Subliminal messages Justfuckingthrowitaway,dropitnownownownownownownow ^now^now^now^now^now Now,is this point Of the sword of the pen Trap me with your video lies Control me with your radio vibes Hide from me with your disgusting disguise Use your 'this' to keep me from wise Buy me Love me Control me Kill me F**k me Forms,Waves,Flashes,Bangs,Wows I don't believe in the video but i do believe in the radio. © 2008 Red_Queen Stop. A Poem by Red_Queen short and not so sweet. Stop. Are you ready? Close your eyes. Do you see it? Listen closely. Can you hear it? Breath deep. Taste it? Stop! © 2008 Red_Queen Thousand man sore A Poem by Red_Queen Pass me around. Everybody hate you but they want some more. Passed out, dead to the world, on the floor You leave no room to open the door. Now all you are is a f*****g w***e Your lips are covered with the thousand man sore. The apple of thier eyes, Till you start to bore. © 2008 Red_Queen The Monkey A Poem by Red_Queen And there was this. no The word. The f*****g words everywhere. A poem in itself. It is the monkey who has no heart. He is the monkey who tears me apart. This is the monkey who injects the pain. She is the monkey who ruins my day. They are the monkey who kill the minority. We are the monkey who have the authority. © 2008 Red_Queen Ocean so shallow A Poem by Red_Queen And the word was... My ocean is so deap It's only a puddle You love what is cheap You just want to cuddle This shallow ink You make my boat Float When it should only sink You live with too much hope Do you understand what i am saying? My s**t is still spraying Why are you still praying? To see this again It should be a sin Let me apply my own spin To this already twisted work of word I am not the prophet bird. Time to die you f*****g t**d © 2008 Red_Queen Man made Freak A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. This man made freak. Who can not speak. Who dances with the dead. Who lays them in his bed. Who can't get out of his own head. © 2008 Red_Queen Fists for hugs A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. I hate you with so much love My blows show how much I care My fists are hugs My foul tounge a kiss I will force the vegetables down your throat It is good for you I am not Dear god i want to. Why are we Anti-Everyhing Will our lives end with a bang? Or a whimper? F**k you! You piece of s**t!!!! This is roughly translated to: "I love you" My double ended sword Digs down your mouth. Am i still sick? Will you cure me? Will you "love" me? © 2008 Red_Queen In(no)(sense) A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. Din and dissonance Destroy all the In(no)(sense) Disgusting and vile Vomit up the bile This is In(no)(sense) My mind is a scratched Skipping tracks My mind is a telescope Destroying all your hope This is In(no)(sense) © 2008 Red_Queen Ascention to the trash bin A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. My mind is walled in. Inspiration has flown out the window That does not exist CLosed Tight To keep the angels out The demons in All I have left is sin Ascention to the trash bin © 2008 Red_Queen Don't, Why? A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. Don't ask me Why I will only deny Don't look deeper You'll only get weaker. Goodbye. © 2008 Red_Queen I'm not. A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you I am sitting. The water is filling. I am standing. The flower is wilting. I am falling. The clouds are dieing. I am living. The rainbow is ending. © 2008 Red_Queen Lust or Love? A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. The smoke veiled Goddess The First wonder of my world Black velvet falling on her shoulders Bloodshot eyes looking out Stars for teeth Oceans for lips Lust or Love? The book is unfinished Acid tears and Ecstacy kisses Silk for skin Diamonds for eyes Beauty is fleeting Nothing is forever Except the image of You in my mind Lust or Love? © 2008 Red_Queen Rainbow Field A Poem by Red_Queen I want to love you. I want honeydew melon And rainbow sprinkles Not this black licorice That is force-fed into everyone. I vomit tar. My breath reaks with your filth. I want cotton candy clouds And marshmellow skies. I want a personal wonderland With trees built of lollipops And oceans filled with ice cream I am ready to return to the happy This dissapointment is begining to get old I have wasted too much time When nothing in my life seems to rhyme. My apple is rotten Worms have taken nest. I want to go to my Rainbow Field My wonderful, wonderful wonderland I want strawberry flavored poison So i can feel safe in this (anti)wonderland. Please will you take me to my Rainbow Field? © 2008 Red_Queen F**k A Poem by Red_Queen Warning this poem contains F**k you. It's a word get over it. F**k, is all I have left F**k, is me now F**k, is the only thing that has any meaning anymore. F**k, is the only thing that makes sense. I am f**k. Thats all I will ever f*****g be. F*****g trees Growing out of my f*****g skull. F**k is a word I am a f*****g person What the f**k is the difference? This isn't even a f*****g poem anymore It never was a f*****g poem All it is, is f**k All we are is f**k F**k is the only thing I have left in my life. F**k the only thing I have left in my life. F**k only thing I have left in my life. F**k thing I have left in my life. F**k I have left in my life. F**k have left in my life. F**k left in my life. F**k in my life. F**k my life. F**k life. F**k. © 2008 Red_Queen Every F*****g thing is wrong A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. Every, Every, Every F*****g thing is wrong Your eyes produce only errors Every f*****g thing is wrong you aer in control of the infinite mind you are right. All this time i thought you wanted me to be like you. You didn't No one can Not even you can be you Everything about this is fucked. I can't breath right. piss right, live right eat right, see right I can't even BE right NO! You f*****g listen to me I am right, you will never be. Every F*****g thing is wrong © 2008 Red_Queen [untitled] A Story by Red_Queen FOr the nonsense contest well nonsense... ... where do i start? over there? or maybe right here? Yes right here will be fine. you know what i love i love a CLockwork orange because untill you get to chapter five it makes absolutly no sense. hes talking about "oi what say we go out and hve a real horrorshow time maybe pick up a few devotchkas and haves some of the ol' in-out-in-out, eh? right right right? then we can make a stop at the kolotove and pick up some milk with knives that always gets me ready for the old ultraviolence send a copuple tolchoks into a old drunk mans rot and pluck out his glozzies" I mean whart the f**k was anthony burgess thinking when he made that up. I will tell you what he was thinking he was thinkning "wow this is some goooooooooood acid" I have to go to wunderland now (not really but i f*****g wish) so iu will see you later. © 2008 Red_Queen The knee's of the people A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you We the poeple are on our knees mouth full of bile that we swallow in fear. F**k it. Let it pour out all over thier feet Drown them in it. I am done sucking the c**k of the 'gods' The Rulers The Kings of our time Join me They oppress what the cannot digesst We will free them. And expand thier minds I'm dirty I'm bad I'm taboo Thus i am evil. © 2008 Red_Queen My dreams nightmare. A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. But i want you to steal it. I am stuck in this dream that might be my life. The lines are blurry and my eyes are gone I speak without a tounge. I touch without hands. I am oh so scared now that i will not wake This is not what I want But still more is pile onto my plate my mouth is full of fabrications and my mind is spilling on the floor. My arms shake and rattle the chains This "paradise?" Please unlock my mind. Free me. Will you? © 2008 Red_Queen I can touch the stas now A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. We are so close now. We can almost grasp them now The stars. Arms stretched out trying to find something substantial to wrap our fingers around The stars Will be the wrungs of our ladder. Climb, Climb, climb Up or down? This way, that? We are so close now To the diamonds in the sky. Will we ever climb high enough? To cradle the light? To caress the beauty? No. WE will not. But I will. I can touch the stars now. Nothing Rhymes with Orange A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. We are all oranges and everyone knows Nothing rhymes with orange Will I ever rhyme with life, or am I Destined To only rhyme with Dead I am strapped down and force fed. I am an orange and everyone knows nothing rhymes with orange I want to rhyme with Love but I only seem to attract Hate Should i inject the needle? and just sedate? myslef? I want to rhyme with apple with peaches with rainbow grapes But i only rhyme with orange So i am nothing. Because evryone knows nothing rhymes with orange. © 2008 Red_Queen We A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. We are the nothing that is everything We are the everything that is void We hold the power of a dead battery We recharge with bottles and pain We are growing into a tree that is dead before it sprouts We are the Me We are the us We are the they We are the them We are I And I am a liar We are the everything that is everything You are more then us F**k the rest, Pass the test, In this guessing game of madness © 2008 Red_Queen Naptime and Ice cream A Poem by Red_Queen I love you all of you. I want to go back to Naptime and flying down the hot slide Popsicles and ice cream All that is left is our screams My white dress has darkened My innosence defiled No more walking to reccess in a single file My teeth are rotten Though i eat nothing sweet No more playing in the sun sweating in the summer heat WE are dead to the world. Numb to the pain. I want to go back to Naptime, and ice cream © 2008 Red_Queen Lolipops and teddy bears (the real version) A Poem by Red_Queen This is not for you. But i will let you borrow it. What happened to the days of lolipops and teddybears? Now all we have is war and people screaming its not fair. What happened to the days of sunshine and smiles? Now all we have is an innoscence that has been defiled. The days are gone up in flame and no one wants to take the blame. It was me It was you It was god It was everyone Him, her He ,she What happened to the days Of lolipops and teddy bears. © 2008 Red_Queen C**k Sucker A Chapter by Red_Queen This is not for you. I dress in fashion I love looking Beautiful So thus i suck c**k next chapter © 2008 Red_Queen AntHIll A Chapter by Red_Queen This is not for you. Ants Scurry Past us. We ignore all them passing. Smashing hills with feet Blood invisible Too small are they to notice blind are we to all All of them will die I will die as one of them i too am small. Addicted to Love You give your hearts away like candy on holloween It takes everything i am not to scream My defiance at your mindless self indulgance into useless activities of plan to see nothing
© 2012 Red_Queen |
Added on September 18, 2012 Last Updated on September 18, 2012 Author![]() Red_QueenOceanside, CAAboutHello Yes it's really ,e and yes i might just be back. After a long absence from writing i think i just might be getting back into it. so thats all for now hope to read some of your stuff peace... more..Writing