Mass Effect: On the Edge - Season 3 Shared Writing
A Book by Paul James
A collection of posts authored by yours truly for a Mass Effect-based collaborative fiction. Cover art by "GuardianoftheForce", from Deviant Art. 
© 2012 Paul James
Author's Note
This is a collection of posts (specifically authored by myself) from a play-by-post role play I've been working on with friends for about a year now. The full story is hosted on another site, but I've decided to share the opening of the new season here. Play-by-post role playing is a different method of writing than what most authors here may be used to. Stories (the role plays) are collaborative projects where multiple authors contribute to the story by controlling certain main characters of their own.
This post was drafted using BBCode for forums. [i] and [/i] denote italics.
Paul JamesOK
The portfolio of literary drafts and other nonsensical libraries belonging to a daredevil thinker.
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