chapter 3:The world at end

chapter 3:The world at end

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Michael has been captured and it appears as if there is nobody coming to rescue him this time.He is all alone without anything as a sniff of safety.

After hours and hours of intense torture,Michael was taken from the room and escorted to a small cell.It was big enough to hold a bed, a toilet,and a fake window."Bed,toilet,everything I need."
But as the door went to shut,a robot that looked similar to the creature walked in."You need to come with me."
"Can't I just rest a little before the fireworks start up again?"
"Rest is for the wicked.Come." The robot lead him down several corridors before bringing him to a dining room.It was huge with a huge steel table in the center of it.
"So what am I suppose to do?"A metal chair sat at one end of the table for Michael.As he got closer a pair of hands grabbed him by his wrists and forced him to sit down on it."So that's what I guess."
At the opposite end of the table sat the creature."How nice of you to join me Michael."
"Join you?I didn't know I was invited."
"Such a sense of humor,even when in serious danger."The creature cut a piece of meat off its plate and ate it.Blood was dripping from the small slither."Do you see that door to your left?"
"Guess what is behind it."
"A room full of s**t heads like you?"
"No." The door to Michael's left slowly raised up and unleashed what was behind it."Welcome!"
A  man walked into the room.Michael frowned and looked at the creature with a funny look."You have got to be joking."
"Oh no Michael,he is very real."
"How did you..."Michael remembered back to what happened in that surgery room."No way."
There before him stood an exact replica of himself.A perfect copy of Michael himself."Isn't he perfect?"Laughed the creature."Just one little thing."
'"Which is?"
"He doesn't have any powers like you.So I am going to do a tear away."
"A what?"
"I am going to rip your powers from you which will create a perfect copy of them.You will still have your powers of course,but he will too." The creature pushed a button on the table making a helmet pop out of the chair and attach itself to Michael's head.It had heaps of bound wires attached to it.
Michael was a little less enthusiastic about the situation."Get this s**t off me!" Suddenly he began to feel nauseated beyond belief.His head started to spin and his vision blurred.All of his world  was randomly turning in to a grey blob before his own eyes.
Once the transfer was complete,the creature smiled and evil smile."It is done." He pulled out one more helmet and handed it to his newest creation."Put it on Leahcim,it is time for your birthday present."
Leahcim put on the second helmet and sat at the table waiting.His head instantly began to change from a normal white color to a more blueish.Then once the parlor trick was done,both Michael and Leahcim had the same powers.
Michael was sluggish and weak,his head bowed."My head feels like s**t."
Leahcim got up."I can feel the strength,the intelligence,the power...I can fell it all."
"Get use to it kid  because it kills me some days."
"I love this."Leahcim turned to the creature."Thank you father."
"I programmed him without your knowledge.He has what I imprinted on his brain."
"Not cool.You just took a perfect creation and made it in to a pile of s**t.If it doesn't have a mind of its own then what is the point of creating it?"
"To kill you."
Leahcim smiled."I am you in every single way.Speed,agility,strength,power...I have all of it.I am now a perfect match for you."
"My son will kill you in combat."
"Then lets go short stuff."
Leahcim smiled."I need a moment with father first."He walked over to the creature and hugged him."Thank you for creating me father,but..."Out of nowhere Leahcim pulled out  a crystal dagger and plunged it deep within his fathers heart."I don't need you to tell me what to do.OLD MAN."
The creature fell over dead on the ground."Jesus."Swore Michael."You killed him."
"I have no desire to be ruled over nor dictated."
"So what now?"
Leahcim smiled as he turned to Michael."I will kill you.But in time."

"Fine." Leahcim disappeared.
Michael suddenly appeared in the energy core of the ship."How in the hell did I get here?" Below Michael was a huge reactor core that powered the lead ship.It was a huge dome sticking up out of the floor with a glass casing over it,metal strips holding the glass in place.Across the room was Leahcim,standing over the core.
"Super speed is a wonderful thing to have you know."
"Super speed?I haven't got that power."
"No.But I was given much more than just your basic abilities.When the transfer was complete,it also sent through a little trick.How to harness the rest of your power."
"I am far more superior than you!!!"
Michael cringed at the out burst."How can this be?"
"I have the power to kill a demigod."
"A demigod?"
"You yourself are similar to a god Michael.Don't tell me you never wondered that."
"I didn't."
"Foolish." Leahcim held out his hand and charged and energy orb that was far beyond Michael's own.It looked like a giant atom but colored red and blue."This is a much more advanced version to your pathetic little ball." He threw it at Michael but missed when he dodged out of the way."You are only denying the inevitable!"
Michael dodged each and every orb thrown his way managing to survive.He crouched down behind a control panel for cover.He watched as each orb collided with a wall or surface.They created small explosions of fire."Give up!You might have power but not aiming!"
"Come out of hiding you p***y!"
"Your death is almost here Leahcim!"
"Yes.For you!" Michael stood up with both arms at his sides.He began to channel a motion of air around his arms to form an air blast.
"An air blast?Really?"
"Yes.Now it is my turn!" The air blast was the shape of an orb with rings around the exterior.It flew across the room towards Leahcim.
Leahcim gritted his teeth and created a small air blast forcing Michael's to slam in to the core below.It hit the core directly and caused the glass framing to crack and splinter in several places."No!What did you do?!"
"The frame will collapse and release all of the energy.It will cause a magnetic impulse and suck this entire fleet inside of the explosion!"
"But that means you will die too!"
"That is a sacrifice I am willing to make."
"Well I am not ready to die!" Leahcim did a run and jump through the air only to have himself blocked with an energy blast.It crippled him in midair forcing him to the ground below."Do you think this is over!?"
"It is."
"This will never be over!I am not through with you!"
"Well I am done with you."Michael quickly ran through a series of doors to escape the already unstable reactor.As he ran to an outside cat walk,Michael jumped off the ship and fell to the beach below.Luckily it cushioned the blow.He watched as the ship above blew up in a huge explosion of bright light which turned to a huge floating mass of energy,quickly sucking in all of the other ships surrounding the city.One by one the ships were pulled in and disintegrated in nothing more than another mass of energy adding to the already large mass.
Floating high above the city was a giant orb of orange light.In fact,it was an orb of energy.All of the energy from the reactor and the other ships coming together created it.It did not move,or pull anything else in.But Michael did have one idea that was insanely interesting.He charged his own orb of red energy then threw it at the giant orb.The giant orb erupted in hundreds of tiny explosions of energy,the bigger version diminishing in to nothing more than hundreds of billions of microscopic dots of energy.
Michael looked at his hands and saw that they were glowing orange.He held his hands out in the space in front of him then thrust them down towards the ground.All of the orbs formed a cloud like mist and spread out across the ocean as far as the eye could see.It spread all the way across to the horizon and beyond,covering the earth in it in only minutes.
Something strange began to happen.The city and ocean began to shake violently as if some kind of earthquake were happening.Michael struggled to keep his balance as the shaking got more and more violent as time passed.But then something extraordinary happened.The water began to glow orange and seemed to disappear slowly but surely.All of the acidic water receded away from the city walls enabling the land below to surface.Then once it was all done,the land and ocean were once more in link with each other.There were trees,bushes,forests,mountains,meadows,fields of grass,rivers,oceans,streams,creeks,caves,and animals.Thousands of types of animals everywhere,never before seen in the history of the world.New species of animals were spawned.
Michael stood on the beach now turned grass,wondering and reveling in what he saw.Miles and miles of grass as far as the eye could see."Holy s**t."

© 2014 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay

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Added on February 12, 2014
Last Updated on February 12, 2014
Tags: action, adventure, super hero, futuristic


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay