![]() 7-4+3x0+1=?A Story by Paul James
Earlier this week I presented my Facebook friends with a math problem I found from a jokster I follow on Google+. While the original intent of the problem was to spark a funny debate, I found a deeper meaning behind it all.
Have you ever asked your math teacher in school "What am I going to be using this for?" or "Why on earth do I need to know all of this?" I did; all the time. However, they would always tell me to not that ask that question, or they just wouldn't acknowledge me. No one has ever given me a straight answer; but this single math problem tells you why. ![]() Before I get to the explanation of the philosophical, let's try to solve the practical, shall we? If you go by the old elementary rule of "Anything times zero equals zero" then you'll end up with "1" as the solution, as everything before the 0 can be disregarded since it becomes multiplied by 0. Then, just add the 1 and you're all set. About half of everyone in the Google+ debate provided "1" as the solution; and about the same on Facebook did as well. But what about "Please-Excuse-My-Dear-Aunt-Sally"? If you went with the more advanced PEMDAS route (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract) then the answer would actually be "4". All calculators will actually confirm this answer. 7-4+3x0+1 (cancel out the 3x0) 7-4+1 3+1 =4 According to the almighty Wikipedia, PEMDAS (the Order of Operations, as it's officially named) is supposed to be unambiguous; meaning, it is absolute. But is the Order of Operations absolute, or is it the absolute? In other words, should we always use PEMDAS, no matter what? Or are there certain times when PEMDAS comes into play and then the order is absolute? If the order itself is absolute, then the answer would actually be "2", not "4". How? Because if you follow PEMDAS to the letter (Ha! I made a funny!), then subtraction would be last, not first, and the answer would be 2. 7-4+3x0+1 (cancel out the 3x0) 7-4+1 (add first, subtract last) 7-5 =2 So in the long run, we have three possible answers: 1, 4, and 2. In other words, we have the practical approach (anything multiplied by zero is thus), the fluid approach (why does the calculator dictate a different approach to PEMDAS?), and the fundamental approach (the Order of Operations is absolute). Anyone see the deeper meaning yet? This math problem isn't really a math problem; but a question about truth. When is truth absolute, and when is it relative? How can we determine such a thing? This is the reason why very few math teachers (no matter how well they exceed at the subject alone) can answer their students' long-time question: "Why do I need to know this?". Quite frankly, there is no absolute answer to the question. It all depends on when and how you use the methodology of mathematics. ![]() For example: Most people would agree that 1+1=2; but that's because most people aren't computer programmers who would object to that statement if the problem was applied to the nature of computer science. 1+1=2 is a decimal system problem and solution; but according to thebinary system (that system of nothing but 1s and 0s in a computer's raw data stream), 1+1=10! See, statements are often true because we define them to be so. And ifthat profound statement doesn't get you wondering about a plethora of things right now, then I don't what will.
© 2012 Paul JamesFeatured Review
4 Reviews Added on July 19, 2012 Last Updated on July 19, 2012 Author![]() Paul JamesOKAboutThe portfolio of literary drafts and other nonsensical libraries belonging to a daredevil thinker. Follow me on... Twitter: @recagenda Facebook: ... .com/RecAgenda Google+: Paul James more..Writing