Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Steven has foolishly entered Brookhaven Hospital, completely unaware of its dangerous past.But, in order for him to escape, Steven must now venture within.

Steven now stood in the lobby of Brookhaven Hospital.To his left was the directors office and to his right was the pharmacy.Directly ahead of Steven was the reception room.So, choosing to opt for the obvious answer, Steven chose to enter the reception room to see if anyone was there.Once he entered the room, Steven found himself in complete darkness.He pulled out his flashlight and switched it on.
"There's gotta be something of use in this place."

Rummaging through the debris on the reception desk, Steven only found  a few supplies. Some bullets and a health drink.Even though he didn't find anything of value, Steven still took it as a positive due to the little he did find.He left the room and instead went to the pharmacy, hoping to find some sort of life there. When Steven entered the room, he found it to be small and lacking in anything more than few shelves, each one holding several pill containers.
"Huh.One of the bottles appears to have something inside of it...Wait a minute, the lid is sealed with some kind of wax. No matter how hard I try to peel the wax off, it doesn't budge. Hmm. Better hold onto it, just in case."
Steven put the bottle into his pockets then carried on.He visited every door in the lobby but none would open.They were either broken, stuck, or unusable.This was both annoying and inconvenient for Steven, however, it also showed that the lobby check was now finished.So he inspected the stairwell door next, praying that it would be unlocked. With a jiggle of the door handle, Steven managed to open the door.He then pushed the door open and entered the stairwell.
"You gotta be kidding me. A pile of debris is blocking the stairs to the second floor."
It was now clear that the only option was to descend into the basement. Steven turned on his flashlight and went into the basement, his heart racing at a million miles an hour. Luckily for Steven, the basement was only small. The boiler room  was next on the agenda. He entered the small room and saw that the machinery that was in there, was running in overdrive. It had been running for so long that it let off an insane amount of heat, able to be felt from the doorway.
"God's hot as hell in here."
Upon running his hand over the heat, Steven found that it was hotter than expected. And in that moment of realization, it became clear how to get the wax off of the pill bottle.
"If I place the wax over the machinery and  let the heat burn away at it, I should be able to melt the wax!"
Steven held the bottle over the heat and watched as the wax just melted away. He tipped the bottle upside down and poured out the contents, seeing that an old fashioned key fell out.The label on the key said that it was for the first floor ward.
"Now I should be able to unlock the door to the first floor ward."
And he did just that. Steven returned to the first floor to use the key on the door, celebrating when it actually did unlock. Access was now possible. Steven quickly went through the doors and was greeted by pitch black darkness, thus forcing him to turn on his flashlight once again. After checking each and every door to see if they were working, Steven came to a door at the end of the corridor.He went through into the next part of the corridor  and was immediately drawn to the pool room.
"I feel like I'm being drawn to the pool room.Odd as it is, I kinda want to go there."
You can see where this is going. Steven entered the pool room and saw that it was bigger than expected. It allowed for a rather large pool to exist, but it also dealt a problem. The water inside of the pool was septic. When the beam from the flashlight shone over the water, it became clear that there was no way anyone was entering.The water was black, let off a horrible stench, and had lumps in it. If there was going to be anything done, Steven would have to empty the pool first.
"I remember seeing the door to the pump room in the basement.If I head there, I should be able to drain the water."
Steven returned to the basement but this time entered the pump room, not the boiler room. He immediately froze on the spot. It appeared as if a person was standing in front of the control panel.They had their back to, Steven, concealing who they were. Steven aimed his flashlight at them.
"Hey!Um...Are you alright?"
The unknown figure remained facing the control panel.
"Excuse me...I need to get to the control panel, do you think I could quickly squeeze past you?"
Slowly, the figure turned around to face him.They wore blue scrubs, had a grey hat with a + on it, their skin was brown and rotting, and had stitches covering their arms, legs, feet, and eyes.But the most prominent feature was its mouth.Where the mouth had once been normally sized, it was now cut along the cheeks, extending to the ears.Within the mouth were shark like teeth, each one protruding in different directions.
"Oh s**t."Mumbled Steven.
Hanging from the wall was an old fire axe. There was very little time to pick and choose which weapon to use, so, Steven grabbed the axe and held it out in front of him. The creature was known as simply "The False Dentist".It held two objects in its hands.One was a tooth scraper, the other was a dentists drill.
"You stay away from me!" Yelled Steven.
The False Dentist lunged at him and forced itself on top of of him. Steven managed to push it away, then attacked it with the axe. The onslaught caused lacerations across its entire body, dropping to the ground on its knees. Steven then proceeded to chop off its head.Just like that, The False Dentist was dead.
"What in gods name is it?You remind me of that sick f**k who screwed up a simple tooth extraction.B***h drilled down to my gum, leaving behind permanent damage."
With that problem out of the way, Steven moved over to the control panel and flipped the drainage switch. A loud noise rung throughout the building, followed by a violent quake.Something had just happened and it was now time to find out what it was. Steven made his way back to the pool room to investigate whether or not he had been successful. As an unnecessary road block, Steven ran in to a few of the False Dentist's, swiftly dispatching them.
Once he had gone into the pool room to see if it had been emptied or not, it was obvious that it had. Steven climbed into the pool and found a circular button with an arrow on it.
"I wonder where this goes."
After a quick thought about it, Steven remembered that the elevator in the patient ward was missing its up arrow.He made his way to the elevator and placed the arrow into its slot, pressing it immediately. Steven patiently waited for the elevator to come, whistling a tune to himself.Once it arrived, he got inside.Every button had been removed except for the second and first floor, proving to be a thorn in Steven's side.Nonetheless, Steven still rode the elevator to the second floor.He stepped out into new territory, instantly greeted by more of the False Dentist's.
Steven shot them all and carried on. He checked all doors and found that three of them were unlocked, while the others were not.M6, M4, and the day room, were unlocked. After inspecting M6 and finding some pistol ammo, Steven went to M4.This time there was a series of numbers.7984.It wasn't clear what they belonged to, so he ripped the note pad off the wall and placed it in his pocket.There was nothing more to do in M4. Steven left the room and went to the day room.
When Steven entered the, Day Room, he saw that the smaller rooms were completely blocked off.However, within the Day room, was an Ampoule and a couple of Health Drinks. Steven found that there was a key pad on the door, quickly remembering that he had taken the note pad with the numbers. He punched them in and left the room with haste. There was a sense of things being too easy, but Steven ignored that feeling.
Steven explored the second floor lobby and was surprised to find that every single room was unlocked.Inside of the Nurses Station, was a box of shotgun shells. Steven took the shells then proceeded to the men's locker room. There was a special surprise for him. There, sitting on one of the benches, was a sawed off shotgun. Out of complete shock, a False Dentist  burst out of one of the lockers. Pure instinct kicked in. Steven spun around and blasted both barrels at the same time, fully destroying it.
"F*****g thing. That'll teach you not to jump out at someone."
Even though he had just been given a massive fright, Steven felt more secure with the shotgun.So, Steven left the men's locker room and checked out the rest of the rooms, barely finding anything useful. He unlocked the door to the patient ward then inspected Exam Room 3. When Steven entered the room to see if anything was of use, he suddenly appeared in his Psychologists office. He was quite surprised to see Dr Walters.Mind you, being in Silent Hill, nothing was shocking.
"Please Steven," Ushered Dr Walters."take a seat."
A wooden chair sat opposite Dr Walters desk.Every inch of Steven told him to run, but instead took a seat.
"Good to see you again, Steven, how have things been going?"
"What do you mean?"Asked Steven.
"Have you made any progress?"
"In what way?This is your turf isn't it?"
"Surely you must have made some progress by now. Especially since you are diving into your own past."
"You make it sound like there is something I desperately need to remember."
"Because there is."
"Then can't you just tell me?"
"Where would the fun be in that?"
"Fun?!This is funny to you?!I've been going all over town trying to find something I know nothing about, also while trying to locate Chris, and fighting my way through a hoard of monsters!In what way is this funny?"
"You should have met someone by now who can help you remember your past."
"Met someone?You mean, Jamie?"
"Yes.He alone will be able to shed some light on the situation."
"Jamie has the answers, not Chris."
"Why would he have the answers I so rightfully deserve?"
"Maybe it's because he is the real problem, not your brother."
"Why do you give me answers in the form of questions?!"
"That is what you must figure out."
"Fine!What could he have done so bad that it links my past to my present?!"
"Go and find out."
Just as it had done before, the room fell apart and left behind dust. Dr Walters also became covered in dust, but simply crumbled into a pile.Then the dust blew away.
"This s**t is getting real old."
Once the dust had blown away, Steven found himself standing in Exam Room 4, not 3.It wasn't making any sense.None of that mattered at that moment, Steven just wanted to find Jamie.
"Where the f**k are you?"
The corridor outside Exam Room 4, was now covered in a thick layer of dust. Every surface was coated in it.The hospital had changed.Before there were lights in certain places,but now they were all dead.So, Steven attached his flashlight to his belt and turned it on.One more little surprise awaited Steven. A hospital bed was in  the corridor and was holding an important item.This time it was a Walkie-Talkie, and it even included batteries. Steven picked it up, attached it to his belt, then went on his way.
The door to the third floor lobby and even the Day Room, were locked with wooden planks.It was clear that there was now escaping the patients ward.The only way to go was in each room, however, even they proved to be futile. For Steven, the entire floor appeared useless.All of the rooms were covered in the dust, including all surfaces(beds,drawers,tables,etc...).The entire ward was void of color and life, making it very depressing.
Just as all hope seemed lost, the elevator doors opened. Steven got closer and saw that it was empty.Also, the interior was not covered in dust. There was still no other option, forcing Steven to get inside it.Once he got inside of the elevator and waited for the doors to close, Steven was taken back by a crackling over the speakers.When the doors shut and everything appeared normal, a voice began to talk through the speakers.To make it more concerning, Steven recognized the voice.It was that of Jamie.Whoever he was talking to was getting yelled at quite a bit.
"Look at you you pathetic piece of s**t!All you do is get in the way, take up needed space, and waste precious oxygen!Look at you!Are you crying?!"
Whoever the person was that was being yelled at, they were being humiliated.
"Don't be a little b***h!STOP CRYING!"
As fast as the talking had started, it stopped. The elevator took Steven down to the second floor and dropped him off.The second floor was exactly the same as the third.Covered in dust, void of light, and down right depressing.There wasn't much to explore the second time round. Although, in the Day Room,  Steven did find a key hanging from a chain.A slip of paper was attached to it.
"Roof Access Key!"Beamed Steven.
With the key in hand, Steven went to the second floor lobby and to the staircase.From there he traveled upwards to the roof access, quickly unlocking the door and bursting through it.For some strange reason, the outside world had gone dark. Steven found it rather strange.During the time he was in,Brookhaven Hospital, had it gone night?There was no logical reason behind the town suddenly going dark, even if it was Silent Hill.
Through the darkness, Steven could see someone standing in the center of the roof.If he focused sharply, Seven saw that it was none other than Jamie.How odd.
"Jamie?What the hell is he doing up here?"
Jamie had his back to him.
Again,  Jamie didn't seem to notice.It was at this point that, Steven, walked over to him and grabbed him by his arm.The second he grabbed Jamie's arm, a flash of light blinded him, rendering him motionless and unable to move.No matter how hard he tried to move, Steven couldn't.
"What's going on?"Mumbled Steven.
When Steven's vision returned, he found himself in a large bedroom.He was sitting on the edge of a bed with a sense of unease within himself, which was about to be explained.Jamie( who was much younger than in the present), walked into the room and started to hurl abuse at Steven.
"Look at you!You're such a f****t!"
Steven spoke and discovered he had the voice of a very young child.
"Why are you being so mean for?"Whimpered Steven, his voice cracking.
"You even sound like a little b***h!Why are you such a wimp?!"
"I haven't done anything to you, why are you acting this way?"
"Come on, do something!"
Steven gazed around the room and saw a mirror leaning up against a set of drawers.To his surprise, Steven was a child. He must have been no older than ten.
"I want to see if you really are a man!"
"Please leave me alone."
"Leave me alone....Boo freaking hoo!"
A feeling of dread washed over Steven.He couldn't move again and fell silent.Then, when he thought things couldn't any worse, Jamie walked over to him.With anger, Jamie slapped the back of Steven's head.Even after this, Steven was still unable to move.He sat there in complete fear not being able to break free.At this point, Jamie had gone over to a door at the furthest end of the room.He opened the door slowly, wanting to build anticipation.
Just as fast as the vision had started, it ended. Steven was once again standing on the roof of the hospital.Him and Jamie, nobody else.It was clear that Jamie was holding something, the vision had shown it. Steven still had a hold of Jamie's arm, demanding to know what he had done.
"What the hell did you do?"Whispered Steven.
Jamie's tough guy persona dropped, leaving behind nothing more than a sobbing mess.If he was hiding something, it was now apparent.
"I'm sorry,"Cried Jamie"I never meant for it to happen!It shouldn't have happened."
"What are you talking about?"Steven boomed loudly, anger growing inside of him.
"We were both young and dumb..."
"Both of you?What do you mean?"
"I'm sorry."
"You said that there were two of you.Who is the other person, what did you guys do, and why did you do it?!"
"Please forgive me."
"I need to know..."
A strange sound came from above.It was the sound of metal grinding together.
"What the f**k is that?"Shouted Steven.
"Oh god!I already said I am sorry, what more must I do?!"
From the sky above came barbed wire.There were four strands and each one wrapped themselves around Jamie's arms, constricting him.Two wrapped around his wrists, while the other two wrapped around his upper arm.
"Steven, help me!!!"
Steven could do nothing but watch as, Jamie, was slowly lifted up in the air.He dangled there like a fish caught on a hook.
" me..."
Suddenly, Jamie was pulled into the sky and vanished from sight. Screaming could be heard from high above, along with large amounts of blood that fell onto the ground. As not to get any on himself, Steven stepped backwards to avoid it.Then, without any further screaming, it all stopped.For Steven, it appeared that it was all over.That was until something descended from the sky.
Jamie had been stripped naked, had his wrists bound together by barbed wire and extended down to his head, forming a nice blindfold.From his genitals, a large cut went straight up to his chest. The cut was through and through, crudely stitched together with bent wire.But the final humiliation was that Jamie's ankles were also bound together.A bundle of barbed wire extended up from his wrists, and went up into the sky, seemingly coming from nowhere.All of that and he was left to dangle like a fish.
"Oh my god."Gasped Steven, taken back by the hideous form that was once Jamie.
While distracted by the hideous form, Steven hadn't noticed that it had floated over to him and attacked.It hit him with its legs.Whilst it wasn't very strong, the attack was enough to cause some damage.So, Steven pulled out his shotgun and blasted the Strung Up Man.It let out a might roar, swinging its legs again, this time missing him.
"This is f*****g nuts!"
After a game of cat and mouse, after several shots from the shotgun, and many failed attempts of attack, Steven managed to defeat the Strung Up Man.It squealed like a pig before dropping on the ground and giving in. Steven walked up to the monster and was again blinded a white light.When his vision returned, Steven was now in another room.This time it was different.It wasn't the same room where he had been a child, it was much smaller.This was the room on the opposite side of the door.
Steven looked around and saw that the room was barely big enough to fit a single bed.Above him was a pipe sticking out of the wall, running horizontally through the room, and was in width, not length. 
"My wrists hurt...what's..."
Jamie was standing in the doorway with an evil grin on his face.He entered the room, slowly making his way over to Steven.
"Look at you.A pathetic worm"
Steven found the reason for his wrists hurting.He looked up and saw that his wrists were bound together with a power cord, tied to the pipe and left to hang.
"Why are you doing this?"Groaned Steven.
"Because I can!"
Chris entered the room and stood in the doorway.
"Chris!"Shouted Steven."please help me!"
"Make sure he doesn't scream or we will get in to trouble."
Steven was dumbfounded.His own brother was in on it.
"Please,"Pleaded Steven, tears running down his cheeks."don't leave me here."
Jamie intervened."Shut up!"
A punch was landed in Steven's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
"Argh!That hurt!"Cried Steven.
"Now, you are going to stay here until I come back to let you down.If I so much as hear a peep from you, there will be severe consequences!"
Steven looked up at, Chris, pleading for help with his eyes.
"You won't get any help from me."
"You see, even your own brother doesn't want to help you.That's how pathetic you are."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Shut it!Me and your brother are going to play video games now, so keep it down, unless you want to be punished."
Steven cried and watched as the door was closed.He would go on to hang there for the next twenty minutes, praying that someone would come to his aid, but nobody ever did.There was nothing Steven could do.He just hung there like a freshly killed animal, dangling endlessly.
"Why?"Sobbed Steven.
After another blinding light, Steven found himself now standing on the roof of Brookhaven Hospital.He had his shotgun aimed down at the same spot from before, but now the monster was gone.Jamie was in its place.
"Why did you do it?!"Demanded Steven, shaking the shotgun violently.
Jamie was crying uncontrollably."We were young and stupid..."
"That's not good enough!You did something that has traumatized me for years!"
"I'm sorry."
"I always wondered why I was sensitive towards people touching me from the shoulders up, and now I know!It's because of you!"
"Please forgive me!"
"Why should I forgive a piece of s**t like you!?"

"Find it in your heart."
It was in this moment that Steven was given a choice.He could either shoot Jamie, freeing himself from knowing his attacker was dead, or he could spare Jamie, choosing to be the better man.This is where you come in.There will be no link to a short end of this chapter for the choice you choose, but the decision you make will be carried over for the rest of the story.So choose.Do you kill Jamie?Or do you let him live? It is up to you.
Result 1: Shoot Jamie.
Steven aimed down the barrel and pulled the trigger.A large splatter of blood was sent flying across the roof as the pellets blasted their way through Jamie's flesh, rendering his face unrecognizable.It was in that tense moment that Steven felt something.He felt a sense of blood lust, wanting to inflict more pain upon Jamie, even though he was now dead.So, with one more rash decision, Steven unloaded another shotgun round into Jamie's dead body, splattering even more blood everywhere.
At that exact moment, a key fell from the sky and landed on the ground.Its label read:First floor lobby.More disturbing was that it was coated in blood.
Result 2:Spare Jamie.
Steven aimed down the barrel but couldn't find it within himself to pull the trigger.He pulled the shotgun away, sighing that he couldn't harm another person.Instead of taking any more rage out on Jamie, Steven turned away.At that exact moment, a key fell from the sky and landed on the ground.Its label read: First floor lobby.The key was quite shiny, almost as if brand new.
"Looks like it's time to get out of this place."
And with that, Steven returned to the first floor and unlocked the lobby door.He stepped out into the fog.It wasn't dark anymore, but it was still pretty hard to see due to the fog.
"Alright, time to find my brother and get the hell out of this place."

© 2019 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay
Read at your own risk.This story contains graphic and disturbing content.I will not be held responsible for your own actions

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Added on February 2, 2019
Last Updated on March 24, 2019
Tags: horror, scary, monsters, demons, ghosts, silent hill


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay