chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Michael is thrown into the portal of which has no known destination.All he has to do is figure out where he is so he can escape,fight back,then kick some a*s.

"Who built this thing?"As Michael spoke,the drill began to rotate and spin round and round.

Out from the top a figure came slamming down into the dead center.They were crouched down to recover from the fall."You will not stop me."

"Show me your face coward."

The person stood up to reveal it was the crystal creature."Glad to see you again..."The face of the crystal began to open like two curved doors.Inside revealed the face."Father."


"I am not as you recall."


"You left me for dead in that place.You left without trying."

"I did try."

"No!I escaped and saw you leaving.Do you know how much that hurt?!"Thomas's body was still encased in the crystal.His hands began to glow purple."I am going to have my revenge!"

"I did try to help you but it was too late!"



"Well,then I guess we had better turn this thing off before it rips the earth apart." Thomas turned from Michael only to spin round a second later and fire a beam of dark matter energy at him

Michael dodged the attack by rolling left."What the hell?"

"Give up!You've already lost." Thomas's suit of dark matter crystal changed.It became more bulky like armor."Now you will feel the pain I felt for the past few years." Thomas jumped from the center and landed in a different spot whilst firing a dark matter blast at Michael.

Michael managed to dodge them all. Then once Thomas landed back in the center of the room again,he made his move."Now it is my turn!"Michael ran up to Thomas and punched him in the stomach which made the armor crack then fall off altogether.


Michael then did and uppercut on Thomas that was charged with an energy blast.Thomas flew in the air before landing on the ground."Give up Thomas!" A large cylindrical chamber popped up out from the center.It was the power core for the drill.Michael fired an energy blast at it.

The pink portal opened up above the two fighting men.They both stared up at it in confusion as to who had created it.

"Is this of your doing,father?!"

"Hardly.It must be yours."

The deep voice began to laugh."This is neither of you two who did this.But this will be your end Ablestine!"

Michael felt a strong suction begin to drag him forth towards the portal barely being able to hold his footing.He fell backwards then grabbed hold of the railing around the center platform for support.

"Nothing is going to save you this time Ablestine!"

"Whoever this guy is,he certainly has a distaste for you!"

"No s**t."

Suddenly,a small wave of ripples formed across the portals surface allowing something to shoot through it.It was Michael.Not the predecessor,but the successor.The Michael at the start of this point was the Michael that gave his power to his successor during the greatest war on earth.

"Oh s**t!!!"Yelled Michael was he was thrown through the air,landing on the ground with a thud while sliding towards the edge of the center platform.

Thomas couldn't believe what he was seeing.A person had just been thrown through some kind of portal for reasons unknown.He looked at the past Michael with anger.

"Is this back up?!"Scoffed Thomas.

"I don't know who he is!"

The future Michael slid off the edge of the platform but barely managed to cling onto it for dear life by his finger tips.For a split second,Michael gazed down below him getting a full view of the drills mechanisms all working together like clock work.At the very bottom was the energy beam slamming into the ocean floor.

"Jesus christ!Somebody help me!"

Past Michael made a move towards his successor but was stopped by Thomas.He threw a blast of purple energy in his way.

"You will not help him father!"

"For god sake Thomas!There is more at stake here than just you and me!"

"I care little for these games!"

"I will not let you prevent me from saving this mans life!Stop being so ungrateful Thomas,it is embarrassing!"

"I'll show you what is embarrassing!!!"

The entire drill shook violently as the two went to engage in combat.They both struggled to keep their feet as the hands quickly protruded out from the portal and grabbed hold of Michael.He had no means of escape,all he could do was wait for the inevitable.The hands squeezed him tightly as they pulled him back through the portal and disappeared along with the portal.

Thomas began to laugh."I don't know who it is that is responsible for this but I will shake their hand personally if I could."He walked over to a control panel and started to type up more codes for the drill.

Mean while,Michael was still holding on for his life.His fingers were turning blue from lack of blood flow.If he could just hold out for a little more then he would be okay,but fate is never that sweet.Michael lost his grip and fell down towards the machines below.He washed all thoughts from his mind as he embraced an impending doom,unaware that he was about to land on a metal beam jutting out from one of the drills many surfaces.

With a clunk,Michael landed on the metal beam.He sat forward while rubbing his head from the impact of falling more than one hundred meters.But he was not dead and that was all he needed.So he got to his feet and made his way across the metal beam all the way to the center where many more all met each other.It was a small blessing,but that made it more important for Michael to keep going.

"I need to get back up to the control platform.It is my only way of getting out of this alive."

Where all of the metal beams met was a massive rod leading right back up to the control platform.The rod was 4 meters in diameter. There were semi accessible steps sticking out of the rod but they were so narrow that only your toes could remain flat on it.Michael took the chance and began to ascend the massive structure,but what he did not know was that the same force that had sucked him through time,was already sending reinforcements.

Bat like creatures began to make their way one by one out of smaller portals.They had human faces but the rest of them was bat.They were also the size of a normal human.The second they got out of the portal,they made a beeline right for Michael.

Michael adjusted his sight just enough to see three of the creatures flying straight for him.He took a gulp of air then carried on ascending.But once he was half way,one of the creatures grappled him trying to rip him from the metal rod.The two struggled a battle of strength as they were evenly matched. But Michael had a disadvantage.He was effortlessly ripped from the rod but the creature did not let go in time,so Michael grabbed hold of its left wing and hung from it forcing the creature to fly erratically.

The creature flew around the inside of the drill like a mad man with Michael attached to  its wing.But the longer he held onto its wing,the faster it descended.So Michael maneuvered his way round so that he was riding its back while it was flying.He was now in full control.

"Fly higher beast!"Ordered Michael,tugging on the scruffy fur of the creatures head.The creature instantly knew what was meant to happen and began to fly higher.

"Do not allow him to reach the control platform!!!"Boomed the deep voice.

The two remaining creatures flew after their fellow relation in a desperate effort to get Michael to fall off.They hissed and slashed at him with their small claws but were unable to rid the creature of him.Michael charged small balls of energy in his hands and hurled them at the creatures one after another.The two creatures took 3 hits before dropping from the sky.

"Now beast,fly higher!I must get to the control platform!" Yelled Michael as he fiercely pulled the fur again.Once he was flown up to the platform,Michael grabbed the wings and ripped them off.

Thomas turned to Michael."And who are you?"

"I am Michael Ablestine.Defender of this world."

"You?!"Laughed Thomas."Your my fathers successor?This has got to be a joke.You look no older than I."

"I have been protecting this world for some time now.And insignificant little vermin like yourself will not stand in my way of returning to my own time."

"Vermin!?You speak to me like I'm some sort of dog!I will not tolerate this!"

"I am not your father.I will not restrain myself from ending you."

"Then come MICHAEL,let us see who is stronger.Me,or you?" Thomas smirked as he took some ridiculous karate pose.

"Do lets."Michael did the same.

Thomas sprinted forth with his hands humming from the charged up energy in his hands.He let out a charging scream as the two came colliding together,both of them having energy charged hands.One took a punch while the other threw and energy blast .This went on for several minutes before they both stumbled backwards from growing exhaustion.

"Give up,I have already won."Puffed Thomas.

Michael stiffened up making his spine crack in different places.He smiled out of pure adrenaline pumping through his veins giving him a surge of energy.

"You look tired kid.Maybe you should take a breather."

"Big talk for a small time hero."

Michael ran at him and threw punch after punch before landing a direct hit to Thomas's face.The blow made him stagger backwards against the the control panel.He leaned against the railing for support more than for his own good.

"Give up kid.I'm stronger than you."

Thomas threw and energy blast at Michael though it was very weak.He let out a small yelp as he dropped to the ground.His breaths were small and sharp as he struggled breathe.

"Giving up would be for your own personal gain."

"I will not be beaten by the likes of you."

"You're on the ground and can hardly breathe.Face it,your done."

"I will not end my fight until you die!I hate everything to do with my father and you carrying on his legacy just makes me hate him even more!"

"A child crying out for his parents love.Pathetic."

"Not as pathetic as you taking on this role you call being a super hero."

"I don't take that role lightly.Taking on your fathers work is not easy.It has almost destroyed my very being."

"So why do it?Just let it go."

"No.Because little s***s like you will always come along and F it up."

"The only way this will end is with my death."

"Then so be it."

"You don't have the guts to kill me."

Michael slowly made his way over to Thomas then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.Two swift punches to head made Thomas more inebriated.So Michael spun round 180 degrees then threw him across the platform in to the railing.

"You call yourself a hero..."Thomas spoke while coughing up a small amount of blood."but you intend to kill me when I have no way to defend myself.No way of fighting you."

"Not my problem."

"Have mercy."

"Sorry,I ain't got none."


The look on Thomas's face made a small impact on Michael.It made him feel sad for what was about to happen.But nevertheless,it had to be done.He walked over to Thomas then pulled him to his feet by his shirt once more,this time holding him out over the drop down to the machines.

"Please don't kill me...I...I will change my ways...I swear..."

"Don't do this kid."

"I will use my powers to help fight evil just like you and dad do."

Michael turned his head away as he let go of Thomas.Time almost seemed to stay still for what felt like forever to the both of them.Thomas had a face of pure rage while Michael was still looking away.

"You will suffer for this!!!"Cried Thomas as he fell.He flailed about in the air as he fell down towards the machines.He knew what was coming so he closed his eyes,crossed his arms over his chest,then fell into the machines gracefully.

The sound of screaming could faintly be heard even though Michael was hundreds of meters above.He turned round with the feeling of wanting to throw up.He had never been forced to kill another human being before.But as he walked to the center of the platform,he could no longer hold back,falling on his knees and puking everywhere.

"I...I killed another human being."Michael gasped,holding his stomach."I...I had no choice...he had to die,didn't he?"

A pink portal opened in front of Michael giving the all clear that it was time to leave that place.But as one final act of heroism,Michael threw an energy blast at the control panel causing a massive power surge to rip throughout the drill.Explosion after explosion,blast after blast,the drill began to fall apart.The machines were no loner functional once the power surge swept through it.

"Time to go."Michael muttered to himself.He lifted his head high then passed through the portal."Where are we going this time?"

The drill finally fell into the ocean on its side then let out an almost nuclear explosion.Luckily there were no cities or towns nearby for the explosion to cause damage to.But once the cloud dispersed,there was not a single trace of the drill remaining.

© 2015 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay

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Added on May 20, 2015
Last Updated on May 20, 2015
Tags: action, adventure, super hero, futuristic


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

prologue prologue

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay