I had everything planned.
The University, the classes, the requirements, the time.
Planned to a perfect, ironed “T”.
One field trip.
One Saturday.
It changed.
There went the thought.
There went the University.
There went the nights of planning,
Researching, building up the excitement
All gone because of a few words.
"...Technical Theatre scholarship..."
"Not that hard to get a job doing lights, just call this number."
But if I call that number,
If I get accepted with the scholarship
Everything I planned will change.
5 steps forward towards one major
20 jumps back towards the other major
The dream overriding the reality
Can I do both?
Can I handle the polar-opposite jobs?
Am I ready to accept the challenge?
Am I ready to take the steps towards that?
Scholarship, job, future...
Can I stay here that long?
Am I strong enough to try?
I've been presented with opportunities,
Can I really accept the challenge?