Chapter TWO: Just Beginning

Chapter TWO: Just Beginning

A Chapter by Rebecca J Martin

Lauren's first week at the Haven has just begun... read on to find out how her and Sally begin to adjust to their new living quarters and life at the Asylum...


Today was the official start of Lauren’s first week at the Haven, as well as beginning to her treatment.  With a lot on her schedule to achieve, I wondered how she would have the time to visit with me.  We really hadn’t talked much since our arrival here.  Just to be able to be near my best friend was special in so many ways.  Conversations were and always would be the number one key to keeping our connection alive. 

“What do you think of the Haven?”  I hoped we could have a real conversation for a change.

“Meh.”  Lauren pulled herself out of her bed.   

“It’s not the Marriott, but I can’t really complain.” 


“Well, I for one won’t be here much longer,” Tara said as she pulled her covers down. 

“Honestly though, Lauren you pretty much have it made.  I can tell Miss Molly really likes you.” 

“Oh?  How’s that?” 

“Well, she’s typically a very nice person, but she seems to be sick of people and their insanities lately.”  Tara did her best impression of a ‘crazy person’  “She is, however very good at faking her affection toward most of us.” 

“Ok, but how do you know she’s ok with me?” 

“Girl, she's more than ok with you” Tara laughed

“But, how do you know?”  The irritation in Lauren’s voice was more than obvious 

“Well girl, for one, she didn’t do that thing with her eyes when she walked away from you.”

Tara grabbed a towel and washcloth from the linen closet. 

“It’s time for my shower, I’ll see you at group Lauren.” 

 “She’s just strange,” Lauren did her famous eye roll

Lauren grabbed her bag as she put on her slippers.  It wasn’t long before we were heading to the dining area for breakfast. 


Omelets, fruit salad, cereal, and waffles were our choices for breakfast.  Even if I wasn’t completely happy about being here, I could definitely get used to the food.  Most hospitals had the worse food ever. 

“Oh my God!”  A lady sitting in front of Lauren said with a mouthful of food “Did you SEE Tiffy this morning?”  Her eyes were aimed directly at Lauren. 

“Uh… Me?”  Puzzled, Lauren looked around  

“Yeah YOU, stupid girl!” 

OH my GOD, I wanted to jump into this woman’s skin and rip her heart out!  Lauren flashed her ‘control yourself’ eyes my way. 


“That’s Ruthie.” A girl next to Lauren whispered 

“OUCH!”  Lauren cried out in shock 

Apparently, the crazy lady sitting across from her kicked Lauren under the table.  I immediately jumped up and headed toward the woman.  Lauren grabbed my arm in time to stop me before I did something we’d both regret. 

“MISS Ruthie!”  A firm voice startled us both 

That’s when I saw an older woman walk toward the woman and sit down. 


“MISS Ruthie!”  She yelled a second time.  Ruthie sat with perfect posture and put her hands in her lap like a proper young child in elementary school.  It was crazy how her mouth suddenly seemed glued shut in a thin line.  I tried not to laugh. 

“Ruthie,” The lady said again “You know you are not allowed to behave in this manner.  What happened last time?” 

“I got put in time out,” Ruthie said in a slow sad voice. She looked down at her lap, fiddling with something. 

“That’s right.”  The ladies voice calmed down     


“And what do we do here at the Safe Haven?” The lady sounded as if she were scolding a young child

“We stand our ground, but give second chances.”  Ruthie continued to look toward her lap

“That’s right Miss Ruthie.”  The lady smiled at her “Now, apologize to Miss Lauren please.” 

Lauren?  How did she know her name?   

“I’m sorry Miss Lauren” Ruthie slightly lifted her head to look at her 

“It’s ok Ruthie.”  Lauren smiled  


I was almost sure I saw compassion in Lauren’s eyes for a brief moment.  Certainly, she didn’t feel sorry for that… that… TROLL?!  Almost as soon as Lauren accepted her apology, she jumped up from her chair.  I tried to keep up with her as she headed back toward our room. 


“Wait!”  I huffed “Lauren, please… wait!” 

It didn’t matter how hard I pleaded, Lauren wasn’t stopping until she was inside our room.  After slamming the door shut behind us, Lauren sat down on her bed with her face buried in her hands.  We were breaking the rules coming in here after morning hours. 

“Come on Lauren, you knew when we came here we’d bump into some horrifically challenged individuals.” 

That didn’t help.  Her tears slid through her fingers, landing on the floor. 

“You don’t get it!”  Lauren sobbed, wiping her eyes with her arm 

“Of course I get it… wait, get what?” 

“You always have it easy.  You can’t possibly understand how it feels to always be singled out. Then you’re expected to understand how and why bullies do what they do.”

“Lauren.”  I sat closer to her “Look, I know I can’t understand completely, but I have seen you go through similar circumstances before.”  

“There, there.” I patted my hand against her back like a mother burping her baby as she cried into my shoulder 

That’s when I decided to just hold and comfort my best friend.  When words didn’t work, sometimes a hug was all she needed.  It wasn’t long before she calmed down.

“Oh my gosh!”  Lauren gasped as she blew her nose, “I think it’s too late for me to take a shower!” 

I peeked my head out the door and looked at the clock in the hallway.  Sure enough, it was already 10:20 am. 

“Yeah Lauren, you missed it by 10 minutes.” 

“Oh well, it’s just as well.” 

Lauren got into her day clothes and brushed her hair. 

“You look like you’re getting ready for a hot date.”  I tried to make her laugh

“Right!”  She smirked “Group starts in a few minutes.  I can’t be late for my first session.” 


She rushed out the door, leaving me to follow.  When we entered the group therapy room, I couldn’t believe how big it was.  It was the most decorated room that I’d seen here as of yet.  I noticed there was a mini kitchen on one side of the room, and an art area on the other. 

After choosing our seats, we settled in.  The chairs were formed in a circle, just like I’d seen in the movies.  It wasn’t long until all the chairs were taken up, minus one. I heard someone say that Gretchen was late.  She was the group therapy counselor.


“All right everyone,” I heard a familiar voice, “Now that you’ve all taken your seats, let’s get this meeting going.” 

I watched the same older woman from the dining area take the last seat.  She had the same smile and caring demeanor about her. 

“Now, Tiffy I believe it’s your turn to start the meeting off?” 

I wondered how I knew the name Tiffy, then it dawned on me.  That was the person Ruthie was questioning Lauren about during breakfast.  I watched a young man stand up. With a male bun of lavender-pink and face full of beautiful shades of makeup, Tiffy appeared slightly feminine. 


“Good morning everyone.”  He curtsied 

I knew at that moment, I would enjoy hearing him talk to the group.  He came off to me like a performer.  I half expected him to go into a song, or entice us all in a mumbo-jumbo dance.

“I’m sorry Tiffy.”  Gretchen interrupted “I almost forgot to introduce our newest member.  She arrived 2 days ago.  Some of you may have already met her.”     


I felt anxious for Lauren.  Again she was going to be singled out.

“Miss Lauren Gignac,” She signaled for Lauren to stand, “I would like to introduce you to your fellow group members.  After group, I would like each of you to introduce yourselves to Lauren and please make her feel welcome.”     


As soon as Gretchen was finished embarrassing Lauren, she took her seat while Tiffy proceeded to stand up again. 

“Good morning everyone.”  Tiffy curtsied again 

“And good morning Miss Lauren,” He said with a big smile, “I am so glad to make your acquaintance.”  

“Thank you, Tiffy.”  Laurens' cheeks turned a rosy shade 

“Now, where was I headed?  Oh yes, I just wanted to update everyone on how I have been with my treatment at this most awesome place.”   

All eyes were on Tiffy except Ruthie.  Sure, she was looking in his direction, but she was also mocking him with facial gestures.  I stopped myself from laughing because it would have been rude. 


“As of two days ago, I made peace with my best friend Kathy.” 

A man across the room from Tiffy raised his hand. 

“Yes Bart?”  Miss Gretchen said 

“And how did you make peace with Kathy?” 

“Well,” Tiffy cleared his throat, “remember a while back, I said that Kathy refused to come to visit with me when I was first admitted?” 

Just about everyone nodded their heads. 

“She surprised me the other day.”  Tiffy’s smile was so big, that there was no doubt in my mind he was extremely happy about the visit

“Doctor Trenton himself came to my room with the good news.” 

He went into how the visit went and that they left on great terms. Apparently he had treated her pretty bad before he was admitted here.

“I do say,” Miss Gretchen beamed, “That is probably the best update I’ve heard from you Tiffy.” 

As Tiffy sat down, Miss Gretchen stood up again. 

“Today I have selected a question based on what brought one of our residents here for help.” 

She looked around at everyone as in if she were going to point that person out. Instead, she took her seat again. 

“I would like each and every one of you to take a few moments to think about your answers.  Before being admitted here at the Haven, what was the worst thing any one person did to hurt you.  This could be someone you loved to someone you loathed.”  My heart jumped as she turned toward Lauren, “All of you are aware of this, but I have to say it for Lauren’s sake since she’s new.”


“Lauren, how are you adjusting here dear?” 

“It’s not bad,” Lauren started, “Uhm, I mean I’m doing ok.” 

 “No one is allowed to answer this question out loud during group.  It’s your choice after group therapy who you discuss it with.  For now, I expect everyone to answer the daily question by writing it down in their personal journals.  Some write it as a story, others just write it as an answer.  It’s your choice how creative you want it to be.”  

Miss Gretchen walked over to the kitchenette area and fumbled through a cabinet. She brought back a colorful notebook and pen, handing it to Lauren.  She looked happy for her new gift. 

“Now,” Gretchen continued, “Once you have finished writing down your answer, you will deliver your notebook into this box by the door.  These questions and answers are basically a way for me to get to know you better.” 


After everyone finished their answers, Miss Gretchen took the seat again. 

“I would like each of you to name one thing you love the most about yourselves.  We’ll start with Lauren.” 

Lauren looked really nervous at this point.

“I suppose I like the fact that I try really hard to not be offended when other’s bully me.” 

With that, the rest of the residents answered one after the other.  The session went on for about another half hour.    

“What’s next?”  I asked Lauren 

“Hmm,” Lauren studied her schedule “it looks like it’s almost time for lunch.”

That was music to my ears.  I swear everyone in the room kept looking at me every time my tummy let out a huge growl.  


It was only 15 till noon when we arrived in the dining area.  Food wouldn’t be served for a little while.  We found Tara and sat with her while we waited.  It was just the three of us at the table.  That was until Crazy Ruthie sat across from Lauren again.  I had a feeling she sat there on purpose.  I was starting to think she was the instigator when it came to a lot of issues here at the Asylum. 

 “So, you think you can handle a bully?”  Tara quietly laughed as she pointed at Ruthie 

Ruthie was too busy in her own little world to understand anything going on around her. 

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t really get any worse than Ruthie here.” Tara reassured.   

 “She has it in for Tiffy though.”  As usual, she didn’t give Lauren a chance to reply “She always has.  To be honest, he probably would have graduated this stinking place if not for that horned devil woman.”   

It was at that moment the lunch bell chimed.

The room was quickly filling up with residents.  The three of us took our place as quickly as we could at the front of the line.   

Mmm, I smelled pizza, or was it spaghetti?  Either way, they were both favorites of mine. 

“Lauren,” Tara didn’t let the lunch line get in the way of her talking, “I really like you.  I knew you were cool people from the moment you first walked in my… our room.”  She lay a hand on Lauren’s back “I tell you this because I want you to know if anyone, and I mean ANYone gives you issues here, let me know.  I have my own way of dealing with some of these idiotic residents.” 

I actually felt relieved that Tara was on our… er, Lauren’s side. 

“That is really nice of you Tara.” 

“Ma’am” A loud woman interrupted, “What will it be?  Mixed veggies, salad or mashed potatoes?” 

Lauren looked undecided.

“She’ll take a bit of all three.”  Tara answered for her 


I was happy when we sat down to find Miss Molly and Miss Gretchen sitting across from us.  Honestly, I don’t think Lauren would of eaten had Ruthie took her place across her again.  In fact, Ruthie was nowhere to be seen.  That was strange. 

“Well hello there Miss Lauren.” Came the warm friendly voice of Molly “Fancy meeting you here!”  She giggled 

Lauren smiled in return as she stuffed her mouth with a large bite of pizza. 

“So, how are you enjoying your stay so far?”  Molly made it sound like they were at the fanciest hotel in town 

"I really haven't had many problems.  Made a few friends since yesterday."  Lauren was quick to swallow her bite

"Well," Gretchen jumped in, "Everyone will eventually grow on you, sweetie."

Tara laughed in a sarcastic manner. 

“Have you seen Doctor Trenton yet?”  Tara changed the subject 

Lauren shook her head.   

“I saw him on my first day here.”  Tara said as she shoveled potatoes into her mouth “Honestly if it hadn’t been for him, I’m almost sure I would have ended up in a padded room that very night!” 

She smacked loudly as she reached for her milk to wash it all down.   

“You’ll love him, Lauren.”  She stuffed the amount of two bites of pizza in her mouth as she smacked her mouth “He’s the nicest one here.” 

The looks Gretchen and Molly gave each other were priceless.

“So when DO you see Doctor Trenton?”  Tara asked as we put our dishes in the kitchen 

“I think Wednesday… or was it Thursday?” 

“You should check your schedule if you don’t know Lauren.  You don’t want to miss any of these appointments.  Those are the ones that get you out of here.”   

We had just started heading to the lounge when we heard a commotion ahead of us.  It sounded like someone fell into the wall. 


No sooner had we made it to the lounge when we saw Ruthie and Tiffy in an argument.  It wasn’t just an argument though.  Ruthie stood on top of a chair holding a large flower pot above her head.  It looked as though she was ready to break it over Tiffy’s head.  

Tara didn’t waste any time.  She ran as fast as she could to push Tiffy out of the way of danger.  Soon as she did, the vase came crashing down on her head.  

“Oh my GOD!”  Lauren put her hand over her mouth in shock

“See, I told you I…”  Tara was barely conscious at that moment.   


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man rush to Tara’s aid.  I looked around the room for Ruthie.  She had obviously took off after Tara went down. 

“Tara!”  The man yelled out as he kneeled down by her side 

“Miss Janet.”  He called on his radio “MISS JANET CRAZESTILLE.  You are needed in the lounge.  Code red, code red.  All health personnel report to the lounge.  This is a CODE RED!”

The man was in panic mode.  That’s when I noticed the blood under Tara’s head.  Lauren gasped in shock as she put her hand to her chest.  

“Oh my god,” I cried out to Lauren, “Is she ok?” 

Without warning, Lauren put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. 

“She’s going to be ok sweetie.”  She whispered “They know what they’re doing.  Calm down.  She’ll be ok.”     


I don’t know how Lauren could have been so calm, but I was more frightened than ever.  I couldn’t stop shaking.  Removing her arm, Lauren grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go.   

“Everyone,” the man yelled, “Everyone PLEASE move away from her.  Give Tara room, please.” 

This man had a concern in his voice as well as on his face.  It only made me feel more panicked.

Just then, Nurse Dorothy and another lady arrived.  Soon as they saw Tara, their confused looks turned to worry.  Dorothy checked Tara’s neck for a pulse while the other lady pulled a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff from her bag.

As they all busied themselves working on Tara, the man pulled his phone from his pocket. 

“This is Doctor Trenton with the Woodland Hills Safe Haven.” 

Well, now I knew who Lauren’s Psychologist was. 

“Head injury victim… responsive… not stable… need ambulance STAT.”  He continued talking to the 911 operator as they waited for an ambulance to arrive.     


“Sally.”  I could barely hear Lauren’s voice over all the commotion “I need you to go along with them to the hospital.  I need you to do this… SALLY?” 

I looked at Lauren with a blank face watching her mouth move with no sound.

“SALLY!!!”  Lauren’s arms were on my shoulders as she shook me back into reality   

Before she had a chance to slap me in the face (or so that’s what I imagined she was going to do next), I took a deep breath. 

Lauren pulled me close enough to her so that she could look directly into my eyes.     


“Sally,” She said with a stern tone, “I need you to do this for me please.” 

“Do what Lauren?”  I was so confused 

"I need YOU, Sally to go with Tara in the ambulance to the hospital.  Don't leave her side for a moment.  I have a horrible feeling about these people. Please? Sally!"

“OH!”  I tried to reassure her with a smile “Yes Lauren, anything else?” 

“I need you to do this so you can let me know when you get back what is going on, Ok Lauren?  You are the only one who can go along with them.  You’re allowed to leave since you’re not a patient here.”


It was a long ride to the hospital.  By the time we arrived, my ears were ringing from the loud siren.   

The paramedics wheeled Tara straight back to the trauma unit in the hospital.  I watched as a nurse checked her vitals.  Then she hooked Tara up to a monitor and put an IV in her arm.  Soon it was just me and Tara.  I felt sick to my stomach from all the excitement.   I tried not to hurl.  


As I sat waiting to see what would happen next, I noticed Tara’s head move.  Her eyes slowly opened as she raised her hand to the gash on her head. 

I cautiously touched her shoulder with my hand in hopes of calming her.   

“Shhh… Tara.  You’re going to be ok.  The Doctor should be here soon to talk to you.”  I tried to keep her calm.  It seemed to be working but she didn’t say a thing.  She just lay there staring at the ceiling.


“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”  A tall dark man said as he walked through the door.  Tara’s eyes lit up as he continued talking to her.  He asked her things like, what’s your name, who is the president and so on.  Honestly, they were dumb questions that anyone would know the answer to if they didn’t have a brain injury!  Tara answered all his questions perfectly. 

The Doctor had a nurse get her up and move over to an exam table so he could check her injury out better.  She wasn’t too crazy about having to move.


It wasn’t long before they had Tara’s head all patched up.  The Doctor wrote a prescription, handing it to Miss Dorothy. 

“Give her these as needed for pain, and keep her on bed rest for two days. Follow up with her physician in three days. Make sure she doesn’t fall asleep for at least 6 hours in case she has a concussion.  We don’t want her to end up here in a coma.” 

Then he leaned in closer to Dorothy, "And by God, do something about that CRAZY old lady in your ward!"

Soon, we were back at the Asylum.  Dorothy walked us to our room after grabbing a few extra pillows.  She set up Tara’s bed so she could sit up against the pillows. 

“Now Hun,” Dorothy lay her hand on Tara’s shoulder, “I need you to not lay flat down or fall asleep.”  Then she got on the radio to request someone bring Lauren to the room. 

After Lauren arrived, Dorothy gave Lauren permission to stay in the room with Tara.  She then went on to tell her not to let her fall asleep and to come and get her when she was in pain.     


Everyone was exhausted at this point, but both of us stayed awake for Tara. She wanted to watch T.V. until it was time to go to bed.  All three of us snuck down to the lounge and quietly watched a few movies. It seemed like forever for 6 hours to pass, but by midnight it was now safe for us to get a good night’s sleep. 


(Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read over here in my corner of the universe... If you enjoyed chapter two of "Imaginings", please stay tuned for chapter three :)  )

© 2018 Rebecca J Martin

Author's Note

Rebecca J Martin
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this chapter of my book "Imaginings"... I welcome any and all constructive criticism :)

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Added on September 21, 2018
Last Updated on September 21, 2018
Tags: Sims, Sims 4, Psycho, Thriller, Imagination, fantasy


Rebecca J Martin
Rebecca J Martin


My Story/Poetry Blog (please feel free to visit, read and comment! It's a more updated version of my work here :) ) The name is Rebecca... but I also .. more..
