chapter 1

chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

The newer version of Michael must face off against an unforeseen evil that was believed to have been imprisoned a millennium ago.But is he prepared for such a thing?

Michael stood on the rooftop staring at the dark clouds slowly hovering over the city of New Arkanium.It was basically a futuristic version of New York. Shiny buildings, clean streets, trees,etc...It is a newer and more free world since the great war ended nearly fifty years ago.
"I am hoping this isn't going to go to s**t." Said Michael. He was standing on the very edge of the building. 
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning came flying out of the sky.It was like a cannonball,destroying everything it touched causing debris to fall to the ground. Then more bolts came cascading down upon buildings making even more debris fly through the air and down towards the citizens below.
Michael had a special weapon made for him to help him defend the city. Half of the world was now submerged under the ocean due to unknown reasons, so most of the worlds population was in this city.But it was huge. Michael had this weapon forged in recognition of the city. It was a machete but made out of a blue crystal. It had strange symbols carved into the sides of the sword. He always had the sword attached to his back.
"This is going to be my first test of power.Michael left this job to me, I have to at least prove to this world that they can put their trust in me."
A figure appeared in the middle of the street a few hundred meters down the road.It was a man with burn marks all over his body. He had both hands at his side but with the palm of his hands facing in the direction of which he was walking.In his hands were red orbs that had pieces of black stone surging around them in an X shape.
" that..." Michael was cut off when a bolt of lightning struck the building he was standing on.A huge portion of the building cracked all over and started to collapse.Using a breathing technique he was taught,Michael jumped from one piece of debris to the next.So as he fell,he managed to land safely on the ground with all of the debris crashing around him.
Next,Michael pulled out his sword ready to use.
"Foolish mortal!You think you can stop me?!" Laughed the figure,its deep voice mocking him.
"All you need to do is walk away,right now."
"Or what?You'll kill me?"
"No.But I will be forced to make you leave."
"I have waited since the dawn of time for this!No mortal is going to stop me,the prince of darkness!!!"
"The prince of darkness?You mean..."
"Yes.I am the bringer of death, the taker of life.I am here to finally claim what is rightfully mine!!!"
"No!This is my world!You can take your business elsewhere."
"You obviously don't understand.I am here to claim this world for myself.I was denied this right before your kind pulled itself out of the mud!"
"This world does not belong to you!This world belongs god."
"God?What has he ever done for your kind? He lets you all die of disease,old age,  and war.What kind of creator lets his own children die?"
"God gave us death as a means to the purpose of life."
"Please.Don't you believe that is real?Or is it fake?"
"God is the only great power in this world."
"Fine then.You shall die!"
Michael held his sword at his side ready to swing.But as he drew it forth,the figure managed to use a speed dash making him look like a blur.He appeared in Michael's face then pull him up in the air by his throat.
"You thought I was playing?Did you think you could just talk to me like I was some commoner?" The figure waved his hand over his face making the burnt mask disappear like smoke.It revealed the original Michael.
"Michael?But how?"
"Michael is nothing more than my means to destroying this world!His father might have given him powers,but once he gave them to you it rendered him mortal."
"Let him go."
"Never.I am Lucifer, and I will have my revenge against god himself!!!" Lucifer threw Michael through the air hurtling in to a tree,breaking it in two.
Michael slowly pulled himself up from the dirt but was very weak.He had the powers of a god,but had never needed to use them.This almost made him powerless.With every fiber of his body aching,Michael lifted himself up in an effort to show no weakness.
Lucifer laughed.
"Do not get up boy,you are  not strong enough to beat me." He watched as Michael did so."Stay down.It will be less painful for you when I kill you."
Using the sword to hold himself up,Michael staggered forward a few steps.
"I won't give up."
"Then you leave me no choice." Lucifer's hands glowed red with rage.He walked over to Michael and took the sword from him,then plunged it deep within his stomach.
Pain surged throughout Michael's body.The blade of his very own sword ripped through his flesh like a hot knife through butter.No trouble at all.As it went in one side,it came out the other making the blow swift and quick.
"You will not save this world child.It is not your war."
"I will stop you..."
"This was has been going on long before you were born.Do not intervene."
"It is my duty to protect this world.I will not let you destroy all the good that has been made,all the wonderful life."
"Life will cease to exist once I am done!"Lucifer ripped the blade free from Michael's stomach.Blood instantly began to gush from the wound,the life draining from him.
Blood ran free from the wound like a small stream.The red liquid covering all of the concrete beneath him.Michael was defeated.He had next to no strength left,but the will to survive was strong.He barely held himself up with his arms before giving out.Once laying on the ground his fate was sealed.
"Do not see this as being shameful child.You have died before anyone,that is honorable."
"Honor is only shown by those who do not give up."
"Please.There is no honor in this world.All your kind does is ravage this world,bleed it dry.No honor in killing a life that can not fight back."
"We all have our own versions of honor."
"No child.The human race is an abomination.Nothing more,nothing less."
Michael drew one final gasp of air before stopping.
"My name is Michael" The light left Michael's eyes signalling his death.
Lucifer stepped back from the lifeless corpse with the sword in his hand.
"Time for this world to experience the same pain I did."

© 2015 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay

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Added on February 4, 2015
Last Updated on February 4, 2015
Tags: action, adventure, super hero, futuristic


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay