oH! the horR0r, thE h0Rr0r of what must be... a day's work of social activities. too much of this and not enough of that! tip top, flip flop, s**t, s**t and shat. Dang. is it over? No. No. Not yet... the day is only done ... when you're full of regrets.
I liked this poem. Filled with energy and drive. Life is a mess sometime. Nothing fall into place. Nice flow of thoughts led to a honest ending. Thank you Raven for sharing the excellent poetry.
You do it so well, wish you would give me a few pointers lol
8 Years Ago
You have the beat... re-read your comment :
"You do it so well,
wish you would give me.. read moreYou have the beat... re-read your comment :
"You do it so well,
wish you would give me a few pointers,
I enjoy dark humor and see the funny in life.
I do not like to explain my writing as I enjoy reader's to interpret my writings first. However, I am game for a good discussion. Feel free to email me a.. more..