I love the strong mind you put in this poem. The idea is really strong,and the poem is powerful. it hurts when our parents hurt us inside, but in the forth stanza, I will say they actually care about you, if not, they will not be shocked when you say you'll leave. Its something weird about parents, they always think they did the right thing for you while they don't, but after all, they mean good.
However, i see they did it really wrong in the later stanza, maybe you should tell them what you really think and you tell them what is the thing you really want. I love the ending of the poem, keep the whole poem strong and powerful, giving readers a very clear impression to the poems :D
Nice written!
I love the strong mind you put in this poem. The idea is really strong,and the poem is powerful. it hurts when our parents hurt us inside, but in the forth stanza, I will say they actually care about you, if not, they will not be shocked when you say you'll leave. Its something weird about parents, they always think they did the right thing for you while they don't, but after all, they mean good.
However, i see they did it really wrong in the later stanza, maybe you should tell them what you really think and you tell them what is the thing you really want. I love the ending of the poem, keep the whole poem strong and powerful, giving readers a very clear impression to the poems :D
Nice written!
First you put 'your' when you meant 'you're'.
I'm assuming you're far more comfortable with prose rather than poetry. This has quite a prose feel to it and it's far harder to switch from prose to poetry than people realise (I know, I'm working through it myself at the moment).
There are a couple of half rhymes in there, I'm not sure if they're intentional or not?
You seemed to repeat the idea of leaving and going quite a bit in a short space. Try to switch up your word use a little bit to add more depth and colour.
There are places where it rhymes and others where it doesn't. I'm not convinced the rhyming really adds anything to the poem, it could be better to leave it as a pure free verse or put it into full rhyme.
The flow of the emotions down through the piece works well. The progression from anger, frustration, sadness then determination is well done. The end is a good sharp ending which finishes it on a strong note.
I didn't mean to seem harsh I just wanted to try and show you how I read it and help you grow and learn for next time.
Nice poem, man. I'm not sure if it is one of your first, but I gotta say, a lot of potential in my opinion. Writing really is a great form of expression, isn't it? Anyway, good work, and keep it up.
Well, I'm not sure what you want to know about me or if you even want to in the first place. If somebody does decide to read this then I guess I better say something.
I was born in Washington (no, .. more..