chapter 4:A heroes trouble

chapter 4:A heroes trouble

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Thomas has allowed himself to be taken into custody of his enemies,waiting patiently for the right moment to deliver the finishing blow.But what could be the outcome of all his trouble?

Michael woke up in a room resembling an asylums padded room."Where am I?"
Then a voice replied."Your in my battle cruiser."
"Who are you?And more importantly,where are you?"
"My name is Mechanoid."
"Show yourself!"
"You would kill me in an instant so it's not going to happen."
"I am no coward."
"Then show yourself to me!"
The only window in the room became a door."You don't know me but I know you.You have been a thorn in the side for anyone or anything,trying to possess this world.It is time I remove that thorn."
"Nice try."
"I learnt of your connection between Clitosis and yourself."
"An ancient being named Clitosis.He was the one who gave you your powers.He has the rest of your powers and if I  manage to find him then I will make them my own."
"Another idiot."
"What did you call me?"
"Show yourself!"
"You shall see me in time but for now you will have to settle with my voice."Michael suddenly stiffened up from a pain in his back before falling over unconscious."For a hero,you are not so strong."
Several hours passed before Michael awoke once more.This time he was in a room made out of steel."My head." On all four sides of the room were massive computers,each of them calculating different equations and other various types of scientific things.
A robot entered the room through a door.It had a T.v for a head,long tentacle arms made out of hollow metal,a square body, and bazaar looking legs that appeared to be a form of ladder.On one end of the tentacle arms was a syringe while the other was a metal claw.
"Hello Michael."
"Is that..."
"This isn't my true form."
"What is with the needle?"
"DNA extraction."
"I need your DNA to find Clitosis and to make my newest army."
"Another clone."
"An army of clones!"
"I killed my last clone."
"Did you now?"
Leahcim walked out of the shadows."Hello Michael."
"How is this possible?"
"I was left for dead in that chamber but I managed to escape before all hell broke loose."
"And I take it he found you."
"I was near dead when he found me."
"Why didn't you heal yourself?"
"I was too badly injured."
"So I took him in and healed him."
"He could only heal my wounds with his technology,otherwise death was certain."
"I gave him false flesh as a reminder of his pledge."
"I gave my life to him if he could revive me."
"A trade in other words aye Leahcim?"

"Do you not remember when you tried to awaken an ancient being the last time Leahcim?It didn't turn out so well."
"My failure to predict what would happen is in mind."
"Trayheart almost killed us all!"
"But we all survived."
Leahcim smiled."Thank you for the back up Mechanoid.I may have made a miscalculation the last time but I will not this time."
"Clitosis and Trayheart are one in the same!They are unpredictable."
"That may be true Michael but I am stronger now."
"Trayheart's minions.I killed them all and took their dark energy."
"That could kill you."
"Poisoning."Mechanoid added.
"Your working against me?"
Mechanoid frowned."No you fool."

"Because if you were then I would have to crush you!"
"I would squash you!"
Leahcim's hands glowed blue with electricity."Then bring it on."
"Betraying yet another ally Leahcim?"
"Another?" Asked Mechanoid.
"He betrayed his creator."
"Then you will most likely betray me."
"He is trying to play us against each other!"
The robot grabbed Leahcim."Your loyalty is no longer required!"
Leahcim laughed."Finally free from the forced friendship!Now I can destroy you!"
"You will have to learn that I am not in this room foolish boy!"
"Then I will find you and kill you!"
Michael froze for a moment."This is a race?"
"Once Clitosis's position is discovered,you will have  48 hours to find him before the location disappears." Snapped Leahcim.
Michael frowned."Sounds weird to me."
Mechanoid smiled."So you are betraying me?"
"You chose your fate when  you revived me!"
"You will pay for this!"
"I already have!" Leahcim threw and electric blast at the robot of Mechanoid making it explode."Now it is your turn!"He slowly began to approach Michael,who was strapped down to a steel table. But with the blink of an eye,Michael had appeared outside of the air ship.He was standing on top of it.
"Whoa." Suddenly,the side of the airship blew open allowing a giant green bat to escape from within it."What the hell?"
The creature landed on the top of the air ship."How did you get out here?!"
"That's right,now tell me how you did it!"
"I don't know."
"It matters not for you shall be dead in a matter of seconds!"
The airship crashed into the ocean below and began to float on top.Michael panicked looking for a way to escape."How do I escape this?" Leahcim lunged at him but the metal plating beneath him collapsed sending him falling down into the airship."All I need is a waterpod." A waterpod was a mini sub for emergencies. Michael fled inside of the airship and found a waterpod.He got inside of it and prepared for departure.
Leahcim had made his way to the same place when he found Michael."You won't escape me that easily!"He jumped on top of the waterpod and clung on as it was jettisoned from the airship.
Michael felt a sense of relief as the waterpod calmly floated away."Safety." 

© 2014 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay

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Added on March 18, 2014
Last Updated on March 18, 2014
Tags: action, adventure, super hero, futuristic


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay