October Water

October Water

A Story by Raven Starhawk

The storm has never subsided. It rages on within me; bitter and unforgiving like a tsunami. I don't know how to swim. Fight as I might against the current, I am no match. Cold watery walls encircle me, pull me further and further away from shore, and as I scream only thunder replies.

Am I not redeemable? Do I not deserve forgiveness for my misdeeds?

Birthdays. Holidays. Betrayals. Friendships or lack thereof. They all sink with me as I stare into the murky depths below. It was then I discovered myself ensnared by coarse stalks; river's condemning hands.

© 2021 Raven Starhawk

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Added on October 14, 2021
Last Updated on October 14, 2021
Tags: Life, death, age, story, short, loss