![]() PrologueA Chapter by RavenousHeartz![]() Eriana Delany is a teenage girl who finally gets welcomed into the Sweets little group when her parents sell their first house. Little did she know this group would only cause her trouble..![]() Prologue
No, I haven't made great decisions in my past. No, I'm not a wonderful innocent little girl my family makes me out to be. And no, I truely didn't try to hurt anyone. I didn't know Aniella Aaron very well, I never thought of introducing myself to her. I will admit with no guilt she meant nothing to me. But, that doesn't mean I intentionally tried to cause her any pain...or her family any grief. If I could take back what I did to her for... a girl who didn't even care for me as a friend let alone a person...I defiently would. To some Aniella was a beautiful person, she wouldn't hurt anything. So, my question is...is that the reason she had to be hurt herself? Or was it simply jealousy in a normal teenage love story? Anyways, I'll let you decide. Here is the truth. My life.
~Saturday 7:23 a.m~
The front door gently shut as I walked through the front room of my little house on the edge of the Cul de-sac. I kicked my shoes off and tightened the hair tie that pulled all of my thick brunette hair into a messy pony tail. I made my way through the dining room and into the kitchen where I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and a bottle of water from the fridge. "Eriana? Is that you?" My mother stumbled into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing up so early?" "I'm sorry if I woke you, I was out running. I felt uncomfortable and decided a run would make me feel a bit better." I scooted onto the counter and leaned my back against a cabinet. "I see." Mother's robe came undone and exposed my flannel pajama pants and a faded white t-shirt. "Would you like some breakfast?" "It's fine, I have an apple." I held up my apple and deliberately took a bite. "Alright, I'll make you breakfast." My mother nodded flashing her motherly smirk toward me. "Fine," I jumped down and started out of the kitchen. "I'm going to change into something less sweaty." I made a disgusted face as I pulled at my Adidas ClimaLite jogging bra feeling the dampness of my sweat. I headed up the stairs two at a time ready to get out of this outfit and into something a little more decent. I turned at the corner of the railing and headed down the hall toward my room. I pushed my door open and headed straight for the closet grabbing out a grey joekisa long sleeve shirt that showed off my shoulders and tan shorts from the top shelf. I walked to my dresser and grabbed out a fresh bra and underwear. I headed out of my room with my clothes and into the bathroom. I sat my clothes down on the sink and turned the shower on hot. I quickly undressed and took my hair out of the ponytail. I climbed into the shower and started rinsing my hair with water before shampooing and conditioning it. When all soap products were out I shut the water off and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself and wrapping a towel around my head. When I felt dry enough I started getting dressed. I brushed my hair and picked up my dirty clothes, placing them in the hamper next to the door. I tied a thin yellow belt around my waist to make my outfit a little more attractive. I just opened the bathroom door when I heard my mother scream from downstairs. I quickly ran down the hall and to the bottom of the steps. When I got into the kitchen my mom's face had a wide grin on it as she hung up the phone. "He sold it!" My mother screeched in happiness. "Dad sold the house?!" My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. "Yes! He sold the house for twenty-one thousand! He said he's on his way home but he's cashing the check and placing it in the bank account. We'll finally be on our feet again, Eriana!" My mother jumped up and down excitedly. We both knew twenty-one thousand wasn't exactly alot to save ourselves. But, it was enough to bring our family back. My father left four days ago to head out to Georgia, hoping to sell a house he begged his boss to give him the title to. The most we thought he could get was eight thousand. I suppose thats why my mother is so happy right now. I smiled widely back at my mother. Twenty- One thousand dollars... Wow.
© 2012 RavenousHeartzAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() RavenousHeartzAboutI had an account on Quizilla and I wrote on there. But, suddenly Quizilla quit letting me update my stories. So, I searched for a new site and found this one! I hope I can write and satisfy imaginatio.. more..Writing