Chapter 2: Elder Appearance

Chapter 2: Elder Appearance

A Chapter by RealmWriter

    Hesitating for a moment, I held my breath trying to figure out whether I should be freaking out or not. I exhaled allowing Reina to have an option to explain, my breath a slight fog in the frigid room. "I don't know who you are Reina but your given the chance to speak. And I'll listen to you." As Reina approached a little closer a soft glow illuminated from her, suddenly with a white flash there stood a young woman. After rubbing my eyes from the bright flash I observed the woman that stood before me, her skin pale as though she'd been inside for her whole life. Her auburn eyes, examining me up and down; her peplo longer then others, hung behind her, lined with silk red and had a hint of grey in it. Her hair touched just barely over her shoulders; sandy blonde and brought back into a simple tail, but around her head was a small crown of the green ivy. "As though I'd let you see me and not speak to you? You know I could get in trouble for even letting you see me." she frowned a bit. "What do you mean, I don't even know who you are." She looked up at me and reached her hand towards my face, " You don't remember me? What a disappointment, I'd figure you'd know who your own mother is." Standing in the eerie silence, I pried at my brain trying to think if she really was or not.
           By blood rushing, heart like race horses echoed in my ears. My head was starting to spin, as I leaned back against the wall; Reina observed me. "You don't really remember me, what happened to you after I left?" she seemed hurt. Looking at her as a tear slowly streaked down her cheek, I heard the tear against her skin sliding down; it sounded like a quiet stream in the woods. Frustrated she wiped it away quickly, then pulled a necklace from within her peplo; a wolf pendant that held a metal ring in its mouth, eyes a royal purple and fur steel grey. Reina reached out and placed it over my head and put it on me, softly laying it around my neck. "Lykos, take this with you. Though this is a dream, it'll remain around your neck and when you remember this will allow you to return here. I'll wait for you my son, be safe along your road ahead. Let the Wolf Den guide you and protect you." With a sudden flash of light the room disappeared as I snapped awake in my bed. Quickly looking around for Reina and the wolf pup, but nothing but the ever changing biomes on my walls; looking down there hung the pendant. Feeling a slight burning on my right hand, I rub at it and realize black markings started forming on it.
                                     Rubbing away at the marks as they continued to form on the top of my hand, but it was useless. The mark odd and unique, pitch black in the center of my hand; I threw my blankets off and stood up. Feeling light headed for a moment I shook it off, as a light knock sounded from my door. Grabbing my jacket quickly, I pulled it on and pulled the sleeves down to cover the tops of both my hands approaching the door and unlocking it. Suddenly Nalani barged in, "Lykos, we need to go. We have to leave before they get here, your in danger!" fear digging deeply from her pupils like a badger trying to escape a hunter's trap. "Wait, what do you mean I'm in danger!? What's going on, why are you scared?" trying to keep myself calm. "We need to go the Elders are coming, they'll be here soon. They didn't say why, I just over heard the camp leader speaking to an over watch. We have to go." Turning I quickly grab my shoes, opening the trunk that sat at the foot of my bed I grabbed a satchel of clothes and looked down at the bundle of swords I had crafted a few days ago. Forging and blacksmithing were a skill I obtained while being in camp, I'd crafted three magical typed sword from different origins. The first a Kiriha Zukuri; it's handle made of redwood and bronze caps, incased in a redwood sheath. The second was a gladius, handle black as death; blade of shimmering silver and lined with the green of leaves. Third, a double edged great sword; blade of ebony and titanium, and a reinforced rapier handle.
          Nalani looked at me, "You're not really going to use those are you?" concern crossing through the fear; "Only if I need to Nalani, we're gonna need it if we're leaving." Grabbing them I strapped my gladius to my hip, and placed the Kiriha to my lower back and the great sword hung vertically from my shoulders. She went to the door and peeked out, "You've got to run once I open this door, their going into the mess hall right now. We'll meet in a few days time, met me at Lukani Peak. It's dangerous out there Lykos, but I know you'll be fine." Turning to me she hugged me tightly, hugging her back I didn't argue that she wasn't coming with me instead I waited for her to open the door. She turned peeking out again and then stepped outside the door cautiously looking around; she signaled for me to go. Launching myself out the doorway I made way towards the outside of the camp edge behind the other cabins, sprinting behind each one quickly I stopped behind the last one. Peeking back towards the direction of my cabin I watched as a small group of people made their way towards it. All dressed in long cobalt and lightning yellow coats, their hoods hiding their faces from the early morning sunlight. I watched them enter my door one by one; I turned back towards the direction I needed to go. All that separated me from the cabin and the edge of the forest was a wide open field of campers where they attended their combat training. "This morning isn't going to get any better." I spoke to myself quietly, closing my eyes breathing for a moment I run towards the combat arena. As I got closer I could hear the shouting of the campers and clanking of their swords against one another like lightning being chased by thunder.
                                      Reaching the arena, I made my way around the outside of it trying not to get seen by anyone I moved as quickly as I could. But my luck began to stow away as a camp alarm sounded, the clanking stopped as an announcement sounded over an intercom, "Campers, sorry to interrupt your daily festivities but we must find Lykos and bring him to the Elders. FIND HIM!!!" the voice boomed echoing throughout the camp. Campers busted out of the arena like dogs in a pound, running around searching the courses and cabins; I continued down the back side of the arena. Suddenly a younger boy came out the back door of the arena, catching me from the corner of his eyes about to open his mouth I grabbed him. Covering his mouth quickly I whispered, "Don't you say a word, you didn't see me. I'm just leaving, don't make me get my hands bloody kid." His eyes wide, he nodded slightly and I let his mouth go as he turned and walked back inside the arena. I pressed forward and reached the edge of the arena when four more campers ran up from behind me, "Hold it Lykos, the Elders are looking for you!" I turned looking at them as one of the biggest campers lunged to grab me. I crouched and swiped her feet from under her knocking her into the arena wall leaving her unconscious. Another leaped at me with his dagger inches from my face I fell backwards. He came downwards aiming for my chest, I grabbed his wrist trying to keep the dagger away from me I pressed upwards. Bringing my foot up I kicked him square in his gut, relieving the oxygen from his lungs he fell to his side gasping for air. Removing my gladius from my hip I raised it to the other two campers, awaiting for their attack; one holding a heavy flail and the other duel wielding punching daggers. They charged, the flail swung downwards crashing into the ground where my foot once was as I jumped backwards avoiding the strike; but the other camper swung wide knowing I'd move backwards as her dagger streaked across my outer thigh I dropped grunting. Blood slowly streamed from my thigh, gritting my teeth I struggled to stand back up. "Don't under estimate us Lykos, we're with the fifth armada. My daggers carry paralyzing poison, whenever I strike my opponent that wound becomes paralyzed and disable them. Your lucky its just a simple cut otherwise it could've done worse." She smirked as though she has already won. Looking over and the heavy flail, "And that means your flail is earth bound, you hit the earth and it does your bidding allowing you to create a released explosion when you strike the opponent or the ground." The bulky brute smiled menacingly.
         Smiling, I stand slowly raising my gladius she attacked me parrying the attack, "Reaper's repel" I spoke as the effect was reversed it paralyzed her instead as she fell over. The brute stood there in silence, "Take your friends, before you end up like them you numbskull." He lowered his flail and reached down picking up them one by one as I turned and ran to the edge of the camp, hovering there for a moment thinking.  "I've never seen outside these boundaries, once I leave I'm vulnerable; especially by myself. But, I need to go." So I began to step out as I did the entire camp bounded over to where I was watching in silence and awe. "Lykos, where are you going?" spoke one of the hooded figures, I turned counting them as the seven of them approached. "It's not safe for you beyond this point, and even then your going to be a criminal if you run." I felt a shiver down my spine as I listened, then I realized they were trying to bringing me back in to them with a charm. "Criminal or not, it's not stopping me from leaving. You can chase me and hunt me down, but I'll never turn back to this corrupt system. I will find the truth and surpass the Elders." I stepped out of the barrier, as they just stood there I continuing into the woods, as clouds began to gather over head.

© 2016 RealmWriter

Author's Note

Peplo- A greek goddess dress
Kiriha Zukuri- A rare Archaic form of a Nihonto Suguta (Japanese Knife/Sword)

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Added on November 12, 2016
Last Updated on November 12, 2016



Phoenix, AZ

I'm an 18 year old writer, I love writing and it's become a wonderful hobby in my life. Not only do I write stories, I write poetry, and my own song lyrics. I started writing when I was 12; inspired b.. more..
