Alysia casually placed her petite hands under the hand dryer. Then all of the sudden the air from the hand dryer became sharp and painful.Alysia inspected the hand dryer, and noticed a slight blood drop on her ring finger on her right hand, she figured it was probably from her dry hands.Alysia heard a strange machine-like sound. Then all of the sudden the rim of the hand dryer nozzle became these sharp teeth-like mini spears that rotated like a blenders fangs. The blades pierced into her soft flesh with a vicious bite, as it dug into her hands. “HELP!’ She wailed at the top of her lungs. Nothing. The blades seized her wrists and began to rotate them like fruit in a blender. ``HELP!’’ She wailed. ``Someone HELP!’ Nothing. Alysia nearly fainted as she glimpsed down to see her hands violently mauled in an ugly and grotesque fashion. Her flesh and muscles mangled and marred. She shrieked at the sight of her hands grotesque figure. She shook her head in terror and disbelief. Looking down at the large blood puddle on the floor, Alysia did not notice the mysterious green hand that appeared out of the nozzle. Before she could look up she was pulled into the hand dryer nozzle by the mysterious green hand, without a trace.