Guardian's  Way

Guardian's Way

A Screenplay by Autumn Dawn Gorny

A false God's plot to rule the world solo has been uncovered. Six unlikely heroes must search the earth, collecting nine amulets, to save their Kind and the humans from annihilation.

  Revision 1                                                                                                   
   1                                                                 1     
   1      ADOBE HUT -AFTERNOON                                       1   * 
          A Vann ,male; a male Aluka, male Jala and a female QaT’lo      * 
          teenager, dressed in Elizabethan clothing stand around         * 
          Boguslaw talking. They ask him how to go about wooing          * 
          various humans.                                                * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I am pleased that you came, it                       * 
                    shows a deep intelligences and love                  * 
                    for the Binads, who’s affection you                  * 
                    are seeking.                                         * 
          He gives each one a bag of stone. The stones glow in the       * 
          bags.                                                          * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Just wear these when ever you are                    * 
                    around them. They will not only                      * 
                    protect you. But protect my Paths                    * 
                    from                                                 * 
                         (Beat, a sadistic grin                          * 
                         splashes on his face)                           * 
                    your nature.                                         * 
          FADE OUT.                                                      * 
                                                              CREDITS:   * 
   1A     BLACK SCREEN                                              1A   * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :(O.S)                            * 
                    Treachery!                                           * 
   1B     EXT: CALIFORNIA BIRD                                      1B   * 
          SANCTUARY-DAY                                                  * 
                                                              FADE IN:   * 
          Barry drives toward a large open range area. Various squawks   * 
          are heard.                                                     * 
          BARRY, 35. Is your typical country boy.                        * 
                                  Revision 1                      2.       
          After looking in on various nests to record any new births.      
          Barry stops his Jeep near a stream to do some paperwork. A       
          painful squawk catches his attention.                            
          Jumps out of his Jeep, he runs toward the sound.               * 
                    Hello there, never seen you before.                    
                    And, how did you get over here?                        
          Barry slowly walks over to the large bird. In fear he moves      
          in faster. He finds that it is a mythological thunder            
          condor. Half of Bron 1’S body is hidden in the cavern, Barry     
          steps back in amazement.                                         
          BRON 1, (human form looks 15). In condor form, his black       * 
          feathers glisten over his 60 ft wing span. In stark contrast     
          to his muted brown talons, red head and beak. Werewolf form,     
          his soft reddish/blond fur hid his black fangs.                  
                    What the f**k!                                         
          He falls backwards to the ground. Lands with an audible        * 
          thud.                                                          * 
                              BRON 1:                                      
                         (Inhales between words)                           
                    Help me fight Barry.                                   
          Barry blankly stares.                                          * 
          Bron1 tries to free one wing.                                  * 
          Barry shakes his head and speaks.                              * 
                    How, how do you know my name?                          
          Barry blinks twice leans in tentatively.                         
                    What are you?                                          
          Bron 1 struggles to free himself, lets out a roar like cry       
          and changes into his  human form with shoulder length blond    * 
          hair and small blond beard, clearly shows off his Norse        * 
          heritage. He pulls himself out.                                * 
          Barry gets up and helps Bron 1 up the rest of the way.         * 
          . Bron 1 looks at Barry again and speaks.                      * 
                                  Revision 1                      3.       
                              BRON 1:                                      
                    I have been watching you sometimes                     
                    in Condor form, sometimes in Binad                   * 
                    form. You have been chosen to lead                     
                    the fight as I have been found out                     
                    and am mortally,                                     * 
          Shows a large hole in his side.                                  
                              BRON 1:                                      
          A howl is heard, Bron 1 turns into a massive werewolf and        
          grabs Barry.                                                   * 
          A flash of white light encases both bodies.                    * 
          Flashes of memories of Barry’s past lives come into and out      
          of view quickly.                                                 
          The white light dissipates.                                    * 
                              BRON 1:                                      
                    Now go search for Gréagóir . This                    * 
                    shall show you the way.                                
          BRON 1 shoves a black tombstone shaped amulet into Barry’s       
          Barry looks at the amulet.                                       
          A crib and coffin are etched on either side of an hourglass.   * 
          Barry lets go of the amulet. It floats in the air, slowly      * 
          turning so the skull is facing Barry.                          * 
          The skull starts chanting.                                       
                              GRÉAG�"IR (V.O.):                           * 
                    I am whom you seek. The equalizer                      
                    of all. Old and new. Rich and poor                   * 
                    I call to all Paths. The Alpha and                   * 
                    the Omega. For I am  the Ostanek. I                  * 
                    am life. I am death.                                 * 
          The amulet goes quite.                                         * 
          Starts to morph into a mercury-like substance.                 * 
          The liquidized amulet absorbs into Barry’s chest.              * 
                                  Revision 1                      4.       
   2      INT: BARRY’S BEDROOM-SUNRISE                               2     
          Sunrise shines through Barry’s bedroom window, the light         
          bounces off his white walls,and the trophies litter shelves,     
          shows off his passion for birds and baseball.                    
          Barry wakes up in his bed. His eyes scan the room.               
          He sighs.                                                        
          Barry sits up in his bed.                                        
                    It was just a dream.                                   
          Barry pulls the covers off and sets his feet on the floor.       
          laughs and shakes his head.                                      
                    Whoa, I’ve got to lay off the late                     
                    night TV. Sue is going to love                         
                    hearing about this dream.                              
          He gets up.                                                      
          The amulet pulsates black from within his chest then quickly   * 
          fades as he scratches the area.                                  
          He walks toward his dresser, he looks at his calendar,           
          tacked on the wall.                                              
          He looks at the large red circle around APRIL 10th, he reads     
          the writing inside                                               
                    Pack duffel bag?                                       
          He growls as he opens various drawers.                           
          Man, I thought that was next month,I hate these road trips.      
   3      INT:BARRY’S BATHROOM-MORNING                               3     
          Barry combs hair in bathroom mirror.                             
          Starts to walk out, stops.                                       
          He sees a flash looks, around and shakes his head.               
                                  Revision 1                      5.       
   4      INT:KITCHEN-MORNING                                        4     
          He walks into the kitchen where his mother, an elderly lady      
          in a blue housecoat is sitting at a small green kitchen          
          table. Barry signs "goodbye"                                     
                                   THE HEADLIGHTS OF BARRY’ JEEP BLUR.     
   5      EXT:HIGHWAY-LATE MORNING                                   5     
          Barry drives down the freeway taking exit 215 and stop in        
          front of a country barn like feed store.                         
   6      INT:RUSTIC COUNTRY FEED STORE- LATE MORNING                6     
          Barry gets out and walks in.                                     
                    Hey Max hows things going?                             
          MAX 62, The few tufts of hair he has on is head and the deep     
          recesses wrinkles, show the long and hard life he has led.       
          Barry walks through the isles picks up various type of bird      
          feed, rope and a large tube of jerky while Max speaks.           
          Max leans on the counter.                                        
                    You want to know what happened with                    
                    my surgery Barry?                                      
                    Sure Max tell me about it.                             
          Max start speaking again, but only the chant is heard.           
                              GRÉAG�"IR (V.O):                            * 
                    I am whom you seek. The equalizer                      
                    of all. Old and new. Rich and poor.                  * 
                    I call to all Paths. The Alpha and                   * 
                    the Omega. For  I am  the Ostanek.                   * 
                    I am life. I am death(fades).                        * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    What!                                                * 
          Barry quickly turns and places the items on the counter.       * 
          He stares at Max’s lips.                                       * 
                                  Revision 1                      6.       
                    Yeah I died on the table ma...                         
                              GRÉAG�"IR (V.O.):                           * 
                    Come seek me out Barry                                 
          Max rings up the feed.                                           
          He looks up at Barry.                                            
          Sweat runs down Barry’s face, his breathing is labored.        * 
                    You OK there? You look like the                      * 
                    death warmed over ya old boy.                        * 
          Max bags the jerky and the rope.                                 
          Barry swallows hard, picks up the items.                         
                    Yeah Max maybe just a cold coming                      
          Barry starts to walk out, Max stops him, and walks out to        
          the front porch with him.                                        
   7      EXT:OUTSIDE STORE-NOON                                     7     
                    How is your mom doing? Still                           
                    signing up a storm? How is her                         
                    Yeah, still signing away. But her                      
                    eye sight is going, so she’s not                       
                    reading lips as much.                                  
          Barry loads the feed into the back of his Jeep.                  
          Walks back over to the front porch where Max is still            
                    Well she still has you, to read for                    
          Max pats Barry on the shoulder.                                  
                                  Revision 1                      7.       
                    Yup, See you next week Max.                            
          MAX turns and walks back into store.                             
          Barry walks back to Jeep                                         
          Barry gets in takes a deep breath and drives off.                
   8      EXT:FOREST FLANKED ROAD-MID-AFTERNOON                      8     
          After leaving the highway on to a stretch of road flanked by     
          massive redwoods and oak trees.                                  
          The asphalt starts to glow a pale yellowish color.               
          On both sides of the road transparent women, with children,      
          men and animals, tip hats, curtsy, wave and show other signs     
          of acknowledgment to Barry as he passes.                         
          Barry blinks and looks side to side before speeding up.          
          The yellowish glow dissipates.                                   
          Barry gets back into town stops in front of the coffee shop.     
   9      INT:COFFEE SHOP-LATE AFTERNOON                             9     
          Barry walks in.                                                  
          He starts to walks past a brunette.                              
          She turns her head slowly.                                       
                    I don’t have much time do I?                           
                    Excuse me?                                             
          Barry shakes his head.                                           
                                  Revision 1                      8.       
                    Sorry, I thought you were someone                      
          Barry turns around and walks out of the coffee shop.             
   10     EXT: OUTSIDE COFFEE SHOP-LATE AFTERNOON                   10     
          Through the window, behind Barry, the brunette slowly slides     
          off her chair.                                                   
          Barry hears a loud commotion from behind him. He turns           
          The brunette lies on the coffee shop floor.                      
          Barry runs and jumps into his Jeep and drives off.               
   11     EXT:FOREST FLANKED ROAD-LATE AFTERNOON                    11     
          A phantom plane starts to crash in the middle of the road.       
          Semi-transparent people start walking towards him                
          Barry swerves to the side of the road and slams on the           
          Barry grips his steering wheel.                                  
          His eyes widen in terror.                                        
   12     INT:INSIDE JEEP-AFTERNOON                                 12     
          In front of Barry the list of victim’s names in gold             
          calligraphy, going downward appears before his eyes.             
          Various transparent people walk through Jeep. Those that go    * 
          touch him dissipate.                                           * 
          Barry jumps out of the Jeep.                                   * 
          He runs away from the semi-transparent people.                   
          He trips and falls on the now glowing asphalt.                   
          A small FEMALE CHILD looks at him, with an inquisitive smile     
          on her face.                                                     
                                  Revision 1                      9.       
                              FEMALE CHILD:                                
                    Barry, where do I go?                                  
          He shuts his eyes and chants.                                    
                    This is just a dream, this is                          
                              FEMALE CHILD:                                
                    No, I’m dead and you have the mark                     
                    of the Ostanek. So, where do I go                    * 
                              FEMALE CHILD:                                
                         (impatiently)                                   * 
                    Where do I go?                                         
                    I, I don’t know-the light.                             
          The female child looks at him, pouts, then looks around.         
          Barry stands up and starts to back away.                         
          She grabs his hand and disappears.                               
          He freezes on the spot.                                          
          The other semi-transparent to disappear after they touch         
   13     EXT:OUTSIDE JEEP-SIDE OF ROAD-AFTERNOON                   13     
          The wind picks up.                                               
          Barry struggles to stay upright.                                 
          His Jeep starts to give way to the wind and slowly slides        
          Barry looks toward the sky.                                      
          Barry’s Jeep is now completely pushed down the embankment by     
          the strong wind.                                                 
          Barry looks upward, raises his fist and screams into the air   * 
                                  Revision 1                     10.       
                    What the hell do you want from me?                     
          Suddenly all goes black.                                         
   14     INT: UNDERGROUND TUNNEL                                   14     
          The chant is heard.                                            * 
          Barry still fist raise upwards, realizes he is no longer on      
          the road, he looks around frantically .                          
          Chant abruptly stops.                                            
          Gréagóir ,age unknown, Death                                   * 
          He slowly floats down a long moist black stone tunnel, a       * 
          white light follows behind him, that casts an ominous glow       
          over his gray shroud covered body.                               
          Gréagóir  stops within inches of Barry’s face.                 * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Hello Barry, sorry for the manner                      
                    on which Bron contacted you, but it                    
                    was urgent for this meeting. I am                      
                    Gréagóir the Ostanek. You may know                   * 
                    me as the Angel Of Life And Death                      
                    or the Grim Reaper. Boguslaw, the                    * 
                    Guardian of the Binad,humans, Path,                  * 
                    is getting more ruthless, as the                       
                    centuries move on. Come quickly                        
                    there is much to do and little time                    
                    to do it in.                                           
          Gréagóir start to float away.                                  * 
          He stops and turns back toward Barry.                          * 
                    Whoa you expect me just to go with                     
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    I know you are afraid, and I am                        
                    sorry for that but, think on it who                    
                    else will you find out what                            
                    happened to you? How will you fight                    
                    Boguslaw, now the Bron has turned                    * 
                    you? And how                                           
                                  Revision 1                     11.       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    will you get out of my realm?                          
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Barry the world needs you.                             
          Barry stumbles back in surprise.                                 
                    Why me, how can I help?                                
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Your soul knows, you will know what                    
                    to do.                                                 
          Flashes of his past lives as other Paths once again come       * 
          into view.                                                     * 
                    That wasn’t just dreams, was it?                       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    No, the fate of the world’s balance                    
                    rest in you and others like you.                       
                    Binads,like your mother, especially                  * 
                    are in peril. Quickly now, we must                     
          Gréagóir  starts floating back down the tunnel.                * 
                    What about my mother?                                  
          Barry yells and starts running after Gréagóir.                 * 
          They come to a room full of hour glasses.                        
   15     INT:HOUR GLASS ROOM                                       15     
          Two hour glasses float toward Gréagóir  and burst.             * 
          A man in a brown business suit with thinning hair and a          
          woman in what looks like a blue summer dress, both nearly        
          transparent are now standing next to him.                        
          A female figure in a glowing white shroud appears to the         
          left Gréagóir  and takes the newly deceased man and woman’s    * 
          hands, leading them to a small tunnel, and disappears.           
                                  Revision 1                     12.       
          Gréagóir  turn to see a shocked Barry.                         * 
          Barry shakes his head now glances around frantically .         * 
          Barry starts running through isles.                            * 
          Gréagóir  chuckles.                                            * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Looking for your mother’s glass?                     * 
          Barry turns toward Gréagóir  now in front of him.              * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    Yeah, were is it, how much time                      * 
                    does she have?                                       * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Do not worry hers is heavily guard                   * 
                    from Boguslaw and she has some                       * 
                    years left. Your son is not born                     * 
                    yet. Come now we have work to do.                    * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    My what, my son what!                                * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Later, but now we must seek out the                  * 
                    Aluka Pak Pao.                                       * 
          They step through a waterfall of mercury like substance.       * 
   16     INT:CAULDRON ROOM                                         16   * 
          Gréagóir  waves his shroud covered hand toward above an over   * 
          sized cauldron three times. Purposely slow.                    * 
          He drop his shroud covered hand down into the green foggy      * 
          bubbling mix.                                                  * 
          The mixture goes from green foggy bubbling mix to a clear      * 
          picture of a night.                                            * 
          A scene of a tiny body shop, named NYNY AUTO on a deserted     * 
          street corner, The light form the inside the shop show on      * 
          sole occupant half under a car hood.                           * 
          The battle clearly seen,flashes of lightening and various      * 
          color explosions.                                              * 
          Gréagóir  turns to see Barry leaning over shouting at  Pak     * 
          Pao.                                                           * 
                                  Revision 1                     13.       
                    Watch out, behind you.                                 
          Gréagóir  waves his hand over Barry.                           * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Go now!                                                
   17     INT:BLACK VOID                                            17     
          Barry falls into the cauldron, and travels through vast          
          Clothing falls off in strips,feathers start forming over his     
          bare muscular skin.                                              
          Barry’s feet turn quickly into talon,feathers start to cover     
          his legs.                                                        
          Barry stretches out his arms as bones breaking and               
          reforming. feathers cover the new wings.                         
          The sound of breaking bones is heard as his jaw reforms into     
          a beak.                                                          
          Barry’s brown eye behind the yellow birds eyes.                  
          A thunderous caw is heard.                                       
          The asphalt below begins to form.                                
          Barry changes again into a Condor . Feather quickly fall out   * 
          replaced by fur as bones reform from wings back to arms.         
          Talon bubble as they turn into claws.                            
          Snarling is heard.                                               
          Barry lands on his feet                                          
   18     INT: NYNY AUTO-NIGHT                                      18     
          (Rock music is heard)                                          * 
          TIERAN, 26. A muscle-bounded Latino from the Bronx               
          He hovers over a gray Ford working on the car’s engine           
          inside his father’s auto body shop.                              
          Singing along to the radio.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     14.       
                    You shot in the dark Your dead by                      
                    strike back...                                         
          Tieran looks up, he stops singing.                               
          A mixture of laughter, curses and bangs outside in the           
          parking lot.                                                     
                    What the hell?                                         
          He grabs a wrench and slowly approaches the opening of the       
   19     EXT: DESERTED PARKING LOT-NIGHT                           19     
          PRIEST 45, His crisp black priest uniform show his               
          He stands rooted near a concrete space divider. The wooden       
          cross he holds in his left hand and a bible in his right         
          show his conviction to Boguslaw.                               * 
                    Back spawn of Satan, My god                            
                    commands you to the pits of hell.                      
          Lightening strikes down next to Pak Pao                        * 
          The Priest smiles and his eyes widen as he raises his hands      
          in the air. The bible flaps in his hand.                         
                    See his mighty power repent child,                     
          PAK PAO (310 looks 19), An Asian raven-haired beauty with      * 
          blood red eyes.                                                  
          She throws various potions toward the Priest as the wind         
          howls around her.                                                
          Rain splashes everywhere.                                        
          She tries to open a portal and place the Priest somewhere        
          out of Boguslaw’s grasp.                                       * 
          The wind diverts the portals away from the Priest                
                                  Revision 1                     15.       
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    What? Ha! As much as Boguslaw would                  * 
                    love to be a God he isn’t. He just                     
                    got hurt that his Path don’t have                    * 
                    extra abilities, that the other                        
                    Paths do supposedly.                                 * 
          Pak Pao see Tieran from out of the corner of her eye.          * 
                    How dare you speak such blasphemy!                     
                    Almighty God, give me the strength                     
                    to make her bite her tongue!                           
          A streak of lightening hits the Priest, he points toward Pak   * 
          Pao, just as Tieran starts to run toward the the Priest.       * 
          Tieran throws a wrench hitting the priest                        
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
          Barry,still in werewolf form, runs after the Priest.             
          He starts to attack Priest.                                      
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    Shelter, get back inside now!                          
          Tieran stares at Pak Pao and freezes.                          * 
          A blast of wind knocks Barry back.                               
          Pak Pao charges Barry                                          * 
          She takes two small bags from her pocket slamming them into      
          Barry’s chest.                                                   
          Barry’s eye change from black orbs to brown Binad eyes.        * 
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    We never attack Binads got it?                       * 
          Pak Pao shakes him.                                            * 
                         (Slightly dazed)                                  
                    Got it!                                              * 
          A bang is heard.                                                 
          The Priest gets up.                                              
                                  Revision 1                     16.       
          Barry and Pak Pao slowly turn their heads.                     * 
          Priest stumbles toward Pak Pao, falls onto her, stabbing her   * 
          in the neck with his wooden cross.                               
          Tieran runs over picking up the wrench he threw and hits the     
          Priest once again.                                               
          Tieran turns and starts to raise the wrench again.               
          Pak Pao grabs him.                                             * 
          Pak Pao looks at Barry.                                        * 
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    Tell Gréagóir  I had no choice but                   * 
                    this way.                                              
                    What are you doing?                                    
          Pak Pao sinks her teeth into Tieran’s arm and starts           * 
          Pak Pao grabs the back of Tieran’s neck and slams Tieran’s     * 
          mouth over the wound in her neck.                                
          Tieran drinks as we see Pak Pao slowly start to glow and       * 
          glide into Tieran.                                               
          Barry shakes his head.                                           
          Sirens are heard.                                                
                    Gréagóir  help us!                                   * 
   20     INT: HOSPITAL ROOM- DAY BREAK                             20     
          Tieran’s face his eyes seem glazed, he blinks rapidly.           
          The sun sets,the moon comes up and sets. The sun reappears.      
          Tieran is now lying in a hospital bed, wounds completely         
          Barry sitting in a black leather chair to the left of            
                                  Revision 1                     17.       
          IMAM (65 but looks 35),  The black attire he wears is to         
          hide the pain he has endured before becoming a Aluka.          * 
          Barry looks up.                                                  
                    Who are you?                                           
          Tieran starts to stir.                                           
          Casey 28, is a devote catholic walks in with her pink scrubs     
          and dirty-dishwater blond hair in a tight bun.                   
          She scans the room and smiles, her hazel eye sparkle when        
          she sees Tieran stir and surrounded by what she believes to      
          be his friends.                                                  
                    Well looks who is awake.                               
          Casey starts to walk over to the IV unit but is blocked by       
                    Excuse me.                                             
          Imam’s eyes slowly looks toward her.                             
          Imam gets up and moves toward the wall.                          
          Barry looks up.                                                  
          Imam speaks to Gréagóir  telepathically.                       * 
                    Gréagóir  she can see me. How old                    * 
                    is her soul?                                           
          Gréagóir’s voice seems to reverberate in the hospital room.    * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :(O.S)                            * 
                    Let me see, her soul was created a                     
                    mere century before the veil was                       
                    What should I do?                                      
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Just wait and see, and see who she                     
                    speaks to.                                             
                                  Revision 1                     18.       
                    Can’t you just look through her                        
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Imam you know as well as I do, that                    
                    after the Veil of Secrecy was                          
                    dropped, it is forbidden to look.                      
          Barry joins into the conversation.                               
                    Even for you?                                          
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Sadly yes, but I shall post guards                     
                    around her.                                            
          Barry stares at Imam, a puzzled expression on his face.          
                    How is it I can hear you and, you                      
                    can hear me?                                           
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    All creature are connected                             
                    telepathically, except Binads now.                   * 
                    Boguslaw blocked Binads from                         * 
                    hearing each other, to keep his                        
          Imam closes his eyes and shakes his head. Slowly moving back     
          over to the bed.                                                 
          Tieran is now fully awake but still groggy, looks quickly at     
          Barry then at Imam, he stiffens up, obviously shaken.            
          Barry tries to speak but closes his mouth.                       
          Casey leaves the room.                                           
                    Feeling better I don’t no why you                    * 
                    were  brought you here. No one has                   * 
                    every died, well truly died from a                     
                    Aluka bite.                                          * 
          Tieran looks at Imam and Barry inquisitively.                  * 
                              IMAM:                                      * 
                    A vampire.                                           * 
                                  Revision 1                     19.       
                    Alukas, who the f**k are you                         * 
                    people? What am I doing here?                        * 
          Tieran’s eye they change from light brown to a mirror like       
          surface where Pak Pao’s dark blood-red eyes can be faintly     * 
          Tieran opens his mouth to speak again, but Pak Pao’s voice     * 
          comes out.                                                       
                              PAK PAO(V.O.):                             * 
                    You are here because I bit you,                        
          Tieran’s eyes widen.                                             
          Tieran tries to get up Imam pushes him back down forcibly.       
          Tieran’s head bounces on the white pillow, by the force.         
          Barry gets up and speaks.                                        
                    Hey man, I know what you are going                     
                    through, believe me I thought all                      
                    this s**t was Hollywood, but hey                       
                    there is a war going on. I have                        
                    seen thing, from the one that                          
                    turned me, things you would not                        
                    believe were possible. And I am                        
                    remembering things from all I can                      
                    guess is past lives. A war unseen                      
                    by most people, but it still                           
                    effects us all. We have been chosen                    
                    to to right the wrong done                             
                    centuries ago. Ever have weird                         
                    dreams about being a Aluka?                          * 
                    What no, yes I can’t be a... I just                    
                    have a great imagination.                              
   21     INT:LIVING ROOM-HALLOWEEN NIGHT-1998                      21     
          A teenage Tieran’s face is painted a corpse blue and has a       
          long black wig on.                                               
          A mother shows a young Tieran his costume. A deep red and        
          blue swirl patterned cloak.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     20.       
                    Tieran Alejandro Chacon I swear you                    
                    have the imagination of God. So                        
                    this is what a vampire king wears?                   * 
          He takes the cloak and points to colors. As he speaks we see     
          is prosthetic fangs.                                             
                              YOUNG TIERAN:                                
                    Thanks mom. Yeah, the red is for                       
                    blood energy and the blue is for                       
                    psychic energy.                                        
                    Aw, if you say so. At least this                       
                    was easier then that wind one.                         
          Tieran laugh, put the cloak on.                                  
   22     INT: HOSPITAL ROOM- DAY BREAK                             22     
          PRESENT DAY:                                                     
                    IMAM & PAK                                           * 
          PAO(V.O.):                                                     * 
          You’re a Aluka get over it.                                    * 
                    We don’t have much time!                               
          DOCTOR 52, A portly short man with thinning red hair. His        
          black stethoscope slung around his neck dangles over his         
          white lab coat.                                                  
          He comes in to inspect Tieran walks pass Imam not noticing       
          him. Blue slip covers cover is black cowboy boots.               
                    Well you are able to go home I                         
                    think as soon as we run one more                       
                    test. We need to make sure it was                      
                    just low electrolytes that made you                    
                    pass out. It is good that someone                      
                    was walking by when you fell and                       
                    called 911.                                            
          Tieran looks at Barry.                                           
          Barry is invisible to the doctor.                                
                                  Revision 1                     21.       
          The doctor point toward an eye chart bumping Imam, but does      
          not notices.                                                     
          Tieran’s eyes widen.                                             
                    Oh, after the transformation                           
                    happens fully he is not able to see                    
                    or hear us, watch.                                     
          Barry walks over to the doctor and slaps him on the back of      
          the head.                                                        
                    Hey baldy look at me!                                  
          The doctor continues to ask questions he clicks a button and     
          the eye chart lights up.                                         
                    OK Mr. Chacon I need you to stand                      
                    up and come about here. Put your                       
                    left hand over your left eye good.                     
                    Now tell me can you read line 5.                       
          Tieran gets up and does as the doctor instructs.                 
          Barry and Imam walk around and speak to each other               
                    M E E W W.                                             
                    You can read them all.                                 
                    Line 6.                                                
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    Yeah my eyes are perfect.                              
          Tieran clamps his hand over his mouth and his eyes widen.        
          The doctor unaware of Pak Pao’s voice.                         * 
                    Something wrong?                                       
                    No E E W W M E 3.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     22.       
                    Told you we cant be seen or heard.                     
                    Now the other eye.                                     
                    A big giant E, look I’m fine can I                     
                    go or do I have to go through it                       
                    No, if you feel you are well, you                      
                    are free to go but will have to                        
                    sign some paperwork first.                             
                    OK, fine thanks.                                       
          The doctor exits.                                                
          Tieran quickly grabs his clothes to change.                      
          Suddenly looks in the mirror at his reflection spins on his      
          heels toward Imam with a smile on his face.                      
                    Ha! If I am a Aluka, then explain                    * 
          Tieran throws his arm out and points at the mirror.              
          Imam walks calmly over looks at the mirror and fakes a           
          surprised look on his face seeing his own reflection.            
                    Oh Great REIMA, I can see me too!                    * 
          Tieran glares at Imam.                                           
          Barry starts laughing.                                           
          Imam looks at Tieran and smiles briefly.                         
                    Come on!                                               
                                  Revision 1                     23.       
   23     INT:HOSPITAL HALLWAY-MORNING                              23     
          Imam grabs Tieran’s hospital gown and drags him out the door     
          to the nurses station.                                           
   24     INT:NURSE’S STATION-DAY                                   24     
          Imam give Tieran a dollar that he steals out of a man’s          
          wallet,standing next to them.                                    
                    Here ask the nurse for change and                      
                    look into her eyes.                                    
          Imam bares his fangs.                                            
                    Just do it damn it! We don’t have                      
                    time for you to waste. The sooner                      
                    you come to grips the sooner..                         
                    Can I help you?                                        
                    Umm, do you have change for a                          
          Tieran gives the Nurse the dollar.                               
                    Let me see.                                            
          The nurse disappears into a little room.                         
          She returns with four quarters.                                  
          Imam pushes Tieran’s back.                                       
          Tieran jolts forward and leans closer to the nurse               
          The nurse eyes widen.                                            
                                  Revision 1                     24.       
          Imam dances behind Tieran                                        
          Tieran looks into the nurse’s eyes and only sees himself and     
          the soda machine behind him.                                     
          Imam now standing directly behind him can not be seen.           
          Tieran backs up.                                                 
                    Are you OK?                                            
                    Sorry,yes thanks for the change.                       
   25     INT:HOSPITAL HALLWAY                                      25     
          Tieran walks down the hall shaking his head, Imam dogging        
          his heels.                                                       
                    See that mirror I can’t be seen in,                    
                    and by tomorrow night neither will                     
                         (Whines)                                        * 
                    IMAM & PAK                                           * 
          PAO(V.O.):                                                     * 
                    But why me? Why not some other guy,                    
                    someone who actually believes in                       
   26     INT:HOSPITAL ROOM-MORNING                                 26     
          Tieran goes back to the room and dresses.                        
          Barry stands by the door.                                        
          Door opens.                                                      
                                  Revision 1                     25.       
                    Take this.                                             
          Tieran shakes his head no.                                       
          Barry grabs his arm and places it in his hand.                   
                    Take it, when it glows just say                        
                    open. Trust me it will all make                        
                    sense then.                                            
   27     INT: BLACK  SCREEN                                        27     
          We hear Tieran but do not see him.                               
                         (Tentatively)                                   * 
   28     EXT: OUTSIDE NIGHT CLUB ENTRANCE                          28     
          Gothic dressed young adults line up to get inside.               
   29     INT:NIGHT CLUB-BAR.                                       29     
          Inside under loud music people dance,sit in shadowed booths,     
          or up at the bar, covered in black and blood-red leather.        
          A man with a woman on his lap sucking and biting her             
          Tieran appears and bumps into Girl 1 in maroon PVC pants and     
          black poet shirt, with a drink in her hand near the bar. The     
          drink does not move.                                             
          She stare out toward the dance floor.                            
                    Excuse me, didn’t mean to bump into                    
          The Girl 1 turns to her left and starts talking to Man 1         
          behind Tieran.                                                   
          Both unaware of Tieran’s presence.                               
                                  Revision 1                     26.       
                              GIRL 1:                                      
                    Hey what are you doing here?                           
                    Um, I was...                                           
                              MAN 1:                                       
                    Dax, told me about this place. I                       
                    didn’t know you would be here.                         
                    Nice, Dax is the one who told me                       
                    about it.                                              
                    Um, hello do you see me?                               
          Tieran starts waving his hands in front of the Girl 1’s          
          face, who keeps talking to the Man 1 behind Tieran.              
          Man 1 start to push Tieran into the Girl 1.                      
          Tieran moves quickly out of the way.                             
          The Girl 1 and Man 1 head off to the back.                       
          We hear Imam and Barry laughing.                                 
          Tieran turns around.                                             
                    Well welcome to your first day                         
                    being invisible to the world.                          
                    Now will you believe us and listen?                    
   30     INT:NIGHT CLUB-DANCE FLOOR-NIGHT                          30     
          Tieran still refusing to believe it runs over and slaps a        
          girl on the buttocks.                                            
          She pays no attention.                                           
          Tieran stumbles back shake his head and pinches himself.         
          Sighs out the pain.                                              
                              PAK PAO(V.O.):                             * 
                    Oh, yeah I bet that never happens!                     
                                  Revision 1                     27.       
                    No, it doesn’t, just, just shut up                     
                    and get out of me!                                     
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    Would love to, but Barry screwed                       
                    that one up!                                           
          Tieran turns on Barry yelling.                                   
                    Why you b*****d! Because of you I                      
                    am no longer able to be seen by my                     
                    family! You b*****d...                                 
          Tieran starts to raise his fist but can get it to raise.         
                    What the hell!                                         
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    I stopped you idiot. For one we                        
                    were under attack and two do you                       
                    think I like being in a guy’s body?                    
                    No! You were going to be come a                        
                    Aluka anyway, you were chosen. But                   * 
                    he almost attacked someone, and I                    * 
                    had to stop him. So I couldn’t do a                    
                    psychic transfer, I had to do a                        
                    sanguine transfer. And about your                      
                    family, once Boguslaw is defeated,                   * 
                    the world will revert back. So                         
                    don’t worry it will be like you                      * 
                    never left.                                            
                    Can we get back to business?                           
                    BARRY AND PAK                                        * 
          PAO(V.O.):                                                     * 
          Imam, Tieran and Barry walk over to a corner table.              
   31     INT:NIGHTCLUB-CORNER BOOTH-NIGHT                          31     
          IMAM waves his hand left to right scanning the room.             
          He points at various people.                                     
          They turn and seem to look at him as he speaks.                  
                                  Revision 1                     28.       
   32     INT:NIGHT CLUB DANCE FLOOR-BAR-NIGHT                      32     
                    Look around, you will see Aluka,                     * 
                    Mogrif  and Trylle that use words                    * 
                    and herbs. But, there is the real                      
                    Aluka, Mogrif  and Trylle.                           * 
          Tieran stares blankly.                                         * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    Vampires, shape shifters, and what                   * 
                    we call witches. Binad, human.                       * 
                              IMAM:                                      * 
                    You see these people, though                         * 
                    enlightened are still just Binad.                    * 
                    Not to mention The Jala, the                         * 
                    QaT’lo, the Jùshí or the Vann.                       * 
                    Paths you Binads have never truly                    * 
                    seen.                                                * 
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    Boguslaw, did this to them.                          * 
          Tieran again stares blankly.                                   * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    People made of water, fire, rock                     * 
                    and air.                                             * 
          Tieran gulps.                                                  * 
                              IMAM:                                      * 
                    Right, he is the Guardian of the                     * 
                    Binads, yet became corrupt by                        * 
                    jealousy and paranoia.He became                      * 
                    convinced that the Binads were made                  * 
                    inferior on purpose. He refused to                   * 
                    share or even confer with the other                  * 
                    Guardians. He wanted to rule, and                    * 
                    thus became, what the Binads know                    * 
                    as, God.                                             * 
   33     INT:NIGHTCLUB-CORNER BOOTH-NIGHT                          33   * 
                              TIERAN:                                    * 
                    Hang on, I have a question you say                   * 
                    we can’t be seen.                                    * 
                                  Revision 1                     29.       
                    We can’t by most Binads.                             * 
                    Yeah most that is what I mean. How                     
                    come that nurse was able to see                        
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    Simple she had crossed path with                       
                    one of us before, Have you ever                        
                    seen someone and just knew them.                       
                    Well our souls get thrown back, if                     
                    you will, into the system.                             
                              PAK PAO (V.O.)                             * 
                    Yes, see some of the Binads myths                    * 
                    are facts. Our souls get reborn                        
                    through each Path. We have all been                  * 
                    an Ostanek, Aluka,Trylle, QaT’lo,                    * 
                    Vann, Jala, Proto and Binads. Souls                  * 
                    do stay and get reincarnated to one                  * 
                    certain Path, well didn’t use to at                  * 
                    least. Boguslaw put a stop to that.                  * 
                              TIERAN:                                    * 
                    Sorry this talking through me is                     * 
                    just weird. Can’t you get out of                     * 
                    me?                                                  * 
                              BARRY:                                     * 
                    We will need Gréagóir  for that.                     * 
                              TIERAN:                                    * 
                    Who is this guy?                                     * 
          Tieran’s arm reach into his pocket and takes out the amulet.   * 
                              TIERAN:                                    * 
                    Hey, what are you doing?                             * 
                    BARRY, IMAM PAK                                      * 
          PAO(V.O.):                                                     * 
          Open.                                                          * 
                                  Revision 1                     30.       
   34     INT: UNDERGROUND TUNNEL                                   34     
          Back to the moist black stone tunnel.                            
          Gréagóir  is once again at the entrance with a white light     * 
          behind him.                                                      
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    I am also known as the Ostanek.                      * 
                    Good evening all of you, good to                       
                    see you all back in form, well                         
                    except Pak Pao. Barry I do want to                   * 
                    apologize for not telling about                        
                    the, well the rules of the Paths.                    * 
                    Forgive me Pak Pao, but we were                      * 
                    pressed for time.                                      
                    I know, and don’t worry that man                       
                    wasn’t hurt by me.                                     
                              PAK PAO (V.O.)                             * 
                    I understand Gréagóir .                              * 
          Tieran shakes his head.                                          
          Walks up to Gréagóir .                                         * 
                    Well I don’t understand, please                        
                    explain to me.                                         
          Imam appears behind Tieran grabbing his shoulder                 
                    Watch your tone!                                       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    It is quite all right, and if I                        
                    remember right you yourself was                        
                    once loud and impatient.                               
                              PAK PAO (V.O.)                             * 
                    Still is.                                              
          Imam lets go of Tieran’s shoulder and walks in to the            
          Gréagóir  smiles turns back to Tieran.                         * 
                                  Revision 1                     31.       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Now, back to you Tieran. What is it                    
                    you want to know? Who and what we                      
                    are? Why you were picked,or I dare                     
                    say, more importantly...                               
          Gréagóir  smiles again.                                        * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
           to get Pak Pao out of your                    * 
          Tieran’s eyes widens as he shakes his head he licks his lips     
          and starts to speak.                                             
                    All of it! What does this have to                      
                    do with me and my dreams?                              
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Then follow me. Many eons ago the                      
                    world was in chaos. So me and eight                    
                    other Guardians devised a way to                       
                    bring harmony to the world. The                        
                    eight other Guardians guarded not                      
                    only their own Path, but helped the                  * 
                    others as well. I guard all.                           
          Tieran,Barry and Imam follow Gréagóir  down past the room of   * 
          hour glasses back through the mercury waterfall to the           
                    Are you like Gods or something?                        
   35     INT:CAULDRON ROOM                                         35     
          As Gréagóir  says the names of the Guardians the cauldron      * 
          show their faces and locations.                                  
          The group looks down and watches.                                
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    No, we are not. What we are, are                       
                    keepers of our Path, protectors,                     * 
                    but certainly just a capable of                        
                    making mistakes. And, as you can                       
                    tell by my speech I have become                        
                    quite acquainted with your speech.                     
                    Unlike the other, who still talk                       
                    they did before the Veil of Secrecy                    
                                  Revision 1                     32.       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    was dropped. REIMA is the Aluka                      * 
                    Guardian. He now hides in Lapland.                     
                    ASGA’YA-GE is the Mogrif  Guardian                   * 
                    she dwells in the North America.                       
                    Ta’Om the air Guardian loves New                       
                    Zealand. FERNÃO QaT’lo Guardian                      * 
                    dwells inside Ojos del Salado.                         
                    NERINE Jala Guardian,can be found                    * 
                    all around the equator ILA the                       * 
                    Jùshí Guardian he has cloaked                        * 
                    himself on Gangkhar Puensum. LILURA                  * 
                    Trylle Guardian plays around Italy.                  * 
                    Then there is me, I am the Guardian                    
                    of Life and Death,the Ostanek. I                     * 
                    reside here in Cachaileith na Sith.                  * 
          Tieran and Barry raise their heads and stare blankly at          
          Gréagóir .                                                     * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    The Fairy Door.                                        
                    BARRY AND TIERAN:                                      
          They both look at the other and shrug their shoulders.           
          All eyes return to the cauldron.                                 
                    What about Boguslaw, where is he?                    * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Ah yes, well you see the Guardians                     
                    travel where ever there Path needs                   * 
                    them, a call or prayer. And as,                        
                    Boguslaw has announced himself as                    * 
                    God over his own Path, the Binads,                   * 
                    he never stays in one place. That                      
                    is why we must show the other                          
                    Guardians proof and have them on                       
                    their guard.                                           
          Gréagóir  steps away from the cauldron over to a wall.         * 
          An opening appears in the shape of a scythe.                     
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    I, Gréagóir  Guardian of Life and                    * 
                    Death, Guardian of all. Do here ask                    
                    for the knowledge of the first                         
                                  Revision 1                     33.       
          The wall begins to melt away.                                    
          In its place a picture TA’OM, age unknown, is sitting on a       
          tornado, in a meditative state.                                  
          His silvery white hair whips violently in the wind as he         
          slowly raises and falls in a rhythmic pattern of if wind         
          like body. The gray swirls in his eyes move slowly in a          
          counter-clockwise motion.                                        
          Gréagóir  looks back at the group and beckons then forward.    * 
   36     INT:CAULDRON ROOM-WALL-PORTAL                             36     
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    You must go to Ta’om first and                         
                    plead your case.                                       
          Wall starts to shake.                                            
          The picture of Ta’om fades and is replaced by a black void       
          encased in white light.                                          
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Hurry Boguslaw is on to us.                          * 
          Imam, Barry run into the void.                                   
                    It’s her.                                              
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                                                  TIERAN RUNS THROUGH.     
   37     EXT:THICK FOREST-MID AFTERNOON                            37     
          After Tieran goes through the void transforms into another       
          picture. The picture show Casey and her friend Abbey hiking      
          through a thick forest.                                          
          They land in a middle of the viaduct, they quickly look          
          Mud splashes everywhere.                                         
          Lush thick green forest, sun peeking through large green         
          leaves flank either side of the viaduct.                         
                                  Revision 1                     34.       
                    Yuck, now what?                                        
          Imam looks at Barry, c***s his eyebrow.                          
                    Uh, oh yeah let me scan the area.                      
                    How can you scan the area, do you                      
                    see how thick those trees are? what                    
                    are you going to to do climb them?                     
                    No I am going to fly over them.                        
                    I thought.                                             
                    BARRY & PAK PAO                                      * 
          I(He) can change at will.                                        
          Barry starts to speak his voice goes from that of a man’s        
          voice to a squawk.                                               
          The ground starting to shake. Water in the viaduct start to      
          Barry starts to transforms.                                      
          Imam slowly moves in between the trees.                          
          Tieran runs for cover.                                           
          Barry’s feet turn quickly into talons. Feathers start to         
          cover his legs. His face once sun-kissed now a vibrant red.      
          Barry’s clothes fall off in strips. Feathers start forming       
          over his bare muscular skin.                                     
          Barry stretches out his arms, sounds of bones breaking and       
          then reforming. Black feathers cover the new wings.              
                                  Revision 1                     35.       
          The breaking of bones echoes, as his jaw reforms into a          
          His brown eye behind the black birds eyes.                       
          Barry looks at Imam then at Tieran.                              
                    I’ll be back.                                          
                         (Shaky Stutter)                                   
          Barry lifts off.                                                 
   38     EXT: IN SKY-AFTERNOON                                     38     
          Flying over head, tops of trees small white curvy lines of       
          waterways quickly rush by.                                       
          A small glowing hut comes into view.                             
          Barry flies toward it.                                           
   39     EXT:TA’OM’S HUT LATE AFTERNOON                            39     
          Barry reaches the edge of the hut.                               
          A dust storm in shape of a male human form guards the door       
          of the hut.                                                      
          TA’OM comes outside he stretches out his arm and yells.          
                    Stop avian who be you? How dare you                    
                    trespass upon my home!                                 
          Barry immediately turns human and starts to fall.              * 
          Ta’om catches him in a gust of wind slamming Barry to the        
          ground. He motions to his apprentice to stay back.               
          Encases him in the wind tunnel.                                  
                                  Revision 1                     36.       
                    I am Barry on urgent business for                      
                    Gréagóir . I must speak to you at                    * 
                    Gréagóir , what news does the                        * 
                    Ostanek have? None of mine are to                    * 
                    It is about Boguslaw’s treachery.                    * 
                    We have proof of his lies.                             
                    I have no time to hear this,go now!                    
          Ta’om releases Barry from the wind tunnel prison.                
          Barry starts to fall to the ground.                              
          Ta’om produces a gust of wind in his hands, thrust his arms      
          out and pushes Barry back.                                       
          Barry quickly changes back into a condor and flies into the      
                    I am here and I will stay here                         
                    until you listen! The world needs                      
                    to be brought back to it’s natural                     
                    order, and I need your help.                           
                    The only treachery was done was                        
                    that of the Alukas and Mogrifs.                      * 
          Barry lands on the ground thunder is heard. As Barry             
          approaches. Ta’om Barry turns from condor form to a snarling   * 
          werewolf.                                                      * 
          Ta’om stands his ground.                                         
                         (Growls Response)                                 
                    It was not our fault, nor the                          
                    Alukas. Have you ever wondered how                   * 
                    only Boguslaw, the Guardian of the                   * 
                    Binads was the one who found out,                    * 
                    not the Aluka,the Trylle, the                        * 
                    QaT’lo or the Mogrif  Guardians.                     * 
                    Especially when it was the QaT’lo                    * 
                    race that also was allegedly                           
                                  Revision 1                     37.       
          The gray swirls in Ta’om’s eyes swirl violently.                 
          Ta’om backs away putting distance between him and Barry.         
          He stares straight at Barry.                                     
                    Suppose I were to believe this how                     
                    could I help?                                          
                         (Normal Voice)                                    
                    We need your amulet, to be place in                    
                    the stones of records.                                 
                    Come with me.                                          
          Ta’om takes Barry toward a tiny hut like structure.              
          A gush of wind is heard but nothing is seen.                     
          As Barry walks through, he slowly change into human form       * 
          though still covered with thick fur.                             
          Ta’om turn and looks at Barry.                                   
                    Quick learner I see.                                   
          Barry c***s one eyebrow                                          
                    Thought I would live in something                      
                    Yes actually.                                          
          Ta’om turns back toward the hut.                                 
                    Reveal! I would suggest turning                        
                    back into a Condor.                                    
          Ta’om waves his hand over the ground up over the hut.            
          The ground starts to shake.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     38.       
          Thunder is heard as Barry changes into a condor.                 
          TA’OM and Barry now are standing on a cloud were there was       
          once green grass.                                                
                    The hut is only used when Nerine                     * 
                    decides the earth needs more water.                    
          Ta’om grabs at the wind with his left hand a stone amulet        
          begins to form.                                                  
          Ta’om hands Barry the amulet.                                    
   40     EXT:THICK FOREST-NIGHT                                    40     
          Imam and Tieran are sitting in silence on opposite sides of      
          the viaduct.                                                     
          Imam leans back and closes his eye                               
          Imam’s eyes popping open                                         
          Imam suddenly stand                                              
          Imam’s fangs descend and his nails lengthen                      
          Tieran stands up                                                 
          Imam stares down the viaduct the to the left as he spots the     
          leaves moving                                                    
          Leaves shake and hear voices of Casey and Abbey are heard        
          Casey is yelling                                                 
                    Abbey where are you?                                   
                    Marco ha ha over here by this water                    
          Tieran’s hair lengthens. His olive skin turns a corpse blue.     
          His canines start to lengthen. The whites of his eyes get        
          swallowed up by a reddish black color.                           
                                  Revision 1                     39.       
   41     INT: TIERAN’S BODY                                        41     
          Inside Tieran’s body, his organs start to freeze. Blood          
          suddenly stops and becomes ice. He collapses to the ground.      
          His frozen blood starts to melt and become the consistency       
          of tar.                                                          
          Tieran shakes his now long hair and stands up again.             
   42     EXT:THICK FOREST-AFTERNOON                                42     
                    What is it?                                            
                    Stay still they will walk past us.                     
          ABBEY 29.  Tall and extremely thin, her bright green eyes        
          seem to bulge out, a stark contrast to her bone white skin       
          giving her the appearance of a recovering anorexic.              
          Suddenly appears from the trees beside Imam. Her heavy           
          camping gear rattles.                                            
          Abbey looks directly at Imam.                                  * 
          She puts her hand out.                                         * 
          Imam swings.                                                     
          Abbey ducks and steps back.                                    * 
          She straightens back up.                                       * 
                    Whoa, anti-social! Sorry I scared                      
                    you though I’m Abbey and that’s                        
          Casey walks out of the tree line behind Abbey.                 * 
                    I remember you.                                      * 
                                  Revision 1                     40.       
   43     EXT:TA’OM’S HUT-NIGHT                                     43     
                    I still do not fully have faith in                     
                    your words, but I shall humor you.                     
                    If you speak the truth, Boguslaw                     * 
                    shall pay for his treachery and I                      
                    shall apologize. None the less I                       
                    have no fear of you having this                        
                    amulet since it only works for                         
                    those who use is honorable and the                     
                    Stones Of Records.                                     
                    Thank you.                                             
          Barry turns and takes flight.                                    
          The tree tops and waterway once again rush by.                   
          Barry lands back in the viaduct.                                 
   44     EXT:THICK FOREST-NIGHT                                    44     
          Tieran, Casey, Abbey and Imam are sitting on a some fallen       
          Tieran looks up.                                                 
                         (Still Sitting)                                   
                    Did you get the amulet?                                
                    Yes, who are they?                                     
          Barry points toward Abbey who seems to be studying Barry as      
          he changes back into a human                                   * 
          As Barry starts to loose his feathers he stops                   
                    Where are my clothes?                                  
          Tieran rushes to hand him his clothes                            
          Barry hides behinds thick leaves                                 
          Returns dressed in jeans and white t-shirt fully human again   * 
          Abbey walks over to him scratching her stringy black hair        
                                  Revision 1                     41.       
                    I’m Abbey, can’t tell you my last                      
                         (Laughs Sheepishly)                               
                    ’cause I don’t know it.                                
                    OK, umm hello, my name is Barry.                       
                    You don’t remember your last name                      
                    Jamerson, Barry Jamerson.                              
                    Nice! Hey does that...                                 
          Casey comes up behind her and pulls her away back to a           
          rotten log                                                       
          Casey and Abbey sit down                                         
                    OK Abbey that is enough, don’t                         
                    twenty question him to death OK.                     * 
                         (Whispers to Casey)                               
                    I just wanted to know if it hurt to                    
                         (Normal Voice)                                    
                    I mean that would explain why not                      
                    ever one turns into one. And                           
                    Alukas...                                            * 
          Abbey starts to walking over to Imam, Casey tries to grab        
          her, but fails.                                                  
          She buries her face into her hands.                              
          Abbey she walks over to Imam.                                    
                    Do you have a problem with winter                      
                    time weather?                                          
          Imam looks up at her with a scowl on his face.                 * 
          Imam telepathically ask Gréagóir  a question.                  * 
                                  Revision 1                     42.       
                         (telepathically)                                * 
                    Gréagóir  where to next?                             * 
          Tieran, Pak Pao(faintly)and Barry start laughing.              * 
          We hear Gréagóir ’s voice.                                     * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :(O.S)                            * 
                    To FERNÃO’s realm Ojos del Salado                    * 
                    in the Ring Of Fire.                                   
          Abbey lip trembles and covers her ears.                          
          Imam looks at here, his eye’s widen and his face softens.        
          He grabs Abbey’s hand.                                           
                    We all hear it.                                        
          Abbey smiles but does not look at Imam’s Face.                   
                    BARRY & TIERAN:                                        
          Where is that?                                                   
          Abbey walks away from Imam and skips toward Barry and            
          Barry and Tieran jump.                                           
          Barry turns around.                                              
                    Thanks Abbey.                                          
                    Though I am not sure just how we                       
                    will get there I mean we are over                      
                    six thousand mile, and sure you can                    
                    fly but I don’t think you want to                      
                    carry us on your back. We could                        
                    take a plane, but I don’t now if we                    
                    have time to book flights                    
                    did you get here?                                      
                    Through Gréagóir .                                   * 
          TIERAN turns around.                                             
                                  Revision 1                     43.       
                    More known as Death.                                   
                    Umm, oh I’m not ready to die I just                    
                    got out and...                                         
                              PAK PAO: (V.O.)                            * 
                    No we will just be going through                       
                    Gréagóir’s portal you wont die.                      * 
          Abbey move toward Tieran’s face almost coming nose to nose       
          with Tieran.                                                     
          In Tieran’s eyes we faintly see Pak Pao’s eye behind           * 
                    Do you know there is a woman inside                    
                    I know.                                                
          Imam bends down making an outline of a scythe in the soft        
                    Ready? We don’t know what we will                      
                    find when we get there.                                
          Barry,Abbey Tieran,and Casey gather around with Imam.            
          Abbey smiles at Barry.                                           
          Barry raises his eyebrow and smiles back.                        
          Imam,having possession of the amulet, takes it and centers       
          it over the scythe drawing.                                      
          Abbey gasps Barry grabs her hand.                                
                    It will be alright, just stay close                    
                    to me.                                                 
                         (Soft Voice)                                      
                                  Revision 1                     44.       
          Abbey leans into Barry’s arm as a white light shoots up from     
          the scythe drawing.                                              
          Imam is the first to walk in followed by Tieran, Casey           
          finally Barry and Abbey.                                         
          Water quickly fills the space left by the scythe and it          
                                                EVERYTHING GOES BLACK.     
   45     BLACK SCREEN                                              45     
          Sounds of lava bombs can be heard .                              
          Casey screams.                                                   
   46     EXT:SIDE OF MASSIVE VOLCANO-MID-AFTERNOON                 46     
          A lava bombs shoots towards Abbey. When she screams the lava     
          bomb stops in mid-air.                                           
                    Over there.                                            
          Abbey points away from the group, suddenly she looks at          
          Barry with a wide eyed scared look.                              
                    S-sorry don’t tell anyone I did                        
                    that please I’ll get in trouble.                       
                    I wont but for now just keep doing                     
                    Are you sure?                                          
                    All right.                                             
          Abbey runs toward the the middle, clumsily slipping over the     
          uneven terrain.                                                  
          Abbey stomps her left foot, the ground shakes.                   
                                  Revision 1                     45.       
          Instantly all the lava bombs stop and hover in mid-air.          
                    Back to the volcano with you!                          
          The lava bombs shoot back into the volcano opening.              
          All is calm.                                                     
          The group start looking around                                   
                              PAK PAO(V.O.)                              * 
                    We need to find Fernão’s layer.                      * 
                    Look for an opening that seems out                     
                    of place.                                              
          The group spreads out looking for any anomalies.                 
          The terrain is uneven and warm, the group stumble as the         
          spread out.                                                      
   47     EXT FIRST SHOWDOWN-MID AFTERNOON                          47     
          Imam goes toward a large glob of new blackened earth.            
          BOGUSŁAW, age unknown. His multi-race colored skin shimmers    * 
          in the sun.                                                      
          Boguslaw emerges from behind him.                              * 
          He sends Imam flying backwards with a push.                      
          Boguslaw struts over to where Imam has landed.                 * 
                    Die damn you!                                          
   48     EXT:LARGE OPEN AREA-MID AFTERNOON                         48     
          Imam’s knees shake as he takes a step forward and makes a        
          swing at Boguslaw,he fails, as Boguslaw effortlessly avoid     * 
          the blow by stepping backwards.                                  
          Boguslaw once again pushes Imam back, this time he creates a   * 
          large circular wound in Imam’s chest.                            
                                  Revision 1                     46.       
          The group runs toward Imam.                                      
          He hovers over the injured Imam. He shakes his multicolored      
          hair as he laughs. His patchwork eyes twinkle with sadistic      
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Such hatred, but why? I have never                     
                    done you wrong!                                        
                         (Threw clenched teeth)                            
                    Never done me wrong! You killed                        
                    Talitha, because she spoke the                         
                    truth, because she was a Trylle.                     * 
                    You took her and our unborn child                      
                    from me. That is the wrong you have                    
                    done to me.                                            
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Sorry still don’t see the wrong,                       
                    you said yourself she was a Trylle                   * 
                    and that child would have been an                      
          The group reach Imam.                                            
          Abbey stomps her foot, the ground shake Boguslaw looses        * 
          balance and stumbles.                                            
                    No child is an abomination, no                         
                    matter what! A real parent loves                       
                    their child whether they have                          
                    powers or not! They don’t send us                    * 
                    off to asylums and pretend we don’t                    
                    exist, that we died! You say you                       
                    are our God, you are suppose to                        
                    love us no matter what!                                
          Boguslaw regains is balance and turns toward Abbey. With a     * 
          wave he picks Abbey up and throws her.                           
          Barry tries to grab at her but she is caught by a flame of       
          blue fire.                                                       
          Tieran and Casey help Imam.                                      
          FERNÃO,age unknown. A red and yellow flame cover what seems    * 
          to be a masculine form. His eyes go from a deeper caring         
          amber to a fierce red.                                           
                                  Revision 1                     47.       
          Abbey is gently set down Barry runs to her grabbing her into     
          a bear hug.                                                      
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    How dare you walk upon my sanctum                      
                    Boguslaw! How dare you force your                    * 
                    false will and harm one who speaks                     
                    her heart’s truth. Be gone now!                        
          Fernão blasts a stream of fire toward Boguslaw He stumbles     * 
          once again.                                                      
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I, FERNÃO, can be where ever a                       * 
                    Binad presides and we have one in                    * 
                    our mist.                                              
          Boguslaw points toward Casey and smiles greedily.              * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    So you can not remove me, as you                       
                    just tried.                                            
                    Can I get rid of you?                                  
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    Yes you can Binad, you can tell him                  * 
                    you don’t believe in him.                              
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    She wont she is a devote follower!                     
          Casey walks toward Boguslaw, looks up at his smirking face.    * 
                    You are right I do believe there is                    
                    a God. I am a devout Catholic, and                     
                    all I ever want was to speak to my                     
                    Lord, to kneel in front of him and                     
                    feel his love.                                         
          Tears begin to run down her face.                                
          A look of triumph spreads across Boguslaw’s face.              * 
                    But I will not kneel in front of                       
                    you! I do not believe you are my                       
                    Lord God, Boguslaw you are a false                   * 
                    prophet, a deceiver,I do not                           
                    believe in you!                                        
                                  Revision 1                     48.       
          Boguslaw’s smile turns a frown. He begins to lose his          * 
          Fernão once again blast a stream of fire at Boguslaw           * 
          knocking him back.                                               
          Boguslaw vanishes.                                             * 
          Fernão walks over toward the group, which are now all          * 
          surrounding Imam.                                                
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    I apologize for the lava bomb. But                     
                    I sensed a Binad and Boguslaw and                    * 
                    in turn thought you where with him.                    
                    I’m Sorry for sending your lava                        
                    bombs back and shaking the ground.                     
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    It is quite alright, but may I ask                     
                    why you came. You do not seem to be                    
                    exploring, for you do not have any                     
          Imam who has a large wound in chest, that is slowly healing,     
          around the initial blast area, but not over it. Small            
          droplets of tar-like blood slowly ooze out.                      
          Fernão walks over to Imam The ground turns a glowing red       * 
          with each step of his fire covered footstep.                     
                    We need your amulet, Gréagóir  sent                  * 
                    My amulet, what ever for?                              
                    We need it for the Stones Of                           
                    Records. Gréagóir  has found out                     * 
                    Boguslaw’s plot.                                     * 
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    So it was a lie. hmm, well I can                       
                    get you the amulet and guards while                    
                    on my land but no further.                             
                    We understand.                                         
                                  Revision 1                     49.       
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    I also suggest you go and see REIMA                  * 
                    next. For only he can cure a wound                     
                    on a Aluka. I say two Alukas..                       * 
          He stops and stares a Tieran.                                    
                    I know.                                                
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    ...three Aluka, and REIMA will be                    * 
                    able to take care of that too, a                       
                    Trylle, a Mogrif  and a Binad.                       * 
          Fernão turns form the group briefly looking left to right.     * 
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    Alvaro, Pillan come to me!                             
          We hear the crackling of the ground as ALVARO and PILLAN         
          rise from craters in the volcanic rock.                          
                    ALVARO AND                                             
          Yes FERNÃO?                                                    * 
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    I need you two to guard them and                       
                    secure safe passage through the                        
                    ALVARO AND                                             
          We shall.                                                        
          Fernão produces a black fire in his hand. Suddenly it turns    * 
          a bright amber and hardens.                                      
          Fernão gives the amulet to Abbey.                              * 
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    Take care, for the world’s unknown                     
                    truth is upon your shoulders.                          
                    No pressure then.                                      
          Fernão waves his hand toward the volcano’s base, a portal of   * 
          swirling blue flames opens.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     50.       
   49     EXT:BASE OF VOLCANO-NIGHT                                 49     
                              FERNÃO:                                    * 
                    Through there you may go to REIMA’s                  * 
          Casey and Tieran carry Imam through the portal.                  
          Abbey gulps as she looks into the portal.                        
          A long tunnel of blue flames circle around.                      
                    I Don’t like these things.                             
                    It will be fine.                                       
          Abbey and Barry walk into the portal.                            
                    At least this one is warm.                             
                                   A BLUE HAZE WASHES OVER THE SCREEN.     
   50     INT: TUNNEL                                               50     
          While in the tunnel Alvaro leads Casey, Tieran and Imam          
          walks slowly behind him. Imam still struggling to                
          keep  upright because of the the wound in his chest.             
          Droplets start to fall from the bottom of his coat. His eyes     
          dart back and forth.                                             
          Abbey looks with a child-like grin on her face she tries to      
          poke at the blue flames swirling around her.                     
          Pillan takes the rear, he keeps looking behind him, for          
          possible stragglers.                                             
                    I would not advise that Trylle. You                  * 
                    do not know where you may be sucked                    
                    into. This portal does not only go                     
                    to where you request, but many                         
                    other lands.                                           
                    Umm, OK.                                               
          Abbey’s hand quickly drops back to her side, her head still      
          craning to take it in. She suddenly looks back at Pillan and     
                                  Revision 1                     51.       
                    And the name is Abbey, I might not                     
                    know my last but I know my first!                      
          She looks straight ahead her eyes looking forward, with a        
          sheepish scowl on her face.                                      
          Pillan bows his, but does not offer any retort.                  
          Barry ponders about whether to asks Abbey what she meant by      
          the asylum,he decides to just blurt it out.                      
          Barry puts in a reassuring smile for good measure.               
                    So umm, was that asylum bit about                      
          Abbey drops her head.                                            
          She looks back up at Barry, tears well up in her eyes. She       
          quickly tries to change the subject.                             
                    So what do... I mean did before you                    
                    became a...what did that QaT’lo guy                  * 
                    call you?                                              
                    A Mogrif  and I’m... was an                          * 
          Abbey stares at Barry and c**k her left eyebrow.                 
                    A what? I know "gist" means                            
                    knowledge of, but my care taker,                       
                    well actually the Crook O’Lune                         
                    Asy..I mean Retreat were my                            
                    guardians but Casey’s dad, Dr. Bush                    
                    was the one that really took care                      
                    of me for the last three years, he                     
                    was into maps.                                         
          Barry racks his brain for a way to explain to Abbey his job.     
                                  Revision 1                     52.       
   50A    INT: MUSEUM ENTRANCE                                     50A   * 
          Barry is in front of a Large skeleton of a Condor.             * 
          Kindergarten children stand in a semi-circle around the        * 
          exhibit.                                                       * 
   50B    INT: TUNNEL                                              50B     
                    A tweet-tweetologist, I study                          
                    birds. How did you get here with                       
                    Oh OK, I got clearance to go to a                      
                    halfway house last year, but Casey,                    
                    being in the medical field sweet                       
                    talked them into letting me live                       
                    with her here, not here but in L.A.                    
                    And you still don’t know your last                     
                    No Dr. Bush never mentioned it to                      
                    me or Casey and on paperwork I was                     
                    always patient six three dash zero                     
                    zero five dash seven nine, I guess                     
                    the ones that had me wanted no one                     
                    to know about me.                                      
                         (She sighs)                                       
                    So I keep looking for a new last                       
                    name, don’t want the old one back                      
                    I hear that!                                           
                    We are here.                                           
                                    A FLURRY OF SNOW GREETS THE GROUP.     
                                  Revision 1                     53.       
   51     EXT: CLEARING, SNOW COVERED FOREST-NIGHT                  51     
                    I wonder if it is somewhere                            
                         (She sighs)                                       
                    Or Santa’s workshop at night.                          
          AT the end of the portal they see small village blanketed in     
          snow, with only the moonlight piercing the darkness, Casey       
          both grimace. Alvaro starts to walk back to the tunnel           
          opening,his inflamed body starts to shrink as the cold air       
          whips around him. His once ridged upright stance now has a       
          noticeable slump.                                                
          Tieran stop him.                                                 
                    I thought you were going to takes                      
                    us to the Myo-Myo whatever his name                    
                    is stronghold. That is what Fernão                   * 
                    Fernão said Aluka, that we would                     * 
                    guard you as long as we were in his                    
                    domain. As you can see our bodies                      
                    are not meant for the cold and we                      
                    will surely parish if we stay.                         
          Alvaro walks back into the portal as it vanishes behind him.     
          they stand in the snow between the edge of a forest and the      
          village, pondering where to go next.                             
          Abbey sees a sign in the distance and a statue of a              
          reindeer, she goes to investigate.                               
          She waves her hand impatiently behind her as she gets closer     
          to the sign and statue. She spins around.                        
                    We are in the Lapland and judging                      
                    by how busy those people are over                      
                    there and it being dark, I’d say                       
                    it’s November.                                         
                                  Revision 1                     54.       
   52     EXT: INSIDE FOREST                                        52     
          Through pine needles something watches the group.                
   53     EXT: CLEARING, SNOW COVERED FOREST-NIGHT                  53     
          Imam collapses. The group runs to his aid.                       
          Barry’s eyes shift towards the thick pine forest.                
                    We need medical supplies, bandages,                    
                    something to stop the bleeding.                        
                    Abbey you and Barry go find a drug                     
                    store and get some.                                    
                    OK, I have my card on me.                              
          Barry and ABBEY run towards the village.                         
   54     EXT:SMALL VILLAGE-NIGHT                                   54     
          Barry and ABBEY look through various windows, finally            
          finding a small drug store.                                      
          Abbey bumps into a heavy set MAN 2.                              
          Man 2 stops and speaks in Finnish                                
                              MAN 2:                                       
                    So sorry...                                            
          Man 2 turns to face Abbey, stares for a second then turns in     
          a complete circle. He hobbles down the cobble stone street       
          Abbey c***s her head to the left.                                
          Barry comes up behind her.                                       
                    He can’t see you remember, come on                     
                    I found a store.                                       
                                  Revision 1                     55.       
                    Umm, if we can’t seen be how are we                    
                    going to pay for this?                                 
          Barry gets a worried look on his face.                           
                    Though, if the world reverts back,                     
                    as if none of this happened it wont                    
                    matter will it?                                        
                    Nope, come on we have to hurry.                        
          They run in and start grabbing supplies and stuffing them in     
          their pockets and under their shirts.                            
   55     INT:STONE BUILDING-DRUG STORE-NIGHT                       55     
                    He thought I was a ghost?                              
          A smile spreads over her face.                                   
                    Yeah more than likely.                                 
          He stares at Abbey for a second, a smile comes to his face.      
          Abbey looks up at Barry her knees shake.                         
                    Well we are invisible right? I mean                    
                    think of the possibilities.                            
          Barry c***s his eyebrow and smiles.                              
                    What you going to be my conscience                     
                    Jimmy Cricket?                                         
          Barry drops his head and chuckles.                               
          He looks up at Abbey.                                            
                                  Revision 1                     56.       
                    Well... can I tag along?                               
                    Sure you can.                                          
                    Great now lets get these things                        
          Barry and ABBEY run out of the store.                            
   56     EXT:CLEARING-SNOWY FOREST                                 56     
          ABBEY and Barry met up with the other and start handing out      
          REIMA, age unknown, Guardian of the Alukas.                    * 
          He jumps out from behind the trees. His long stately stance      
          means to intimidate the group hovering over Imam, as they        
          try desperately to keep him alive. He starts to show his         
          pearl white fang,but stops as he scans what is before his        
          full blood-red eyes. He c***s his head, his midnight black       
          long hair slaps against his pale blue skin.                      
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    What it this?                                          
          The trees shake as birds leave, various animals howl in          
          protest of his deep voice. He walks skilfully slow,as he         
          studies each one. His cloak looks live as if blood and blue      
          light swirl around him. A scowl burrows on his face.             
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Three Aluka, but only two seen                       * 
                    interesting, one Mogrif , one                        * 
                    Trylle and...                                        * 
          His face shows his disdain and repulsion.                        
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    ...a Binad. I sense the other                        * 
                    Guardians you have come in contact                     
                    with, but am puzzled on why...                         
          He glares at Casey after saying why.                             
                                  Revision 1                     57.       
                              REIMA:                                     * 
           dare come to me.                                
                    We came because...                                     
          REIMA puts his long hand up, to quiet Casey.                   * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    I will not hear your lies Binad.                     * 
                    Help us, Imam is dying!                                
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Concern for him Trylle?                              * 
          Abbey stares at REIMA in disbelief. Her eyes follow him as     * 
          he steps toward Imam. Placing his hand over Imam’s, coat now     
          drenched with tar-like blood.                                    
          REIMA closes his eye, his face relaxes. As red glow travel     * 
          from between his crisp midnight black eyebrows, down his         
          face. The red glow quickly goes down his arm into his hand.      
          It encases his whole right hand in a red glow. The red glow      
          shoots down toward Imam.                                         
          Imam,who is starting to show his true age. His long shiny        
          black hair starts to turn gray and brittle, wrinkles start       
          to form on his face. The red glowing light shoots down on        
          the wound, then radiates encasing his body.                      
   57     EXT:OUTDOOR CAFE,ZAAFARANIYA,IRAQ -NIGHT                  57     
          Imam in slacks and a t-shirt laugh and joke, while they eat      
          their meal.                                                      
          TALITHA, 32. Her black abaya, caftan and niqab, clearly show     
          her up bringing                                                  
          She starts to speak, in Arabic, of a dream she had.              
                    I saw a false God coming for me.                       
          Imam answers her in Arabic.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     58.       
                    Well it is because he doesn’t want                     
                    a Goddess taking over.                                 
          Her brown eye sparkle with laughter.                             
          A violent storm erupts.                                          
          Boguslaw shows himself to her.                                 * 
          Talitha points toward the sky.                                   
                    It’s him!                                              
          Imam frantically looks toward the sky, but is unable to see      
          what his wife sees.                                              
          A dark headed figure tries to grabs both Imam and his wife,      
          but is too late.                                                 
          Boguslaw launches a lightening bolt and hits her square in     * 
          the chest.                                                       
          Imam is seen screaming slowly, but is barely audible. As the     
          figure all in black starts to glow.                              
          The the body of Imam’s wife, Talitha, lingers for a moment,      
          then fades.                                                      
   58     EXT:CLEARING, SNOWY FOREST-NIGHT                          58     
          Imam’s gray hair quickly turns black again, the wrinkle fade     
          back into smooth skin.                                           
          REIMA lifts his hand and turns away from them and starts to    * 
          walk back in to the forest.                                      
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    You are healed my guarded.                           * 
          Tieran gets up and calls out to REIMA.                         * 
                              PAK PAO(V.O.):                             * 
                    Wait we seek your amulet and                           
                    hopefully to separate us.                              
          Tieran points at himself.                                        
                                  Revision 1                     59.       
          REIMA stops at the edge of the clearing, he turns around.      * 
          He closes his eyes and shakes his head. He walk back towards     
          Tieran, but addresses Pak Pao.                                 * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    You chose a transfer of body                           
                    instead of mind, thus your                             
                    punishment is to live in his body.                     
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    I had to!                                              
          REIMA raises his eyebrows his eyes widen. Pak Pao quickly      * 
          changes her tone.                                                
                              PAK PAO(V.O.):                             * 
                    I had no chose but too...                              
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Is that so, we’ll shall find out.                      
          Tieran bows his head.                                            
                              PAK PAO: (V.O.)                            * 
                    ...we were under attack.                               
          REIMA places his right hand upon Tieran’s forehead, forcing    * 
          his head up and closes his eyes. The red glowing light sinks     
          into Tieran’s skin, he quickly fades away,as Pak Pao is        * 
          brought forward.                                                 
   59     EXT: DESERTED PARKING LOT-NIGHT                           59     
          The battle scene plays once again.                               
   60     EXT: CLEARING SNOW COVERED FOREST-NIGHT(DAY)              60     
          REIMA moves his hand away and steps back, once again Tieran    * 
          comes to the forefront as Pak Pao melds back into him.         * 
          Imam,now standing, though still weak, walks over and bows to     
          REIMA.                                                         * 
          REIMA purses his lips and brushes past Tieran and stares at    * 
          Imam with a puzzled look on his face.                            
                                  Revision 1                     60.       
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Why bow to me?                                         
                    To show my gratitude and reverence                     
                    to you, for healing me.                                
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    I am not a God nor do I request                        
                    such Binad treatment of gratitude.                   * 
                    I am no more then a Guardian, a                        
                    care taker of our Path until it is                   * 
                    such time for me to pass on. If it                     
                    was not for the treacherous lies of                    
                    Boguslaw...                                          * 
          He looks directly at Casey, her eyes slant and her lips          
          thin. She moves in closer, standing between Imam and Tieran.     
          Barry and Abbey follow her.                                      
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    ...I too would not be here. This                       
                    shell would be dust and my memories                    
                    into the Stones Of Records.                            
                    Yes, this is Boguslaw’s and those                    * 
                    human hunters he tricked fault                         
                    But, not all Binads fault! Look,                     * 
                    I’m sorry but not all Binads follow                  * 
                    him, there is many religions that                      
                    do not follow him. I admit before I                    
                    met them, was told of his deceit                       
                    and saw Boguslaw for myself. I                       * 
                    believed the teachings I was                           
                    taught. But, my eyes are open now                      
                    and if I, a devote Catholic, can                       
                    see the lies and go against him.                       
                    Then surely you can get past your                      
                    hatred and not sink to his level.                      
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Religions Binad...                                   * 
                    Umm, it’s Casey.                                       
          All eyes fall onto Abbey.                                        
                                  Revision 1                     61.       
                    What? Well it is!                                      
          REIMA speaks again, all eyes are now on him he moves closer    * 
          to Casey standing right in front of her.                         
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    ...Casey, religions are no more                        
                    then the remnants of the thoughts                      
                    of the Guardians of the past.                          
                    Religions were created by Binads to                  * 
                    make sense of their memories, once                     
                    the Veil of Secrecy was cast. For                      
                    you see the heart and mind can                         
                    never truly be wiped clean not even                    
                    by the Guardian of your Path. It                     * 
                    can be taught, manipulated to                          
                    forget, but never wiped clean. In                      
                    this you have shown me my own short                    
                    coming, I became whom I hated.                         
                    Apology accepted.                                      
          REIMA raises his eye brow.                                     * 
                    It is a Binad thing.                                 * 
          REIMA nods.                                                    * 
          Tieran steps beside Casey.                                       
                    When will she leave my body, can                       
                    she leave my body?                                     
                              PAK PAO (V.O.)                             * 
                    Yeah, can we? Sorry but the fact                       
                    you are male and I am female, not                      
                    good in some cases.                                    
          Barry and Abbey snicker.                                         
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Forgive her, for not only in the                       
                    manner in which she brought you                        
                    over but, the fact she brought you                     
                    over. Except that you are now a                        
                    Aluka and that you were chosen for                   * 
                    such to right a terrible deed. Only                    
                    with your heart’s forgiveness can                      
                    you two separate.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     62.       
                    TIERAN AND PAK                                       * 
          PAO(V.O):                                                      * 
            (Pak Pao voice barely                                        * 
          Tieran slowly walks away. He ponders his decision and            
          replays what Pak Pao had said back at the bar.                 * 
          REIMA turns back toward the forest.                            * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Follow me.                                             
   61     EXT: INSIDE FOREST                                        61     
          The group follows one by one, Tieran is the last to walk         
          into the forest. Lost in his thoughts he bumps into Barry,       
          bringing him back, he moves toward the cave. He stare into       
          the mouth of the cave. Tieran shakes his head an move back       
          over to the group.                                               
          They stand in front of the opening of a cave. REIMA thrust     * 
          his arm into the darkness, pulling out his amulet. Turning       
          around toward Casey giving her the coffin-shaped amulet.         
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    I entrust this to you for you have                     
                    shown me that there is hope for us                     
                    to join as one again.                                  
          Casey looks down at the amulet, her thumbs move across the       
          coffin-shaped amulet side ways over the words "Death be not      
          of the hidden spirit nor the shell". She eyes widen in           
                    I can read this, it’s in English. I                    
                    would have thought it would be in                      
                    some ancient language.                                 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    The words translate to what ever                       
                    language is needed to interpret it.                    
          Abbey sighs heavily catching REIMA’s attention. All eyes       * 
          once again turn toward Abbey.                                    
                                  Revision 1                     63.       
                    Sorry, was just hoping to see a                        
                    castle, like Dracula’s.                                
          Imam closes his eye and sighs, a slight smile hits the           
          corner of his mouth.                                             
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Come, rest for the night. To take                      
                    such a journey you must be at full                     
                    strength, not just in mind but in                      
   62     INT:CAVE-CASTLE DINNING ROOM                              62     
          The group follow REIMA into what looks like a 16th century     * 
          castles dinning room. Vivid tapestries and banners cover the     
          stone walls. Their footsteps echo as they walk in. Two long      
          wooden tables flank either side of a shorter, yet wider          
          table. High-back, throne like, chairs are lined two inches       
          apart on one side of each table. Gold and jewel encrusted        
          tableware and silverware adorn the top of each table.            
          Abbey cranks her neck her to see as much as she can.             
          REIMA stops in the middle between the tables. He turns         * 
          He thrust out his hands.                                         
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Sit and think of your favorite                         
                    meal, and it shall appear.                             
          The group sits down as food and drink appears on their           
          plates and cups.                                                 
          Tieran sits at the far end away from every body else.            
                    If, when I mean. When we succeed                       
                    how do you think the world will be                     
                    I do not know. My wife use to (beat                    
                    and coughs) have visions and talked                    
                    of a world, where we were all one,                     
                    but I do not know now.                                 
          Casey sees a hint of tears in Imam’s eye and places her hand     
          on his.                                                          
                                  Revision 1                     64.       
                    You miss her don’t you? Was she a                      
                    Trylle, like Abbey?                                  * 
                    Yes I do very much, Talitha was, I                     
                    know for sure, was a post and                          
                    precognitive, but I never saw her                      
                    move things like Abbey did those                       
                    lava bombs. Though she could clean                     
                    a house quicker than any woman I                       
                    had ever met. Funny, I use to joke                     
                    and say she must have used magic.                      
          Under the consistent sound of chinking glasses, silverware       
          and other conversations. Tieran speaks to Pak Pao              * 
                    So what is the real deal here, I                       
                    mean, what stops this from                             
                    happening again.                                       
                              PAK PAO (V.O.)                             * 
          Casey sees Tieran from across the room.                          
          She goes over and sits down.                                     
                    What you doing, all by yourself?                       
                    Just umm, talking to Pak Pao.                        * 
                    Would you like some company?                           
                              PAK PAO (V.O.):                            * 
                    What, caveman means here, we need                      
                    to work somethings out.                                
          Casey gets up, she pats Tieran on the back before walking        
          back over to the others.                                         
          The tableware and silverware vanishes as REIMA stands up       * 
          from the middle table.                                           
                                  Revision 1                     65.       
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    You have fed and hydrated your                       * 
                    shells, but now you must rest them.                  * 
                    Tomorrow I shall open a portal and                   * 
                    send you to NERINE.                                  * 
          With a clap of his hands the tables disappear a stone          * 
          circular stairway erects up from the of the floor.             * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    This shall take you to your                          * 
                    sleeping quarters.                                   * 
          Abbey hops on.                                                 * 
                              ABBEY:                                     * 
                    It’s just like an...                                 * 
          She starts backing up as the top step reaches the ceiling.     * 
          Suddenly a black hole appears. She disappears into the black   * 
          hole.                                                          * 
          The others follow suit, Tieran is the last to get on.          * 
   63     EXT: OUTSIDE OF CAVE ENTRANCE-NIGHT                       63   * 
          The group and REIMA stand outside the cave.                    * 
          Tieran right in front of the mouth of the cave.                * 
          Lightening flashes through the sky, they all look up.          * 
          Screams are heard from the villagers as the sky lights up.     * 
          Boguslaw form behind Tieran, picking him up and throwing him   * 
          into the cave.                                                 * 
          REIMA thrust his hand out toward the opening just before       * 
          Tieran reaches it.                                             * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    NERINE!                                              * 
          The blackness swirls and turn into a waterfall of blood.       * 
          Tieran falls threw it.                                         * 
          He turns to the others.                                        * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Go it shall take you to NERINE.                      * 
          They ran into the waterfall of blood and vanish.               * 
          Everything goes black.                                         * 
                                  Revision 1                     66.       
                              REIMA:(O.S)                                * 
                    I shall take this fight!                               
   64     EXT: MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN-DAY                              64     
                    I hope he’s... ahhhh!                                  
          Splashes of water sprays everywhere.                             
          The group falls into the middle of an ocean.                     
          Abbey is the first to resurfaces followed by Imam,and Casey.     
          The water starts to ripple violently, Barry shoots out of        
          the water in condor form, they get sprayed with water. He        
          hovers in the air                                                
                    At least I get a bath.                                 
          Casey coughs and rolls her eyes.                                 
                    Tieran! Tieran were are you?                           
          A massive wave comes toward the ones left in the water.          
          Barry swoops down grabs the group hoists them into the air.      
          Inside the wave is Tieran and NERINE and a mermaid like        * 
          BELISAMA, age unknown, giggles. Her ever changing skin looks     
          like a crystal blue water fall, her feet resemble the foam.      
          Her hair is made of dark green algae, the wave of aquamarine     
          water constantly move in her eyes.                               
                    Tieran here, has informed me of                        
                    your quest. I do say it is a very                      
                    frighten full one. But as you know                     
                    water never stills to retrieve my                      
                    amulet a quest you must go on                          
          Barry and the others look at her blankly.                        
          Tieran grimaces back at them, he tries to warn them of           
          NERINE’s love of games.                                        * 
                                  Revision 1                     67.       
                    I suggest we find you some land,                       
                    you look like you have a heavy load                    
                    on your back.                                          
          While Tieran and NERINE ride the massive wave, Barry follows   * 
          her to a small inhabited island.                                 
   65     EXT:BEACH-CLOUDY-AFTERNOON                                65     
          BELISAMA stays at the edge of the beach                          
          Barry lands the others slide off of his back. Tieran jumps       
          to shore.                                                        
                    Now look for the conch shell of                        
                    blue and green. At the deepest                         
                    point, there my amulet be.                             
          NERINE starts to drift away, Abbey screams                     * 
                    But where are we?                                      
                    The equator is what it is called                       
                    now, almost in the middle.                             
          She disappears into the ocean.                                   
          All eyes are on Abbey.                                           
                    Do you know where we are?                              
                    Let me think.                                          
          She closes her eyes, every map she has ever seen flashes         
          inside her eyelids. Her eyes snap open.                          
                    We are close to Africa I think, but                    
                    this island is not on any map I                        
                    have ever seen.                                        
                                  Revision 1                     68.       
                    I don’t think any of the places we                     
                    have been are really seen on a map.                    
          Abbey shrugs her shoulders in agreement.                         
                    But, how are we going to get down                      
                    there? I doubt we can just walk                        
                    into a scuba supply store.                             
                    Alukas don’t breathe. Me, Tieran                     * 
                    and, if he gets over himself, Pak                    * 
                    Pao will retrieve it.                                * 
          Tieran looks down and runs into the water and starts to          
          float downward.                                                  
   66     INT: UNDERWATER-CLOUDY-AFTERNOON                          66     
                    I forgive you.                                         
          The surface ripples as Pak Pao floats out of Tieran’s body     * 
          Imam joins them.                                                 
          Suddenly Pak Pao starts to age. Her raven black hair           * 
          shrivels and falls out, her feet curl up and turn to dust,       
          the process travel to the rest of her body.                      
          Tieran panics.                                                   
                    Wait I lied I don’t, please don’t                      
                    go we need your help.                                  
          Her head is the last to go.                                      
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    It is OK Tieran you have the                           
                    strength and I can now take my                         
          A multicolored light lights up the dark under water.             
          A green fleck shines in the distance.                            
          The light dissolves.                                             
                                  Revision 1                     69.       
                    Nooo! I’m sorry!                                       
          Imam swims over to TIERAN and grabs him around the               
                    Listen Pak Pao is gone, and we need                  * 
                    to keep a level head. We will see                      
                    her again,when this is over I                          
                    promise you. But I need you to be                      
                    with me now.                                           
          Tieran calms down.                                               
          They look around and swim to the bottom of the ocean floor,      
          the infrared vision shows clearly what is in front of them.      
          Imam and Tieran both see the conch shell fifty meters away.      
          Imam screams as a large shark charges Tieran.                    
          Tieran balls up his fist as the shark dive toward him.           
          He hits the shark and it tumbles toward the floor, it lays       
          still. Both Imam and Tieran swim faster toward the conch         
                    What the hell I thought we couldn’t                    
                    be seen, don’t tell me animals are                     
                    Animals were not effected by the                       
                    Veil of Secrecy.                                       
          Tieran points and dives straight down. Imam follows suit.        
          Tieran grabs the conch shell.                                    
          A loud roar is heard and the ocean floor shakes.                 
          Two gold eyes shine up from the ocean floor and a wide mouth     
          like crater begins to form, air rushes in to it. Tieran and      
          Imam both try to swim against the current.                       
          Imam scream for Tieran to follow him.                            
                                  Revision 1                     70.       
   67     EXT: BEACH SHORE-CLOUDY-LATE AFTERNOON                    67     
          Barry, Casey and Abbey talk over all they have done.             
          Barry places each amulet down between the three of them,         
          after saying the Guardian’s name.                                
                    OK we have the amulets of Gréagóir                   * 
                    , Ta’Om, Fernão and REIMA’s.                         * 
                    Death, Vann, QaT’lo and Aluka.                       * 
                    Who’s else do we need?                                 
                    Well soon, hopefully, we will have                     
                    Jala. We still need your guy’s,                      * 
                    Trylle and Mogrif , amulets, plus                    * 
                    earth. But how are we going to get                     
                    mine, you know Binad? I doubt                        * 
                    Boguslaw is just going to give it                    * 
          Abbey sighs and shrug her shoulders                              
                    Gréagóir  said he would take care                    * 
                    of that, so I guess he will have                       
   68     INT: UNDERWATER-CLOUDY-AFTERNOON                          68     
                    Follow me, swim across the current!                    
          NERINE appears, an iridescent glow surrounds her.              * 
                    It’s OK I gave them permission to                      
                    have it.                                               
          The winds stop, the mouth closes and the eyes retreat.           
          Imam swims toward her. His face full of fury, his fangs          
          gleaming in the water.                                           
                    You forgot to warn your minions                        
                    about us!                                              
                                  Revision 1                     71.       
                    Careful with your tone, or I might                     
                    change my mind!                                        
          Tieran grabs Imam and with conch shell in hand. They swim to     
          the surface.                                                     
                    Come on the others are probably                        
   69     EXT:WATER’S SURFACE-AFTERNOON                             69     
          As they reach the surface they here Abbey scream their           
   70     EXT:BEACH SHORE-CLOUDY- LATE AFTERNOON                    70     
          All run to the shore to help Tieran and Imam up.                 
                    What the f**k happened. First see                      
                    the the water bubble, and then                         
                    light up.                                              
          He looks at Tieran and Imam.                                     
                    Where is Pak Pao?                                    * 
                    I, I forgave her and she                               
          The group together once again take a solemn stance and pause     
          for a moment, in remembrance of Pak Pao. Tieran retells what   * 
          happened to the rest of the group.                               
          Abbey goes and sits down by the shore line the water gently      
          touches her feet.                                                
                    She did say her rightful place,                        
                    maybe that mean she is with REIMA                    * 
                    or at the Stones.                                      
                                  Revision 1                     72.       
                    Yeah, more then likely.                                
          She goes over to Abbey and gives her a hug, while Abbey          
          wipes her tears away on her wet sleeve. Barry comes on the       
          other side of her and sits down. She lays her head on his        
          A whirlpool forms in the distance. it starts to grow long        
          ways until it reaches the shore. Coral comes up from the         
          ocean floor to form steps.                                       
   71     INT: INSIDE WATER TUNNEL-EVENING                          71     
          The group tentatively start down the stairs one by one.          
          Abbey and Barry are holding hands.                               
          NERINE’s voice is heard through the wall of water.             * 
                    This will take you to LILURA. Good                   * 
                    luck on your quest.                                    
                         THE GROUP WALKS INTO A BLINDING PURPLE LIGHT.     
   72     INT: STONE STRUCTURE-AFTERNOON                            72     
          They shield their eyes as they walk into a large stone           
          structure. They see LILURA standing in front of a magic        * 
          window, various images of people flash inside. The purple        
          light radiates from the mirror.                                  
          People are heard outside, the group looks behind them.           
          Outside the the doorway of the a busy Italian village is         
          NELYS, age unknown. Her green and light brown upper body         
          resembles a tightly woven tree, her legs like beach              
          sand,feet like air filled clear balloons her eyes like fire      
          and her hair like water.                                         
          She is smiling as she turns toward them. they looks back         
          toward her.                                                      
                                  Revision 1                     73.       
                    My apologies, I rarely get visitors                    
                    these days of late.                                    
          She waves her hand over the mirror and it goes blank, the        
          purple light dissipates. A soft candle-like glow fills the       
                    So how did you come to my lair? I                      
                    don’t believe that there is any                        
                    physical signs to me. Though, I                        
                    find that the best place to hide is                    
                    in plain sight as you can see.                         
          She sees Abbey and quickly walks over to her taking her          
          hands. She hug Abbey like a mother would. Abbey’s life pass      
          like flashes of film.                                            
   73     INT:LARGE MANOR-LIVING ROOM                               73     
          Abbey , three day before her third birthday, levitating a        
          vase in front of a maid.                                         
   74     INT: BASEMENT FLOOR-RAINY-MORNING                         74     
          Being locked in the basement.                                    
   75     INT:BASEMENT FLOOR-SUNNY AFTERNOON                        75     
          Age three and a half, her parents cloaked in shadows upon        
          the landing of the basement stairs throwing a newspaper          
          down, showing her obituary, headline reading Abigail             
          Reckitt, their laughs lingers for a moment after the door        
          Age nine, being sent to the retreat home.                        
                                  Revision 1                     74.       
   77     EXT:SIDE OF MASSIVE VOLCANO-NIGHT                         77     
          Her screaming at Boguslaw.                                     * 
   78     INT:STONE STRUCTURE-AFTERNOON                             78     
                    My precious one did you bring them?                    
          LILURA releases Abbey sadness can be seen in her eyes, the     * 
          fire goes from a animated roar to a soft flicker.                
          Abbey’s eyes welt up with tear. Abbey just shakes her head,      
          wiping her eyes.                                                 
                         (Cries softly)                                    
                    No, NERINE did. We, we need your                     * 
                    amulet to stop Boguslaw.                             * 
          LILURA’ eyes become a raging fire.                             * 
                    Boguslaw, I see. Well for the                        * 
                    chance to give him his own I will                      
                    gladly give you my amulet. You must                    
                    be starving, come and eat.                             
          LILURA snaps her fingers fire produces on her finger tip.      * 
                    From the fires of hearth and home.                     
                    Grant my guest the substances they                     
                    need in for health. Nourish the                        
                    heart, soul and shell. So they may                     
                    go on happy and well.                                  
          Tables with food, drink, the group sits down and start           
          Robes materialize over them, they look up at LILURA.           * 
                    Sorry but you are all kind of, how                     
                    do they say it, ripe.                                  
          They group bust out laughing.                                    
          LILURA sit by Abbey and a smile come on her face.              * 
                                  Revision 1                     75.       
                    You have questions my precious.                        
                    Those images are they real?                            
          Abbey turns and looks at LILURA, tear slowly run down here     * 
          LILURA put her arm around Abbey.                               * 
                    Sadly, yes my precious. Your mind                      
                    can be fooled only so long. But if                     
                    two Trylles are near each other,                     * 
                    only the truth can be seen.                            
                    But why did they do that? I mean                       
                    didn’t they ever love, want me?                        
                    Just Binads I guess.                                 * 
          NELYS looks at ABBEY.                                            
                    I don’t mean all Binads, Casey is                    * 
                    wonderful, so was her dad.                             
                    We all have bad and good, no Path                    * 
                    is just good or bad.                                   
          The groups clothing materializes back on them.                   
          Suddenly the purple light comes back . All race to the           
          mirror. Boguslaw is shown inside the mirror. He hovers above   * 
          the town cloaked from the Binads.                              * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I know you things are here, I will                     
                    find you. Casey you are my ticket                      
                    as long as you are with them, I                        
                    shall know where you hide. If you                      
                    come back a repent I might let them                    
                                  Revision 1                     76.       
   80     INT:STONE STRUCTURE-AFTERNOON                             80     
          Casey starts to back up LILURA looks at her and grabs her      * 
          arm gently.                                                      
                    Do not believe his words, we all                       
                    can sense the other Guardian’s                         
                    Path.                                                * 
                    Don’t even!                                            
                    We need you to defeat him, only you                    
                    have that power.                                       
                    I need you, you’re like my sister.                     
          Casey hugs Abbey.                                                
                    I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was                     
                    think, I’ll never leave you sis.                       
          She turns to LILURA.                                           * 
                    Can he hear me if I speak to him or                    
                    will it give us away.                                  
                    Oh he knows you are in here, but                       
                    without my permission he can not                       
                    come in.                                               
          Casey stares straight into the mirror, which now shows           
          nothing but his face, with a smug smile on it.                   
                    Never! You are not my Lord God.                        
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I may not be given permission to                       
                    come inside. But, I can see you                        
                    wear a symbol of me. Why lie to me                     
                    and say such hurtful things as you                     
                    do not believe in me?                                  
                                  Revision 1                     77.       
                    I shall wear this cross as a symbol                    
                    of my faith, but it is not a symbol                    
                    of you.                                                
          The mirror goes black, the candle-like glow comes back.          
                    Good for you child.                                    
          On the previously plain stone walls, primitively carved          
          shapes and symbols materialize and start to glow in various      
          Outside people start to run for cover. A Man 3, in a black       
          three piece suit runs in front of the door. He speaks in         
                              MAN 3:                                       
                    Man, it wasn’t suppose to rain                         
          Boguslaw stares at Man 3.                                      * 
          He sends a thunder bolt directly at him.                         
   82     INT: STONE STRUCTURE-MID-AFTERNOON                        82     
          Barry grabs Man 3 and pulls him into the stone structure         
          just as the lightening hits the ground.                          
   83     EXT:SIDE ALLEY-MID-AFTERNOON                              83     
          Confused, Man 3 gets up,looks around, he sees nothing more       
          then an alley.                                                   
          He runs off.                                                     
                                  Revision 1                     78.       
   84     INT: STONE STRUCTURE-MID-AFTERNOON                        84     
          LILURA’ mirror lengthens and glows once more. She gives        * 
          Abbey a stone circle, a symbol of each element carved on it      
          on each side of a pentacle.                                      
                    Here,my precious one, take this and                    
                    go to ILA. I’ll fight Boguslaw off                   * 
                    to give you time.                                      
          The group run through the mirror.                                
   85     INT:MULTICOLORED TUNNEL                                   85     
          The sound of waters is heard. LILURA screams,as does           * 
          Imam stops in his tracks he spins around in slow motion.         
          A wave of water rushes towards the opening of the mirror         
          portal, it closes, all goes black.                               
          Various colors shine through the wall,floor, and ceiling         
          lightening their way.                                            
   86     INT: BLACK VOID                                           86     
          The floor disappears and they fall into a black void. They       
          fall freely in the black void which turns into a slope.          
          The sound of falling gravel is heard.                            
   87     EXT:SIDE OF MOUNTAIN-TOP-DAWN                             87     
          Casey hit the ground first hard and starts to roll.              
          Tieran surfs down the slop then grabs her before she hits a      
          boulder with her head, but with his vampiric strength, he        
          throws her into the air.                                         
          Abbey throws out her hand, she stops Casey in the                
          air,directing her to a level piece of land at the base of a      
          massive mountain, slowly sets her on the ground.                 
                                  Revision 1                     79.       
   88     EXT:MOUNTAIN SIDE BOTTOM-SUNRISE                          88     
          The first rays of sunrise start to peak from behind the          
          other side of the mountain.                                      
          Imam holding on to Barry’s talons, fly down to the base          
          where Casey and Abbey are standing.                              
          Imam still shaken by the sound of his dead wife’s voice          
          keeps looking back at the point were they had dropped. Barry     
          still in condor form snaps Imam back.                            
                    Imam, your wife...                                     
          Imam whips his head around and sends a threatening glare at      
          Barry, tears well up in his eyes.                                
           dead, you know that. You also                    
                    know that only Gréagóir  decides                     * 
                    what happens to her. It was a                          
                    trick, I’m sure of it-all                              
                    Boguslaw’s doing.                                    * 
          Tieran runs over to Casey, jumping over jagged boulders and      
          tiny tree sprouts.                                               
          Sorry, still not use to the strength bit.                        
                    CASEY AND ABBEY:                                       
          I noticed.                                                       
          Casey is red on one side, from where she first hit, bits of      
          rock, sand and branches cling to her hair.                       
          Imam walk up toward them. His defense of Tieran, shocks both     
          Tieran and Casey.                                                
          Abbey just smiles.                                               
                    Just stay in Guardian form, you’ll                     
                    be able to control it faster.                          
          Barry starts to change back but yells in shock, they all         
          turn and look at him. Barry stays in condor form.                
                                  Revision 1                     80.       
          AND IMAM:                                                        
                    I, I can’t change, something is                        
                    blocking me!                                           
          Abbey’s,Imam’s, Tieran’s and Casey’s eyes widen as the see       
          ILA raise up from the ground behind Barry.                     * 
          ILA, age unknown. Rocks of different shapes and colors form    * 
          his body, A large boulder with gouges forming his mouth and      
          eyes. Fallen branches become his arms.                           
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    I like vulture birds they keep my                      
                    mountain clean.                                        
                    Oh, um OK.                                             
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    Well, I know you are OK, since it                      
                    is the only way on this side of the                    
                    Mountain. So welcome to High Hara,                     
                    why are you here though.                               
          ILA leans into Casey so closely she has to step back, to       * 
          keep from falling backwards. He straightens up, a puzzled        
          look on his face.                                                
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    You are Binad?                                       * 
          Casey c***s her eye brow, but doesn’t purse her lips. The        
          look on ILA’s face is of curiosity rather then disgust.        * 
          Her features turn to a puzzled look.                             
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    But how, only born and changed ones                    
                    can come on a Guardian’s lair. Were                    
                    you once a Guardian?                                   
                                  Revision 1                     81.       
                    I don’t know, could it be because I                    
                    am with them?                                          
          She points to the other each one shrug their shoulder in         
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    NO, but the Veil of Secrecy is                         
                    thinning, who knows what is what                       
          Casey still shaken up by what Boguslaw said, breaths           * 
          tentatively and speaks again.                                    
                    We need the your amulet, Gréagóir                    * 
                    needs it to prove Boguslaw’s...                      * 
          She purses her lips and grits her teeth.                         
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    My amulet,how will that help?                          
          Imam walk up beside Casey.                                       
                    To be put along side with the                          
                    others, in the Stone of Records, to                    
                    show the Guardians of the Past,                        
                    what he has done.                                      
          ILA looks around, an almost perfect miniature of ILA come up   * 
          from the ground and hands him the amulet. ILA hands it over    * 
          to Casey. With two hands she takes the amulet, her knees         
          start to buckle under the weight of the large granite            
          hexagon shaped amulet. Imam takes it from her with one hand      
          as if it weighs no more then a feather.                          
          Barry, still in condor form speak.                               
                    Now we just need to get the                            
                    Mogrif’s amulet, then to the Stone                   * 
                    of Records.                                            
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    I can do that.                                         
          ILA lift his leg and slams it down. The earth beneath them     * 
                                  Revision 1                     82.       
          The group falls into the large newly made canyon.                
          ILA looks down the canyon, watches them falling.               * 
                              ILA:                                       * 
                    Bye. Guardians of the Past protect                     
                    them, for they are on a journey of                     
          The ground returns to it original state.                         
   89     EXT:CLEARING-PINE FOREST-NIGHT                            89     
          Barry lands first into a large pine tree is body now in          
          werewolf. Followed by the others, landing on various             
                    You know what I think I liked                          
                    Fernão’ tunnel it was warm and you                   * 
                    were able to see what was coming!                      
          They all nod in agreement as they climb down the tall pine       
          The moonlight cast various eerie shadows over a dense under      
          bush of fallen logs and ferns.                                   
          Howling is heard.                                                
          Abbey clings to Barry’s side.                                    
                    What did it say?                                       
          Barry looks down at Abbey.                                       
   90     EXT: MOONLIT CLIFF                                        90     
          ERYSICHTHON, age unknown, Her tall slim muscular frame is        
          covered in fur, that mimics the timber wolves around her.        
          Stands on the edge of the cliff and listens in on the            
          conversation below.                                              
          Beside her Mogrif  1 is cloaked in shadow beside her.          * 
                                  Revision 1                     83.       
                              MOGRIF  1:                                 * 
                    Should we go down there?                             * 
                              ERYSICHTHON:                               * 
                    No, I’ll go alone.                                   * 
          The Mogrif  1 starts to protest. Erysichthon put her hand up   * 
          to quiet him.                                                  * 
                              ERYSICHTHON:                               * 
                    You are my successor. The world is                   * 
                    changing, for the Veil of Secrecy                    * 
                    has started to thin. I do not know                   * 
                    just how long I would have to train                  * 
                    another, and remember, it took me a                  * 
                    millennium to find you.                              * 
                              MOGRIF  1:                                 * 
                    As you wish Guardian.                                * 
                              ERYSICHTHON:                               * 
                         (sighs)                                         * 
                    Call me by my name!                                  * 
          Her yellowed eye zero in on Barry, and she smiles.             * 
          She suddenly breaks into a run, She jumps tree top to tree     * 
          top.                                                           * 
          She lands in front of them.                                    * 
   91     EXT:CLEARING-PINE FOREST-NIGHT                            91   * 
          Abbey screams and ducks behind Barry. The others gather        * 
          around Barry.                                                  * 
                              ERYSICHTHON:                               * 
                    You hid from me, yet you cling to                    * 
                    him?                                                 * 
          Abbey comes out from behind Barry                              * 
                              ABBEY:                                     * 
                    Sorry is just...                                     * 
                              ERYSICHTHON:                               * 
                    I know, sorry it’s just unusual to                   * 
                    see one of my own with other                         * 
                    Guardian forms. I didn’t know if                     * 
                    you were friends or foes.                            * 
          Abbey looks up at Barry, smiles sheepishly.                    * 
                                  Revision 1                     84.       
          ERYSICHTHON smiles.                                              
                    I see that. So what brings you                         
          Barry starts to speak but only howls.                            
          Erysichthon chokes back a laugh                                  
                    Aw, recently changed eh? How long                      
                    have you been a Mogrif .                             * 
                    Can’t really tell too many portals                     
                    and tunnels, falling through...                        
          Barry regains his voice.                                         
          He cuts Abbey off.                                               
                    Gréagóir  sent us to retrieve your                   * 
                    amulet, so we can prove Boguslaw’s                   * 
          Erysichthon bares her teeth. She clenches her fist, then         
          releases them, her claws full extended. She lifts her hand       
          near her exposed fangs.                                          
                         (Growls response)                                 
                    Can I play with him for a while                        
          The low giggle sounds of the others are heard throughout the     
          group. Erysichthon walks over to Casey. Casey sighs              
          believing Erysichthon is going to condemn her.                   
          Erysichthon takes Casey’s hands and pats them.                   
                    This must be hardest on you. I am                      
                    so sorry.                                              
          Casey is shocked                                                 
                                  Revision 1                     85.       
                    But I am Binad, most of the other                    * 
                    Guardians have treated me like dirt                    
                    or invisible or an oddity.                             
                    Well most of them are just sticks                      
                    in the mud, as you Binads say and                    * 
                    they don’t interact like they                          
                    should. I, as the Mogrif  Guardian,                  * 
                    can change into any form I want,                       
                    even Binad.                                          * 
          A bright silver light glows over Erysichthon, as she turns       
          into an African woman.                                           
                    And, I do just so when the day did                     
                    come, for the Veil of Secrecy to                       
          She turns her head smiling at each one, then turns back to       
                    I wouldn’t look stupid.                                
          Casey smiles                                                     
   92     EXT: PINE FOREST-TREE BEHIND CASEY-NIGHT                  92     
          An invisible saw line appears at the base of an old pine         
   93     EXT:PINE FOREST-NIGHT                                     93     
          Erysichthon lets go of Casey’s hand, throws her head back        
          and howls a piercing howl, it echoes throughout the forest.      
          A beam of yellowish, moonlight-like,light admits from her        
          mouth. The light forms into an amulet, shaped like the moon.     
          She brings her head upright and takes hold of the amulet.        
                                  Revision 1                     86.       
   94     EXT PINE FOREST-DIRT UNDER CASEY-NIGHT                    94     
          The tree gives away Casey and Erysichthon jump in opposite       
          directions. The ground under Casey sinks, she fall in as the     
          tree rolls toward the opening and pins her in. Her neck          
   95     EXT:PINE FOREST-NIGHT                                     95     
          Erysichthon and the group, together try and push the fallen      
          tree off the spot where Casey had been sucked in, to no          
          Abbey steps back, she yells to the group and Erysichthon.        
          A vibrant red light surrounds her                                
                    Move out of my way all of you!                         
          They all duck for cover in the forest.                           
          Abbey stares at the fallen tree and screams.                     
                         (Screams "sister")                                
                    Get (Beat) the (Beat) f**k (Beat)                      
                    off (Beat) my (Beat) sister!                           
          The tree suddenly explodes, particles freeze in suspension.      
          Abbey stops the pieces from impaling the others.                 
   96     EXT:NIGHT SKY                                             96     
          Boguslaw hovers in the sky, a sadistic grin on his face and    * 
          lets out a chuckle.                                              
   97     EXT:PINE FOREST-NIGHT                                     97     
          Abbey hears him. A look of pure hatred plasters her face,        
          her once green eyes turn into a raging fire.                   * 
                                  Revision 1                     87.       
   98     EXT:NIGHT SKY                                             98     
          She sends the pieces of broken wood toward Boguslaw, he        * 
   99     EXT: PINE FOREST DUSK                                     99     
          The other quickly return to pull Casey’s limp body out of        
          the ground. Abbey stars to run over Barry and Erysichthon        
          stop her.                                                        
          Abbey begins to cry.                                             
          Erysichthon turns on her hind quarters and screams into the      
                    Boguslaw! How dare you sink so low                   * 
                    as to kill your own Path, in such a                  * 
                    cowardly way!                                          
   100    EXT:NIGHT SKY                                            100     
          Boguslaw reappears but the glow, that surrounds his body, is   * 
          barely visible. He appears to have weakened and aged several     
   101    EXT: PINE FOREST-DUSK                                    101     
          Erysichthon lowers her head quickly, hope splashes on her        
          face. She turns toward Abbey and grabs her into a tight bear     
          hug. She lets go of Abbey, who stumbles back. Erysichthon        
          grabs Abbey’s hands.                                             
                    All is not lost, you will see Casey                    
                    again I can promise you that! Here!                    
          She places the amulet is Abbey’s hands                           
                    Take this to the Stones Of Records,                    
                    trust me Casey is there waiting for                    
                                  Revision 1                     88.       
                    BARRY, IMAM,                                           
          TIERAN AND ABBEY:                                                
            (ABBEY sniffles)                                               
          Erysichthon jerks her head back and howls, a yellowish           
          moonlight-like light emits from her mouth again.                 
                         (Her yell echoes)                                 
                    Stone of Records!                                      
                                  THE LIGHT ENGULFS THE ENTIRE FOREST.     
   102    EXT:GRASSY HILL-DAY BREAK                                102     
          The group finds themselves on a grassy hill. The crisp           
          winter air circles around them and the Scottish countryside.     
          As they look around each Guardian stands next to a stone,        
          except Boguslaw. The Guardians that came before them hover     * 
          in the sky. Giving off a shimmering glow, as the sun’s rays      
          shine through their translucent bodies.                          
   103    EXT SKY-SUNRISE                                          103     
          The Guardians of the past speak in unison.                       
                    GUARDIANS OF THE                                       
          Only those who have fought                                       
          with honor may place the                                         
          amulets in the stones.                                           
   104    EXT:GRASSY HILL-DAY                                      104     
          The group starts placing the amulets in their respective         
          stones. Each Guardian nods as the stone is placed.               
          Abbey walks over to Boguslaw’s stone, his appears in it’s      * 
          slot as he appears, bound in a magical gold chains. She          
          glares at him and pushes the amulet further into the stone.      
          Abbey and the other walk back to the middle of stone circle.     
          Gréagóir  joins them, and addresses both the Guardians by      * 
          the stones as well as the Guardians of the Past.                 
                                  Revision 1                     89.       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    I Gréagóir , Guardian Of Life and                    * 
                    Death, seek trial of Boguslaw,                       * 
                    Guardian Of The Binads. For his                      * 
                    treacherous deceit, his cruelty                        
                    toward his Path and those of the                     * 
                    other Guardian’s Path.                               * 
                    GUARDIANS OF THE                                       
          Proof! Or less you be                                            
          judged as you wish him to                                        
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Stones show us your records.                           
   105    EXT:SKY DAY                                              105     
          Various colors of light shoot up into the sky.                   
          A film like picture of a male Jala ; a male Vann, female       * 
          Aluka and a female QaT’lo teenager, dressed in Elizabethan     * 
          clothing stand around Boguslaw talking. They ask him how to    * 
          go about wooing various Binads.                                * 
   106    INT:ADOBE HUT-AFTERNOON                                  106     
                              MOGRIF  2:                                 * 
                    How do I keep from drowning                          * 
                    And, I don’t want to burn David,                       
                    when he tries to reach for my hand.                    
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I am pleased that you came, it                         
                    shows a deep intelligences and love                    
                    for the Binads, who’s affection you                  * 
                    are seeking.                                           
          He gives each one a bag of stone. The stones glow in the         
                                  Revision 1                     90.       
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Just wear these when ever you are                      
                    around them. They will not only                        
                    protect you. But protect my Path                     * 
                         (Beat, a sadistic grin                            
                         splashes on his face)                             
                    your nature.                                           
          Dark clouds begin to form in the sky, as the Guardians of        
          the past recognize the stones.                                   
   107    EXT:GRASSY HILL DARK CLOUDY-DAY                          107     
          They look down at Boguslaw disapproval is evident on on        * 
          their faces.                                                     
          Boguslaw shows no emotion.                                     * 
   108    EXT:SMALL SEA SIDE ROAD                                  108     
          In the film ,a soft red light flows over their bodies,           
          though they do not notice,they leave. Boguslaw has the same    * 
          sadistic grin as he watches them go down the dirt road.          
   109    EXT: PARK-TREE-NIGHT                                     109     
          QaT’lo 1 stands by an old gnarled tree. The soft red light     * 
          pulsates around her bluish flam body.                            
                    Well there you be David!                               
          DAVID, 16, his long shaggy black hair and peasant clothing       
          and tan skin adds to his farm boy appearance. Walks up the       
          road while he whistles softly.                                   
          He hold one arm behind his back.                                 
                    Ah, m’love?                                            
                    Love? Ha, how can I, a QaT’lo Path,                  * 
                    love a rancorous ill-bred                              
                    flirt-gill-a Binad!                                  * 
                                  Revision 1                     91.       
                    Caliph? Have you taken, ill? Did                       
                    you not go see the Guardian of my                      
                    Path?                                                * 
          She runs straight at David, incinerating him at once.            
   110    EXT:BUSY MARKET PLACE-AFTERNOON                          110     
          MILDRED, a pretty Spanish teenage girl slowly walks up           
          behind Jala 1 and places her hands over his eye. Her curly     * 
          black hair and cream skin touch his back. The sun bounces of     
          her white silk dress.                                            
                    Guess who I be?                                        
                              JALA  1:                                   * 
                         (Lays heavy emphasize on                          
          Mildred removes her hands and skips back.                        
          She laughs.                                                      
          Jala  1 turns around and quickly.                              * 
          His body bubble, a soft red glows pulsates around him.         * 
          Jala  1 He engulfs her in water, drowning her. He releases     * 
          her limp body.                                                 * 
          Mildred falls to the ground.                                   * 
          QaT’lo 2 comes up to him, while Binads scatter.                * 
                              QAT’LO 1:                                  * 
                    You be daft boy?                                       
          Jala 1 looks at him, smiles.                                   * 
          He grabs a horse trough and dumps it on QAT’LO 1, turning      * 
          him to a harden coal-like shell. Jala 1 smashes the form.      * 
          Jala 1 runs through the street attacking various Binads in     * 
          his path.                                                      * 
                                  Revision 1                     92.       
   111    EXT:FOREST-NIGHT                                         111     
          The Film shows Boguslaw,in a hooded cloak,speaks to a group    * 
          of Binad hunter to seek out the stones, just as Gréagóir       * 
          had done.                                                        
   112    EXT GRASSY HILL-MID-MORNING                              112     
          Abbey gasps tear well up in her eyes, she starts to cry          
          silently. All the while glaring at Boguslaw. Who still shows   * 
          no emotion.                                                      
   113    EXT: SKY-MID-MORNING                                     113     
          Historical film of wars caused in his new name "God" start       
          to flash, but quickly disappear, when the Guardian’s speak       
                    GUARDIANS OF THE                                       
          Enough! What does the                                            
          accused have to say?                                             
   114    EXT:GRASSY HILL-AFTERNOON                                114     
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Nothing, the records show not my                       
                    guilt but my innocence.                                
   115    EXT:GRASSY HILL-THE MOGRIF  STONE                        115   * 
          Erysichthon bares here teeth and growls                          
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    The Mogrif ,                                         * 
   116    EXT: GRASSY HILL-TRYLLE’S STONE                          116   * 
          LILURA purses her lips.                                        * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Trylle,                                              * 
                                  Revision 1                     93.       
   117    EXT: GRASSY HILL-ALUKA STONE                             117   * 
          REIMA shows his fangs and lowers his brow menacingly.          * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Aluka,                                               * 
   118    EXT:GRASSY HILL-QAT’LO STONE                             118   * 
          Fernão gasps.                                                  * 
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    and the QaT’lo Path are dangerous                    * 
                    and my Path have no way to defend                    * 
   119    EXT:SKY- LATE AFTERNOON                                  119     
                    GUARDIANS OF THE                                       
          Your point is moot                                               
          Boguslaw. For those stone                                      * 
          can only be obtained by                                          
          a true Guardian, not a                                           
          Guardian Path nor a changed                                    * 
   120    EXT:GRASSY HILL-BOGUSŁAW-AFTERNOON                       120   * 
          The first sign of fear comes to Boguslaw’s face,his            * 
          multicolored skin starts to take on a sickly gray tones.         
          The gold chains start to contract tighter as he struggles        
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    No, what I did was right, I showed                     
                    what they were capable of. I                           
                    protected my Path.                                   * 
          Gréagóir  glides toward Boguslaw.                              * 
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Protected your Path! You have                        * 
                    created thousand of wars, split                        
                    families all in your many names. No                    
                    other Guardian of the Binads nor                     * 
                                  Revision 1                     94.       
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    the other Paths have done such                       * 
                    carnage. You created discord where                   * 
                    there was none. Not only have to                     * 
                    hurt the other Paths but your own.                   * 
                    You created the a segregation                        * 
                    within your own Path and called it                   * 
                    religion.                                            * 
          Boguslaw stops his struggle against the ropes, a smile comes   * 
          over his face.                                                   
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    Do what you like Gréagóir , but                      * 
                    there is one problem I see that you                    
                    have fail too-again!                                   
                              GRÉAG�"IR :                                 * 
                    Oh, what have you got that will                        
                    prove me wrong.                                        
                              BOGUSŁAW:                                  * 
                    I need not to prove you wrong                          
                    Gréagóir . But you see there is no                   * 
                    new Guardian to take my place. Nor                     
                    do you or the others have them.                        
          Gréagóir  waves his hand the souls of Casey and Pak Pao        * 
          Boguslaw eyes widen and he resumes his struggle.               * 
   121    EXT:GRASSY HILL-MIDDLE OF CIRCLE-EVENING                 121     
   122    EXT: GRASSY HILL-BOGUSŁAW’S STONE-EVENING                122   * 
          Casey turns and walks toward her surviving friends.              
          Pak Pao follow.                                                * 
                                  Revision 1                     95.       
   123    EXT: GRASSY HILL-MIDDLE-EVENING                          123     
          Casey gives Abbey a hug and whispers in her ear.                 
                    See I told you I’d never leave you                     
                              PAK PAO:                                   * 
                    We might not be here is body, but                      
                    if you need us just think of us and                    
                    we will come.                                          
                    Gives new meaning to your love ones                    
                    are always with you.                                   
          Sounds of laughter fill the mountain top.                        
          They hug each other one last time.                               
   124    EXT: GRASSY HILL-REIMA’S STONE-NIGHT                     124   * 
          PAK PAO walks over to REIMA. She place her hand on the         * 
                              REIMA:                                     * 
                    Thank you.                                             
          Blood-red lights twinkle around REIMA as he starts to fade,    * 
          he floats up to join the Guardians of the past.                  
          She takes his place beside the stone.                            
   125    EXT: GRASSY HILL-BOGUSŁAW’S STONE-NIGHT                  125   * 
          Casey walk over to Boguslaw and starts to slowly lowers her    * 
          hand over the stone, as she speaks.                              
                    Boguslaw, I forgive you. For I am                    * 
                    what you were suppose to represent.                    
          She places her hand on the stone.                                
          Black lights engulf Boguslaw and he disappears.                * 
                                  Revision 1                     96.       
          Casey take his place by the stone.                               
                                            SOFT WHITE LIGHT SHIMMERS.     
   126    INT:WHITE SCREEN                                         126     
          Abbey screams.                                                   
          A newborn baby cries.                                            
   127    INT: AUTO BODY SHOP-DAY                                  127     
          Tieran works on a car engine.                                    
                    Well this should do it Abbey. When                   * 
                    is Barry getting off tonight?                          
          Abbey comes around, holding a baby boy covered in soft fur,      
          and feather-like hair.                                           
                    Probably late tonight he has to                        
                    teach some little Avians to fly.                       
                    Hey have you been to the store yet?                    
          Tieran closes the hood of the car.                               
                    No why?                                                
                    Because I saw some new blood soda                      
                    and psychic bars you might like.                       
                    Cool, I’ll check it out!                               
          Abbey gets in her car.                                           
   128    EXT:INSIDE JEEP-STREET LIGHT-DAY                         128     
          Abbey sits at the light as various Paths walk across the       * 
          Abbey looks toward the backseat at her son, who is in his        
          car seat and smiles.                                             
                                  Revision 1                     97.       
                    Bron, you know mommy and daddy help                    
                    to bring all of this back.                             
          Bron 2 just smiles a toothless grin and falls asleep.            
          THE LIGHT TURNS GREEN, ABBEY DRIVES OFF.                         
                                                  FADE OUT-END CREDITS     

© 2014 Autumn Dawn Gorny

Author's Note

Autumn Dawn Gorny
I have deleted a few scenes and add a few new ones. Figured out that if you copy from Adobe to Office and then here you can keep the formatting.

My Review

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Featured Review

Wow! Another wonderful screen play by you!
You should try to produce these.
You do very wonderful in this field.
You know what you are doing.

You are very descriptive and on the ball.
Everything is there, the change in scenes
fit your characters well.

Action, drama, and cute in some ways as well.
This is a very enjoable read here.
I just love yoru descriptiveness. That makes the
play more enjoyable.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Autumn Dawn Gorny

12 Years Ago

Thanks I am trying to tighten it up more so I can get it produced or at least looked at by an agent .. read more


Good screenplay to read, alas this site doesnt support screenplay format. well done.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow! Another wonderful screen play by you!
You should try to produce these.
You do very wonderful in this field.
You know what you are doing.

You are very descriptive and on the ball.
Everything is there, the change in scenes
fit your characters well.

Action, drama, and cute in some ways as well.
This is a very enjoable read here.
I just love yoru descriptiveness. That makes the
play more enjoyable.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Autumn Dawn Gorny

12 Years Ago

Thanks I am trying to tighten it up more so I can get it produced or at least looked at by an agent .. read more

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Autumn Dawn Gorny
Autumn Dawn Gorny

Cheyenne Wells, CO

Mother, writer all around lunatic more..
